Arad's Sword

Chapter 225 The Fourth Prince of the Empire

Chapter 225 The Fourth Prince of the Empire
"It's late to introduce, I'm Reinhardt Sgardt Heinrich, the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Expeditionary Force." The blond young man met Midi's sight from the front, with perfect elegance without fear Etiquette introduced himself.

Her heartbeat didn't speed up, her eyes didn't look flustered, and her tone of voice was neither humble nor overbearing. This was by no means an act of calmness, but a demeanor that did not change face while the landslide was in front of her.

As expected of the royal family of the Delos Empire!

In her heart, Midi couldn't help but secretly sighed.

Reinhard Sgart Heinrich, the fourth prince of the Delos Empire, the legendary sword master, the younger brother of Soderus Sgart Heinrich who understood the ultimate meaning of the sword, Guang One of the sword royal family.

In the previous life, apart from Soderos who was exiled, Reinhardt can be said to be the heir of the empire, whether in terms of personal force, strategic command, governance or popularity, he was the most outstanding, and he was also deeply loved by the emperor. Beloved by Yoren who has the title of "Emperor of Swords".

Because of this, the Imperials often proudly refer to Reinhardt as "our Prince of Light".

However, Midi is very clear that a considerable part of it is just an appearance.

Because in the end, the sword emperor did not choose Reinhardt as his heir, but appointed the second prince who was quiet and kept a low profile on the throne.

However, at the same time that the old Sword Emperor made this decision, Reinhardt also immediately counterattacked, beheading the second brother and the rest of his brothers and sisters with lightning speed. , In the end, he insisted on sitting on the throne himself!
Afterwards, the behavior style of this Prince of Light also changed from the previous tolerance and benevolence, and became extremely bloodthirsty and cruel. From then on, people secretly called him the "Emperor of Darkness".

From "light" to "darkness", from the favored son of heaven to the brutal tyrant that everyone fears, Midi, who was only a small person in her previous life, naturally doesn't know what kind of inside story of the lightsaber royal family is involved in this. The reason for this Rheinhardt's change of character is even less clear.

However, he is very clear that this person is definitely a terrifying and sharp double-edged sword, if he is not careful, he may cut himself.

But if used well, it can also bring devastating damage to the enemy.

Is it the year 986 of the Arad calendar...

At this time, the fourth prince's reputation has not yet risen, and he seems to be rejected by his brothers and sisters. If this is used well, the multinational alliance may be able to proceed smoothly.

While recalling the details of history in the previous life, Midi looked at this member of the lightsaber royal family, and said slowly: "I didn't expect that the fourth prince of the Delos Empire would come to the front line in person. It's really admirable."

"Isn't it the same for Your Excellency Midi? You are the ruler of the Kingdom of Belmar, but you personally ran to the west coast, laid a large net incognito, and took the lead in exploring in the sky city. Now, you are still alone. Come from the camp." Reinhardt smiled slightly, "However, I don't think Your Excellency Midi came here just to show off that he became an awakened person, right?"

"Oh?" Midi's eyes changed slightly.

"Or should it be more appropriate for me to call Your Excellency Midi the 'Perfect Awakened One'?"

Sure enough...

Although the power of the empire had already been guessed, Midi was still a little shaken at the moment.

Not only the "awakening", but even information such as "perfect awakening" is clearly understood. It is worthy of the Delos Empire with ambitions to dominate Arad.You know, in the previous life, Midi only knew a little about awakening. He just knew that after reaching the 50th level, he needed to use a new way to break through. of.

But it is obvious that the empire knows all the relevant information clearly, even to the extent that it is no less than its own rebirth, which shows its strength.

But fortunately, in this life, after all, I was the first to enter the Seventeenth Palace of Azure Rock and get the dragon blood white crystal pool first. Therefore, no matter how foresight the empire is, it would never have thought that there is " Extraordinary Awakening" and such a thing.

Although they have some understanding of the awakening, after all, they have not really experienced the awakening. I am afraid that the "Sword Emperor" is just like the "Iron-Blooded Duke" of Bel Mare, using special conditions and carrying out different methods. Just fully awakened.

Therefore, they can't deduce to what extent the strength will leap after awakening, they can only estimate it.

In the future, when the empire has worked hard and accumulated all kinds of resources, and finally produced a perfectly awakened person, they will know that even if they are perfectly awakened, it is not enough to go through the formation of thousands of troops alone. possible……

Compared to peeking into the future, it is more advantageous to be reborn for 20 years.

After all, he was walking in front of an empire.

However, since the intelligence and vision of the empire are more detailed and broader than expected, it is naturally more convenient to talk about it.

"It seems that the Empire also has a lot of research on Sky City." Midi replied calmly, "In this case, it is much easier to speak. Your Highness Reinhardt, my thoughts are very simple, Bell Mar and Delos joined hands to occupy Sky City and obtain the Holy Land of Awakening."

"It's impossible." Reinhardt shook his head bluntly, "Your Excellency Midi, your hands are covered with the blood of the imperial people. As a prince, how can I join hands with a sworn enemy like you?"

