Arad's Sword

Chapter 238 Reaction of the Parties

Chapter 238 Reaction of the Parties
The upstart in the arena, the mysterious "Blade", will face "Blood Sword" Ba Qiulan three days later!

When the arena officially released this news, there was an uproar immediately above the hundredth floor.

"Bloody Killing Sword" Ba Qiulan is a master who has been famous for a long time. A long time ago, when he just entered the [-]th floor, he fought against three opponents alone in the endgame of a group battle, and Behead them all, the last person is still tortured, the scene is extremely brutal.

It is said that many old viewers vomited in a mess at that time, and they vomited after watching it, and watched it after vomiting.Afterwards, the arena even had to use cleaning magic to eliminate the pieces of meat and blood on the field.

Ba Qiulan became famous in the first battle, and has since been dubbed the nickname of "Bloody Killing Sword".

But now, he is already a famous figure, and his level has soared from level 51 at that time to level 56 today.

As for Midi, she is just a novice at level 51.

You must know that after passing the threshold of awakening, the significance of the level is far better than that of the previous unawakened period.Before level 50, it is possible for an adventurer to challenge opponents who are 10 levels higher than him with the help of the right time, place and people, or various powerful props and weapons, because his own strength is not obvious, and various additional Factors can occupy a considerable proportion of influence in battle.

But after awakening, it is different. No matter how powerful a weapon is, it cannot exert its power by itself, and needs to rely on the magic power of the awakened person to promote it.The weak who have obtained the artifact are still weak because they are difficult to control, while the strong can exert power several times beyond its limit as long as they have an excellent weapon in their hands.

Because of this, after awakening, every time one level is promoted, the real combat power will be significantly improved.

Not only that, every five levels, there will be an obvious leap, the awakened person can carry out a new integration of the power accumulated in the previous five levels, thus causing a small qualitative change in himself.

Although the tyrannical strength shown by Midi made the audience, commentators and even managers in the arena all speculate that he is a "perfect awakener", but in the end, perfect awakening only represents a kind of potential. It's not enough to go beyond level 5 to fight against the enemy.

Besides, fighting all the way up from the 54th floor, among the enemies Midi encountered, the highest level of enemies was just that level [-] berserk bone crab.

"Bloody Killing Sword" Ba Qiulan, this will be the first opponent above level 55 that Midi will meet.

Who will win and who will lose?No one knows the answer.

Although both sides have various battle examples that can be analyzed, but that is at most a determination of the basic speed and strength.Battles are ever-changing, and it is not a simple data comparison. Who can say that a person with 100 strength will definitely be able to beat 90 strength?

After all, only after one battle will you know who is strong and who is weak.

And the only thing that can be determined through battle examples is that whether it is Midi or Ba Qiulan, these two are the type who are ruthless to the extreme in the arena, and only a very small number of people can survive from the two swords That's all.

This element made the battle three days later not only full of expectations for the unknown, but also added three points of blood red.

"What are the odds of the casino?" A slightly shrill voice sounded from the [-]th floor of the arena, in a certain exquisitely decorated mansion.

The owner of the voice is extremely tall, with slender limbs, handsome and stern face, with very obvious characteristics of a celestial being, and beside him, there is a huge sword that is as tall as a person.This huge sword has no sheath, and the sword is full of blood. On the edge of the sword, there is even a cold light. Just looking at it makes people feel frightened.

This person is exactly the one Midi named and challenged, "Bloody Killing Sword" Ba Qiulan.

A level 56 Berserker.


Usually, the housekeeper who has served Ba Qiulan for several years does not need to put on such a servile posture.But today, he knew that the news he brought back would definitely make his master furious, so he minimized the possibility of his anger being vented in advance.

Sure enough, as expected by the housekeeper, as soon as he finished speaking, there was a distorted sound like grinding teeth.

The exquisite sterling silver goblet cup made by elves was crushed by Ba Qiulan with one hand, and the old wine gushed out from the crack, as if it was blood spurting from a human wound.

"Hmph, it's too deceiving! These bastards, are you going to use me to flatter that weak human's stinky feet?" Ba Qiulan's eyes were red, and she gritted her teeth and murmured.

Roughly speaking, odds can be regarded as people's estimation of the winning rate of both sides.

The arena officials at least gave Ba Qiulan a little face. The odds of 1:1 are quite satisfactory and unbiased. It is equivalent to thinking that Ba Qiulan's winning rate is 25% higher than that of Midi.

