Arad's Sword

Chapter 234 The performance of the strong

Chapter 234 The performance of the strong
A prohibition circle was set up around the arena. The bone crab had suffered a lot before, so he didn't dare to touch it easily, so he immediately focused his attention on Midi in the center.

With its bloodthirsty nature, coupled with being hungry for a whole night, and just not being fed, when it saw this kind of flesh and blood, it was about to pounce on it.

However, besides a faint fragrance of Wugou, there is also an inexplicable aura that makes the hollow bone crab feel terrified.This magical beast has reached level 54 and has a certain IQ. Naturally, it dare not act lightly for this unknown, so it stretched its eight long limbs, and immediately raised its huge carapace several meters, and let out a deterrent hissing roar.

Midi remained motionless, just watching with a smile.

The dragon blood in his body is not a decoration, even if he does not deliberately release the dragon's power, as long as he does not restrain his breath and sneak, he will naturally be surrounded by Qi. Warcraft dare to offend?

Those who should be scared to the ground are calm and composed, and those who should be in the upper hand dare not approach. After a few minutes of confrontation, the initial enthusiasm of the audience seemed to be poured with cold water.

What they want to see is the frenzied attack of the terrifying monster, and what they want to see and hear more is the flustered expression of the human on the field, and the terrified wailing.

But now?

Although the hollow crab opened its teeth and claws, it didn't take a step forward, as if it was bluffing.

On the other hand, the human being who was supposed to be shitting, actually showed a relaxed smile, as if what he was facing was not a level 54 alien monster, but a cute little cat.

what is this?
Many impatient spectators have already started cursing, but this time, the object of their cursing is no longer Midi, but the person in charge of the first floor, the manager of the Sky Arena.

The expensive entrance fees have been spent, so just show me this?

"My lord, what should we do now?" Seeing the slightly out-of-control scene, several administrators looked helplessly at their immediate superiors.

The person in charge of the well-dressed dragonman cast a vicious glance at Midi on the field, and finally said through gritted teeth: "Give that empty bone crab a berserk injection, immediately!"

"Brazilizer?" A group of administrators were startled.

After this injection, the scene is beautiful, and the flesh and blood are flying, but in the end, the gain outweighs the loss!
You must know that although the madness agent can instantly increase the ability of the monster, make it fierce, and even resist a trace of dragon's power, but because of its extremely ferocious properties, the side effects are extremely huge.

Once a shot is given, until death, Warcraft will never stop fighting.In the past, in the Colosseum of the Sky Arena, after using this trick, they could only rely on the arena to directly blast and kill the monsters with the magic circle.It can be said that after hitting this, Warcraft will be abolished.

These administrators didn't care whether Midi was dead or alive, but they immediately hesitated if they wanted to abolish a level 54 monster, or a rare species like a hollow crab, which was difficult to catch.

"What do you know? This is related to the reputation of the Sky Arena." The person in charge of the dragon snorted coldly. If it gets out, don't we all become laughing stocks? Maybe we will be punished! Don't hesitate, call me immediately!"

This order was immediately passed to the frontcourt.

Amidst the din of the audience and the hissing of monsters, an inconspicuous heavy crossbow rose from a hidden stand. Four administrators came to the side of the heavy crossbow and took out an extremely heavy crossbow from a box. Thick heavy arrows, and then carefully put them on.

This heavy arrow is extremely thick, and it is actually hollow inside. A viscous red liquid is rolling in it. It is just a berserk agent made according to the principle of the Berserker's skills.

The next moment, the shooter accurately aimed at the hollow crab on the field, and then pulled the trigger.

"Pfft" sounded softly.

A ray of light flew across the sky, hitting the hollow bone crab with incomparable accuracy.

The arrowhead specially made of corroded bone carapace material easily penetrated the monster's defense and penetrated directly into its body.Then, with the help of the inertia brought by the impact, the scarlet berserk agent was quickly injected into the giant beast's body along the hollow arrow, just like the venom oozing from the snake's teeth.

The hollow bone crab that had opened its teeth and danced its claws seemed to have its bones removed, and fell to the ground trembling, causing an uproar.However, a few seconds later, it stood up abruptly again, making a roar like rolling thunder, and the white carapace all over its body even leaked a chilling blood red.

Go crazy!

This sudden change made the audience excited again.

Those who can enter the sky arena are either rich or expensive. Even if they are not awakened and their level is less than 50, their vision will definitely not be bad.Now that the giant hollow crab is full of blood, how can these audiences not see the joints?
However, Midi's expression was still as calm as ever.

In fact, he had seen those little moves in the arena a long time ago, and it would not be difficult to shoot down the secret arrow and stop the hollow bone crab from going berserk.

It's just that Midi not only didn't mean that, on the contrary, he also welcomed this approach in the arena - the stronger the prey, the more it can bring out his force?

Although the hollow crab is good, how can it compare to a furious hollow crab that has been drawn out of its full body potential?

