Arad's Sword

Chapter 265 Theme Auction

Chapter 265 Theme Auction

The monsoon fleet was as calm as ever.

But among the upper-level forces living here, a piece of news blew up like a whirlwind.

The inconspicuous but mysterious Venus Auction House will hold a themed auction in the near future, and this time the theme is ice.

Whether it is rare materials and medicines such as ice crystals, ice lotus, ice mist grass, ice heart wine, etc., or the inheritance of ice magic skills such as ice storm, ice gun, ice path, ice comprehension, etc., or ice mine sites Large-scale alchemy products such as deeds, ice-breaking airship design drawings, etc. will be launched at this auction.

And the one holding the seat was naturally the Ice Soul Orb from the cloud beast provided by Midi.On the list of auction items, this is also the only auction item that is not directly marked. The Venus Auction House sold it off, only saying that there will be an ice-type treasure in the end.

In this way, not only can enough high-end auction items be used to attract buyers from all major forces, but also whet their appetites. It can be said that the atmosphere is full.

Of course, an auction like this purely with the theme of a series is very risky.

Not to mention whether the auction house itself has enough strength to collect so many auction items with the same theme. The auction ended up being a failure.

However, on the contrary, if the theme is attractive enough and the grade of the auction item is high enough, then the highly overlapping demands of the buyers who come here and the complementary effect between the auction items of the same series will form an explosive effect and increase the asking price to an unbelievable figure.

For example, the person who bought the ice lotus would naturally also want to buy the method of refining the ice lotus, and also want to obtain the inheritance of using the ice lotus potion to upgrade the level. These three auction items will form a chain, As a result, the asking price continues to increase.

And if there are many people who want to compete for the ice lotus, then there is no doubt that the bidding price will double again, and it will double when each of the above three auction items appears.

This is the huge profit brought by the themed auction.

Now, Venus Auction House is willing to hold an auction with the theme of "Ice" even at the risk of failure that no one will pay attention to. It is obviously desperate to call out Midi, the ice soul bead. The price is sky-high, and by the way, let's stir up the gimmick of "the first ice bead in the sea of ​​clouds in the sky for thousands of years".

With this attitude here, Midi no longer cares about details such as the starting price, the auctioneer he chooses, the contents of Linde’s appraisal letter, etc. Anyway, in the end, he will definitely be able to sell at a high price that greatly exceeds the market price of the previous life. It will be enough.

After all, Midi didn't come here to make money, let alone do business, but to find clues to the remains of ancient battlefields.

Only by finding the ancient battlefields can it be possible to find the wreckage of warships from the heavenly or demonic realms.

Imitation is only possible if the integrity of the wreck is sufficient.

And only if the imitation is successful can it break through the big storm zone.

Links like this are connected to each other until the end to achieve Midi's goal - in this cruel world where the weak prey on the strong, constantly improve yourself to gain the power to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Of course, the more links, the easier it is to make mistakes, and the whole process will be longer, but what makes Midi feel helpless is that even as a reborn person, he still cannot jump out of this rugged and tortuous road of exploration .

"There is still nothing." After scanning the information several centimeters high, Victoria sighed.

There are indeed many different sources of information on the Monsoon Fleet, but that doesn't mean that any information you want to buy will definitely be there.

For example, the ruins of ancient battlefields, places like this sound quite mysterious, but I'm sorry, after thousands of years, they have been raided by the residents of the sky and sea of ​​clouds. Human adventurers in the sky go on an expedition?

If there are still relics, they can only be those located in the secret sea area, but since it is in the secret sea area, how can it be possible to easily obtain information related to it?

Not only that, but what is even more frustrating is that Victoria can't just say "I want ancient battleships".

Traveling through the big storm area is a shocking goal, and it is absolutely impossible to leak it. Therefore, such things as imitating a celestial battleship cannot be said directly, and even a complete celestial battleship or a demon warship is required. would draw too much attention.

In this case, Victoria can only express her wishes with various excuses and in extremely vague ways.

In this way, even if the information obtained is valuable, it may be the wrong information.

The intentional cover-up request and the hard-to-find secret relic, these two factors are enough to bring the progress to a standstill.

However, just when Victoria was secretly sad, Midi suddenly said something like this: "Why don't you go to the auction of Venus, how about it?"

"Auction?" Victoria was taken aback for a moment.

"Yes, the auction." Midi nodded, "Not as a seller, but as a buyer."

Saying so, Midi opened a page of the themed auction list she had just read, and spread it out in front of Victoria.

On this page, there is a technology related to "ice" - the technology of building airships for ice breaking.

