Arad's Sword

Chapter 283 Wind King Cruiser

Chapter 283 Wind King Cruiser

With an attitude of giving it a try, Midi put her hand on the drone.

As the golden-red light around him continued to grow, the frost on the surface of the drone also quickly faded, and soon, the flying saucer was released from its restraints.

The unmanned fighter plane immediately made a ticking start sound, and several sensors on the shell turned on again, emitting a somewhat disturbing red color, and scanned the surroundings, like a pair of eyes of a wild beast looking for prey.

However, Emile leaned over immediately.

While Riding on Midi to firmly fix the drone with both hands, the master alchemist put a huge mechanical arm on his hand with great agility, activated the magic power of the whole body, opened the five fingers of the mechanical arm, Facing the drone, he pressed it down.

In an instant, several extremely slender but extremely sharp blades shot out from the mechanical arm, and a piece of the shell of the unmanned fighter was directly lifted off!
Through this gap, Emile's eyes overflowed with light. She carefully observed the operation of the magic circle inside the fighter plane and the flow of magic power. Then, she pointed with her other hand and shot out a stream of magic power, hitting it with incomparable accuracy. Hit the magic circle inside it.

The next moment, the unmanned fighter jet made a crisp buzzing sound, and the red light on the sensor also instantly changed, turning into a soothing green light.

"What did you do?" Wiseman approached curiously.

"It turned off its friend-or-foe identification system." Emile wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then replied in an uncertain tone, "It probably succeeded."

Hearing the word "probably", Midi and Avril couldn't help but looked at each other and smiled at the same time.

For adventurers, there is no possibility or improbability. You will know if you succeed or not.

The four vanguard boats skillfully formed a square array, dragging the unmanned fighter in the net bag, and flew back and forth around the silver-white battleship. Finally, near the belly of the battleship, the unmanned fighter and the battleship reacted. The green light quickly shrank from a fan shape into a thin line, and then connected to a certain place on the battleship's hull.

Under the induction of this thin green line, the battleship that had been dormant here tens of thousands of years ago was finally awakened again.

It made a low metallic roar, and the entire 80-meter-long hull trembled slightly.

Then, with the crisp sound of the steel lock being opened, countless white steam jets out from the side strings of the ship's belly, making a hissing sound, and in the lingering mist, a door finally opened in front of Midi. It opened slowly.

"Avril..." Midi thought for a while, and then turned her attention to the dark elf assassin.

"No problem, I will take half of the people outside." Avril nodded very understandingly.

When there are only two real adventurers in the team, of course one is inside and the other is outside, so that no matter what happens to one side, the other side can respond quickly.Taking a ten thousand step back, even if the rescue is not enough, at least the tragic result of total annihilation can be avoided.

This can be said to be the common sense and consensus of adventure leaders.

As for Avril Lavigne, although she is also looking forward to exploring the unknown with Midi, the dark elves are very clear, just sticking to Midi like a bird, can't win the other's heart.For a man like Midi, it is necessary to show a unique attitude in order to impress him.

I'll stay outside and guard your back for you.

Thinking of this, Avril Lavigne had a charming smile on her lips.

"In case, this door closes automatically, or the magical communication between us is cut off, you know what to do." Midi gave a final warning.

"Of course." Avril suppressed her smile, nodded earnestly, and then glanced at her sister beside her, "I'll leave it to you, Emile."

"I will definitely protect her." Midi promised in a serious tone.

The next moment, he landed on the battleship with ease.

If this "white swan" warship gives people a shocking elegance and beauty just from the outside, then its internal complex structure and huge space make today's intelligent race feel dwarfed by comparison.

In Reinhardt's words, the battleship could be used to hold a royal ball, and it doesn't feel cramped at all.

And with the deepening of exploration, Midi also identified its identity through the various signs and characters on the door, walls and passages-this is a celestial battleship, engraved with celestial characters everywhere, There is no breath of the devil world.

However, what makes people feel weird is that there is not even a single person in this battleship.

The doors of most of the rooms are open, whether it is the dormitory, the canteen, or the hangar loaded with a large number of drones, or the empty weapon arsenal and material depot, or even the extraordinarily luxurious captain's cabin, and The huge bridge at the front end...

No one was there.

And the piles of nautical charts that fell on the ground, the overturned ink bottles, the messy footprints, the sophisticated weapons discarded everywhere, and the multiple vacancies that should have been where the lifeboats should have been, illustrate one thing——

In some hasty emergency, the crew of the battleship had to abandon ship.