Now, seeing that the opponent's method had taken effect, Midi finally put her hand on the hilt of the sword.

It's time to show your strength.

I just hope that these audiences can spread this well-prepared shocking performance as much as possible in the future.

The hollow crab began to spit out highly poisonous white foam frantically. Its two large pincers swung back and forth unnaturally, its pure black eyes were mixed with blood red color, and its long limbs were pulled by strong muscles. Scrapping the ground, many shallow grooves appeared on the white stone ground of the arena, as if they were shocking scars.

Finally, under the effect of the berserk agent, the empty bone crab's sanity completely collapsed, and it went crazy.This 15-meter-long giant beast like a small hill jumped up from the ground, and desperately began to sweep around with two large pincers, as if it was afraid of the shadow that followed it. , All of a sudden, the hard floor and the stone pillars as terrain obstacles were all smashed by it.

Then, its small eyes finally saw Midi, so it roared, and rushed towards Midi like a red-eyed bull, trying to tear it apart to vent the anger and pain in its heart.

The hollow crab's attack was fierce and thunderous, the ground was trembling, and it even gave people the illusion that the entire arena had been tilted.This scene reminded Midi of the heavy armored knight's charge. As a commander, he had commanded hundreds of such charges in his past and present lives and faced many more enemy charges.

But at this moment, as an awakened strongman who has transcended mortals, what Midi has to do is not to rely on the strength of the army, but to open up a brand new path with the sword in his hand.

The hollow crab was close in sight, like a mountain, slammed into Midi fiercely.

But in the next moment, Midi pulled out the glass-like sharp sword from his waist at an unbelievable speed, and cut the 15-meter-long monster in half with just one slash!

Ghost Swordsman skill, Moonlight Slash.

Today, the Black Sky Sword, as a gift from Fina, has been shrunk down into a necklace by Midi using alchemy, and hung around her neck as a souvenir.And the weapon he actually used has been replaced by the set of twin swords of the City Lord of Light - "Scorching Sun" and "Cold Moon". The Sun and Moon twin swords, like Segerhardt, were created by Tyrannosaurus King Bakar himself. Forged, completely condensed with the essence of white crystal, it is naturally extremely sharp.

In addition, Midi is already a powerful dragon body, and uses white crystal magic power to display skills, let alone a hollow crab, even a real iron-clad battleship, I am afraid it will be cut open.

The huge body that was split from the vertical axis continued to slide forward under the effect of inertia, until it hit the arena's prohibition circle, and finally stopped.

Thick blood gushed out like a fountain and poured down like a torrential rain, but there seemed to be an invisible layer around Midi, blocking all the blood.

Just like this, he stood proudly in the scarlet sea of ​​blood, with his black hair fluttering in the wind, without even taking a step, and in an instant, he smashed this terrifying monster of level 54 Spike!

As if the entire arena had been cast with a silent magic, it fell completely silent in an instant.

No one would have thought that this so-called "combat test", which was already full of injustice, arrogance and prejudice, would have such a result.

This little human from the lower realm actually defeated the most terrifying monster in the sky and sea of ​​clouds.

How can this be?

However, even if you don't want to believe what happened in front of your eyes, the strong smell of blood and that terrifying sword intent are still imprinted in the depths of everyone's heart, even if you close your eyes. They can still recall, at that moment, the fierce killing intent displayed by the black-haired youth.

Incredibly strong!

"I hope all the audience will enjoy watching." Midi said simply, stepping on the thick blood, striding towards the outside of the arena.

Outside, the person in charge of the well-dressed dragonman had already been waiting aside, and together with all the management personnel on the first floor of the Sky Arena, they stood in two rows to welcome them.

In all fairness, it is almost impossible to say that the residents of the sea of ​​clouds in the sky will change their prejudice against humans from the lower realm because of Midi's "performance".If one day another human adventurer came and said that he wanted to sign up to become a gladiator, he might still be ridiculed and treated unfairly.

But for Midi Asrex, the evaluation has already been turned upside down.

Like the sky city, the more free sky and sea of ​​clouds is of course a world where the strong are respected. Here, race, identity, and power are all important, but the most important thing is personal force!

Since Midi is a strong person, he will naturally be respected.

Moreover, the essence of Sky Arena is that it is a business, and its pursuit is to maximize profits.

A human adventurer who instantly killed the crazy empty bone crab, if this is publicized, it will definitely become the hottest topic in the sky arena!

As soon as these factors were combined, the arena immediately reaffirmed its attitude.

"How, have I passed the test?" Midi glanced at the person in charge of the dragon man and asked calmly.

"Of course, of course! That..." The person in charge of the dragon people was wiping cold sweat, nodding his head, and suddenly remembered like a bolt from the blue, that he didn't seem to have asked the name of this awakened strong man.

"It's fine to call me 'Blade'." Midi thought for a while, and casually picked up a concise pseudonym.

(End of this chapter)

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