Arad's Sword

Chapter 221

Chapter 221
When Midi impacted the unprecedented extraordinary awakening in the Arad Continent in the white crystal pool of dragon blood, and finally condensed an invincible dragon-sealing sword in his body, a battle was unfolding in the sea of ​​three towers and trees. A brutal battle.

"What's the current situation?"

"A total of fifteen outlying fortifications have been established, and twelve have been breached."

"The main force has been gathered, and the preliminary estimate of casualties is more than [-]%."

"Reinforcements are coming, but they were attacked several times along the way. The expected arrival time will increase by three days, and the number of casualties will reach [-]%."

"The loss of the vanguard boat formation has exceeded [-]%. The airframes have been replenished, but the pilots cannot be in place. The current air combat force is seriously insufficient."

In the Thunderfire Wings tribe, in the Dragon Horn Hall, the elders of the Dragonmen and the generals of the Falcon Regiment are watching the newly erected sand table in the center of the hall with gloomy expressions, and they are constantly exchanging the latest information to adjust the situation. strategic posture.

It's just that, among the reported information, there is not a single piece of good news at all. On the contrary, the Falcon Group, which has always been strong in the continent of Arad and has not lost even in front of the Delos Empire, has almost suffered this time. When it was completely suppressed, the casualties, as well as the casualties of the pioneer boat unit "Falcon Wing" that Midi was proud of, were even more frighteningly high.

If it weren't for the collapse of the border of the small world, the essence of the three towers of tree sea was gradually weakened, and the main force of Belle Mare was able to set foot on this land. With the initial warriors who were able to reconcile the essence of magic, I am afraid that it would have been a long time ago. It completely collapsed, and even the entire army was wiped out.

Because this time, the enemy they faced was the Destroyer who was tireless, fearless, and death-defying.

As a magical life form, the Destroyer is fundamentally different from the automatic dolls on the continent of Arad. The latter will only judge and act according to the instructions engraved in the magic circle in the body, but the former has true wisdom. , life that can learn and grow, but they don't need to breathe air or eat, and they use magic power itself as their power source.

These Destroyers are mainly in the form of humanoid heavy armored knights. Depending on their duties, they use a series of different weapons ranging from swords and shields to spears, mountain axes, and even longbows and heavy crossbows. What they have in common is that all Has the ability to fly.

Of course, compared to the City Lord of Light, the flying abilities of these Destroyers are not worth a single unit, but in front of the people of Arad Continent, this is a terrible ability.

In a war, how terrifying is an army with the ability to fly, just think about it for a while to understand——

Ignore the strategic depth, directly enter the rear of the opponent's territory, and conduct brutal strategic raids on those key facilities such as granaries, armories, barracks, alchemy factories, and even the headquarters.

Ignoring the fortifications and directly parachuting into the opponent's fortress to fight, in this case, there is no geographical advantage at all.

Ignoring time and distance, taking advantage of the high-speed characteristics of flight, it is impossible for the commander to deduce the specific location of his own troops, and he can even run thousands of miles and fight countless battlefields within a day.

In the end, even if they were at a disadvantage, the Ousters could use their flying skills to retreat calmly.After finally setting up an ambush and gaining an advantage at the cost of blood and lives, not only was he unable to deal a fatal blow to these Destroyers, but he could only watch them fly away. The group has been through several times.

Of course, in the face of such an unconventional enemy, the current acting commander of the Falcon Regiment, the magician Kelvin, first thought of using his own air force, "Falcon Wings" to contain and counterattack.

But it is a pity that the "Falcon Wing", which shined in the battle against the Delos Empire, was extremely fragile and vulnerable to a single blow when facing the Destroyer.

This is not because Kelvin's level of air combat command is too low, but because the enemies he faces are different.

Destroyers are not undead pterosaurs, they only know how to obey the orders of necromancers, their flying skills are extremely superb, and more importantly——

These expulsors are all once awakened!
Level 50 and level 51 seem to be separated by only one digit in numbers, but in fact there is an insurmountable gap between them.

The size, purity, and sophistication of the mana that can be manipulated before awakening and after awakening are not at the same level at all. When the same skill is used, the power can be said to be very different.

Not only that, after awakening, as the level increases, different professions can continue to comprehend new powerful skills, or connect the original skills to form compound skills, thereby further increasing combat power. Open the gap.

To use a simple analogy, a level 20 person who has not changed jobs can be regarded as a toddler.

Unawakened people at level 50 are young and ignorant teenagers.

And only at level 51, after one awakening, on the road to strength, can one be regarded as a well-trained youth.

Youth versus youth, of course, has no chance of winning. This is by no means a natural barrier that can be overcome with blood, courage or hard work.If the awakened ones are really so easy to defeat, why did Midi and the Delos Empire start such a war for the awakened place of Sky City?

