Arad's Sword

Chapter 249 The Red Comet

Chapter 249 The Red Comet
The Gatling cannon spun wildly, and tongues of flame sprayed out from its tip from time to time.

But the jets didn't form that exaggerated shooting line, on the contrary, there was only a little bit each time.

After all, the ammunition capacity of the vanguard boats is limited, with 120 against [-], and there are two Tiger Shark-class airships that have not yet moved in the distance. If Midi wants to prepare for a long-term battle, he naturally refuses to waste even one One shot.

So he only turned the tail rudder, not only for efficiency, but also for economy.

Although the vanguard boat was a fragile vehicle, to completely destroy it would require at least a full round of bullets, so as to penetrate its armor and cause the engine to explode.But it would be much simpler if only the exposed tail rudder was used.As long as a few bursts are fired from behind, Midi can directly smash the movable part of the tail rudder.

After losing the tail rudder, although a pioneer boat would not crash, it almost became very difficult to turn.

It's not impossible to turn, but the speed must be reduced to a very low level, and then the pilot must shift the center of gravity so that the entire pioneer boat tilts to one side before turning.

In combat, doing so is undoubtedly courting death.

And if it continues to maintain a high-speed flying posture, the turning radius will become very large, so large that it exceeds the turning radius of the airship, and even flies directly out of the horizon.

To put it simply, this kind of behavior is not so much turning, it is better to say that it is leaving the battlefield, just like the behavior of deserters.

No matter which one you choose, in the next round of confrontation, these vanguard boats with their rudders destroyed have already lost the chance to counterattack.

In fact, the commander of the chamber of commerce soon discovered that he had no choice at all—before he could choose the appropriate order from the two orders of "slow down and turn immediately" or "leave the battlefield at high speed", those destroyed The pilots at the tail rudder have already acted on their own.

People are always afraid of death. Although the pilots of the vanguard boats have long been aware of crashing in an air battle, this does not include driving a malfunctioning vanguard boat to death.No one wanted to stop like this and be targeted. They naturally chose to speed up and leave the battlefield, and it just so happened that in terms of "speeding up and leaving", the vanguard boat that lost its tail rudder could do a good job.

Moreover, it is not easy to train a skilled pilot. Under such an excuse, even if they leave the battlefield, they will not receive multiple punishments afterwards.

Under such circumstances, who would like to slow down stupidly, and then drive a pioneer boat that can only move forward in a straight line, and conduct a second round of shooting with the enemy?

One after another, vanguard boats began to separate from the array.

One, two, three...

Five, ten...


Then thirty.

In the end, a total of 31 pioneer boats were abolished by Midi in this way. In addition to a formation that was destroyed in the first round of shooting, the 120 pioneer boats of the Rothschild Chamber of Commerce were instantly destroyed. Cut nearly half of the quantity!

The originally tight and aggressive triangular assault array has become sparse now, as if it had been pierced with countless bullet holes by the Gatling cannon.Moreover, because Midi deliberately scattered the targets when shooting, almost every formation was disrupted, and those who had to leave were the captain-level pilots in key positions.

To make matters worse, due to the pressure shown by Midi, almost every pilot of the Chamber of Commerce began to waver.

This is also normal, being bitten by a guy who has the ability to break through the formation with a single machine as a target, no matter who it is, it will feel frightening.

What if the killer's hand shakes and the bullet hits the fuselage suddenly?
Or he sees that you seem to be the captain of the formation, so with the idea of ​​catching the thief first, he fires a few shuttle bullets into your engine, what should he do?
All kinds of guesses and thoughts came together, causing everyone's hearts to unknowingly shake.This wavering was soon reflected in the external body and even the vehicle.

The formation that was bitten by Midi looked like a frog being targeted by a poisonous snake. It couldn't increase its speed, and its steering became extremely stiff. The radius was much larger than usual.Not to mention the chaos caused by a large number of companions leaving the team.

At the same time, the nineteen vanguard boats under Midi had already completed their turn and entered the speed-up stage, roaring towards the enemy like nineteen fierce horses.

Bright ballistic trajectories interspersed in the air, and pieces of flames rose up under the sky.

After the second round of salvo, another twenty vanguard boats were shot down on the side of the chamber of commerce, and none of them were lost on Midi's side!
If the first volley was a complete victory, then this time, it can be described as a miraculous complete victory.

However, it is only natural that such a result can be obtained - from the beginning to the end, Midi has been biting tightly behind the tail of the Chamber of Commerce formation, whether it is turning, re-forming, or even speeding up and aligning with the second round. When the shooting began, he continued to harass and restrain.

