Arad's Sword

Chapter 286 Attack of the Demon Vulture

Chapter 286 Attack of the Demon Vulture
In just a short while, Midi and Reinhardt had already returned to the Narwhal.

And just as they stepped onto the deck, before they even had time to confirm the situation with Victoria and the others, the corner of the blue sky had already dimmed without warning.

The next moment, a shadow covering the sky and the sun was projected from the highest place, overlooking the cemetery with an irresistible majesty.

That shadow is like a thick dark cloud, more like a huge bird of prey that has found its prey, as if it is swooping down with an unstoppable momentum!
Midi squinted her eyes, raised her head against the sun for a closer look, and finally saw the outline of this huge monster clearly.

It was an airship, a giant warship with a wingspan of more than [-] meters. It had a slender tip like a triangle, huge wings stretched out, and a flat and wide hull. It seems to absorb the sunlight, and the outline is extremely sharp, like a hungry vulture.

Vulture Cruiser!
Midi gasped.

In the previous life, Midi was very familiar with this kind of warship, because this kind of warship is the ace weapon of the Blue Truth Sect. They use it to traverse the sky and sea of ​​clouds, occupy the big storm area, and open up the route between the two areas. The strongest guarantee.

And at this moment, the most powerful weapon belonging to the most feared force of Midi appeared here!

Midi's brain immediately turned rapidly, not simply thinking about the reason for the appearance of the Vulture warship, but more importantly, the way to deal with it.

It is actually quite normal for the Blue Truth sect to appear.In the memory of the previous life, after they opened up the Arad Continent and the Sea of ​​Clouds, they had already started to move around, trying to accumulate enough power in the big storm area, and then directly swept across the entire Sea of ​​Clouds, and then invaded the Arad Continent to enslave all Humanity.

But in this life, it is not difficult to deduce that they have already started to act from the generous sale of Bishop Malan at the Venus Auction.

It's just that Midi didn't expect that he would run into them in the twilight cemetery, and he didn't expect that the most terrifying Vulture warship would be dispatched by the Blue Truth Sect.

There is no communication, and there is no need for communication at all. It is easy to draw conclusions from the opponent's momentum.

The visitor is not good.

The comers are strong.

So strong that there is no way to fight against it.

Although the Vulture battleship is not a real ancient battleship, the blueprint it imitates is the giant roc battleship designed by Tyrannosaurus King Bakar himself, and the entire battleship is made of the rarest anti-magic alloy in the big storm area of.Even in the face of real ancient warships, they are still capable. With the ability of the Narwhal, how can they resist it?

No, it's not even possible to block a blow!
And the worst thing is that Midi didn't even have the option to leave, because at the core of the cemetery more than ten kilometers away from here, the Wind King battleship is still in a paralyzed state, and it will take at least more than a day. To be able to move.

Until that time comes, he must fend off this terrible foe.

"I have a proposal." Reinhardt's voice sounded from the side, "Let's pretend to be an ordinary adventure team, and then go meet them, bargain, and procrastinate for time, what do you think?"

The fourth prince lightly put his hand on the hilt of the sword, and then gave Midi a very serious look.

Breaking into the enemy's main formation, using words to confuse and delay the opponent, after a day's delay, when the Fengwang battleship can move, at least half of the initiative will be in your own hands, whether it is to escape quietly or not, Or trying to kill the leader of the opponent directly can be a choice.

There is no doubt that this is a gamble full of dangers, like betting all at once.

However, it is a bold proposal.

Should it be said that he is the most promising man in the Delos Empire to become emperor?
In her heart, Midi couldn't help but secretly sighed.

In fact, under normal circumstances, this suggestion made by Reinhardt is exactly the way Midi will adopt.

As long as Victoria and the old butler of Lund disguise themselves as ordinary crew members, highlighting the noble status of themselves and Reinhardt, and then compile a set of rhetoric, they will be able to successfully complete the act of entering the enemy's base camp. , It can also keep other companions who are not good at fighting as far away from the dangerous center as possible.

Although it is a slanted approach to use a single blow without blood, it is undoubtedly the best approach when the disparity in strength between the enemy and the enemy is too huge.

But now, Midi can't use this method at all.

Because the Blue Truth Sect is not an "ordinary enemy".

"The suggestion is good, but it doesn't apply to those people." Midi replied with a sigh.

