Arad's Sword

Chapter 247 Don't Underestimate the Bait

Chapter 247 Don't Underestimate the Bait

In an instant, a stunning smile appeared on Victoria's delicate and beautiful face.

Like a blooming epiphyllum, it passes away in a flash, but it is remembered for a lifetime.

There was no love in this smile, but it still ignited an inexplicable jealousy in Yida Ke's heart not far away.

What is that gladiator named Blade doing here?
Is it for Victoria?
One is a human from the lower realms. He climbed to the [-]th floor of the Sky Arena by licking blood from the knife edge. He looks extremely popular, but in terms of social status, he is definitely not as good as himself, a real celestial escort captain.

The other is the low-key but full-bodied eldest lady of the Rothschild Chamber of Commerce, an existence that even she can only look up to, the jewel in the crown made of gold, bright and dazzling.

The relationship between these two people, to put it mildly, is that of employer and guard, and to put it harshly, it is just the relationship between planner and bait.That young gladiator, after being used, has lost his usefulness.

And there is no doubt that if he is smart enough, by this time, he should have already understood Victoria's intention of hiring him.

But why, why did he come here?

And why, when Victoria saw that gladiator appear, she showed such an amazing and peerless smile?

Thinking of these confusing questions, the traitor, who has always had a calm expression and superb acting skills, suddenly lost his composure.

He has bet everything on himself, and even added a lot of insurance besides the careful plan of the two brothers of the young lady-such as bombs installed on the engine, etc., the reason for doing this is to prevent All the unstable factors made this well-planned betrayal and possession a complete success.

But now, such a gladiator who came from nowhere suddenly appeared, how could Yi Dake bear it?

Victoria is mine!
The traitor roared in his heart, and then shouted at the guards on the Tiger Shark: "What are you doing there, hurry up and shoot down that airship! The person inside is a character!" Fighter, that human gladiator named Blade, kill him, don't let him get near the boarding boat!"

The Rothschild Chamber of Commerce obviously knows a lot about the name of "Blade".The Sky Arena is one of the most influential forces in the sea of ​​clouds in the sky. The death of "Bloody Killing Sword" Ba Qiulan has naturally become a hot topic in the sea of ​​clouds during this period of time.

At this moment, knowing that the captain of the escort on the opposite airship is Midi, these Chamber of Commerce guards naturally dare not be negligent.

Really entered the head-to-head hand-to-hand combat, no one dared to win the arena upstart.

Only by resolving the battle in the air combat stage can all the uneasy factors be completely eliminated, and Victoria can be truly escorted to the master.

The two tiger sharks maintained their original posture, while the other six swordfish-class airships immediately began to accelerate, broke away from the formation, and rushed up to meet Midi.

If you look down from the highest sky dome, you can see that above the blue sky and sea of ​​clouds, the two sides have formed a confrontation, just like a naval battle in the continent of Arad.

However, air combat is not naval warfare after all.

The airships of both sides stopped before entering the distance that could be directly bombarded.

Not because of fear of death, but because, at the current stage of technology, the airship is still an extremely fragile vehicle.Although airships like Tigershark and Narwhal have certain armor protection under the support of multiple engines, and can be hit a few times, but in order to ensure speed and carrying capacity, ordinary airships basically have no How much armor.

In contrast, the power of Gatling cannons and armor-piercing heavy artillery will always be continuously improved with the development of technology.

Fragile armor, high-power engines, and a large reserve of magic crystal fuel, all of which make the airship become like a powder keg, extremely flammable.

In the year 988 of the Arad calendar, at this time, a Swordfish-class airship would be directly destroyed as long as it hit three main cannon shells.

Only after the advent of heavy armored cruisers, the bombardment battles between airships will truly become like naval battles, lasting and requiring patience.

But at this moment, the battle between the airships, in addition to instant kills, is still instant kills.

Like the two ships just now, they were easily transformed into gorgeous fireworks under the enemy's attack.

Therefore, even if it is a one-on-six situation now, in case Midi comes to sacrifice his life, shoots a volley, and finally detonates himself, maybe he can drag six enemy ships to sink at the same time.After all, the firepower of one ship on Midi's side alone is enough to destroy six ships on the opposite side.

In order to maximize their numerical advantages, the airships of the Rothschild Chamber of Commerce will naturally not engage in face-to-face shelling battles with Midi. On the contrary, the wave-like offensive launched by the vanguard boats is their real killing move. .

Use the vanguard boat as the arrow feather, and keep attacking.

Backed by airships, provide assistance and support.

This is the most orthodox air combat method at this stage.

