Arad's Sword

Chapter 246 Before the General

Chapter 246 Before the General
"Please give your two elder brothers what they want. Although I don't know what it is, no matter how precious that thing is, how can it compare to life?" Yi Dake took a step forward, Wan Wan said.

"No, I will definitely not hand over the Spice Route!" Victoria yelled through gritted teeth, and her delicate face became as cold as ice at this moment.

And with this resolute declaration, the loyal old butler Lund immediately stepped forward and stood in front of Itak.

"Since you have betrayed your master, your only end is death." Londe said in a hoarse voice, "Death!"

On Victoria's flagship "Narwhal", there were no more than ten people in total including Itak and several of his cronies.The crew and guards loyal to Victoria have always accounted for the majority. In addition, Yi Dake is a gunner who is good at air combat, and Lund is a judo master who is always at the master's side. On this deck, who is stronger Weakness can be judged immediately.

Although it is said that one's own plan has been revealed to the enemy, after all, it has not yet come to a dead end.

There is also the Narwhal, and two Swordfish-class airships as guards. Even if it is a forcible break-in, Victoria has to give it a try!
But before that, she wanted to cut this stupid traitor in front of her who wanted to possess her to pieces, and then directly throw him into the sea of ​​clouds!

However, before Victoria gave the order, a deafening loud noise came from the air.

The frigate on the left side of the Narwhal was directly split from the center, and a huge fireball gushed out from its hull, as if a sun had just risen, blowing the 50-meter-long frigate to pieces. The Swordfish airship shattered like a fragile building block!
Among the soaring flames, among the falling parts, and among the tragic wailing of the crew members who fell into the sea of ​​clouds, a total of eight airships burst out of the sea of ​​clouds, like eight bloodthirsty sharks. Surrounded by four directions, up, down, left, and right, the Narwhal turned into a trapped beast.

"Your two elder brothers have arrived, Victoria, you have no chance, come with me." Yida Ke's voice sounded faintly again.

In this voice, in addition to the usual kind of love and enthusiasm, there is also an imperceptible greed and lust.

"It's not over yet!" At the critical juncture, Victoria recovered from the shock of the initial shock. She pushed her pair of crystal glasses with thin gold wire frames and said loudly, "Push Idako down!" , Immediately let the Narwhal speed up and rush over from the front!"

Hearing Victoria's order, the crew immediately came to their senses—although everything was blocked up, down, left, and right, at least there was still a passage.Now it is too late to turn to the rear and retreat, but if you rush forward regardless, at least you have a chance to rush out.

Of course, if the eight airships fired at the same time, the Narwhal within the range of the fire would definitely be destroyed on the spot, turning into a scorching fireball just like the escort airship.

But since Victoria is very clear that the brothers don't simply want to kill or sell themselves, but to get information from her about the unique spice route in the sky and sea of ​​clouds, then they absolutely dare not open fire.

In this case, there is a chance to escape!
As long as it breaks out of the siege, it doesn't matter even if it is rear-ended. When it rushes into the sea of ​​clouds, let alone eight airships, even eighteen or twenty-eight airships will definitely not be able to catch up with the Narwhal.

After the immediate crisis passed, Yidake could naturally be dealt with slowly. Right now, as long as they could be suppressed to the side of the deck, it was enough.

In an instant, a complete plan had been formed in Victoria's mind.

However, before the eldest lady could implement it, another swordfish airship appeared from the far end of the sea of ​​clouds.

This airship was the one that gave up following Midi and returned to the main battlefield after receiving instructions from Victoria's two elder brothers.

Originally, there was basically nothing to do here, with [-] vs [-], and a frigate had already been destroyed by hand, and it was intentional and unintentional, the swordfish airship that came back was just to help out.

But at this moment, when Victoria was determined to rush out, the airship was in an extremely critical position.

It's like the door of a cage.

As long as this airship is blocking the front, the Narwhal will not be able to increase its speed at all, and can only become a bird in a cage.And at this moment, after receiving a new order, this swordfish airship did exactly that.

Victoria's hands, which were wearing white gloves, tangle subconsciously because of nervousness.She pursed her lips tightly, there was no trace of blood on her delicate face, and her whole body was tense, as if this could increase the speed of the Narwhal.

