Arad's Sword

Chapter 257 Frozen Cloud Circle

Chapter 257 Frozen Cloud Circle

Every eighteen hours, the Black Sea Current will appear once and last for six hours.

Therefore, once the Narwhal set sail, it had to find a floating island within [-] hours to fix it, otherwise it would either retreat or be blown away by the black sea current.

It can be imagined that a long time ago, the adventurers of the Rothschild Chamber of Commerce continued to explore bit by bit. After countless hardships and sacrifices, they finally formed a road with countless floating island rocks as links. The spice route formed in series.

It is no exaggeration to say that Midi is standing on the shoulders of giants, and only then can she see through the danger of the black cloud circle.

However, the direction in which the giant was moving was not in line with the direction in which Midi was moving.

If it continues like this, then no surprises, the Narwhal can indeed pass through the big storm area safe and sound, and then directly reach the other side of the sea of ​​clouds at a speed that ordinary people can't imagine.

But that is not Midi's destination.

As a reborn, what Midi wants is not to "pass through" the big storm zone, but to "enter" the core of the big storm zone!
But if the Spice Route can only pass through the outer black cloud circle, then there is still a considerable distance from the goal that Midi requested.

Fortunately, in order to smoothly connect the floating islands into a long chain, this route is extremely tortuous and long, and at one of the inflection points, the spice route has penetrated deep into the innermost layer of the black cloud circle.

There, Midi hoped she could at least find some further clues.

However, as the route got closer to the inner layer of the black cloud circle, the atmosphere on the Narwhal gradually became tense.If that inflection point was an opportunity for Midi to see the interior of the big storm area, then for Victoria and others, it was the greatest danger.

"In half an hour, we will arrive at the innermost floating island." Victoria glanced at the black-haired young man next to her without any trace, pointed to the route map and said, "The Narwhal will arrive at the floating island." Stay on the ground for six hours, wait until the Black Sea current has passed, and then start again."

The various instructions were the same as usual, but this time Midi did not hide in the cabin, but came to the deck, and she was obviously full of energy, fully armed, and completely ready for battle.

"Mr. Blade, you don't plan to go back to your room to practice this time?" Victoria asked a little strangely.

These days, Midi's behavior really confuses Victoria.

Although it is not clear about Midi's purpose, this sensitive and talented businesswoman can feel Midi's dedication to the spice route.

When she took out the map treasured by the Rothschild Chamber of Commerce, when the Narwhal rushed into the black storm without hesitation, this mysterious and powerful human youth, despite his calm expression on the surface, In the dark eyes, flames full of fighting spirit will be ignited silently, making people dazzled.

However, when he really entered the big storm area, got acquainted with the secrets of the Rothschild Chamber of Commerce, and understood the principle of the spice route, this young human showed a lack of interest.

No, not just a lack of interest, but to be precise, disappointment.

It seems that this priceless spice route, which is enough to drive most people crazy, has no value for him.

Victoria didn't know the reason, but she knew very well that if this person was disappointed in the Spice Route, then in the future, she would no longer be able to rely on his strength to defeat her brother.Not only that, she subconsciously felt a little hurt by Midi's disappointment.

It's like what she regards as a treasure is just a worthless waste in the eyes of the other party.

Not only rationally, but also emotionally.

Why did you lose interest in the Spice Route?
Victoria thought over every detail over and over, deliberating on Midi's purpose, but she still couldn't get an answer.

But at this moment, without waiting for Victoria to continue the analysis, Midi reappeared, and she still appeared in this full costume, which can only explain one thing.

The thing that interested Midi was here.

But what will it be?

Victoria looked at Midi and tried to see some signs.

However, Midi smiled slightly when faced with the shy gaze of the girl from the heavenly realm, "I will wait here, naturally because there is something I want to see. Besides, in my opinion , Miss Victoria also seems to hope that I can stay on the deck, isn't that the case?"

She failed to guess the other party's mind, but was seen thoroughly by the other party. Victoria could only smile wryly, but she did not hide it, and generously admitted: "It is true, Mr. Blade has said it before, and the last [-]% depends on luck." If you are willing to help the leader, that is now, on the floating island we are about to arrive at."

"What's there?" Midi asked calmly.

"There is nothing, just like those floating islands before. The problem is that the position of the floating island itself has already protruded from the black cloud circle..." Victoria sighed and was about to explain in detail, but was interrupted by Midi.

"To be precise, it's between the black cloud circle and the ice cloud circle?" Midi took the conversation lightly.

