Arad's Sword

Chapter 287 Small fish versus vulture

Chapter 287 Small fish versus vulture

"Master Holy Envoy, it looks like they want to escape!" Seeing that Midi was running away completely, the captain of the Vulture Battleship immediately made a correct judgment at the first time.

Of course, it's only superficially correct.

"That airship is very familiar to people." Several seconds later, the envoy spit out such a sentence in a hoarse and ugly voice like a saw.

Bishop Malan on the side was waiting for this sentence. Seeing the envoy's question, he immediately leaned forward and said in a hurry: "My lord envoy, if the villain reads correctly, that airship should belong to Ross. The Narwhal of the Childe Chamber of Commerce, this is their largest airship. The owner of the ship is Victoria Rothschild, who is said to be the youngest generation most likely to become the president of the Chamber of Commerce in the future."

After obtaining the auction technology, Midi and Victoria went to Fengjianliu on a whaling boat, but the Narwhal, as one of the symbols of the chamber of commerce, did not leave together.

On the contrary, in order to avoid being suspected by the Blue Truth Sect, Victoria specially let the Narwhal circle around the monsoon fleet for several days, so even the holy envoy from the big storm area looked familiar.

As for Bishop Malan, the Lord of the Temple of the Monsoon Fleet, he had seen this airship many times before, so he recognized it immediately.Now that the envoy asks a question, he immediately sends an answer, not only for flattery, but also for atonement.

At the beginning, the bishop of Malan said boldly that he would definitely arrive at the cemetery in the evening within a week.

With the speed of the Vulture Cruiser, he has indeed achieved this.

The problem is that even the Blue Truth Sect has not actually been here, but only obtained the coordinates through intelligence channels. Therefore, after arriving in this area, it was difficult to find for a while, and it took several days until St. When he was about to get impatient, Bishop Malan finally found the entrance to the Twilight Cemetery.

And when he found it, he was shocked again, because at the entrance, someone actually set up a sentry post!
Although the small vanguard boat was directly destroyed as soon as it was discovered, the mere fact that someone had entered the Twilight Cemetery was enough to make Bishop Malan lose face.

It took me a long time to find it, and after I found it, I found that it had already been explored. The combination of these two things made Bishop Malan extremely frightened, fearing that if he was not careful, the Holy Envoy would throw him off the battleship and throw him Into the sea of ​​clouds and sink to the bottom.

Therefore, at this moment, he was serving with extra care, just to avoid any troubles.

"The Rothschild Chamber of Commerce? Does our sect have any connection with them?" The envoy asked again.

Bishop Malan pondered for a while before replying: "There has never been any contact with us, but in recent years, the two elder brothers of Victoria have made large donations in many temples. It seems that they want to Let my sect be its backing to deal with their sister who is known as a genius."

"What a bunch of trash." The envoy snorted coldly after hearing this.

In the sky and sea of ​​clouds, strength is the most important thing, forming an alliance is not impossible, but forming an alliance with an outsider to resolve the internal struggle for power, this only shows the incompetence of the parties involved.

It's just that, although the envoy scoffed at the two elder brothers with low strength, since he came here to understand and try to grasp some powerful forces in the sea of ​​clouds, how could it be possible if he had the meat feet sent to his door? reject?

"However, the enemy's waste is an excellent weakness for us. Since this Victoria knows the existence of the Twilight Cemetery, it is impossible to let her go. Now it's better to send another favor to her brothers." The envoy waved his hand and quickly made a decision.

There was no need for him to give any more orders, the captain with pricked ears immediately straightened his body, and roared at the pilots below the bridge: "Attack, fire with full force, and kill that Narwhal! "

"What are you kidding?" Upon hearing this order, Bishop Malan almost fainted.

If you want to give a favor, there is no evidence, and if you just talk about it, who will believe it?Since it is going to be done, it must be done thoroughly. With the performance of the Vulture battleship, it can crush all the airships in the sea of ​​clouds, including the Narwhal.Our own side can completely capture that Miss Victoria. In this way, it is more proactive whether to kill, use or even cooperate.

What's more, that airship fled recklessly to the outside of the cemetery at dusk, maybe it had salvaged some special treasure, how could it just shoot it up like this?
"Catch up immediately, release the vanguard boat, and force them to surrender!" Bishop Malan's growl overwhelmed the captain's voice.

Under this order, the tail of the Vulture battleship emitted scorching flames, and its huge body knocked away countless debris, chasing towards the Narwhal aggressively.

Seeing that the Vulture warship did not launch an attack as soon as it came up, but chose to pursue it, Midi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

When the two sides met each other, the Narwhal was already within range of the opponent. With the firepower of the Vulture warship, if it really opened its gun doors regardless, the ship would be crushed into powder immediately. .

Fortunately, the various confusions made by Midi were not ignored by the other party. Now that they have started to use the method of capturing alive, they have room for maneuver.

