Arad's Sword

Chapter 224 1 Person 1 Sword 1 Formation

Chapter 224 One person, one sword for a while

No conversation was required, nor was it required.

The imperial soldiers launched an attack without saying a word.

How strong is Midi Asrex? The soldiers of the Delos Empire have the most personal experience. Just a week ago, their "Nightmare Hand" was just slaughtered. At this moment, the opponent has already rushed At the critical moment of entering the main camp, these soldiers naturally dare not be vague.

Within ten seconds after the alarm bell sounded, the roaming gunmen and gunners were already in position, and fired in an extremely orderly manner, forming the most lethal trapezoidal barrage.

Immediately afterwards, the incantations of the elemental mages and magicians were basically finished. While countless magic defense shields were erected, fireballs, ice arrows, and magic missiles of various attributes rushed towards Midi from different angles.

At the same time, the paladin was in front, the ghost swordsman was behind, and the cavalry was on both sides. Midi's movements were immediately surrounded in all directions.

There are no orders and no need.

The commanders of the empire have only one thought, which is to immediately kill Midi Asrex, the great enemy of the empire!

But their wishes are destined to be impossible to realize.

Amidst the hail of bullets and the net of magic fire, Midi casually pulled out the Heitian Sword from his waist, and then waved it lightly.

A piece of golden-red light rose suddenly, like a roaring hurricane, like a raging fire, like sunlight, its shape was fierce, and its sound was clanging.Those imperial soldiers who were close to the light felt extremely dazzling the moment they saw this light, and even felt a strong scorching power rushing towards their faces, making them feel suffocated!
And those bullets, cannonballs, and even magic missiles fired at Midi were swept away by the golden-red light, and then completely disappeared in it, and then only a scalp-numbing sound came out, and in the blink of an eye, , the light has been taken back by Midi, and all the attacks against Midi have been ground to pieces, not even a trace of dross left!

Sword Soul Awakening Technique, Storm Sword.

This is the result of Midi controlling the strength.

In the previous fight with the Ousters, Midi was able to kill a dozen Ousters even in an air battle at a very long distance. These are not yet awakened, and even many imperial soldiers who have not yet reached level 50 How can flesh and blood resist it?

Resisting the attacks of hundreds of people lightly, Midi raised his voice again: "I don't want to kill people today, and you have no ability to stop me."

"Kill!" The imperial general pointed at the long sword in his hand, completely turning a deaf ear to Midi's proposal.

This is not to say that they were blinded by hatred, or that they were angry-an old opponent who made the empire full of fear, his hands can be described as the "executor" with the blood of the soldiers of the Delos Empire, without any foreshadowing. How could they believe such unbelievable things like breaking into their own main camp and trying to talk to the coach?
From the perspective of the soldiers of the empire, this is probably Midi's new trick. With Midi's current ability to dare to enter the battle alone, once the coach is found and locked by him, he may be beheaded on the spot.

In this case, it was too late for them to protect the coach, so how could they really stop just because Midi called to stop?

The roar of the guns, the gushing barrage, the flickering magic, the second round of the imperials' attack has been seamlessly connected, and the golden red light around Midi gushed out like a tide again, with a light swipe, the This round of attack was also easily resisted.

Sensing the shock in the eyes of these experienced imperial soldiers, Midi was very satisfied.

In the previous life, he managed to break through the empire's blockade, and then quickly found a deep amethyst crystal to awaken. After the awakening, although he felt that his strength and magic power capacity had increased a lot, the gap had not been widened at all. .

Strength is a relative value. When other people, especially competitors, enemies, and mortal enemies wake up at the same time as you, even if the strength has greatly improved, it will still not show much effect, at most It can only be said that it is not left behind, and it has not been abandoned by the trend of the times.

But in this life, what "Supernatural Awakening" brings to Midi is a completely different kind of power, a kind of overbearing leap.

After actually fighting against the Destroyer, and comparing himself with himself in the previous life, and even with various famous powerhouses in the previous life, Midi can be sure that the "extraordinary awakening" is definitely the most powerful among all awakenings One, even the "perfect awakening" he had longed for, seemed to be overshadowed by this level of rebirth.

Taking this step forward, Midi has basically laid the foundation for stepping into super-class combat power in the future, and the possibility of becoming supreme.

So, he is very satisfied.

But at the same time, the performance of these imperial soldiers made Midi very dissatisfied.

After this week's fight, haven't these stubborn imperial people figured it out yet?
At this moment, the Lord of the City of Light, Segerhardt, is the main problem. He regards Sky City as his back garden, and wants to prevent everyone from awakening. He is the enemy of all professionals in the entire continent. , and not even a human being, but an immortal magical lifeform.