Hearing this answer, Midi suddenly sneered in her heart.

If you really don't want to join forces, why don't you just turn around and leave?Isn't it just for bargaining to put on national righteousness here?

However, even if it is a bargain, how much leverage can a mere imperial prince have?
"Your Highness Reinhardt, don't you think national interests are more important than mere emotional entanglements? What's more, this is probably your only chance to save yourself." Midi said lightly, in the tone, suddenly There was a faint dragon prestige.

The fourth prince's face suddenly turned a little pale, he shook his body, withstood the impact of the power gap, and said coldly: "Scaremongering!"

"Scaremongering? I would like to ask, why do you, the prince, come to such a dangerous place as Sky City and fight those awakened Ousters? Is it really because you worry about the country and the people? What about being squeezed out by other princes?"

Midi said lightly, but Reinhardt's face became more gloomy.

It's not that this proud son of heaven is not enough, it's just that, under the oppression of Midi's invisible dragon power, it is really difficult for a top-notch person who is no more than level 50 to hide the wavering in his heart.All the trembling of the limbs, the acceleration of the heartbeat, the hesitant emotions, etc., will be magnified and revealed at this moment.

To the point, Midi said slowly: "The battle for Sky City, to be honest, is a pit. Wiseman Newton is dead. Do you still want to follow in his footsteps? Do you want to break free?" The only way out of this trap is to get the Holy Land of Awakening, otherwise, you don’t want to look forward to the throne for the rest of your life. No, let alone the throne, whether you and your poor expeditionary forces can survive is a question.”

When Midi spit out the word "throne", Reinhardt immediately reacted.

A ray of light suddenly lit up at his fingertips—it wasn't an attack, but a sound-proof barrier was set up in silence, making it impossible for the imperial soldiers tens of meters away to hear the conversation between the two.

After doing this, Reinhardt looked at Midi with sharp eyes, and retorted: "Wiseman is just a crazy researcher, he knows nothing about the art of command, that's why he was defeated in the Battle of the Hanging City." , that's all."

"Is that true?" Midi shook his head, "In my opinion, the invention of the earth-shattering bomb alone is enough to be worth the entire army here. But unfortunately, the earth-shaking stone is a rare resource, and it condenses extremely It’s not easy, in the previous battle, Wiseman should have almost squandered it. What can you do with your command art alone? A flock of sheep, even if they are well-trained, are still just sheep.”

In the entire continent of Arad, Midi is probably the only one who dares to compare the elite army of the Delos Empire to "sheep".

But from the perspective of the awakened, these unawakened soldiers are really no different from sheep.

And Reinhardt, who has enough understanding of awakening and perfect awakening, knew this from the very beginning, so when Midi pointed it out mercilessly, he had no room to refute and could only remain silent.

After a while, the fourth prince of the empire finally spoke: "Then, Your Excellency Midi, what are you going to do?"

"The Lord of the City of Light is also a perfect awakener, and I will deal with it myself. Those expulsors will be dealt with by you." Midi had already prepared a plan in her heart.

Reinhardt quit immediately: "Those Ousters are also awakened! Why don't you let your Falcon Group take part of the attack mission?"

"They are in charge of setting up the formation. After they are done, the combat effectiveness of all the Ousters will drop significantly." Midi just said this succinctly.

He is very clear that the fourth prince will not and has no way to refuse his invitation.

In the previous life, the prince did not participate in the battle against Sky City, but in this life, due to the butterfly effect brought by Midi, he had to face this huge challenge.

Only by accepting his own invitation can he hold the land of awakening in his hands and return to the empire with great achievements.And if you don't accept it, then I'm afraid that the future Prince of Light will die in the hands of those expulsors in Sky City.

In this case, there is no need to think about how a wise prince would choose.

"How to distribute the results after victory?" Reinhardt asked.

"The land of awakening belongs to every professional. No matter who enters first, there is no right to monopolize it. Otherwise, one day, the exclusive person will be destroyed by his own greed. My thoughts are very Simple, completely open the sky city, but the management rights will be jointly obtained by Belle Mare and Delos, and the order and rules of the hanging city will be formulated by us." Midi said so, and then showed an inscrutable smile, " As for the amount of benefit, it depends on each individual's ability, and it can be regarded as a kind of peaceful competition, how about it?"

As for the Seventeenth Palace of Azure Rock and the Dragon Blood White Crystal Pond, sorry, it has nothing to do with you.

Unaware of Midi's thoughts, Reinhardt finally nodded: "Deal!"

"Welcome, my ally." Midi said with a smile, extending her right hand.

In the first confrontation with the Prince of Light, Midi won a complete victory.

But of course, Midi believes that the prince must also hold some trump cards, otherwise, how dare he guarantee that he will not turn his face afterwards?

However, Midi can roughly guess what those hole cards are, so he doesn't mind.

The top priority is to kill the City Lord of Light.

This is currently the only opponent who can really pose a threat to Midi.

 The second update arrives, and the third update arrives at 23:30!I'm going to explode too, Mouth!
(End of this chapter)

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