Arad's Sword

Chapter 222 Descends from the sky

Chapter 222 Descends from the sky
Facing the oppressive firepower of fifty first-time awakeners who are not afraid of death, even the Falcon Group can't bear it at all.

After several fierce confrontations, all the troops were forced to retreat to the Dragon Horn Hall, unable to form formations at all, and could only stick to a few passages.

The tactic of these expulsors is very simple, that is, to wipe out all the living people here, and then kill them all at once.

However, although he could see through their tactics at a glance, Kelvin had no way to defeat them at all.

Of course, the Falcon Regiment also organized a few forced breakouts, but the biggest result was just killing a few Ousters, and because of this, their side suffered heavy losses. More than fifty percent.

If you continue to use this head-to-head approach, you don't have to wait until the Ousters are encircled. Soon, the entire Falcon Group will directly face the end of the total annihilation in the shopping.

How exactly?
Everyone was thinking about this question over and over in their hearts, but they couldn't get any answer.

In the face of absolute power, any inspiration and wisdom will be useless.

Just when the Falcon Group fell into a situation where they could do nothing, and the dragonmen felt powerless for the first time, a golden-red rainbow suddenly tore through the clouds and the sky, falling from the sky like a meteor!

Those long-range Destroyers in the sky reacted immediately, they were able to lock on the arrow feathers that were constantly chasing after the target, and they were able to hit the heavy arrows that pierced through the city gate with one blow. The barrage of breath wanted to intercept this astonishing uninvited guest in mid-air.

But it didn't work.

Facing the dense fire net built by the Destroyers, this long rainbow did nothing, and didn't need to do anything. It just continued to accelerate all the way down, and it easily penetrated it directly!

The next moment, the long rainbow lightly folded in mid-air, circled towards the first-awakened Destroyer captain up to level 52 in the front, a slender golden-red long line streaked across, and there was a sound as crisp as glass breaking. The voice rang out.

The captain of the Destroyer didn't even have time to resist, and was immediately cut into two pieces!

The powerful human-shaped armor was broken from the middle of the waist, and the fracture was extremely smooth, as if washed with water.

And in the armor, there is no flesh, no bones, not even the metal skeleton of an automaton.What fills it is a glass-like crystal body made of pure energy.

This is the body of the magical life body. It is extremely strong, invulnerable, highly resistant to magic, and can absorb the magic power in the surrounding environment at any time to repair itself.The external armor is just a supplement to this body.

It's just that, under the circling of the golden-red light, no matter whether it's the fake armor on the outside, or the invulnerable glass-shaped body inside, they have all been neatly divided into two.

At this moment, the hunter becomes the prey.

The soldiers of the Falcon Regiment couldn't help being dumbfounded watching this scene in the sky.

It's not that they haven't killed Destroyers, and they also know something about the mysteries in the armor.

You must know that one of the biggest characteristics of these awakened magical life forms is that there is no vital point in their bodies. They have no heart, blood vessels, or even a brain. The hub of their consciousness and magic power is in the form of stars. In the high-speed battle, it is impossible to catch the ones that are constantly wandering in the glazed body.

Even if the glazed body is destroyed, as long as it fails to hit the starburst inside, the Destroyer's consciousness and magic power control ability will not be damaged in any way, and they will immediately frantically absorb the essence of magic power around them to repair themselves, and During the restoration process, it was even possible to continue fighting with the intact part.

Another time, a Captain of the Destroyer whose whole body was crushed when he fell into a trap, forcibly reunited because there were still a few intact stars in his body, it was like a phoenix reborn from the ashes!
Although this terrible miracle didn't last long, during the period of flashback, the captain of the Destroyer launched a life-sacrificing berserk attack, and then beheaded more than 100 people.

At that time, the scene of blood flowing like a river, and the captain of the Destroyer, who was unstoppable on the battlefield, was branded in everyone's hearts like the figure of death, making them shocked and fearful.

Destroyers are invincible, subconsciously, many people have already begun to have such a mentality.

But at this moment, this golden-red Changhong came from nowhere, and it just cut it around and cut it lightly, completely cutting off the vitality of this magical life form!
One hit kills.

Where is this sacred, so powerful?
Quite a few of them thought quickly, and immediately thought of a name they had been waiting for for a long time, and their eyes suddenly showed ecstasy.

However, it's only been a week since I saw him. Is it really possible that the real commander of the Falcon Regiment, Bel Mare's genius ghost swordsman, could rise to such a powerful level in an instant?
Many people who thought more deeply, while looking forward to it, still had a lot of doubts in their hearts.

And when the fighters of the Falcon Regiment were feeling ups and downs after being rescued, those Destroyers who never knew what emotions were, also re-evaluated.

