Arad's Sword

Chapter 226 Returning to the Hanging City

Chapter 226 Returning to the Hanging City

The Kingdom of Belmar has joined forces with the Empire of Delos.

The Falcon Group fought with the Expeditionary Force.

Midi Asrex, Bel Mare's "Sword of Victory and Protection", and the fourth prince of the empire, the handsome and elegant Reinhardt, shook hands peacefully with each other!
Although the alliance between the two parties was just a small test of the waters, without any formal announcement or national contract, it was just based on a verbal agreement, and it was limited to the battlefield of Sky City, but it still caused quite a stir.

It doesn't matter to the dragon tribe. In their view, human beings are similar.

But for the fighters of the Falcon Regiment, such an alliance, even if it was just a verbal agreement, and Midi had already discussed it with Kelvin and others from the beginning, and with psychological preparation, it still takes a certain amount of time to be able to move on from it. Digest mentally.

After all, at the beginning of the year, they were still fighting against the invading army of the Empire in Grand Forest, and after that, they engaged in countless secret wrestling in the streets and alleys of the West Coast. The biggest enemy suddenly became an ally. This is not a sentence talk thing.

As for the Delos Empire, I'm afraid they feel even more resentful.Not to mention how many imperial people Midi killed before and after, just that he swaggered into the imperial army's center alone and easily blocked the full attack of hundreds of people, it was enough provocation and enough to stimulate these proud soldiers their nerves.

Fortunately, the commanders on both sides are strong enough.

Midi naturally needless to say, not to mention personal strength and prestige. So far, he has never made any mistakes in the general direction of the decision. He never even thought about questioning his orders.

Although Reinhardt lacks prestige, thanks to the command and running-in these days, he has also gained the approval of the soldiers.

Moreover, even though he was excluded, he was a prince after all, and he was also a prince with outstanding talent.

Most importantly, in this life, there is no real national hatred and family hatred between Belmar and the Delos Empire.

In the previous life, the Delos Empire occupied Bel Mare, how many people were massacred?How many copies did you copy?How many heads of noble lords were beheaded?For Midi and Fina, the empire is the culprit who forced them to leave their homes and kill their relatives. There is no possibility of reconciliation, and the only choice is life and death.

But in this life, although Midi, who is a reborn person, is still extremely afraid of the empire, it is precisely because of this fear that Belle Mare rises in Midi's hands and competes with the empire.

The aggression of the empire and the scramble for the west coast have made the relationship between the two sides extremely tense and conflicts continue. However, it has not yet reached the level of "hate".

After all, war will always bring death and sacrifice, which is something that has long been psychologically prepared.

It is precisely because of these factors that Midi made the decision to "alliance with the Empire", and immediately grasped the weakness of the somewhat unlucky fourth prince Reinhardt, and appropriately brought him into In his own rhythm, he achieved this goal simply.

Time flies, and soon, it will be the seventh day, the last day agreed between Midi and the City Lord of Light.

During these seven days, the Lord of the City of Light simply shrunk his formation and summoned almost all the Destroyers back to the Hanging City, leaving almost no troops in the Three Towers Sea of ​​Trees, and what was left was only to carry out the battle. Surveillance, but did not attack Midi's troops.

This is not to say that the Lord of the City of Light is merciful, but because this arrogant and strong man prefers simple, violent, and direct crushing.

Sending out a large number of expulsors like this, conducting various investigations, and then encircling and cannibalizing the opponent little by little, originally did not suit the appetite of the City Lord of Light at all.

This is like a stout butcher, when slaughtering a sheep, he has to wear armor, be fully armed, be careful, and even study tactics before he dares to enter the sheep pen. It is a joke.

Segerhardt didn't bother with that at all.

Midi wanted to fight to the death in a week, so he gave the opponent this time.

Just as a sheep bleats and begs to be fattened up for another week, the butcher will graze it for a week without hesitation. This is the gesture of the strong and the magnanimity of the superior.Why didn't Midi hold the same mentality when he swaggered directly into the imperial barracks before, that's why he deliberately let go of those imperial soldiers who attacked him?

Hanging City, Mountain of Stars.

On the highest peak of this cloud-shrouded mountain range, looking from a distance, one can see a round of brilliance like a silver cold moon hovering over the mountain peak.

It was Segerhardt, the Lord of the City of Light.

He's been hovering here for a whole week.He didn't breathe, didn't move, didn't even stretch his waist and move his limbs, just waited quietly like a statue that had been weathered by wind and rain.

For magical lifeforms who are tireless, this level of stillness is just a matter of effort.

Moreover, while standing still, Seghardt had already completely mastered the flow of magic power in the entire hanging city. The range that could be scanned was directly doubled, and the magic power that could burst out in an instant also increased.

