Arad's Sword

Chapter 239 Bloody Killing Sword

Chapter 239 Bloody Killing Sword

As a high-ranking gladiator who has struggled in the arena for several years and is only a thin line away from the position of the floor master, Ba Qiulan is not only good at fighting, but also good at "performance".

Just a simple provocative action, he immediately mobilized the atmosphere of the audience - the audience came to the arena to watch the battle, not to watch the chat, and the explicit hostility will undoubtedly make everyone feel excited.

Those who provoke hostility will naturally be further sought after by the audience.

Feeling the roar of voices coming from the stands, Midi sneered.

Although I don't think that the audience's temporary preference will affect the battle, but since Midi regards this battle as a battle of fame, how can he allow his opponent to overshadow him?
Perhaps "hostility" is indeed a good material to mobilize the atmosphere, but how can it compare with "killing intent"?
Midi slowly drew out the long sword at his waist, and accompanied by the sweet and clear sound like cold ice falling to the ground, both "Scorching Sun" and "Cold Moon" were unsheathed, and the first ray of sunlight at dawn and the night The twin swords forged by the first ray of moonlight reflected an unbelievably sharp light outward in the arena.

The next moment, a chilling aura poured out from the sword edge, and instantly permeated the audience!

The "Bloody Killing Sword" Ba Qiulan, who had always thought highly of himself, suddenly changed his face. He couldn't believe that this human ghost swordsman who was only level 51 in front of him could burst out such a strong killing intent from his body!
How many people must be killed, and what kind of past do they have, in order to have such a strong killing intent?
Ba Qiulan thought over and over again, but couldn't get an answer.

This is also a matter of course. An awakened person who focuses on personal force, and always fights alone in a place like the arena, how can he imagine the kind of huge national war that tens of thousands of people are involved in? situation?How could it be possible to understand, the dead bones sacrificed behind the back of a famous general who has been famous forever?
But no matter whether he could accept it or not, Midi's killing intent was genuine.

This kind of killing intent can't excite the audience, but it can make them tremble, and in this inexplicable fear and trembling, everyone knows one thing - this time, Midi is going to do it for real!

Just in an instant, this atmosphere condensed by killing intent was broken by a blood-like crimson light.

Ghost Swordsman skill, Ghost Slash!

The sharp-eyed aura couldn't overwhelm Midi, and the seasoned Ba Qiulan naturally couldn't let Midi suppress her in turn, so she immediately made a decisive move.

In the hands of this level 56 awakened berserker, the ordinary Ghost Slash immediately turned into a terrifying killer move.He turned into a blood shadow and shortened the distance between Midi and Midi at an incredible speed. At the same time, the huge sword that was as tall as a person in his hand was raised flat as if it was weightless, and then A sword stabs out!
With a dodge, Midi passed the crimson sword light, but Ba Qiulan was not shaken by the miss. There were dozens of swords!
Under the violently tumbling sword energy, the center of the arena was filled with flying sand and rocks, and Midi's position was swallowed up by one after another of incomparably sharp sword lights, and even his figure could not be seen.

This is the famous "bloody killing sword".

Generally, berserkers use giant swords in methods of slashing, sweeping, and beheading. There are also more alternative slapping methods, or using the sword as a shield to use defensive counterattack tactics.

However, Ba Qiulan's attack method is different from these. In his hand, the giant sword is used for stabbing like a spear!
Using the sword as a spear will naturally lose a lot, such as the ghost swordsman's signature skill - the powerful ghost chop, once it is used in the form of "stab", the power will be weakened by three points immediately.

But at the same time, it comes with some unusual advantages.

A long weapon like a giant sword originally had a huge range of control. If it was used to stab straight with one arm instead of slashing with both arms, the range of control could be even larger, which made many melee fighters unable to fight. There is no possibility of a close fit.

In addition, one of the original shortcomings of the giant sword, the problem of slow attack speed, will be greatly compensated by the extremely small range of stabbing movements, thus making the gap less.

Moreover, a sword is not a spear after all. If the opponent really bypasses it from the side, changing the straight thrust into a sweep will also make the enemies who live nearby have to face an attack that cannot be avoided and can only be resisted.

It can be said that the simple technique of piercing is extremely powerful when applied to a profound level.

And the most important thing is that not many people are used to this attack method of stabbing with a giant sword, including Midi who is a reborn, and this is the first time he has faced such a strange tactic.All of a sudden, this guy had won ten consecutive victories as soon as he came up, and the focus of everyone's attention was immediately submerged in Ba Qiulan's continuous attacks. He could only take a defensive position, but there was no way to threaten the opponent at all.

Seeing that the two sides entered into a fierce confrontation in an instant, the audience cheered excitedly, and then, many people booed Midi, who could only defend but could not resist.

This is the case in the Sky Arena. When you are strong, you will be applauded. When you are weak, this applause will immediately turn into booing.

There is no support and trust when you are frustrated, and there is no sympathy. This is the Sky Arena, direct and ruthless, just like this world itself where the weak are preyed upon by the strong.