"That's right, wait, how do you know about the Frozen Cloud Circle?" Victoria replied casually, but then looked at Midi with an inconceivably surprised look.

"It's not just the Frozen Cloud Circle, I know a lot more." Midi pretended to show an inscrutable smile.

As a reborn, Midi, who has the memory of the previous life, doesn't know how those pioneers opened up a passage in the big storm area, but he naturally knows what the big storm area is like. The above is the common sense that every adventurer who enters the sky and sea of ​​clouds possesses.

The large storm area is divided into three circles in total.

The outermost circle is the "black cloud circle" where the Narwhal is located. The place passed by the spice route is famous for its indistinguishable direction and black sea current.

The inner circle is the "icy cloud circle". Contrary to the black cloud circle, this is a pure white world. There are countless cold snowflakes and ice crystals floating in the air, and there will be a large number of sharp hailstones and death clouds. In the "White Sea Current" formed by the wind, a terrifying creature "Cloud Beast" shuttles through it.

Under the protection of the white and black inner and outer cloud circles, in the deepest part of the big storm area is an extremely huge ocean called the Star Ocean.

The resources, relics and inheritances that Midi longed for, as well as the most essential part of the entire sea of ​​clouds in the sky, are in this star ocean.

This time, since the spice route turned out of the dark cloud circle and reached the edge of the ice cloud circle, Midi naturally wanted to investigate carefully.

After all, the Frozen Cloud Circle that has not been explored must be quite different from the Frozen Cloud Circle that was opened up seven years later in the previous life.

Not only that, after repeated considerations, Midi also came to a conclusion that in order to break through the big storm area, it still needs to rely on the strength of the Rothschild Chamber of Commerce.

In the final analysis, he is just a person after all, relying on his own thinking, the progress is always too slow.Only by guiding a large force to follow behind one's sword and become a boosting force can the exploration process of the big storm area be really accelerated.

And in the sky and clouds that Belle Mare and the Falcon Group can't reach, is there a more suitable candidate than this Miss Victoria?

So, at this moment, Midi came to the deck.

Not only to see the Frozen Cloud Circle in person, but also to show Victoria his attitude.

And this extremely clever businesswoman lived up to Midi's expectations, after a little thought, she immediately deduced Midi's purpose.

"Mr. Blade...Could it be that you enter the ice cloud circle? No, you want to enter the innermost part of the big storm area?" Even Victoria, who has always been bold and imaginative, has a look on her face at this moment. Shocked, and the old butler Londe on the side couldn't help but look at Midi with an undisguised and rude look like an idiot.

Travel through the big storm zone!

The idea is crazy!

Victoria, the old housekeeper Lund, and all the celestial people on the deck who accidentally heard Midi's words had this idea at the same time.

The residents of Sky Cloud Sea come from various places such as the devil world and the heaven world. They are born with strong blood and have suitable conditions to awaken. After thousands of years of accumulation, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a place where the strong gather.But even so, for thousands of years, there has never been a legend about someone passing through the big storm area.

But now?Sky City has only been open for more than a year, and this human being who has only been here for a long time, even said boldly that he will cross the big storm zone!

How can this be?

Even if one possesses the awakening secret skill capable of flying, no matter how tyrannical one's personal force is, or even one day becomes a powerful force in the sea of ​​clouds in the sky, this is completely different from crossing the big storm area.

After thousands of years, are there still few amazing, talented and beautiful people in the sky and clouds?Isn't it stronger than you, a human from the lower world?
What they didn't do, why can you do it?
However, these celestial beings have overlooked one thing - precisely because they are humans from the lower realms, they will not be bound by the so-called "common sense" in the sky and clouds, and they will not be bound by the so-called "common sense" that sweeps the world. Frightened by the black storm.

Moreover, Midi, who has the memory of rebirth, is also very clear that, in fact, someone has already set foot in the most core star ocean.

That is the Blue Truth Sect.

In the future, this will probably become the most powerful enemy in front of him, right?

Midi couldn't help thinking this way in his heart, and then, he remembered the figure of the supreme powerhouse who was destroyed with the corpses of countless troops in the previous life.

However, whether it is the supreme powerhouse in Xingyang, or the Blue Truth Sect who has already mastered some kind of secret passage, these are not issues that Midi has to consider right now.

Now, for him, the only and most important issue is to open up the passage to the big storm area.

But at this moment, all he had to do was to show his cards, and then try to persuade Miss Victoria.

Not only to give the spice route to yourself, but also to work with yourself to achieve this difficult but rewarding goal.

 The third is here!Come on, more monthly passes!

(End of this chapter)

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