If you compare it with numbers, a level 51 awakened person can deal with at least a hundred level 50 unawakened people.And for magical life forms like the Destroyer, which has flying skills and does not need to eat and replenish, the comparison of combat power is even more skewed.

Facing this kind of enemy, how can the vanguard boat, which is already very fragile, be able to fight against it?

In fact, the number of fallen vanguard boats has already exceeded one hundred sorties.If it weren't for the addition of new production from the alchemy factory, plus new pilots, the "Falcon Wing" air force might have lost its name.

However, even with the full support from Deep Rock Island and Belmar mainland, the current battle situation has reached a precarious moment.

"How about trying to set the blame one more time?" Looking at the sand table full of big forks, Dixon finally couldn't help but said, with a sly look in his eyes, "This time, I'll make a big one." Yes, let’s go more, our main force is also waiting nearby, depending on the situation, we are ready to go up and give the final blow at any time.”

This sea of ​​trees with three towers is not only supported by the Falcon Group.

Although the army of the Delos Empire lost the Necromancer puppets, and even the coach Wiseman Newton was damaged, they still gritted their teeth and refused to withdraw.Coupled with the rich heritage of the empire and the occupation of Faro Bay, which is close at hand, the transportation of troops is much smoother than that of the Falcon Regiment.

But there is also a problem. With more troops, the natural target will be bigger.

At first, Kelvin had a whim and tried every means to lure the Ousters to the Imperial Army's garrison. The result was unexpectedly good. Whether it was the Empire or the Ousters, the two sides fought like a raging fire. On the one hand, several teams were also damaged.

After all, the goal of the Ousters is to make everything immovable in the sea of ​​trees in the three towers, so they don't care. Why did the fighters of the Falcon Regiment chase after them at first, but finally encountered the Imperial Army? The fortifications, anyway, just one word, kill!

As a result, the tactics of "putting blame on others" soon became popular among the Falcon Group.

But it is a pity that after putting the blame on a few times, the imperial army learned to be obedient and cunning. Not only did they adopt various tactics to intercept halfway, but sometimes they even carried out "counter-blaming", turning the station of the Falcon Regiment into It has become a battlefield of gunpowder.

The blame-blaming tactics changed from initially harming others and benefiting oneself to the final harming others and harming oneself. Belle Mare and the Empire, who were sworn enemies, finally had to reach a tacit agreement. .

Now that Dixon mentioned it again, it can only be said that the current situation has reached a desperate situation where there is almost no retreat or choice.

Either retreat here and leave sadly from this battle for Sky City.

Either be heroic and wipe out, and kill as many Ousters as possible.

Or, it is to do everything possible, play cards not according to common sense, and then struggle as much as possible until "that person" returns.

"The strategy of blaming the blame is not feasible. The new commander of the Imperial Army is very talented in strategy, and his ability to adapt to changes is still on my side. If it turns into a three-way melee, the biggest loss in the end must be our side." Kelvin shook his head, his expression remained unchanged, but he couldn't help but sighed slightly in his heart.

When will Midi Asrex, the real commander of the Falcon Group, come back?

It has been a whole week since facing that terrifying enemy with cold eyes burning in the first battle of Hanging City...

When the sorcerer was distracted, a loud and clear bell sounded suddenly from outside the Dragon Horn Hall.

That's an alarm of enemy attack, moreover, it means that the enemy has reached the highest level alarm of the tribe!
There is only one kind of enemy that can directly attack the heart of the Falcon Regiment without disturbing the outer fortifications and secret posts.

"It's the Destroyer! Fight now!" A stern cold light flashed in Kelvin's eyes. With a sweep of his hand, he had already firmly grasped his staff, turned around and left the Dragon Horn Hall.

This battle came extremely suddenly, continuing the usual style of the Ouster, and the battle had already begun before the fighters of the Falcon Regiment could form a formation.

A total of five squads, fifty Destroyers covered in glow, have already reached the sky above the Thunderwing's tribe.

Among them, three teams fell from the sky, smashed down like cannonballs, hit the crowd, hit the building, and immediately splashed countless flesh and rock debris.But after killing and injuring many enemies with their own weight, the smashed Destroyers stood up unscathed, took heavy steps, unfolded the sharp weapons in their hands, and began to launch melee attacks.

The remaining [-] Destroyers who use bows and arrows or specialize in magic are still hovering in the air, or occupying several commanding heights, condescendingly assisting their attacking troops.

All of a sudden, the incomparably powerful firepower and irresistible offensive of the Awakened One immediately forced the dragon people and humans to retreat continuously, not to mention Kelvin, a magician, and even the dragon warrior tower, who has always been extremely tyrannical. Nius couldn't turn the tide of the battle at all.

These fifty Ousters, equivalent to the combat power of 5000 people, completely suppressed the entire area in an instant!

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(End of this chapter)

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