Arad's Sword

Chapter 233 Sky Arena

Chapter 233 Sky Arena

three days later.

Leaving the big storm area on the "Breaking Waves", and then taking a special route between several big floating islands, Midi finally came to the location of the sky arena.

This is a huge floating island located in the mid-level airspace, and in the center of the floating island, there is a huge white tower that is as conspicuous as a lighthouse.

This gigantic tower is over a thousand meters high. Its majestic body is like the highest peak on the continent of Arad, piercing directly into the blue sky. Jump to the top of its tower.

This is one of the most famous resorts in the sea of ​​clouds, "Sky Arena".

With the huge white tower in the center as the core, the surrounding circles expand like ripples on the water surface, and there are neat streets and row upon row of buildings - alchemy shops, pharmacy shops, weapon shops, inns, bazaars, auction houses, intelligence houses, docks , and even a large alchemy shipyard for manufacturing airships, which can be described as everything.

Of course, the major forces in the sea of ​​clouds in the sky also have their own territory here. It seems that it is only a small piece, but it is an inch of land.As rich and powerful as the Blue Truth Sect, it has built a small but exquisite temple. The pure white jade building is particularly eye-catching in a piece of heaven-style houses.

It is not so much an arena as it is a bustling commercial city.

A large amount of funds, commodities, information, and even competition among forces have all gathered here because of the attraction of the giant white tower.

Walking on the streets and alleys of this floating island, you can see different races anytime, anywhere—there are native dragon people, there are people from the heavens who think highly of themselves, and there are people who followed the Tyrannosaurus Wangba thousands of years ago. The dark elves and high elves left over from Karna's battle, and even Yasha and other faces from the demon world.

Due to various reasons, these races with completely different origins have become the most basic residents of the sky and sea of ​​clouds over the long years.

Only human beings, the largest and largest race on the continent of Arad, have become a rootless minority in the sea of ​​clouds, and have been despised and rejected by the aborigines.

As soon as Midi arrived on this floating island, she could clearly feel the different hostility from everywhere.

Although this kind of hostility has not yet evolved into killing intent, it also means all kinds of troubles, not only food, accommodation, and even the simplest behavior of asking for directions, it is difficult to get a response.

Of course, the Sky Arena, which has always advertised fairness and justice, seems to have completely forgotten its own slogan when it comes to treating humans who came up from the lower realms.

After waiting in the reception room for more than an hour without even a cup of tea, Midi finally waited for the person in charge of the first floor of the Sky Arena.

The well-dressed male dragonman glanced at Midi with a condescending gaze. He didn't explain why he made the other party wait for so long, but said lazily: "Boy, do you want to sign up to be a sky gladiator?"

"That's right." Midi replied lightly.

"Who do you think you are? What kind of place do you think this is? This is the Sky Arena, which has a history of thousands of years and only accepts the best fighters! A mere human wants to set foot in this sacred place?" the dragon man said from his nose. Li let out a breath and growled in a low voice.

"The best fighter?" Midi sneered, "As far as I know, the arena from the first floor to the fifty floors is for unawakened people to compete, isn't it? As for whether I am qualified or not, try Don't you know?"

"Hmph, you humans..." The dragon man's expression also sank.

However, he couldn't refute Midi's words.

Human beings are different from the aboriginals here. To come to this sea of ​​clouds at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, only those who pass through the dark corridors of Sky City, under the joint management and screening of the Falcon Group and the Empire, are eligible to come up. Which one? Not an awakener?
Although there are many arrogant people among them, in terms of level and strength, they are definitely all elites.

"So hesitant, is it because he is afraid that humans will take away the championship of the Sky Arena?" Midi added in a timely manner.

Even though he knew it was a clumsy way of provoking, the dragon man had no choice but to accept it. He looked at Midi viciously for a long time, and finally said: "Okay, I will arrange for you to be a gladiator test, human , I want to see how much you can do!"

He dropped this sentence, turned around and left without even asking Midi's name.

Midi just smiled and didn't say much.

Even though he has remained at level 51 for a year, the power of extraordinary awakening is far superior to that of ordinary awakened people. Now the opponent has made it clear that he will play tricks on the gladiator test, but so what?
For Midi, he doesn't need to care about this little conspiracy at all, as long as he directly crushes it with strength.

Just as it is impossible for human beings to carry out any "careful planning" when crushing ants to death, this is the strength of the real strong.

Once you really make up your mind to act, the efficiency of Sky Arena will reach an incomparably admirable level.