But the underground casino, which only has interests in its eyes, is much less polite, 1 to 1, which undoubtedly means that Ba Qiulan and Midi can only fight to a tie!

One is a 56-level famous master, with the status of a celestial being, above a hundred floors, and has countless proud records.

A newly promoted awakener who is only level 51, the highest level of the battle is only level 54, and it is still a crab, and the race is even weaker humans.

Putting these two conditions together, the odds were extremely close to 1:1. For Ba Qiulan, who has always been arrogant and rarely meets an opponent, it can almost be regarded as an intolerable insult.

"Just let me tear that human brat into pieces in the battle three days later, and then let the ghosts and gods swallow it!" The goblet was completely kneaded into a metal ball, "At that time, I will see who else dares to question my strength, Ba Qiulan!"

Midi's calmness, Baqiulan's fury, the arena's hype regardless of cost, the audience's heated discussions and expectations, the secret attention of the major forces, and the attention of other gladiators, all these gathered into a huge wave. The invisible airflow condensed on the large arena in the center of the hundredth floor.

Three days passed in a flash, and finally it was the moment when the competition started.

Sitting in the waiting room, listening to the roaring cheers from the arena, Midi's eyes were extremely calm, as if she was practicing on a daily basis, and she was meticulously inspecting the Sun and Moon Swords for the final time.

As a reborn, Midi is very clear about the weight of an opponent at level 56. In his previous life, in the sky and sea of ​​clouds, he had fought against opponents of this level countless times. Clear understanding.

As an extraordinary awakener, he could actually calculate the approximate power balance and winning percentage of the two sides before going into battle.

However, even so, Midi still won't take it lightly.

Battles are always ever-changing, there is never a [-]% guarantee, and various unexpected situations will always occur.Moreover, for this challenge, what Midi wants to win is not only a victory, but also a victory that is so beautiful that it is beyond everyone's expectations!
After all, fighting in the arena is still a performance in essence.

If two gladiators fight for personal vendetta in a dark alley, no matter how wonderful the fight is, it will not produce any value in the end. The reason is very simple-there is no audience.

Only a battle with spectators is the real competition, the gladiatorial fight that people want, and the battle that can make Midi gain more brilliance and win the favor of the Rothschild Chamber of Commerce.

The first battle above the [-]th floor, this is Midi's battle to become famous, so naturally he will not let up in the slightest.

"How's the situation at the VIP table?" Midi asked in a deep voice after she stood up with her well-maintained swords on her waist.

"Every seat is full." Avril Lavigne replied immediately.

The dark elf girl got used to being a secretary right away. She took off her maid outfit and put on a sexy and seductive secretary suit. The small suit set off her proud chest and waist like a water snake. The mini skirt made the dark elf's long and beautiful legs show in front of Midi.

Obviously, she has not given up on the idea of ​​seduction.

"All here?" Midi glanced at Avril's outfit, smiled bitterly in her heart, and asked in a flat tone.

"Blue Truth Sect, Wanderer's Guild, Sword Guild belonging to the Dark Elves, High Elves' Heart of Nature Guild, Rothschild Chamber of Commerce, Sky Crystal Chamber of Commerce, Silver Chamber of Commerce..." Avril immediately reported the names one by one fluently. out.

Of course, Midi actually went to the Rothschild Chamber of Commerce, but during the whole process, he didn't interrupt Avril, but only nodded after listening.

After all, Avril is still an outsider, and her current identity cannot be judged. Although the other party has been appointed as a secretary, Midi has no intention of revealing her true purpose and identity in front of the other party.

Therefore, he naturally did not show any extra interest in the Rothschild Chamber of Commerce on the spot.

The real contact with the Chamber of Commerce still has to be carried out by Midi himself.

Of course, all of this refers to after winning the victory in front of him.

Now, the only thing that needs to be considered is to defeat "Bloody Killing Sword", that's all.

Thinking of this, Midi slowly stood up.

Walk through the wide corridor supported by rough stone pillars, walk through the preparation hall full of various weapons, and wait for the white steel gate to rise slowly in front of you. The strong ghost swordsman slowly stepped into the ancient arena covered with yellow sand.

"Blade! Blade! Blade!"

One after another, enthusiastic cheers rang in his ears, as if the never-tiring tide beat the waves.

And "Bloody Killing Sword" Ba Qiulan, just opposite the yellow sand, pointed the bloody giant sword in her hand at Midi provocatively.

 Also ask for tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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