The humming of the engine sounded one after another, and soon became one piece, becoming a sea of ​​turbulent sound waves.One after another, the vanguard boats flew out from the opened side string door of the Swordfish airship, like a group of aggressive poisonous bees about to sting people.

A swordfish airship can carry a full twenty single-seat combat vanguard boats. This is the same condition for the Rothschild Chamber of Commerce and Midi.

Soon, a total of 120 pioneer boats had been deployed at the chamber of commerce.

According to their respective motherships, they assembled six sharp triangular formations in units of twenty, like six bloodthirsty spears, aiming at the enemy's position.

And Midi's formation is much weaker, and can only be described as shabby.

There are only [-] battle vanguard boats in total, and they still use the astrolabe phalanx.

This is not a charging phalanx, but a confrontational phalanx. The distance between the vanguard boats is relatively large. From a distance, it looks sparse, like a plate of loose sand, and the sharp-edged array of pioneer boats from the Chamber of Commerce. Immediately there was a stark contrast.

Not only that, but in front of the already sparse astrolabe formation, there was a fiery red vanguard boat, as if it had left the team, and there was a distance between it and the others, which looked extremely abrupt.

"Hmph, Lund said before that the blade is very talented in air combat, but now it seems that's all it is!" Idaq sneered. With any auxiliary lookout tool, he can recognize at a glance that the person sitting on the red pioneer boat at the front is exactly Midi himself.

Arranging this kind of astrolabe square array that is not suitable for high-intensity air combat, and being at the front as if to show off, out of touch with the array, these two details alone are enough to make Yidake conclude that Midi is definitely not good at big battles. Large-scale air combat, at most, is better at fighting alone.

Besides, taking a ten thousand step back, no matter how good Midi is in air combat, how can there be any chance of winning with twenty fighters against 120 fighters?
This is a crush based on quantity and strength, there will be no suspense at all!
Apparently, while Itak came to a conclusion in his mind, Victoria and the old butler Lund also came to similar conclusions.

After finally looking forward to hope, when she calmed down, she found that this hope was so slim, it was like a candle in the wind, and it would go out at any time. This immediately made Victoria feel extremely bitter in her heart.

She hoped that Midi would escape quickly, because with such a disparity in strength, Midi had no chance of winning.

But subconsciously, she hoped that Midi could stay, like a real knight, to save herself in distress.

And soon, Victoria finally realized helplessly that her own thoughts could not decide anything, and the only thing she could do was to wait.

When the eldest lady was helpless, the two sides in the air battle finally started to move.

The first to launch the attack turned out to be Midi's side with only [-] vanguard boats!
However, just as they started to speed up, the chamber of commerce immediately greeted them mercilessly!

Two teams were at the top, two teams were at the center, and two teams were at the bottom. The Chamber of Commerce's 120 vanguard boats, a total of six triangular assault arrays, were divided into upper, middle and lower layers, and attacked from six different directions.

Although it looks a bit scattered, once within the range, the impact points of the fire attack from six different directions will eventually be focused in one place, just like the sunlight focused on one point after being refracted through a magnifying glass.

This point is naturally where the twenty vanguard boats of Midi are located.

And even if Midi wants to fight back, even if it is a one-to-one battle loss ratio, it can only destroy one of the six teams at most. The firepower of the other five teams is enough to beat this mere two teams in the first round The ten vanguard boats were completely torn apart.

At that time, the swordfish airship behind that lost the protection of the vanguard boat will become a fish on the sword, without any resistance at all, and can only let the small and fast vanguard boat attack, and finally crashed .

But just when the two sides started to accelerate and hadn't entered the range, something unexpected happened.

The crimson vanguard boat was originally out of touch with the astrolabe phalanx, but at this moment, it accelerated with all its strength, leaving the nineteen subordinates behind it far behind, and even single-handedly rushed towards the enemy like a hero. Like the knights of the camp, they rushed over!

"Don't underestimate the bait lightly." Midi whispered to herself, a cold light flashed in her dark eyes.

Along with this ray of light, the Dragon Sealing Sword in Midi's body made a slight vibration, and a piece of golden-red gauze-like light, like thousands of silk threads, silently covered the surface of the crimson vanguard boat!

Devil May Cry skills, Ghost Shadow Step.

But this is not an ordinary ghost step, but a ghost step performed with the power of extraordinary awakening.

A ghost step that can accelerate the vanguard boat under it!
The next moment, Midi's crimson vanguard boat, like a red comet falling from the sky, dragged a trail of brilliance, and rushed straight into the hail of bullets sprayed out by 120 vanguard boats.

Go ahead!

(End of this chapter)

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