Arad's Sword

Chapter 245 The So-Called Loyalty

Chapter 245 The So-Called Loyalty

"But, if this continues, we will fall into a disadvantage!" Captain Domon became anxious immediately, "No, we may even be cornered!"

As a captain who has sailed in the sea of ​​clouds in the sky for many years, he knows how dangerous it is to be hung by the tail.

As long as you combine the direction of the airship, compare the position of the floating island on the map of the sea of ​​clouds, and then compare the major routes and monsoon airflow, you can easily guess the area that the airship will pass in the next few days.At that time, as long as a group of airships are entangled from the nearest floating island, they can come quickly.

Even though there is only one airship now, maybe tomorrow morning, this number will become three or five!
What's even more frightening is that there are likely to be some airships ambush directly in the airspace ahead, laying a net and waiting for the prey to hit them.

Therefore, the airship must speed up the first time it encounters a follower, then lower its flight altitude, enter the vast sea of ​​clouds, and try to get rid of the opponent's pursuit.

But now?

This lower-world human being who doesn't know anything about air combat and doesn't even have common sense, not only pointing fingers at himself, but even giving orders to kill himself, who does he think he is?
No matter how fearful the captain was, he couldn't bear it now.

"Sorry, Mr. Blade, but I have already decided to speed up immediately. The captain of this airship is me, and only I can lead everyone out of danger, and then complete the task of delivering the goods!" Captain Dormon sank He turned his face and said in a blunt tone.

What I made was the most correct decision. Besides, Miss Victoria appointed me from the very beginning, and I was the one who decided the route. Even if I went to the owner to file a lawsuit in the end, I was definitely right!Captain Dormon believed so firmly.

But the next moment, his movements stopped immediately, as if he had been frozen.

With a crisp sound, the sharp blade of light "Scorching Sun" on Midi's waist was slowly unsheathed for three inches.

"I'm sorry, but Mr. Domon, it seems that you haven't figured it out yet. The only one who has the right to give orders is me." Midi put her hand on the hilt of her sword and said lightly.His voice was not loud, but he naturally revealed the majesty of life and death that only the superiors had, which made people feel awe.

After several seconds, Captain Dormon barely restrained the fear in his heart, pointed at Midi, and said angrily: "Are you planning to betray Miss Victoria!"

Under such circumstances, the captain dared to confront him head-on, so he was considered a man.

However, it seems that his brain is obviously not that good, otherwise, he would not have been sent to act as a bait with an outsider like himself.

Midi thought in her heart, smiled coldly, and didn't do anything, just asked: "Mr. Domon, to be honest, there is no cargo on this airship, right?"

Captain Dormon didn't answer, but his expression suddenly changed. In Midi's eyes, this was equivalent to the answer.

"According to my guess, the old butler probably arranged a route for you, and then told you that the goods should be obtained from a secret port near the big storm area, and then turn back after getting the goods, along a route It takes a brand new route to reach the destination, doesn't it?" Midi asked persistently.

"How do you know?" Captain Dormon gritted his teeth. He didn't want to answer, but since he couldn't hide it, there was nothing he could do.

"Sure enough." A cold light flashed in Midi's eyes.

With Captain Dormon's confirmation, all Midi's speculations finally have evidence.

I and this airship are indeed the bait.On the route pointed out by the old housekeeper Lund, of course there can be no cargo, and even the secret port near the big storm area may not exist. just go!

However, even if it is used as a bait, Midi must achieve his goal.

If you really follow Captain Domon's strategy and rush into the sea of ​​clouds, maybe you really lose the enemy, then, no matter whether the real cargo arrives or not, Victoria's plan is Success or failure has nothing to do with Midi.

Lost in the depths of the sea of ​​clouds, how can you pay attention to the development of the situation?

Therefore, he must keep the swordfish airship at its cruising speed. Only by doing so can it continue to play the role of bait.

After those enemies gathered like sharks smelling blood, Midi found a way to win, and then captured a few prisoners, trying to figure out the truth of the whole thing.

Although it may not be possible to successfully obtain a way to enter the big storm area by doing so, in any case, it is much better to stir up the internal struggle of the Rothschild Chamber of Commerce than to be outside the situation.

So, under Midi's tyrant-like orders, the airship continued to move forward along the established route as if nothing had happened.

Naturally, the tail has been hanging far away five kilometers away.

A day passed without a sound.