Killing a Destroyer captain in one blow was enough for them to rate the combat power of this uninvited guest as the most dangerous level.To deal with such an enemy, there is no doubt that you need to do your best.

Without any orders, the Ousters communicated in their own way in an instant, and in the next moment, the remaining 40 or so Ousters immediately abandoned the Dragon Horn Hall they were about to capture without hesitation, one by one. It rose into the air and rushed towards this golden-red rainbow light.

But this time, the ruthless net woven by the Ousters finally failed.

I saw that golden-red light paused for a while, and immediately rolled up the magic power all over the sky, making the whole sky like a water surface with stones thrown into it, causing countless ripples of magic power.All of a sudden, sparks radiated and swirled, and the Ousters in it felt like they were on the verge of collapse.

And at the moment when the opponent's formation was unstable, the light suddenly accelerated again, like a thin and imperceptible red line, passing across the sky, taking an arc, and directly slashing at another captain among the Ousters.

Seeing the tragic situation of his companion being killed in seconds, the captain took a defensive position from the very beginning. He waved the halberd in his hand like a huge millstone, not to mention attacking, even the invisible magic power was pushed away one after another. open.

The golden-red iridescent light collided with the defense from the front, immediately splashing a large cloud of sparks.

Taking advantage of the moment when the golden-red light was blocked, the rest of the Destroyers immediately surrounded them quickly. The six Destroyers who specialize in magic attacks even let their magic power connect with each other, forming a magic circle directly , obviously wanting to destroy the captain of the Destroyer who held back the enemy, together with the enemy.

Life for life, for the Ousters who have no emotion and fear of death, they use this tactic even more handily than humans.

However, just as this heavenly net had just formed and the fatal blow was still gaining momentum, the rainbow light that was originally at odds with the opponent suddenly increased in radiance!
In an instant, a storm of blood-red sword blades rolled up in the sky, and in this storm, there was a faintly awe-inspiring coercion.

Sword Soul Awakening Skill, Storm Sword!

I saw the red stars scattered in the sky, the golden light flickering unsteadily, the long howling sound was endless, and in the dark twilight, shining sparks burst out from time to time.And when the blade storm finally calmed down, dozens of Destroyers had completely lost their vitality. They fell from the sky like meteorites, knocked out deep pits one after another on the ground, and sprang up one after another. dust cloud.

Not only that, but at some point, half of the six magic expulsors in the distance had been killed!
The next moment, this golden-red light finally fell from the sky and landed directly in front of the arch of the Dragon Horn Hall. From this light, a young man with black hair and black eyes slowly walked out.

It was Midi Asrex.

"Lord Midi!"

"It's the Commander!"

"It is our sword of victory and protection!"

After a moment of silence, there were warm cheers rising and falling like ocean waves.From a little bit of difficulty and torture at the beginning until today when they were forced into a desperate situation and had to fight to the death, but they were able to reverse the situation at a critical moment. The mood of the fighters of the Falcon Regiment has gone up and down in this short period of time. This time, seeing the arrival of the person they are most looking forward to at this moment, even on the cold battlefield, how can they not be excited?
Looking at the familiar faces, the resolute eyes of the soldiers, and the convinced expressions of the dragon people, Midi nodded to everyone.

Then, there was only a loud sound of the long sword coming out of its sheath, and the blade of the Heitian Sword was already pointing directly at the remaining 20 or so Destroyers in the air.

"You are not my opponents, go back." Midi said calmly in a natural tone, the cold light flashed in his eyes, "Also, tell the Lord of the Light City Segerhardt for me, a week later , Hanging City, Star Mountain, let’s settle this.”

If an ordinary general with troops is treated with this attitude by Midi, even if he knows that he is invincible, he will definitely be furious, at least he will win back in words.

But for the Destroyer, a magical life form that possesses sufficient intelligence but completely rejects emotions, he can only understand Midi's words literally.

The remaining three Destroyer captains did not answer Midi directly, but exchanged information with each other, and quickly made a judgment——

As Midi said, with their remaining strength, there is really nothing they can do about Midi. If they continue to attack, it will only lead to continued weakening of their side.

That being the case, then retreat is the only best choice.

"Human, I will bring the words." A captain of the Destroyer said in a blunt tone, and then fled away without looking back.Behind him, more than 20 rays of light rose into the sky one after another, and gradually faded away.

Hearing the cheers of the fighters of the Falcon Regiment, and looking at the Destroyer who had become a distant point in the sky, Midi didn't say a word.

This battle can be described as a complete victory, but he is very clear that the real challenge has only just begun.

(End of this chapter)

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