In sharp contrast to Midi who waited for more than an hour, only 5 minutes later, a waiter came jogging to inform that the test was ready.

Walking all the way under the guidance of the attendants, Midi soon came to a huge amphitheater. Here is the core building on the first floor of the Sky Arena, the central arena on the first floor.

Originally, the test was a very simple matter. As long as the testee accepts the assessment of strength, speed, level, magic power, etc., he can get the badge of the quasi-gladiator and join the ranks of the Sky Arena. It can all be done indoors.

This assessment is generally referred to as "data measurement".

The real journey starts from the end of the data measurement, the acquisition of the gladiator badge, and the climbing of the 120-eight-story sky arena.

But obviously, since the person in charge at this level put Midi's test in the central arena where everyone was watching, it was absolutely impossible to be a simple test.

"Everyone, today we welcome a human tester!" The magically amplified voice of the person in charge on the first floor suddenly spread throughout the audience, "And this tester clearly rejected the test method of data measurement, but Volunteered to conduct a combat test! Now, let us see how much this human being is capable of!"

With embellished tone of voice, subtle sarcasm, and the perfect way of eliciting a warm atmosphere, in an instant, bursts of noise erupted in the central arena—most of which were cursing Midi, who had never been Meet the testers.

While hearing the broadcast, the audience from the major floating islands who were staying on the first floor were immediately aroused and rushed to the center one by one.

All of a sudden, tickets were sold out.

Not forgetting to attack the human beings who don't like it, but also doing a lot of business, the business methods of Sky Arena can be said to be natural.

However, for Midi, these little tricks don't matter at all.In fact, he is also very grateful to the leader of the dragon people who is full of prejudice against humans.

Data measurement, no matter how good the data is, it is difficult to attract any attention, and it may be regarded as cheating.

Turning this ordinary measurement into a passionate battle, or holding it in the central arena that attracts the most attention, can be said to be in Midi's arms.

Because he came here for the purpose of becoming famous and attracting the attention of all major forces!
I just don't know, what kind of opponent will this sky arena prepare for me?

If the opponent is too weak, it will not be able to achieve the effect of becoming famous in one battle.

Thinking this way, Midi strode into the central arena.

Seeing the appearance of this black-haired and black-eyed human youth, the highly self-respecting residents of the sea of ​​clouds in the sky immediately became more excited. They kept booing and booing at Midi, and many of them even had red eyes. , as if he had seen the appearance of this weak human being torn apart by the monster during the battle.

But Midi seemed to have never heard of these disturbances around him, and his expression was still calm and steady. He stood in the center of the arena like that, looking steadily at the opposite side.

The next moment, amidst the friction of gears, the gate made of white steel on the opposite side slowly rose, and amidst the excited roars of the audience, a huge white monster like a small hill slowly walked through the gate. out.

This is a giant hollow crab.

The king of the hollow bones unique to the sea of ​​clouds in the sky.

It is 15 meters long, its whole body is white, and its whole body is covered with a thick and uneven carapace.Two huge pliers, each more than five meters long, just a light cut is enough to cut a towering tree surrounded by several people. Its eight long legs are stretched out steadily, almost occupying Half the size of the arena, and most importantly, white foam is still bubbling from its mouth.

This foam looks ridiculous, but it is a much more terrifying weapon than crab claws. Once it touches it, it will explode immediately. The power is not inferior to the bombs thrown by the pioneer boats. There is no way to hide.

Although in the arena, the flying ability of this empty bone crab has been suppressed, but even so, it is still a terrifying and deadly enemy.

Not only that, this guy's level... is quite high.

As a rare monster, the hollow crab's combat power is not impressive. Even experienced awakeners can only back away when encountering this kind of monster. Basically, they fight in a small team. Under the same level, the winning rate almost zero.

And the level of this hollow crab is a full level 54!
The moment they saw this giant monster, the entire central arena erupted and cheered!

Isn't the reason why these audiences rush in to buy expensive tickets is to watch a performance that tortures and kills human beings?And the situation in front of them is exactly what they want!As for the fairness and justice advertised in the arena, this moment has long been tacitly forgotten by everyone.

As long as you can enjoy the pleasure, what is fairness?
As for Midi, she also looked calm.

Because a truly strong person never expects, let alone needs any "fairness" from others.

If you want something, just grab it with your own hands, wouldn't it be good?
 You should also get used to the third watch, right?
(End of this chapter)

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