On the third day, originally, Midi thought that it was almost time to enter the fierce battle stage. Whoever was stronger, the fish or the bait, would decide the winner today.

However, the battlefield is ever-changing after all. Even Midi, who is a genius commander and good at calculation, never expected that the situation would develop like this——

The airship that was originally following Midi, instead of attracting companions, went around a semicircle, turned around 180 degrees, and turned away without hesitation under the noses of everyone!

Including Captain Dormon, all the crew let go of the heart that had been hanging since yesterday, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Only Midi fell into deep thought.

Under what circumstances would a pack of bloodthirsty sharks turn away from the bait right in front of them?

There's only one possibility, and that's that they've found bigger, tastier prey.

What kind of prey can make them abandon even the easy thing of swallowing the bait?

The answer is ready to come out -

Victoria Rothschild.

The eldest lady of the Chamber of Commerce failed to lure the enemy away with bait after all, maybe she has fallen into a trap at this moment?

However, for Midi, who was determined to fish in troubled waters, wouldn't it be a good thing?

Thinking of this, the corner of Midi's mouth couldn't help but slightly raised a smile.

"Turn around immediately and follow at full speed." He gave the order without hesitation.

"What?" Captain Domon's face was as ugly as it could be. Finally, the other party let him go, and he still wanted to follow?This human youth with black hair and black eyes must have slipped his tongue, right?
"Follow up at full speed." Midi repeated, her voice was like a rock, and she could not be shaken in the slightest.

And when Captain Dormon and dozens of crew members reluctantly began to turn under Midi's sun and moon swords, the flagship "Narwhal" belonging to Victoria Rothschild himself, There is also a good show of forcing the palace.

Victoria couldn't believe her eyes.

That Yi Dake, who had always made no secret of his admiration for him, actually took refuge with his elder brothers!
Originally, Victoria had already planned everything, every detail and every step, she had carefully calculated and prepared multiple plans, in order to be able to maintain her own power under the suppression of her brothers, Then achieve a comeback and master the entire chamber of commerce!
Don't look at the fact that the brothers have collected a huge amount of money, crushing Victoria to death, and investment everywhere is showing a downward trend, but Victoria has been prepared for a long time. She secretly hid a whole boat full of refined sperm whale spices.

As long as this shipment of spices can be transported to the business district on the other side of the sea of ​​sky and clouds for sale, the funds will be returned soon, and then the turnover will be rapid, and then, even before the brothers have reacted. , and defeat it in turn!
Sending out a high-priced swordfish airship, and specially hiring Midi, an upstart in the arena, to sit in it, just to come up with a sufficient amount of bait.

As long as the brothers' siege fleet took the bait, even if it only took a few days, Victoria would be sure enough to transport the spices.

Because in her hands, she holds the most important and secret route of the Rothschild Chamber of Commerce - the spice route.

This is a route that can go directly through the large storm area.

The only one in the entire sea of ​​clouds in the sky!
But it is a pity that man is not as good as God, this careful plan, the extremely fine layout on the chessboard, was directly overthrown by such brutality!

By this stupid Itak!
"Why?" Victoria asked in a trembling voice, with a pair of beautiful emerald green eyes, staring coldly at the gunner opposite.

"Because I love you, Victoria." Itak took a deep breath, met the girl's eyes from the front, and then replied.

Victoria was very confused by this answer, so Yi Dake smiled self-deprecatingly, and then continued: "I know very well, Miss Victoria, you don't love me, and even if you have a crush on me, an escort captain, How could it be possible to marry the eldest lady of the Rothschild Chamber of Commerce with a deep foundation? No, I don't even have a chance to marry, so..."

"So, you have taken refuge with the eldest brother and the second brother?" Victoria finally understood the other party's thinking.

"That's right." Itak nodded, "I have already obtained their written promise, as long as you can report your plan and your coordinates, then after they grasp the overall situation, they will publicly announce that it is I who In the fierce air battle, saving you from danger has saved the reputation and wealth of the Rothschild Chamber of Commerce. I will become a hero, and then, I will get you logically."

What a wonderful show of a hero saving the beauty.

Thinking of this in her heart, Victoria couldn't help showing a self-deprecating smile.

I have done all the calculations, but I forgot one thing——

The so-called loyalty and that crazy love are two completely different things after all.

 The outbreak of the week is over, and it will enter a new "normal update" period starting today, that is, two updates a day, the first update at 10:30 am, the second update at 19:30 pm, and now the first update.

(End of this chapter)

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