Arad's Sword

Chapter 282 Silver Battleship

Chapter 282 Silver Battleship
Wiseman took the lead, followed by Midi, followed by Reinhardt, followed by the Dark Elf sisters and a group of vanguard boats. After destroying the unmanned combat aircraft group, the exploration team set foot on the front again. the waterway.

But this time, because there was already a very clear direction, Midi didn't let everyone disperse, but formed a relatively conservative defensive formation and kept moving forward.

At this time, the advantages of necromancers, or the advantages of undead flying mounts are reflected.The double-headed pterosaur can fly, but not only can fly. Its limbs are extremely strong and powerful, and its skin covered with dragon scales is also very tough. It can easily come and go in various airspaces full of debris .

Although Midi's awakening secret technique "Flying Sword Dance" is also extremely penetrating, but the golden red light around him is sword light, which is extremely destructive. It can be said that after Midi activated Feitian Sword Dance, he was a The sharpest sword with a hilt.

If a sword is inserted so easily into the wreckage that does not know what is hidden, there is no guarantee that there will be no accidents, so Midi has always been extremely cautious during the exploration process and will not rush in easily.

And if it is a fragile vanguard boat, it is easy to be damaged or even fall directly when it encounters these large pieces of debris floating in the air. It is not a problem even to squeeze between several pieces of wreckage. When necessary, it can explode the force and push away the wreckage of the warship far exceeding its own weight, so as to open a spacious passage for the companions behind. Very useful.

Because of this, the road now has suddenly become the personal performance stage of "Nightmare Hand" Wiseman.

In this way, the double-headed pterosaur opened and closed in front, and Midi and a group of vanguard boats followed closely, along the path where the celestial unmanned fighter planes appeared, moving forward at a speed far exceeding the previous speed.

Soon, the surrounding environment began to change significantly.

The wreckage of the battleship became more and more dense.

But this situation did not make Midi happy, because he soon discovered that the degree of damage of these wreckages was much higher than those on the outer circle!

In the outermost circle, there are quite a few half-complete wrecks of ancient battleships. Those warships from the heaven and demon worlds ran out of ammunition and food, so they used the collision method, so that the hulls were not damaged by high-energy explosions, and basically all of them were preserved. down.

But now?

In the inner circle, there is not even a slightly larger wreckage, and what can be seen around is only various fragments!It was as if during the great war tens of thousands of years ago, a pair of invisible hands, like peeling the shells of nuts, peeled off these warships one by one, and then pulled all the various equipment inside. Come out and litter the general.

What kind of battle can cause this level of destruction?
While Midi speculated, her heart sank.

Could it be that the center of this cemetery does not have the complete wreckage that I expected, but a huge gap in space instead?Only the power of the space rift to cut open the void can shatter the solid shell of the ancient battleship into such a state.

But the problem is that wherever there is a space gap, there must be a powerful flow of magic power, and the closer it is, the more surging the flow of magic power will be.

But now, the cemetery is dead silent, and there is no sign of magic power flowing at all—in fact, according to normal theory, it is impossible to accumulate wreckage in places with space cracks, let alone a cemetery to such an extent.

What exactly is going on?

In Midi's mind, she was thinking about this question over and over again.

And the next moment, an excited voice interrupted his thinking.

"Hey, come and see what this is!" Wiseman shouted in an excited tone that was completely inconsistent with his calmness and cynicism.

What could make this guy lose his composure?
Thinking this way, Midi accelerated the golden-red sword lights all over her body, surpassed the double-headed pterosaur in a flash, and went directly to the front of the queue.

All of a sudden, Midi's vision opened up.

As if blocked by some invisible force, there are no warship wrecks, no magic power flow, not even floating island rocks and floating islands!
This is a vast and empty airspace that stretches as far as the eye can see, with a radius of several square kilometers.If anyone can look down from a high place, they will find that this place is like a huge hollow in the middle of a cemetery full of wreckage; like a misty lake at the top of a strange and dangerous mountain; Above the woven sky, a rare azure blue!
This is a completely unknown hidden secret.

And in the middle of this huge and empty secret realm, hovered a silver-white warship.

This battleship is also in the ancient "bird-shaped airship" style, but it is not the posture of a raptor, but like a white swan, with a slender and graceful neck, huge wings showing arc streamlines, and The horizontal tail that also unfolds like a wing.

