Arad's Sword

Chapter 256 Black Cloud Circle

Chapter 256 Black Cloud Circle

The color of the sky changed in an instant.

It was clear that the sky was still clear at that moment just now, but now, the azure blue sky seemed to be soaked in ink, becoming extremely black.

And as soon as the Narwhal entered the dark storm, the black clouds above and below immediately rolled up like thunder. Originally, at least a good field of vision of tens of kilometers could be seen, but now it was completely covered by the overwhelming black, and the sun, moonlight, All the starlight could not shine in, and the surroundings were groggy and gloomy.

Even the compass on the airship is spinning around at this moment, as if it has been disturbed, making it difficult to distinguish east, west, south, north.

"All the concealments before are just to avoid people's eyes and ears, mainly to prevent people from discovering this entry point." Victoria turned around and said quietly to Midi, "From now on, it will be regarded as the real spice route. .And here is the periphery of the large storm area, which we call the 'dark cloud circle'."

"The black cloud circle..." Midi repeated, and then nodded.

This is undoubtedly a very appropriate name, because the biggest feature of the dark cloud circle is these dark clouds and air currents.

The original blue sky and white clouds were dyed the opposite color for some reason, not only that, but also produced a strong magnetic field interference, which made most of the methods of distinguishing directions lost effect.

Once entering the black cloud circle, the airship will immediately lose its direction, and then follow the chaotic airflow, continue to penetrate deep into the depths of the big storm area, never find the way out, and can only continue to wander , until the magic power is completely exhausted, and then falls into the sea of ​​clouds.

Even the various secret skills of the awakened cannot escape the interference of the magnetic field.

This is the most terrifying place in the dark cloud circle.

And since Victoria dared to come in, Midi concluded that she must have a way to identify the direction.

In the previous life, this was one of the most important secrets of the major forces. At that time, Midi had just become a commander and knew nothing about it.

In this life, as the first human adventurer qualified to enter the Black Cloud Circle, Midi was naturally curious about it.

Sensing the inquiry in Midi's eyes, Victoria didn't hide anything, but made a gesture.

Immediately, several personal guards solemnly carried out an extremely strong magic sealing box from the captain's room.And in it, there is a compass that looks extremely classical.

And the pointer of the compass pointed steadily to the north, and it was not affected by the magnetic storm in the black cloud area at all.

"This is a constant compass." Victoria explained generously, "The material and structure of this compass are very special, which can offset the influence of the magnetic field in the black cloud area, so it can accurately indicate the direction, and if there is a black cloud After the area, it will become chaotic because of its own characteristics, it can be said that it is a special compass for the black cloud area."

"Amazing." Looking at the antique compass, Midi couldn't help but praise, "Using the magnetic field to offset the magnetic field will restore the function of the compass. Such an idea cannot be achieved by non-alchemists."

From Midi's perspective, it is very clear that compared with this small compass, the person who made the compass is truly valuable. For a moment, he couldn't help turning a thought in his mind—whether he should find a way to find out What about the news about the master alchemist?
But Midi's praise and expression made Victoria smile bitterly, she shook her head, and then said: "Mr. Blade misunderstood, this is just an imitation. As for the real one, it is said that it was made by Rothschild many years ago. The ancestors got it from the crashed celestial battleship in ancient times, and after research, they imitated the constant compass, and the function was reduced a lot."

Midi was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled wryly.

That's right, how can it be so easy to find a master alchemist?

If there is such a master at the same level as Norton, then I must have heard of it in the previous life, such as "the alchemist who made famous contributions to mankind's conquering the big storm area", etc., but obviously, There has never been such a rumor.

Today, the Rothschild Chamber of Commerce has this kind of compass, which can only be said to be due to luck and tireless efforts, but it is not the relationship between genius and talent.

"In any case, with a constant compass, it is equivalent to a [-]% certainty of crossing the big storm area." Victoria said, spreading out a new navigation chart, "The other [-]% depends on this map."

This is an area map that is different from the full nautical map. It only includes the big storm area. Although most of the area is not marked, as if covered by black fog, there is a part of the route that is connected together. Every turbulent current, every floating island, the direction in which to sail, and other details are all marked with great precision.

There is no doubt that this map is the most essential part of the Spice Route.

"The other [-]% certainty is to rely on this light." Victoria suddenly smiled slyly at Midi.