"Why?" Reinhardt asked directly. He thought about it and concluded that this was the best choice. Unexpectedly, Midi would deny it outright. Is it because the proposal really has loopholes, or is it because Midi dare not take risks?

If it was the latter, he would have to reconsider whether he would continue to form an alliance with Midi, because a timid ally, no matter how powerful a weapon was in his hand, would not be successful after all.

But the next moment, Midi's answer completely exceeded Reinhardt's expectations.

"They are members of the Blue Truth Sect." Midi patiently explained, "The Blue Truth Sect is the largest force in the sky and sea of ​​clouds, much larger than the Rothschild Chamber of Commerce, and among this sect, there is a Humanoids can override bishops, and they are called emissaries."

"This envoy is very strong? Can't we even join forces?" Reinhardt felt that he had guessed the key point, but soon, he realized that he was completely wrong.

"If it's just strong, I don't mind meeting them." Midi's eyes rarely flashed a trace of fear, "But the holy envoy is not only strong, but also has a kind of talent, that kind of talent, called Psychic powers."

Reinhardt's body trembled, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

There is no race with psychic powers on the continent of Arad, but the name of this talent is so simple and easy to understand that even if the prince heard it for the first time, he immediately understood the meaning, and had a deep feeling. Deep dread and fear.

Psychic powers!

Doesn't this mean that the other party's mind will be read immediately after a face-to-face meeting?
How can we fight against this?

As if aware of Reinhardt's thoughts, Midi sighed and continued: "Psychic powers are not just about reading minds, they are just the most basic. All of their skills are instant, and their power is even higher than that of spells, and they are difficult to defend. Illusion array, mind control and mind blast are the moves they are best at."

"How is this possible? Then this race is invincible!" Reinhardt found it difficult to accept.

"Awakened people like us who are strong enough and have enough magic power in their bodies can still resist, although they will still be affected to a certain extent." Midi smiled bitterly. Psychic powers, without any immunity, will be controlled immediately if you take a look at it."

Although there are a large number of awakened people in the sea of ​​clouds in the sky, they have not reached the point where the ground is full. At least, on the Narwhal, except for Midi, Reinhardt, the old steward of Lund and the two leaders of the pioneer boat, the rest None of the pilots, including Miss Victoria, have awakened yet.

This means that within a face-to-face meeting, not only will the thoughts in the heart be read, but most of the companions will immediately turn into enemies and draw their swords at themselves.

This is the power of psychic powers.

Incredibly big.

In fact, if it weren't for what came out of Midi's mouth, it would be impossible for Reinhardt to believe that there is such a terrifying racial talent in this world.

However, judging from Victoria's pale face, it was obvious that Midi and his party had had contact with this "holy envoy", and it was probably a rather unpleasant contact, which is why they obtained such terrible but precious information.

"Then what should we do now?" Reinhardt asked in a dry and hoarse voice.

"Run away, run away for as long as you can." Midi gave the simplest but most direct answer, "Not only do you have to run away, but you also have to force them to come after you!"

Perhaps psychic power is really a talent without any flaws, but at least, no matter how strong the Vulture Battleship is, the fire net it weaves must have dead ends.

That's where the vitality Midi is looking for lies.

There was no longer any hesitation, even before the nail gun nailed to the rock of the floating island could be unloaded in time, Midley slashed out with a sword, cutting off dozens of iron cables, and the Narwhal, which had lost its restraint, immediately flew into the air Then, as soon as he got up, he ran the engine with all his strength, and rushed towards the outer ring at the highest speed.

Not only that, the crew on the Narwhal also frantically threw all kinds of heavy objects over the side of the ship——

Victoria's exquisite dressing table, comfortable mahogany bed, crew's luggage, bulk goods, and even heavy artillery and shells were all dumped for free.

Soon, the Narwhal became lighter, moved faster, and turned more flexibly.

For this large airship that combines combat and trade, this is probably the lightest time since it set sail, but at the same time, it is also the most dangerous time.

And the reason why Midi wanted to do this was to give the Blue Truth Sect a feeling that they had salvaged some kind of precious treasure in this cemetery, and now they were trying to escape from the scene!

As long as there is such a guess, the Vulture warship will definitely catch up. In this way, Midi won time.

The Fengwang warship, which was still under repair, won time.

(End of this chapter)

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