Midi and the others searched for a long time on the semi-circular open bridge, but unfortunately, all the equipment here has been completely shut down, and no matter how they are turned on, there is no response.

As for the captain's seat at the top, Midi couldn't find anything similar to the captain's log, so there was no clue to judge.

The only thing that can be regarded as a harvest is an explanation about the battleship itself on the bridge.

The length of the battleship is 84 meters, and the wingspan is [-] meters. It is a cruiser, and its name is——

wind king.

"Wind King" cruiser!

According to the name of the battleship, combined with the descriptions of various ancient books in the sea of ​​clouds, and the usage habits of the celestial people, Midi quickly judged that this cruiser should be the flagship of the celestial people in the twilight battlefield. up.

No wonder it is so huge in size and so elegant in its silhouette that it cannot be faulted.

It's just that this kind of information is just icing on the cake for the few salvagers now, but it can't help much.

What Midi needs most now is to understand the damage status of this battleship and find a suitable recovery method.

After all, the Narwhal waiting outside is only 65 meters long, and the engines installed in it cannot be compared with ancient warships at all.That kind of propulsion is of course no problem for towing ordinary wreckage. If the wreckage of an ancient battleship with a lot of damage inside is transported, it is also fine. However, if you want to pull this intact "Wind King" cruiser, then I'm afraid Not likely anymore.

It is necessary to find a way to recover the "Wind King" cruiser quickly and safely.

As the saying goes, nights are long and dreams are many, even if only Emile knows about this twilight cemetery, but with such a treasure here, Midi is not willing to delay even for a moment.

"what should I do now?"

The bridge was searched carefully three times, but nothing was found. Emile, Reinhardt, and Wiseman immediately looked at Midi in unison.

A week of training is enough for these three laymen to understand the importance of high-level adventurers.On the continent of Arad, awakened people are very rare, and adventurers are very common, but in this sky and sea of ​​clouds, the current situation is just the opposite. Awakened people are very common, while proficient adventurers like Midi, but is rare.

For a moment, Midi couldn't help but smile at the eager eyes of the two old rivals.

He coughed lightly, rationalized his thoughts, and said: "Since the bridge with the command function has completely lost its function, what we have to do is to go to the power system. From the appearance point of view, the core propulsion The part should be in the middle and rear of the battleship, why not go there and look for it."

No one objected, and the group immediately turned and headed towards the rear of the "Wind King" cruiser, but this time they encountered some troubles.

In the passage to the power room, Midi unexpectedly found a large number of magic crystals. These magic crystals were installed on the shelves and piled up neatly together, and even crowded the entire main passage!Not only that, but a countdown detonator was placed near the magic crystal!

Fortunately, there is obviously something wrong with the timer, so that it has not finished after tens of thousands of years, otherwise, why wait for Midi to hit such a good celestial battleship after ten thousand years?With so many magic crystals exploding together on the main road near the keel of the battleship, no matter how strong the celestial battleship is, it will be broken in two!

Seeing the magic crystals piled up like a mountain, and the magic crystals condensed with pure magic power, everyone's faces, including Midi's, were not very good-looking.

Fortunately, Midi was unruffled, and finally stepped forward and carefully removed the detonators that had been arranged ten thousand years ago. Then, everyone carefully moved these magic crystals away from the main passage, and it took several hours. After some magic crystals were scattered and placed in many different compartments, the artificially piled "super bomb" was completely eliminated from hidden dangers.

Apparently, the crew on the cruiser wanted to blew up the battleship before leaving.

As for the reason for the self-explosion, Midi and his party finally found the answer in the power room.

The power system of this "Wind King" cruiser is still alive, the suspension system is still alive, the fire control system and weapon equipment are all intact, however, the magic circuit part used to transmit magic power is almost completely burned.

This is like a person who has a whole body in good condition, with healthy limbs and a clear mind, but something is wrong with the nervous system in the body.

The end result is nothing but paralysis.

The reason for this phenomenon is that this celestial battleship, using an experimental weapon mounted on itself, launched an all-round attack that greatly exceeded its own load.

In a stack of documents located in the power room, Midi found the name of this weapon.

Its name is Sun Flame Halo.

 Continue to ask for monthly tickets!But today there are only two normal changes, Khan, there are many things.

(End of this chapter)

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