Arad's Sword

Chapter 266 Auction Icebreaking Technology

Chapter 266 Auction Icebreaking Technology

"Gentlemen and ladies, welcome to the Venus Auction House. This time, we have gathered materials, equipment, alchemy techniques and the best treasures from all over the sky and sea of ​​clouds, just to meet your requirements!"

In the spacious underground auction house covered by several interlocking magic alarm arrays, defense arrays, and tracking arrays, and protected by a large number of masters, a top auctioneer of the Venus Auction House slowly raised the curtain He walked onto the stage slowly and made a concise opening speech.

This handsome male dark elf in a formal attire first bowed respectfully, then showed a charming professional smile, and continued: "Of course, everyone must have seen the list of auction items this time, and some of the auction items on it are I became interested. However, what I want to say is that this auction is more than that! Apart from the last mysterious and priceless treasure, Venus Auction House has prepared many surprises for you! Let us surprise you, Let's get started first!"

Accompanied by the words of the dark elf auctioneer, the maids on the side offered the first auction item on an exquisite tray.

This is an auction item that is not listed on the auction item list, but it is an extremely eye-catching auction item.

A bottle of ice blood potion.

As long as you drink a little of this potion before leveling up, professionals will be able to gain more insights when leveling up, and thus improve their physical fitness more than ordinary leveling up.And a bottle of medicine can be drunk dozens of times in total, and the cumulative improvement it can bring is almost equivalent to a whole level difference!
Think about it, you are both at level 60, but your physical fitness has reached level 61, which is a whole level higher than your opponents at the same level. What kind of concept is this?
Not only that, since the name contains the word "ice", then ice-type professions, such as ice masters, can naturally absorb the medicinal power more fully and get a greater improvement!
In the sky and sea of ​​clouds, strength is the root of everything, and among strength, compared with external strength such as equipment, one's own level and one's own quality are the most important.

Undoubtedly, with this understanding, this bottle of ice blood potion can definitely arouse everyone's scramble.

And under the mobilization of the auctioneer's atmosphere, the eye-catching potion that was not on the list really caused a commotion in the box, and even Midi was a little surprised.

This auction really is a big deal. In order to arouse the atmosphere, they actually took out all the items that are good enough to be the finale in ordinary auctions.

This can not only reflect the value of the Ice Soul Orb, but also explain the background of the Venus Auction House.

If it cooperates with such a force and sells the materials in the big storm area, it seems to be good.

In her heart, Midi secretly began to evaluate.

But in the auction field, it has already started to get a little hot.

"The starting price for this bottle of ice blood potion is [-] crystal coins!" the dark elf auctioneer said loudly.

Ten thousand crystal coins is definitely not a small amount.

You should know that the crystal coin is essentially a spar with magic power inside. It is a container for storing energy. It can not only be circulated, but more importantly, it can be "used" directly.What is the concept of ten thousand crystal coins?This amount is enough to push a level 1 junior professional to the capped level of level 50. After he awakens, there will be more than half of it left!Alternatively, these crystal coins can also be directly used as fuel for a fleet of ten large airships to travel several times!

However, as soon as the auctioneer finished speaking, a thick male voice immediately followed without hesitation: "Twenty thousand."

The owner of Box No. [-] directly doubled the price.

"Thirty thousand." Naturally, the others would not show weakness, but followed without hesitation.

"Forty thousand! I want to see who dares to continue carrying it down."

Huge numbers that ordinary people can't even imagine were thrown out, accompanied by some taunts and threats. Soon, the atmosphere in the auction room became extremely lively, and in the end, the bottle of ice blood potion was as high as eight The price of Wanjing Coin was traded.

This number is basically enough to maintain an air combat fleet for one year.

However, this is just the beginning.

Although the next few auction items did not fetch such a high price, they were all high-quality goods. Therefore, within the scope of reason, there was still fierce competition that continued to rise.

And every once in a while, the Venus Auction House will release an auction item that is not on the list, and this auction item is either in quality, function, or rarity, all of which are already quite good in the usual auction items. Above all, it is indeed a "surprise".

As a result, the atmosphere of the entire auction is always warm and intense, not only that, but also mixed with some expectations that are rare for big shots.This makes the price of each auction item remain high, which may not exceed its own value, but it will definitely not be sold at a low price or in the form of a failed auction.

Even Midi, at this moment, has to feel sincerely that the Venus Auction House is not only powerful and has a profound background, but also obviously, it is also first-class in terms of business.

In the end, how many crystal coins will that ice soul bead sell for?

Midi couldn't help feeling a little bit of anticipation.

But soon, he turned his attention back to the auction - according to the normal order, that kind of ice-breaking technology is the next auction item.

