Arad's Sword

Chapter 288 Fighting against the Vulture

Chapter 288 Fighting against the Vulture
"Try to find an area with a narrow field of vision, use the wreckage to block the line of sight, and block the movement of the Vulture battleship by the way."

"Replenish the engine with fuel, and unload some unnecessary baggage."

"Hurry up and rest. There is no need to send out the vanguard boat, and it will be even more disadvantageous if it is discovered."

A series of orders were issued in an orderly manner, but these orders all came from Reinhardt and Victoria.

As for Midi, she has already returned to the cabin to recover.

Thanks to the large pile of magic crystals, the absorption and consumption of magic power reached a balance. Midi was not forced to stop the blessing of the ghost step on the airship in the middle, otherwise, it would directly cause a stall phenomenon. Whatever the eagle warship does, perhaps the airship itself will disintegrate directly in the high-speed advance and emergency stop.

But even with the supplement of magic crystals, Midi still consumes a lot.

It's as if drinking water alone can't alleviate the fatigue during long-distance running. What's more, this is not only a physical exhaustion, but also a mental exhaustion. Converting magic power into skills is an extremely tiring task matter.

After returning to the cabin, Midi naturally stopped absorbing the magic crystal. He picked up a little essence of light with his fingertips, and then slowly began to refine and absorb it.

Compared with a simple magic crystal, the magic power contained in this object is much stronger, and it is not ordinary non-attribute magic power, but the essence of light elements. For the current Midi, the attribute is the most suitable.

If the magic power in the magic crystal is ordinary clear water, then the supplement provided by the essence of light is mellow milk.

However, because it is extremely difficult to refine the Essence of Light, Midi dared not use it at all when he was in urgent need of magic power just now, and could only use ordinary magic crystals instead.

But now, after finally gaining a precious little time, Midi must rely on this thing to recover as quickly as possible.

The hero of light was absorbed by Midi, and immediately turned into a milky white stream of heat, which slowly circulated in her body.

Sensing the breath of light element contained in the heat flow, the Dragon Sealing Sword in Mi Di's body suddenly vibrated, and immediately absorbed the milky white heat flow, and wrapped it around the blade. There was another light streak.

So fast?
An uncontrollable surprise surged up in Midi's heart.

How slow and difficult it is to refine the essence of light, Midi himself is very clear, but now, it only takes a moment to refine the part that originally took nearly two hours to absorb, how can Midi Not shocked?

Holding the mentality of giving it a try, he picked up a little Essence of Light again.This time, it was a whole grain. For Midi at level 53, under normal circumstances, he would need to spend a day refining and absorbing it.

But this time, within just 5 minutes, all the essence of light had turned into a milky white warm current, which was directly absorbed by the Dragon Sealing Sword in Midi's body, forming a new complex light pattern!
Should it be a blessing in disguise?

Even Midi felt a burst of excitement immediately.

If you can really maintain this speed of cultivation, wouldn't you be able to upgrade to another level immediately?

But unfortunately, after the second complete Essence of Light was absorbed, Midi's refining speed slowed down again immediately, and soon returned to the normal level.

Obviously, only when exhausted and exhausted to the limit can Midi instantly refine and absorb the essence of light at an extraordinary speed.And this state, for Midi, who has a huge magic power, can be said to be something that cannot be met.

After all, it is not easy to consume so much magic power, and this state itself is extremely dangerous. With Midi's prudence, how can he easily let himself fall into the limit where he can't attack when he runs out of ammunition?This time it was just a helpless move. If there is a choice, even if she knows that the essence of light can be refined in an instant, Midi will never let herself become exhausted again.

Perhaps, only by finding a way to create a safe environment, Midi will be willing to try it, let himself reach the limit continuously, and then continue to absorb and refine.

But in any case, at least for now, Midi's biggest crisis has been resolved.

Calculated, it only took about 15 minutes in total, a quarter of an hour, and he had already recovered to an excellent state of being full of energy.

"How is the situation now?" When Midi returned to the deck, everyone looked at him in surprise.

It's only been a while, and our side hasn't recovered yet, but you, who are too tired to speak, have already recovered?
What kind of evildoer's recovery speed is this?

Seeing her eyes sparkling, her hands and feet full of strength, like Midi who just woke up from sleep, the only thought in everyone's mind was churning.

However, after seeing Midi's miraculous ability to drive an airship by himself, everyone has gradually become numb, and it is not surprising.Anyway, this person is an existence that is completely beyond common sense. If you still use normal logic and common sense to judge, it is your own problem.

So, soon, everyone recovered from the state of surprise.

"We are going to take a break first. We were going to ask you for instructions later. After all, you are the only one here who knows how to deal with the Vulture warship and the holy envoy." Reinhardt took Midi's words and said a few words The situation is summarized below.

"There's no need to rest, you all abandon the ship." Midi said, putting her hands on the steering wheel again, "Leave this to me. If you don't escape now, you may lose your chance later."