"In the past few days, I have carefully looked at the sea of ​​clouds in the sky, especially the ice-breaking techniques used by the Rothschild Chamber of Commerce. Most of them use magic power to heat steam or other substances, and then use the heat to melt ice, etc. Open another route, this kind of thinking is okay in the warm sea of ​​clouds, but it has no meaning in the icy cloud circle. However, the ice-breaking technology of this auction is completely different." Midi patiently explained .

"This is a technology that relies on the power of the airship itself to break through the ice!" Victoria quickly scanned the list, ignoring the hype above, and understood the core of this technology in just a few seconds, " That's right, with this technology, the chances of breaking through the Frozen Cloud Circle will be much greater!"

"No, I'm not very interested in the technology itself..." Midi smiled and shook her head.

"That?" Upon hearing this unexpected answer, Victoria was stunned for a moment, but the next moment, her green eyes suddenly lit up, and then the young lady slapped her thigh in a rare way, suddenly realizing said, "You mean clues?"

"That's right, it's the clue." Midi finally nodded.

The ice-breaking technology launched at this themed auction is very different from the existing technology of the sky and sea of ​​clouds. It cannot be ruled out that it is the imagination of a certain alchemist, but it is more likely that this technology comes from an ancient ship. battleship.Although Midi is not interested in this half-baked technology itself, this does not prevent him from following the clues, finding the seller from the technology, and further understanding the source of the technology.

Maybe, a secret ancient battlefield that no one knows about can be obtained, and maybe the seller even has a complete ancient battleship in his hands.

As for the price, it is nothing more than a question of more money and less money. The most important thing for Midi now is money, because he basically has nothing to buy.

That being the case, why hesitate?
As for the Venus Auction House, they naturally complied in every possible way to the requests made by Midi and Victoria.Not only was Midi allowed to directly advance an unlimited amount of funds for the auction, but a special box was also arranged for two people to use.

Who told Victoria to say that she had more than one Ice Soul Bead in her hand?

For a seller like this who has a monopoly and can provide extraordinary treasures, the Venus Auction House will naturally provide meticulous service and the highest loyalty.

There is only one thing that Venus Auction House did not agree to Midi, and that is to directly disclose the information of the seller of the ice-breaking technology.

Integrity is the foundation of an auction house, and it cannot be measured by monetary profit. As long as there is integrity, even if it goes through a low tide, it will still be able to turn around in the end.

Of course, for profit-seeking businessmen, honesty is not something that cannot be sold.But obviously, this is not something that can be bought with a commission of an Ice Soul Orb.

Perhaps, in addition to money, sufficient deterrence of force is needed to pry the Venus Auction House's mouth open.

The combination of Midi and Victoria would definitely not reach this level.

Fortunately, Midi had expected this a long time ago, so he didn't ask further. Anyway, as long as he can get this technology in his hands, he will naturally be able to take the initiative. Maybe the other party will inquire about Midi's situation in turn. , in order to sell more technology at hand maybe.

Another two days later, the long-awaited "ice"-themed auction by the elites of the Monsoon Fleet was finally officially held.

The venue for the auction was not the Venus Auction House headquarters in Fountain Square, but on a small floating island outside the Monsoon Flotilla.

And the focus of the auction is by no means fashion, luxury and other elements - the visitors are either rich or expensive, all of them are proud and arrogant, their eyes are higher than the top, what haven't you seen?No matter how luxurious it is, it may not attract their interest.

Venus Auction House emphasizes "secrecy" and "safety".

The entire auction site is located inside the floating island, and it is difficult to determine the specific location. At the same time, there are many different exits to enter.Each group of VIPs will directly enter the box they belong to through their own dedicated passages. During the whole process, no one will know about it, and they will not have contact with anyone other than the waiters of the Venus Auction House.

Not only that, sellers and buyers are all anonymous.During the entire auction process, only the auction item itself is mentioned, and all sources related to the seller are omitted. bid.

In the auction field, more than two teams of more than 24 awakened professionals provided sufficient security.Not only that, every time Venus holds an auction, the Monsoon Fleet will directly strengthen the security measures on the floating island where it is located, sending a large number of patrols to deter Xiaoxiao.

This is why it is rumored that the owner behind the Venus Auction House is the Monsoon Fleet.

Hiding behind heavy protection and black curtains, spending a lot of money to get the treasures you want, nothing is more palatable to the nobles than this.

In such an atmosphere, the auction with the theme of "Ice" and the finale item of "Ice Soul Orb" kicked off quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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