Not only that, if you look farther, you will find more problems.

Although Sky City is a small world, in essence, it is just a passage.

A huge channel connecting the "Sea of ​​Sky" and "Arad Continent".

In the near future, as the evil spirit in the dark corridor at the top of Sky City gradually dissipates, the professionals in Arad Continent will face the brand new world on the cloud, the place closest to the heaven, where there are various Various powerful races, such as dragon people, cloud beasts, etc., and all of them are awakened.

In the face of overwhelming powerhouses, only by joining hands can human beings open up new territories and obtain the possibility of further advancement.

In the previous life, although the Delos Empire was the mortal enemy of Midi, Fina and Alice, but in retrospect, Midi found that it was this powerful and domineering empire that stood at the forefront in the development again and again. front.

Of course, the empire took the lead not because of justice or honor, but just to seize benefits.Moreover, there are often various despicable acts of using others as cannon fodder and so on.

But it is undeniable that from an objective point of view, without the behemoth of the empire, it would be difficult for human beings to confront the endlessly emerging powerful races in the upper world, the underground world, and even the heavenly world, let alone gain benefits from them.

And in this life, under the leverage of the reborn Midi, many key points in history have undergone drastic changes.

Today's Delos Empire is no longer the hegemony of the mainland, the West Coast of the Faroe Bay has survived, and Belle Mare has risen strongly.But to be honest, no matter which one it is, its strength is not as good as the hegemonic Delos who unified most of the continents in the previous life.

Under such circumstances, if internal friction continues, the human race itself may decline.

If you still want to reproduce the glory of mankind in the previous life, and at the same time avoid bloody aggression and conquest, then the best way is to lead the era to another path——


The reason why Midi came to the camp of the imperial army alone now is not so much to fight against the Lord of the City of Light, Seghardt, but rather to conduct a test of a strategic alliance.

However, judging from the results of the current trial, the situation does not seem to be ideal.

The eyes of these imperial soldiers looked at Midi, as if they looked at the heinous enemies of past and present lives who killed their father and mother, robbed their wives, and plundered their property.

Is it necessary?

Midi felt very innocent.

I, a reborn person who has tasted death, temporarily put aside the hatred and grievances of the previous life, and came here to test it out. You are just defeated by me in this life. Some plots have been defeated, and several attacks have been defeated. It is necessary to be so popular Do you fight with your eyes closed?
Although the act of rushing straight into the center was a little shocking, but at the same time as showing his strength, he also showed his sincerity. If he hadn't really wanted to win over, and in the long run, Midi would have shown his power and directly leveled the entire Chinese army. Well, is there still a need to stand here as a living target?

If it still doesn't make sense, why not just kill them all...

In Midi's eyes, the icy light that was as cold as ice for thousands of years disappeared in a flash.

Alliance with the Empire is the best choice, but it is not the only choice after all.If the other party insists on not cooperating, then Midi doesn't mind killing him once.

Anyway, they have already arrived at the Chinese army formation, so they can't go back empty-handed, can they?
This is the confidence possessed by being an awakened person, and an extraordinary awakened person-among thousands of armies, it is like entering a land where there is no one, and you can move freely and horizontally with only the Dragon Sealing Sword in your heart.

However, before Midi's patience ran out, the empire's attack finally stopped.

A guard army composed entirely of level 50 cappers slowly appeared in front of Midi.These well-equipped, murderous and introverted soldiers didn't say a word, just stared at Midi's every move, and at the same time spread orderly on both wings like a tide.

And in the center of the Imperial Guard formation, a young man dressed as an imperial marshal walked out without any protection, and walked directly in front of Midi, regardless of the obstruction of the adjutant and his own soldiers.

Have a little guts.

Midi nodded slightly, and turned her gaze to the man who dared to walk directly in front of her.

This young man has golden hair, ice blue eyes, and a slender body that is as tall and straight as a pine tree. His appearance is extremely handsome, like a marble statue carved by an ancient master craftsman, delicate, elegant, yet masculine.

It was hard to imagine that this young man, who looked only a few years older than Midi, would become the commander of the Sky City battle that the empire was bound to win, and even Kelvin spoke highly of him.

For a moment, Midi even doubted whether this person was a substitute for the real marshal, specially used to deal with him.

However, at the moment when he looked carefully, he suddenly felt that this person had a feeling of deja vu.

 The second update at 19:30 in the evening, and the third update at 23:30!Stay tuned!

(End of this chapter)

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