"Come on, lowly human brat, let me stab you into a hornet's nest and hang you on the arches of the arena to dry!" Ba Qiulan has completely entered a state of berserk, with endless blood in her eyes. She was originally handsome and beautiful. His face became even more distorted, and there was still a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth.

While yelling and provoking in a low voice, he kept stabbing Midi from all angles, without giving Midi a chance to breathe.

With the strong support of level 56, Ba Qiulan's strong body contained enough pure magic power to sustain this terrifying offensive until the opponent's defense completely collapsed.

However, the next moment, accompanied by a crisp sound, the stormy attack suddenly stopped.

Ba Qiulan didn't stop on her own initiative, but was stopped by Midi.

Among the flying sparks and the rippling magic power, the two one-handed long swords "Scorching Sun" and "Cold Moon" formed a horn in Midi's hands, and arrived at Baba with incomparable precision. On the edge of Qiulan's giant sword, she blocked it completely, and could no longer push it forward even a centimeter!

"The performance is almost done, right? Now it's my turn, don't blame me for not giving you a chance." Midi said lightly, her voice was not loud, but it spread throughout the arena.

A chilling killing intent flashed in those pitch-black eyes.

"Hmph, bluffing!" Ba Qiulan snorted coldly, drew back her huge sword, roared, and launched another fierce attack.

But this time, the attack that was originally smooth and flowing became jerky and stagnant before Midi finally unfolded the sun and moon swords.

Midi didn't want to bypass this huge range of straight stabs at all. Even if he used the Devil May Cry skill "Ghost Flash" to quickly cut in, he might not be able to take the initiative-Ba Qiulan has experienced countless battles. The multi-faceted veteran will not have a back move to deal with teleportation skills.

And once I do this, the fact that I can use the skills of Sword Soul and Devil May Cry at the same time will be exposed, and maybe someone with a heart will speculate about my origin-a human awakened ghost swordsman who is proficient in multiple skills, so many restrictions plus Together, it is not difficult to deduce Midi's true identity.

Even if it can't be guessed out, Midi is not willing to simply expose the trump card in the battle in front of thousands of people.

He only intends to challenge all the way up as the soul of the sword. To deal with this Ba Qiulan, the skills of the soul of the sword are enough.

Therefore, after getting familiar with the opponent's straight stab, Midi made a very simple and direct choice.


Since you stab me, then I will stab you too, not only stab you, but also kill you!

It was Midi who was stabbed by Ba Qiulan, but it was the giant sword in Ba Qiulan's hand that Midi attacked!
One is to attack people, and the other is to attack the weapon itself. The technical content required for the two is of course not the same.But for Midi, it is not difficult to target the sword. You must know that he is a reborn person with experience in two lives, and has been in the flames of war and battles for a long time. To predict the attack of a sword Tracks are not difficult.

What's more, the trajectory of the straight stab is extremely simple.

In addition, there are very few professions that can rival Sword Soul in terms of speed and accuracy.And the Berserker series is known for its powerful power, so how could it be possible to gain the upper hand in this kind of precision-based counterattack?
In the blink of an eye, the dozen or so swords that Ba Qiulan summoned up all her strength were easily blocked by the twin swords in Midi's hands that looked like swimming dragons.Not only that, while Midi blocked the opponent with the "scorching sun", he would also use the "cold moon" to directly cut at the middle of the most vulnerable sword body of the giant sword.

After a few rounds, this fierce sword, which was originally blushing with blood, was hacked mottled on the surface, the blood flow was also weakened a lot, and several sword edges were directly damaged, which made Ba Qiulan feel pain in his heart .

However, under Midi's violent offensive, it was impossible for him to draw back his weapon. The only way was to stand still and continue to attack.

But obviously, after becoming familiar with Ba Qiulan's moves in a very short period of time, Midi didn't hold back any more. Perhaps the attack range of the double swords is indeed not as good as that of the giant sword, but this set of "directly destroying weapons" With a tough style of play, Ba Qiulan had no chance to crack it.

All of a sudden, the radiant light from the twin swords of "Scorching Sun" and "Cold Moon" overwhelmed the blood of the berserk warrior in an instant. reverberates.

This was an unprecedented hand-to-hand combat, a real head-to-head confrontation. All the audience became suffocated by Midi's terrifying offensive, and then went crazy.

"Blade! Blade! Blade!"

"The blade is the strongest!"

These spectators who had already started booing Midi immediately cheered Midi again, not only that, but their voices were much louder than before.

Just as the Sky Arena never tolerates the weak, it has always given the best treatment and respect to the strong.

As a veteran gladiator, Ba Qiulan knew very well that if he continued like this, he would be completely suppressed immediately. He couldn't care less, and immediately mustered all his strength and let out a thunderous roar.

The next moment, the whole body of this celestial man was glaring with blood!
Berserker skill, Blood Rage.

(End of this chapter)

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