In this situation similar to being possessed by a declining god, precise aiming and focused shooting are almost impossible, and it is not surprising that there will be a battle loss ratio of zero to twenty.

The two sides passed each other again, but this time, the commander of the chamber of commerce was helpless.

He suddenly discovered that he was not a hunter, but a prey, and now it was no longer a question of how much it would cost to annihilate the enemy, but a question of how long it would take for his side to be annihilated!
"Withdraw..." The Chamber of Commerce commander was about to issue a retreat order, but was interrupted without warning.

"Idiot, if you really retreat now, you really have only a dead end. What the wolves like to do most is to push their prey into a corner from behind!" A cold voice inserted into the magic communication .

"Idaq!" The face of the Chamber of Commerce commander suddenly darkened.

Although the two sides are now cooperating, the immediate boss is the air combat commander of the eldest son of the Rothschild Chamber of Commerce, and the relationship with Itak is not good, even extremely bad.

The two sides are independent, and I don't know how many times they have fought in the past few years.And what made this commander even more troubled was that although he had the upper hand every time, he was always beaten by Itak in every battle.

If it hadn't been for Yidak's choice of betrayal for his own selfish desire this time, maybe what he had to deal with at this moment was not Midi, but Yidak himself.

And now, this formidable enemy who has stabilized his head is reprimanding himself in front of nearly a hundred pilots in the open magic communication, how can he not be annoyed?

But no matter how annoyed he was, the air combat commander knew very well that what the other party said was the truth.

Even on the ground battlefield, deserters who have abandoned their helmets and armor may not be able to run very far.

And in this extremely fast air battle, if you leave your back to the opponent, especially the unbelievably fast "Blade", you can know what the consequences will be if you just think about it with your knees.

"Do you have another way?" After thinking for a long time, the commander finally succumbed—after all, it is himself, not Itak, who is at the moment of life and death. For yourself, why not lower your posture and swallow your anger, and tear the other party into the water.

"My solution is very simple. Keep up the speed and fight. Leave that Mr. Blade and his red vanguard boat to me." Yi Dake said directly.

In fact, without the commander of the chamber of commerce saying anything, this gunner who betrayed his master would definitely confront Midi.

Because he would never allow this battle to fail, and he couldn't forgive anyone who obstructed him when he got Victoria.

When Midi swept across the sky like a red comet, Yi Dako was not idle.A large number of people swarmed out from the two tiger shark airships, and soon occupied the deck of the Narwhal, and most of the crew loyal to Victoria had been killed in the melee.

Although Victoria himself hid in the safe house of the cabin with the old housekeeper Lund, it was only a matter of time before they broke through there.

If it doesn't work, Yi Dako can also work directly outside the hull, break open the hull with brute force, and grab Victoria hiding inside.

Everything is under control. However, if Midi wiped out the 120 pioneer boats and destroyed the six Swordfish-class airships, the whole situation will be reversed!

If they really lost so much combat power, even if they managed to bring Victoria back in the end, it would be nothing more than a disastrous victory. That was definitely not what Victoria's two brothers wanted to see, let alone what Itak wanted to see.

Originally, marrying Victoria was quite a tightrope walk. If there were so many twists and turns, there was no guarantee that nothing would change.

Therefore, he has to personally defend the fruits of victory he obtained through betrayal!

Another formation of twenty vanguard boats took off.

But this time, it took off from the Narwhal.

This is an elite formation directly under Itak.

After Victoria and Lund's old steward fled into the depths of the boat to resist stubbornly, Itak naturally took over most of the Narwhal's area, which also included the gantry and the weapon depot.

And these twenty jet-black vanguard boats are a unique air combat unit that Victoria spent huge sums of money to build for Itak. The vanguard boats themselves are custom-made products, all made of the best alloy steel, and The weapons used above are the latest results developed by the Rothschild Chamber of Commerce, and they are extremely powerful.

This formation even has a special name——

Black Bats!

And at this moment, Yi Dake is going to use this formation built by his most beloved but betrayed woman to wipe out her last hope!
"Mr. Blade, let me tell you, this place is not a stage for entertainment like the Sky Arena, but the real sky!" Yi Dake sneered, and in his eyes, Revealed a killing intent full of resentment.

The next moment, the black bat team crazily rushed to the battlefield not far away, and rushed to the opponent who was flying brilliantly above the sky like a red comet.

(End of this chapter)

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