With the current technology, it is difficult for a vanguard boat to take off from an airship at high speed, especially a large rescue boat that can carry a dozen people.What's more, even if it can fly, for the Vulture warship, it is the result of directly destroying it with a single shell.

Besides, if the Vulture battleship saw countless vanguard boats frantically fleeing from the Narwhal, what would it think?
The vanguard boat cannot survive in such a sparsely populated airspace. If it keeps flying, it will run out of magic power and fall directly in less than a day.

Therefore, at that time, the enemy will definitely judge that there is another or even more airships hidden in this cemetery.

At that time, they will definitely abandon the Narwhal on the spot, and instead track the pioneer boat, and even capture the pilot on it.

If he was really caught alive, then with the power of psychic powers, he would not be able to keep any information at all, and the Fengwang battleship would be exposed immediately.

Midi didn't want this to happen, otherwise all his efforts would be in vain.

As a commander, he does not want anyone who obeys his orders to die in vain without value.

Therefore, he made such a decision as a matter of course - when there is still a chance to leave, you all leave, and then I will deal with the Vulture battleship alone.

But in the eyes of others, this move is a bit too tragic.

"You won't force yourself?" Victoria looked at Midi with worried eyes, and couldn't help but ask.

The girl from the heavenly realm knew that her level of 40 was too low, and she couldn't be of any help on this battlefield.Moreover, as an important figure in the Rothschild Chamber of Commerce, Midi will definitely force her to disembark so that she can use her strength when there is a real need for power struggles.

Whether it is from a rational or tactical point of view, letting Victoria out of the battlefield is the best and only choice.

But when Midi really made this choice, Victoria found that deep down in her heart, the place she most wanted to stay was by this human man's side.

From breaking through the blockade of hundreds of vanguard boats with a single machine, to beheading the cloud beast alone, she has witnessed a series of incomparable achievements and even miraculous victories created by Midi.

So, at this moment, she couldn't help but want to stay by this person's side, and then accompany him to win again.

Don't be willful, because it's different this time. That holy envoy is an enemy that even Midi fears. In this case, it must not become a burden.

Victoria said this to herself in her heart, then lowered her head, covering her eyes with the ends of her hair.

"I won't force it." Without noticing the subtle changes in Victoria's tone and eyes, Midi patted the other party's shoulder casually and relaxed, and said jokingly, "Honestly speaking, you are holding me back by staying, so Hurry up and get off the ship."

Originally, he thought that this sentence would at least make Victoria snort coldly, but the girl didn't seem to have heard the good-natured joke at all, but seemed to have made a certain decision, with a resolute look in her eyes.

The next moment, Victoria strode forward and walked directly in front of Midi. Then, she raised her head, stood on tiptoe, and gently kissed Midi's face.

It's like a bird pecking at food, it's just a light touch, but it's hard to forget.

"Mr. Midi, please take care, I am waiting for your safe return." Without any shyness, Victoria looked at the other party seriously and said in a very solemn tone.

Before Midi, who was in shock, recovered, she turned around and strode away as she approached.

The old butler of Lund on the side showed a gratified smile and bowed deeply to Midi.

"I'm curious, what would be the reaction if the famous 'Magic Bullet Queen' and the cold and mysterious 'Witch of the Mist' learned about this?" Reinhardt interjected at a very timely time and said quietly.

"It's none of my business." Midi finally came back to his senses. He spread his arms and explained calmly, but there was still a trace of undisguised killing intent in the eyes of Reinhardt. .

"The hush money I want is not much, just let me stay and fight with you." Reinhardt directly put forward his own conditions, "Let them go, just to fight, right? The 'victory and protection' I know The sword 'Midi? Asrex, is not a guy who only knows how to run away, besides, it would be useless to run away now, right?"

"You see it very accurately." Midi smiled slightly.

Although Midi has completely recovered with the Essence of Light now, but if there is a second acceleration, he believes that this time the Vulture battleship will probably not be lost again.

It is even very possible that after seeing the strange speed of the Narwhal, they may have given up their plan to capture the airship and instead adopted the strategy of shooting it down. In this way, it is impossible for Midi to let the Narwhal No. Once again escaped.

No matter how fast the airship is, how can it be faster than the shell?
As Reinhardt had speculated, Midi was preparing to face the Vulture battleship.

"Anyway, I am also a commander. If I can't even see this, then why should I become the commander of the Imperial Army." Reinhardt said proudly.

"It's fine to stay, but as I said before, this time, I might die." Midi said frankly, "And I definitely don't have time to save you."

"I've come to my senses." There was no fear in Reinhardt's eyes, on the contrary, there was a high fighting spirit blooming in it.

For a moment, Midi seemed to have witnessed the heroic appearance of the all-powerful "Emperor of Darkness" in the previous life.

So, he no longer had any doubts, but simply nodded: "Then, welcome to the battlefield, Reinhardt. Let's show them some color!"

(End of this chapter)

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