"Gentlemen and ladies, please allow me to introduce the next auction item, the striker-type ice breaking technology! This technology is mainly used in airships, as long as this technology can be added to the design, then the manufactured The airship has a powerful ice-breaking capability! In addition, according to our appraisal, from the results, the ice-breaking speed that this ice-breaking technology can achieve is ten times that of the most common steam-type ice-breaking technology in the sea of ​​clouds. above!"

The dark elf auctioneer introduced loudly. At the same time, the holographic magic phantom was used to show the performance of the ice-breaking airship using this technology over and over again.

Not only that, but several non-critical formulas were spread directly on the table and enlarged enough to be seen by every VIP in the box, in order to prove the authenticity of this technology.

It's just that Meddy didn't look at those formulas at all—although under the influence of Master Norton and Wells, Meddy's own alchemy has also achieved certain accomplishments, but after all, she can't tell them apart at a glance. The level of high and low is still only half-baked. If so, what are you looking at?
As for the holographic image, Midi just glanced at it a few times before giving up.

Originally, according to his inference, this kind of ice-breaking technology was not enough to deal with the harsh environment of the ice cloud circle, but seeing it with his own eyes now is just a confirmation.

What Midi really wanted was to take the opportunity to follow the vine. In this case, he didn't care so much whether the vine was good or bad.

However, the dark elf auctioneer's next words made his eyes light up.

"In addition, there is also a small surprise about this ice-breaking technology, that is, the provider of this technology is willing to communicate with the buyer face to face!" status, but the Venus Auction House can make a guarantee here, with the support of the technology inventor himself, this technology will definitely be able to fully support your airship!"

Simply put, this technology comes with after-sales guidance.

For ordinary people, this is really just a small surprise, because most of the people who buy the technology are big forces like the Rothschild Chamber of Commerce who have the ability to develop airships by themselves. It is not a problem to analyze an ice-breaking technology. Down.On the contrary, in order to avoid the leakage of their own airship research and development technology, some people may not want anyone to "guidance" at all.

But for Midi, this is simply a pie that fell from the sky, a pillow sent when she was dozing off!If you can meet with the technology provider immediately, the progress of the plan can be greatly accelerated, and there is no need to follow the vines!

It can even be said that what Midi wants to auction is this "little surprise", and it doesn't matter if the technology itself is not needed.

Good luck.

Midi and Victoria looked at each other, and they both saw the relaxed mood in each other's eyes.

Then, the voice of the dark elf auctioneer rang again: "The striker-type ice-breaking technique, the starting price is five thousand crystal coins!"

"Six thousand."

"Eight thousand."

"Ten thousand."

With the start of the first bid, the auction price of the ice-breaking technology also began to rise little by little.However, the magnitude is not obvious, and the speed is not fast.

Obviously, that "little surprise" can't impress most people, and the more important reason is that the airship improvement technology itself has a relatively small audience, and there are fewer places where it needs to be used to break the ice. No one has any experience with this technology. There is an urgent need, and some forces may even just want to use it as a technical reserve. Under this kind of bidding mentality, naturally there will be no too fierce competition.

According to Victoria's speculation, this technology can only be sold for about [-] crystal coins.

"Twenty-five thousand crystal coins."

As time went by, finally, the price was quoted.

This is the limit price of this ice-breaking technology, and it is quite a sensational price in an ordinary auction house. However, for the Venus Auction House, this is just a small scene like dessert after a meal.

It's about this time, Midi thought, moving her lips slightly.

"Twenty-eight thousand crystal coins."

This is an offer that exceeds the limit price, which fully demonstrates the bidder's mentality that the technology is imperative.

But at the same time, this offer is not too much, it is only three thousand crystal coins more than the limit price, obviously telling everyone that although the bidder is bound to win, he is still extremely rational, and undoubtedly has his own limit of.

Once someone steps in at this time, deliberately raises the price or competes, the final result is likely to exceed the limit, and they can only eat this technology at a high price.

You know, although the person sitting in the box of the Venus Auction House is either rich or expensive, it is impossible for him to have the kind of dude who spends a lot of money.

Here are the most shrewd businessmen, commissioners of great powers, they will do whatever it takes to get what they want, but first, they will make full calculations and trade-offs.

And [-] crystal coins happened to be a price that slightly exceeded the bottom line of these shrewd calculators and made them want to give up.

Generally speaking, as long as there is no one like Midi who is not interested in drinking, then the asking price will basically not be increased.

A perfect "end price".

But unfortunately, it was not Midi who called out the "end price".

It's from Box No. [-] opposite Midi.

(End of this chapter)

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