The length of the entire battleship exceeds 80 meters, and the wingspan is more than [-] meters. It can be described as a behemoth.The Narwhal originally gave people a huge enough impression, but compared with this ancient warship that looked like a swan, it looked like a small fish.

Under the eyes of everyone holding their breaths, the silver-white swan just parked in the center of the cemetery, motionless, as if it had fallen asleep, and it was unbearable to wake up.

And the reason why it is said to be "anchored" rather than "drifting" or "stranded" is because, in this space, there is no buoyant soil such as floating islands and reefs.

In other words, the reason why this warship did not fall from the sea of ​​clouds in the sky at a height of [-] meters was entirely due to its own strength.

It's still working.

It's not a "complete ancient warship wreck", this is a real "ancient warship"!
A complete ancient battleship that survived the Great War of Heaven Ten Thousand Years ago!
It can be suspended in the sky without any fulcrum, which shows that at least part of the power system of this warship is in a normal state without any damage. The part that Di valued.

And judging from the appearance of this battleship, the silver-white outer shell is made of unknown metal, and there are no bullet marks or traces of explosions, and it seems that it has not been attacked at all.

Not only that, even after tens of thousands of years of vicissitudes, its outer shell still shows no signs of aging and decay. At a glance, there is not even a little rust, and it looks like it was just made that year.The only thing that can make people feel the age is the huge amount of dust attached to the surface, which makes the silver-white surface of the battleship seem to be covered by fog, making it a little gray.

There is no doubt that this is a surprise, ecstatic gift.

Even with Midi's composure, the moment he saw the "white swan", he was extremely excited, and even the Dragon Sealing Sword in his body made a slightly cheerful sound, as if to vent the joy in his chest generally.

This is a genuine ancient battleship, even if there is only one, in the current air battle, it is a well-deserved king.

Even if the heavy armored cruiser from the previous life is placed in front of this "white swan", it can only bow its head and bow its head.

After all, it was just an imitation made by "White Snake" Emile who spent seven years analyzing the wreckage of various ancient warships by himself. Everything from the engine to the firepower can only be regarded as a simplified version.

Not only that, because many materials used in the manufacture of ancient warships have been completely extinct today, so a heavy armored cruiser cannot compete with its ancient warships in terms of basic keel strength, impact resistance level, and maximum thrust. Prototypes are on a par.

And at this moment, a truly operational ancient warship is right in front of Midi.

How could he not be excited?
Not to mention Midi who is extremely obsessed with the big storm area, even the idle Wiseman who doesn't care about the future the most, his eyes are shining at this moment.As for Emile, an alchemist who admired ancient alchemy very much, he fell into a trance directly.

After quietly taking a few deep breaths, she calmed her mind and calmed down her mind, and let out a long breath. After a while, Midi finally said, "Let's go in and have a look!"

At Midi's order, everyone in a state of trance finally woke up from their initial trance.

There was no need for any specific instructions. Everyone actively steered the vanguard boat to scatter around, circling the huge "white swan" back and forth, trying to find an entrance to enter.

However, the reason why this silver-white battleship can last for ten thousand years is obviously excellent in protection. There is not even a gap in the 80-meter-long ship, and several positions that look like entrances and exits are tightly closed. There is no place to start.

Midi, who has experience in the previous life, knows that most of the wings of this "bird-shaped airship" have huge air intakes. When entering cruise, air can be sucked in from the front and ejected from the rear, thus forming a high-speed propulsion motivation.

However, when Midi found the four huge air intakes on the wings, he discovered that there was also a solid shield outside these air intakes, which was obviously a protection measure for the engine when it stopped running. The way to get in.

Is it really necessary to forcibly break it open?
Not to mention Midi's reluctance to do this, even if he really made up his mind to use the power of the Dragon Sealing Sword to slash several entrances of the silver-white warship, he doesn't know how long it will take to cut out an entrance.

Again, this is an ancient battleship, with the power of an awakened person who is not even level 55 to fight, even the power of an extraordinary awakened person may not be able to guarantee it.

Just as everyone fell into helpless silence, Emile at the side suddenly said, "How about unfreezing that?"

The dark elf said, pointing to the celestial drone that was frozen into an ice lump by Midi.

 The third is here!Ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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