Since it is crushing, of course it has to be crushed more freely.For the Lord of the City of Light, who reigns at the pinnacle of the Arad Continent, this can be regarded as one of his few pleasures.

"Hmph, even though it's an ant, I have a bit of guts. Finally, I didn't do such a stupid thing as running away, and I don't need to chase and kill it." Suddenly, the City Lord of Light, who had been stationary in the air for a week, finally opened his eyes. Those eyes that were burning with cold fire.

He turned his gaze to the distance, the edge of the Hanging City, the direction where the Humanoid Master's Tower is, and then slowly raised his right hand, slightly.

A slender but extremely sharp white line flashed across the sky, pierced through the clouds, pierced through the air, broke through the speed of sound, and arrived at the tower of the Humanoid Master in an instant!
The Delos Imperial Army just came out of the tower and just spread out their formation. They only saw a white light in front of them, not to mention avoiding or defending, and they didn't even have time to think.

But at this moment, a black-haired figure soared into the sky from the army formation, and a golden-red sword light slashed upwards with an incomparably fierce momentum, directly smashing the laser that pierced through the air.

Ghost Swordsman skill, Ghost Slash.

This is the simplest and most basic skill, but it has undergone earth-shaking changes in the hands of Midi today.

Where the white light and the red light collide, two completely different forces annihilate each other, boiling the air, stirring the magic power, and even distorting the surrounding scenery.

This whole process seems to be long, but it is actually only a short moment.In the blink of an eye, the red light had already faded away, and the white light shot by the City Lord of Light was torn apart under this blow, turning into four or five beams of chaotic magic power, which drew high-temperature arcs in midair, Then it fell to the ground like a burning meteor.

But even with the loss of speed and that cohesion, these fragmented magical powers still triggered violent explosions one after another when they fell, and when the black mushroom cloud soared high, the ground trembled obviously.

If this blow is real, at least three centurions will be directly wiped out in an instant.

Just like in the previous life, the strength of the Lord of the City of Light Segerhardt has not changed at all, and he is still the terrifying strong man who can match three thousand.

It's just that, in this life, there is Midi, an extraordinary awakener, so the invincible laser attack was blocked for the first time.

Even so, the imperial soldiers, who have always regarded honor as their life, turned pale involuntarily.

The enemy can't even see a shadow, and he just shoots a blow from the sky. The power is still so powerful, how do we fight?
The previous batch of necromancers had basically been wiped out together with Wiseman. These elites were redistributed from Faro Bay, and it was the first time they saw the City Lord of Light, who made people unable to resist the will to resist. Terrible power, fear after meeting is a matter of course.

While they were afraid, their gazes at Midi suddenly became extremely complicated.

If you put it all together, Midi Asrex is... an extremely powerful and mortal enemy who protected the imperial people?
Even Reinhardt himself was shining with light in those blue eyes.

The so-called "allies" who can withstand such a terrible attack, after winning the victory, can they really be restrained by their cards?
After the fall of the Lord of the City of Light, will this unambiguous "Sword of Victory and Protection" who kills people turn around and just give him that blow?
Reinhardt had no answer in his heart, but he found that he had no other choice, and he had no time to think.

"What are you still doing there?" Midi frowned slightly after glancing at the sluggish imperial army, "If you don't want to die, disperse immediately!"

"Your Excellency Midi, you don't need to say more, just leave it to me." Reinhardt took a step forward and said in a calm but uncompromising tone, and then he immediately turned to his subordinates, "It doesn't take much What are you thinking, your only task now is to win at all costs!"

"Yes, Your Highness!" The imperial soldiers who came back to their senses were finally no longer confused after being scolded like this.

That's right, they are soldiers, and their only mission is to burn their own lives on the battlefield. They don't need to think about those political issues at all, they just need to fight!

Another laser beam pierced through the air, and Midi shot again, splitting him in the air.

But this time, the imperial soldiers were no longer distracted, but quickly broke into pieces, divided into countless groups of hundreds of people, and quickly integrated into the ruins and forests of the Hanging City with complex terrain.

Just one sentence can stabilize the morale of the army and clarify the goal. Should it be said that he is worthy of being the future prince of light?
Midi nodded secretly in her heart.

Now that the first step of the strategy has been successfully implemented, the next step is up to you.

Thinking in this way, Midi turned his gaze to the distance, the peak rising like a thousand feet in the center of the hanging city.

There is no investigation and there is no need for it.

The Lord of the City of Light, Segerhardt, the masterpiece of the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar, the guardian of Sky City, is waiting for him there.

"Come to fight!" Said so softly, Midi suddenly turned into a golden-red sword light, flew into the sky, and went straight to the sky.

 The third update has arrived, and there will be three updates in the near future, so let everyone have a good time!The climax is about to explode, Mouth!
(End of this chapter)

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