The next moment, along with her words, a searchlight with strong radiance was turned on. This light was like a torch, and the light was extremely sharp like a sharp sword. When it was illuminated outside, the black mist immediately faded away, and it was pitch black. As a result, the field of vision has been expanded by hundreds of meters.

Although there is a constant compass, in the final analysis, the Narwhal is only equivalent to flying with its eyes closed. Once it encounters those irregularly floating, suspended air-bright rock groups, or other obstacles, it will still bump into it. Go up, and then the boat crashes and people die.

And with this searchlight, even if something is encountered during the voyage, it can be detected first and then avoided.

If the constant compass can indicate the general direction, then this searchlight can guarantee safety in a small area.

And when she saw this light, Midi immediately understood why Victoria had to show that meaningful smile to herself.

The wick consumed by this lamp is actually made of the essence of light!
Using this kind of rare material used to enhance strength as a wick, even if Midi saw it, she would feel distressed.

However, Midi is the only one who will feel distressed, because only he needs to refine the Essence of Light to upgrade.For ordinary adventurers, the reason why the essence of light is precious is because it can be used as a source of pure light.

Reluctantly suppressing the urge to rush up to take down the Essence of Light wick, Midi sighed deeply, suddenly thought of something, and asked: "The constant compass brings [-]% certainty, and the spice route map is [-]% sure, plus [-]% of this pure light, [-]% in total, so what about the remaining [-]%?"

"Well, it can only depend on luck." Victoria replied in a serious and resolute tone.

"Does [-]% depend on luck?" Midi smiled slightly.

It's almost like being on the battlefield.

This genius commander couldn't help having such thoughts.

No matter how you plan, no matter how much preparation you make, once the battle really starts, various factors will eventually lead to accidents, and even miraculous reversals and comebacks.

Ever-changing, this is the most dangerous part of the battlefield, even a famous general who has won every battle, dare not assert that the next battle will definitely be his own victory.

And this is exactly the charm of war.

And right now, this three-point adventure depends on luck, so why not?

In the previous life, as an adventurer of the second echelon, Midi could only lead the falcon group and follow behind those strong men, trying hard to accumulate strength bit by bit, trying hard to catch up with those powerful men in front. figure.But in this life, as the top adventurer, he was able to stand at the forefront of the times and explore areas that he had never personally explored in his previous life.

Just being able to see such a scenery is enough to compensate for all the hard work I have done.

Just treat this expedition as a real war.

Thinking of this, Midi said, "Maybe it's a little arrogant to say that, but let me try to make up for the last three points that depend on luck, if necessary."

Victoria was stunned for a moment, but the next moment, she showed a beautiful smile: "Then please Mr. Blade."

Shooting out a bright and sharp beam of light, the Narwhal continued to fly in a constant direction without slowing down.

The voyage lasted a full twelve hours, and soon, a floating island marked on the route map appeared in front of everyone.

This floating island is very small, it can only be called pumice rock, and its area is only about a few thousand square meters, so it is easy to avoid it.

However, instead of dodging, the Narwhal actively leaned forward.Under the skillful control skills of the old butler Lund, this large airship with a length of 65 meters accurately hovered over the floating island, and then slowly reduced its power until it completely docked on the island.

Then, the crew quickly got off the airship, took out thick steel cables one after another, and fixed the Narwhal on the floating island with the help of pulleys, winches and other tools.

Not long after it was fixed, the air vibrated slightly.

The next moment, one after another black cloud rolled in like a wave, setting off a violent storm like a knife cutting.

If the Narwhal is still suspended in the air at this moment, even if it is not directly torn apart, it will definitely be blown completely off course by this irregular turbulence!

This is the second greatest threat to the Black Cloud Circle, the Black Sea Current.

The pitch-black clouds prevent the prying eyes of all sights, the turbulent magnetic field makes it difficult to distinguish the direction, and the terrible black sea current seems to be a big hand that confuses the still water, causing all the airships sailing in the black cloud circle to deviate from the direction. Even directly destroyed.

However, with hundreds of thousands of years of accumulated experience and blood lessons from the Rothschild Chamber of Commerce, there are mature solutions to these three threats on the spice route today.

Therefore, the success rate of crossing the big storm area has reached [-]%.

Six full hours later, when the irregular black sea current finally subsided, the Narwhal lifted off again and embarked on the forward route.

 The second update arrives!Let's take a look at the classified monthly ticket list!

(End of this chapter)

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