The battle on the deck also stopped. The old steward of Lund was still staring at the traitor on the opposite side with an incomparably cold gaze, but Yi Dake only put on a defensive posture, showing a mocking expression, and then he stretched out his hand, showing He grabbed the remote control he was holding, and lightly pressed the button on it.

Before the Narwhal could make a last-ditch effort, a slight explosion sounded.

The deck of the Narwhal trembled slightly, and then, from the engine room below the port side, thick black smoke came out one after another.

Evidently, Itak had tampered with the ship beforehand.

And in this way, Victoria couldn't even try the last chance, so she could only catch her without a fight.

"You are really thoughtful, Itak." Victoria's voice was trembling and angry uncontrollably.

"Sorry, but I really can't resist the temptation to get you." The 58-level awakened gunner replied.

The next moment, the eight following airships had already caught up with the Narwhal.

Among the eight airships, six are also Swordfish-class, but the other two are heavy-tonnage "Tiger Sharks", over 65 meters in length, behemoths supported by multiple engines.When loaded with cargo, it is the largest commercial airship, but when replaced with artillery, it is the most terrifying steel monster above the sea of ​​​​clouds in the sky.

The two tiger shark airships quickly approached the Narwhal at a speed that was not commensurate with their huge bodies. Then, the gun ports on the side strings opened, aimed at the target and blasted down.

In just a blink of an eye, the Narwhal's originally beautiful, streamlined shell was blasted into more than a dozen big holes, and an extremely heavy giant nail gun pierced through it. It's completely fixed.

At this point, Victoria had completely lost any chance to fight back. In the eyes of the old butler of Lund, there was already a killing intent in a desperate battle, but Yi Dake was relieved, and was going to find a way to retreat to the tiger shark first— —Of course he hopes to possess his beloved woman as soon as possible, but at this time, this shrewd traitor doesn't want to face the old butler's counterattack before he dies.

He only needs to wait for Victoria to hand over the map of the spice route, and then he can enjoy the sweet fruits of victory.

Itak was dreaming of a horny dream, the old butler was ready to fight to the death for his master, Victoria stood there like an ice sculpture, motionless, and on the side strings of the two tiger shark airships, Rothschild The well-trained guards of the German Chamber of Commerce, who are loyal to the eldest son and second son, are ready to board the ship.

Everything seems to be a foregone conclusion, only the last step is left.

The roar of the engine, the friction of swords and armor, and the orders of the guards, everything seemed to have quieted down, leaving only the never-ending sound of the wind above the sea of ​​clouds, still whimpering, as if Victoria was in the mood at the moment.

But then, a deafening roar like a salute broke all the silence.

The Swordfish airship that flew head-on exploded in mid-air, like a huge firework, which was particularly conspicuous under the blue sky.

And behind the fireworks, the airship with Midi as the captain and Domon as the captain, who was used by Victoria as a bait, but later spotted by the two elder brothers, appeared.

This bait, which has been forgotten by everyone, should never have appeared on the main battlefield. The uninvited guest just like this grandly descended from the distant sky in a condescending posture, and when it came up, it was directly full of destructive fireworks. People have come to show off!

"It's... him?" Victoria's extremely pale face suddenly regained a tinge of blood, and a ray of hope surged again in those dimmed pupils.

Victoria counted thousands of times, but failed to count Yida Ke's betrayal.

But she didn't expect that the young human gladiator who only met her once, and who seemed to come here only for good treatment, would appear at this time!
But why?

Is it because you want a hero to save the beauty?
Or because he was used as a bait, so he came to Xingshi to question his crime?
Or, this Mr. Blade is also an accomplice who was bribed by the two elder brothers?No, if that was the case, he wouldn't have destroyed his brothers' airships at all.

What the hell is going on?
Victoria thought over and over again, but couldn't get an answer.

However, there is one thing she can be sure of.

At this time of falling into the abyss, I can see such a strong man with unparalleled force, with this rampant posture, tearing apart a corner of the big net that firmly traps him, and then come to save himself—even if this It doesn't matter if it's just a girl's delusion -- there is no doubt that it is a very happy thing.

 The second update is coming. I won’t make specific explanations starting tomorrow. In short, it will be updated at these two time points. Unless there are special circumstances, I will make another notice, otherwise there will be no change.

(End of this chapter)

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