Arad's Sword

Chapter 250 The Black Bat

Chapter 250 The Black Bat
Once the speed is raised, these black bats, whose outlines are no different from ordinary pioneer boats, immediately show a powerful performance far superior to ordinary airframes.

Whether it is turning, accelerating, or evading within a small range, it is incredibly fast, and while the action is in progress, the noise is also very small.

Although it is not as good as the red vanguard boat with the Devil May Cry skill "Ghost Walk" blessed by Midi, the black bat is completely worthy of the title of the most advanced work of the Rothschild Chamber of Commerce, and it can even be said that it is among the sea of ​​clouds in the entire sky. It is rare to meet an opponent in China.

When Yi Dake led this group of elites into the battlefield, the third round of confrontation between the two sides was about to start but was still a little bit short. If Midi wanted to meet Yi Dake, he would immediately lose his original strength. The advantage accumulated in the first round has been maintained, and it has lost a great opportunity to completely defeat the 120 pioneer boats.

But if Midi didn't fight back, he would soon be in a huge predicament.

As the saying goes, the praying mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole follows behind. Air combat is a three-dimensional battlefield. Apart from sideways detours and encirclement, there are many ways to gain an advantage.For example, the one chosen by Yi Dake - the upper part of the plane where the two sides shoot directly, looks down on the entire battlefield like a chess player.

In this way, even if Midi defeated the vanguard boat of the chamber of commerce, he would still be attacked from above, unable to fight back, or even escape.

It can be said that Itak has chosen the best time to cut in and the best position to cut in.

To stop fighting, or not to stop fighting?

Once Midi makes a wrong judgment, the whole army will be wiped out immediately, and no matter how correct the judgment is, they will still be at a disadvantage.

It's a pity that this kind of "judgment" refers to the general situation of air combat.

But for Midi, an extraordinary awakener, this situation is not a tangled predicament.

When he found out that Yidak was leading people to support him, Midi did not hesitate, and manipulated the steering rod to pull it back. In an instant, his red car lifted the hull and stretched straight up, just in front of him. Charged towards the twenty black bats!
This is the third option - divide the troops into two groups, let the third round of confrontation continue until the formation of the chamber of commerce is defeated, and at the same time, Midi leaves the team alone to fight against the newly emerged reinforcements.

This is a choice that only those who are extremely good at and extremely confident in air combat can make.

And at the moment when Midi rushed up alone, instead of being surprised, Yi Dake showed a ferocious sneer at the corner of his mouth: "I knew you would do this! But it's a pity, you think, you can rely on yourself Can you defeat me with that little ability? Kill him!"

The next moment, under the order of Itak, the belly of the twenty black bats opened simultaneously, revealing the streamlined, slender black bombs hidden inside.

Originally, weapons like bombs were basically useless in the sea of ​​clouds in the sky.Even in the ground battle on the Arad continent, the bombs dropped from the extremely high-speed vanguard boats may not be able to accurately land on the target location after careful ballistic calculations, let alone in the sea of ​​clouds in the sky. In the case of a vanguard boat versus a vanguard boat, who can the bomb hit?
However, at the moment when he saw these black bombs, a hint of surprise flashed in Midi's eyes.

As a reborn person, Midi recognized it with just a glance. It was not a bomb, but a rocket.

Powered by magic crystals, it is a rocket that can fly at extremely high speeds in the sky!

"Don't just use magic to cover your vanguard boat with a protective film because I don't know?" Itak said with a sneer, "It is indeed a superb magic control skill, but the most advanced weapon in the sea of ​​clouds You can't do anything in front of the profession that is best at air combat!"

Accompanied by his venomous words, twenty rockets were fired at the same time.

These rockets first fell down a short distance, and then, one after another, they shot out scorching flames from the tail. Under the huge driving force, the black projectiles began to fly in the air at a speed far exceeding that of the vanguard boat. fly up.

Immediately afterwards, as if being pulled by some invisible force, the rockets flying randomly in the air suddenly changed direction, like twenty bullets fired from a sharpshooter's pistol, hitting Midi's body with incomparable accuracy. Red Pioneer Boat!
Although Midi immediately accelerated and made irregular flight movements at the first moment of being locked, these rockets also immediately swung the tail rudder, biting tightly like a group of bloodthirsty sharks.

"Run away, run away for me, before you are blown into minced meat, you should feel the fear and despair while running away!" Contrary to his usual gentle and polite attitude, Yi Dake laughed wantonly stand up.

And on his left hand, there is a powerful essence of magic power condensing.

Gunner skill, Chaser.

Originally, the initial version of this skill was called "Self-Explosive Chaser".

On the continent of Arad, in order to deal with melee attacks or expose themselves in narrow terrain, those unawakened gunners will use some induced self-destruct robots to control them with mental power so that they can pass through complex terrain and track The enemy then explodes, causing damage.