Of course, the premise is that the narwhal, a small fish, can escape the pursuit of the huge raptor from above.

"I'll take the helm!" Midi pushed away the old butler Lund and took the helmsman himself.

The next moment, a golden-red light suddenly surged around him.

Under the action of Midi's will, this rich and bright red color suddenly spread out like a big net, covering the entire deck, and then continued to stretch until this large 65-meter-long net The entire airship is wrapped in thousands of golden and red lines!
And the ends of the tens of millions of red threads are all gathered in Midi's hands.

Devil May Cry skills, Ghost Shadow Step.

The ghostly shadow step performed with the power of extraordinary awakening.

Before, Midi used this ghost step to cover the vanguard boat he was driving, which made the vanguard boat obtain extraordinary performance, and beat 120 enemies on the opposite side to the ground.

And now, Midi showed the same technique again, but this time, what he wanted to cover with his own power was no longer a small vanguard boat, but this huge Narwhal!

Under Reinhard's stunned expression, under Victoria's astonishing eyes, before the shock that the well-informed Lund old butler couldn't conceal, Midi let out a loud shout, and then turned the steering wheel in her hand violently. .

The next moment, the Narwhal, covered in golden-red aura, unexpectedly showed super flexibility that was completely out of proportion to its size and driving force, as if it had really turned into a giant whale swimming in the sea of ​​clouds, twisting and turning. Leaving his body, he got directly into a dense wreckage, and then used complicated evasive movements to dodge all the wreckage, even leaving the Vulture warship behind!
But for this, Midi also paid a huge price.

This is equivalent to him pulling the entire airship with one person!

The Transcendent Awakened may have incomparably powerful power, relying on the Flying Sword Dance, they can easily destroy a whole team of large airships.But destruction is one thing, pure competition of strength and endurance is another.

It's like killing a person, all you need to do is push a small knife into the heart.

But to run for ten kilometers with a person on his back, even if that person is a weak woman, I am afraid that it will take a lot of energy. If you are not careful, you will even trip yourself.

In the same way, to accelerate the large airship of the Narwhal, even Midi found it extremely difficult. At this moment, his face had become extremely pale, and his chest began to rise and fall rapidly, and the spirit in his body The incomparably pure white crystal magic power poured out like a flood.

For the first time in history, Midi felt that her magic power was not enough.

The magic power composed of dragon blood white crystals is not enough!

Had he had a choice, he would never have adopted this approach. It is not Midi's style to easily reveal his hole cards in front of others, and it is not Midi's style to exhaust all his strength without leaving any foundation.

But now Midi had no choice.

Because he knew that if he escaped by relying on the performance of the Narwhal itself, let alone a day's delay, he might not even be able to delay for an hour, and he would be caught up by the Vulture warship and captured without a fight.

Therefore, he could only use one of his trump cards to bless the airship with a golden-red aura in order to escape from the Vulture battleship.

And it wasn't until after playing the hole card that Midi realized that she seemed to have overestimated herself.

"Magic Crystal!" Midi roared, gnashing her teeth in a deep voice.

"Magic crystal?" Victoria didn't understand for a while.

"Here..." Midi tried to explain, but suddenly, a large rock hit him head-on, forcing him to crazily use the white crystal magic power all over his body, and then used all his strength to quickly turn the steering wheel back and forth, This made the Narwhal, like a pioneer boat, fly over the reef like a butterfly piercing flowers with extraordinary evasive movements.

But because of this, Midi was too tired to speak.

"He needs to absorb magic power!" Reinhardt interjected, then took out a huge gemstone from his bosom, and stuffed it directly into Midi's hand.

The priceless "Heart of the Ocean" of the Delos Empire immediately began to shatter, and the magic power flowing out of it was greedily absorbed by Midi.

But Reinhardt didn't even look at it, but rushed into the cabin without looking back—the Narwhal lost most of its luggage in order to reduce weight, but of course all the magic crystals remained .That's the fuel that airships rely on to fly.

This is what Midi needs most now.

Victoria, who had come to her senses, immediately lifted her skirt and ran down. In an emergency, the eldest lady would of course have to do it herself. If there is one more person, it will naturally require more strength.

As for the old butler Lund, he finally showed his full strength for the first time, jumped out of the cabin, and rushed into it at a speed faster than Reinhardt.

Finally, with the support of the hill-like magic crystal, Midi's absorption and consumption speed finally reached a balance.

And under the blessing of this Ghost Shadow Walk, the Narwhal, which was as nimble as a swimming fish, finally temporarily escaped from the detection range of the Vulture Battleship.

Moreover, it was also led to a position away from the center of the cemetery.

The crisis was finally over.

But Midi is very clear that this kind of security is only temporary.

Because that holy envoy will make a move sooner or later.

And under his psychic powers, thoughts will have nowhere to hide.

(End of this chapter)

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