But here is the sea of ​​clouds in the sky. The gunners here rarely encounter narrow terrain. Most of the time they spend most of their time in the endless sky, driving the vanguard boat for air combat, or on the gun positions of the airship, with full firepower .

Therefore, Yunhai Gunner's "Chaser" skill is not used to guide those self-destruct robots, but to guide shells!
Of course, the shell does not have its own power mechanism and cannot be turned, so the effect of this guidance is not obvious.

But now, when Yidake quietly replaced the shells with the newly developed "rockets", the effect of the cooperation between the gunner and the weapon brought an unbelievable leap forward. promote.

Unlimited power and a hundred hits!
With the guarantee of these two factors, it is no wonder that Yida Ke dared to go directly to the battlefield to face Midi.

Based on his many years of air combat experience, it can be concluded that no matter how powerful Midi is, no matter how fast the pioneer boat flies, no matter how varied the trajectory is, or even turn 180 degrees on the spot, he will never be able to escape the rocket with the blessing of the pursuer. bomb.

After all, the speed difference between the vanguard boat and the rocket is too much.

This is the crushing of the kingly way.

The volley of twenty rockets was fired, guided by the elite gunners led by Itak, like a group of meteors trailing fire tails, drawing flame marks in the sky.

At the forefront, the crimson vanguard boat driven by Midi dodged from left to right, drawing zigzag traces in mid-air, and even turned 180 degrees suddenly to shoot from time to time, but still couldn't get rid of the impact of these rockets. Track lock.

Occasionally, Midi would hit a rocket, causing a violent explosion in mid-air, but the remaining rockets could take advantage of the obscured vision to further shorten the distance.

Moreover, although it would be easy for a gunner to only operate one, the Black Bat Vanguard can carry more than one rocket.

It was knocked out, just launch another one.

In this way, no matter how Midi fights back, there will always be twenty rockets behind him, and soon, the distance between the target and the rockets will increase, and finally become zero.

A violent roar sounded, and Midi, together with the vanguard boat, was swallowed by a huge rising fire.

Immediately afterwards, the second and third rockets followed.

Then, the remaining dozen or so rockets rushed forward mercilessly.

A total of twenty rockets exploded one after another, and the huge explosion sounded together, like thunder in a rainstorm, one after another, one after another.And in the flames that bloomed like fireworks, there was not even a trace of Midi and the crimson pioneer boat left. Apart from the destructive flame itself, there was nothing else in the air.

As if shocked by this sudden death, the battlefield became somewhat silent.

Then, the pilots on the vanguard boat of the Chamber of Commerce suddenly let out a series of cheers, and the commander of the Chamber of Commerce looked at the formation of black bats hovering in mid-air not far away with complicated eyes.

If Yida Ke hadn't betrayed because of his selfish desires, at this moment, it was the commander himself who was facing these black bats.

Although there are a lot of 120 pioneer boats, can they stop these twenty precision-guided rockets?

Thinking of this, the commander felt a little scared.

Fortunately, there is no such thing as "if" in this world. Yidake betrayed her after all, and Victoria was a woman after all. No matter how smart she was, no matter how good at business and trade, she still couldn't control her powerful subordinates. You can only rely on the admiration from men to maintain your status.

So, she ultimately failed.

Now that the high-ranking gladiator "Blade" who had rushed out of the sky was blasted into pieces, the overall situation was settled.

"What are you still doing in a daze? I'll trouble you to deal with the vanguard boat. I'll go back to the Narwhal to persuade Miss Victoria." Yi Dake's haughty voice rang again in the magic communication.

But this time, after seeing the rockets that can lock the target, the commander of the chamber of commerce naturally did not dare to neglect the other party easily, and could only express his agreement.

After all, this is the sky and sea of ​​clouds, a world where the weak prey on the strong and the strong are respected.

Now Yida Ke has shown his strength and deserves respect and obedience.

After cleaning up Midi, the black bat formation didn't even look at Captain Dormon's swordfish airship that was used as a "bait", and didn't even look at the group of Midi's men who had just killed a large number of enemies of the chamber of commerce. Instead, the pilot turned around and prepared to return to the Narwhal as quickly as possible.

They should not be responsible for the hard work of cleaning up the battlefield.

However, the next moment, a slightly mocking voice came out from the burnt flames very clearly.

"Just relying on these innocuous attacks, do you think you can defeat me? You are really underestimated."

Under the incredulous eyes of everyone, Midi walked out slowly from the gradually spreading explosion flames.

Here is a sky as high as [-] meters, but Midi is walking on the ground as if walking on the flat ground, just walking casually, step by step in the air without any support.

Like the legendary elves who walk on the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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