Arad's Sword

Chapter 295 Race against time

Chapter 295 Race against time
It was Reinhardt who caused the bridge explosion.

This fourth prince is only a level 54 sword soul, but among a large group of level 60 guards on the Vulture battleship, he successfully raided the magic crystal storage, and created such a disaster, even Mididu did not think of.

Presumably Reinhardt also holds some kind of royal card, or his determination to prove himself has played a role.

But no matter what the reason is, Midi wants to say in his heart, well done!
The most important command part was damaged, and even the speed of the Vulture battleship had to be reduced. In this way, it bought time for Emile's repairs.

Next, the only thing I have to do is to try to block the holy envoy.

As long as the envoy can't return to the bridge, Reinhardt should be able to support for a while longer, making the situation even more chaotic.

And as long as there is a little more time, even if it is 1 minute, Midi's chances of winning will increase by one point.

I don't know how the repair of the Fengwang battleship is going.
For a moment, Midi couldn't help but think of this idea.

"It will take about half an hour." Wiseman's panting voice rang on the bridge of the Wind King battleship.

The repair of the magic circuit has reached the final finishing stage. Compared with the original estimated time of ten hours, it is more than four hours ahead of schedule, nearly double the speed.But at this price, almost everyone who can use a little alchemy is already exhausted, and they don't even have the ability to absorb magic crystals to recover.

Even Wiseman, who has always been calm, finally felt the feeling that his magic power was almost exhausted at this moment.

"Half an hour!" Emile frowned slightly.

Not long ago, Reinhardt sent a communication in a hurry, telling her that the enemy would arrive in about 15 minutes.

It's almost time now, but the repair will last for half an hour?
Doesn't this mean that for 10 minutes, the Fengwang battleship will be fixed in the air like a living target and can only be beaten?
No matter how powerful an ancient warship is, it is extremely difficult to rely on armor alone for 10 minutes without power.Moreover, the opponent is said to be an antique battleship with extremely powerful firepower, so it is inevitable to fall.

This Wind King battleship is the most precious legacy of alchemy, and it must not let it fall from the sea of ​​clouds like this!
In an instant, Emile forgot about life and death, and the glory that belongs to a master alchemist came spontaneously.

"It has to be faster." She said to Wiseman solemnly.

"There is a proverb in the Allard Continent, the faster you want to go, the easier it is to make mistakes, haven't you heard it?" Wiseman shrugged and shook his head again, "Besides, I can't help you anymore."

It's not that the necromancer wants to be lazy, but because the repair work has already reached the bridge.

As the command center of a huge battleship, the magic power circuit of the bridge is extremely complicated. If you look closely, it is like dozens of huge spider webs covering each other, each spider web is connected to a system, and there are countless branches on it. As for the slender spider silk, it can be said that the work here can only be done by Emile, and it cannot be accelerated by relying on the accumulation of manpower.

Wiseman wanted to try an unknown challenge, but "Nightmare Hand" knew very well that if he messed up, it wouldn't be an apology to solve the problem.

"It doesn't matter, then I will do it alone!" Emile gritted her teeth and jumped into the countless broken circuits dug under the bridge.

There were bursts of extremely obvious magic power surging around her, and she had obviously raised her cultivation to the limit.Those slender hands manipulated the mechanical arm very skillfully, and it flew up and down at a speed that was imperceptible to the naked eye!

Usually, I specially spend time on research for cultivation, and at any cost to find a way to awaken and greatly increase my own magic capacity, isn't it just to be able to run at full capacity at such a moment?

Emile clenched her teeth and persisted.

1 minute, 2 minutes passed.

5 minute, 10 minutes passed.

At the moment just after No. 14 minutes, Emile finally squeezed out the last trace of magic power in her body, and fell down pale.And when Avril Lavigne rushed up to support her sister in exclamation, the entire bridge suddenly lit up.

All kinds of consoles started to work, and the display screen emitted a soft light, and the entire Wind King battleship also trembled slightly at this moment.

The engine started to run.

But at a moment worth celebrating and cheering, the entire bridge did not make any sound, but was completely silent.

Through the bright observation window, everyone can clearly see that at the edge of this huge space, a small black spot suddenly appeared, and it was approaching at an extremely fast speed, and its size was getting bigger and bigger .

The Vulture battleship finally arrived here.

The Blue Truth Sect has arrived!
"Quick, warm up the engine immediately, start the battleship, and prepare for the battle." Avril Lavigne was the first to react, and immediately issued an order with the posture of a seasoned adventurer in the sea of ​​clouds.

Accompanied by her melodious but tense voice, the people struggled to stand up from their resting positions, dragged their exhausted bodies, and ran once again in the battleship passage.

At the same time that Emile and the others saw the Vulture warship, the members of the Blue Truth Sect naturally also saw the Wind King battleship in the center of the airspace.

The pure white hull and the graceful streamlined shape like a white swan immediately made everyone hold their breath.

Even the envoy couldn't help but gasp at this moment.

A perfect ancient battleship!

Even in the star ocean at the core of the big storm area, this kind of thing has never been salvaged!

"The Wind King cruiser is ours." The envoy declared in an arrogant tone, "Even if you hold me back here, or even if the Wind King cruiser can move, it's too late now. !"

"Is that true?" Midi sneered and snapped her fingers.

A vast aura of magical power burst out from his fingertips, rippling like ripples, sweeping across the entire Vulture warship.

The next moment, dozens of ghost formations burst out at the same time under the fluctuation of the magic power!
Among these ghost formations, there are shadow formations, phantom formations, freezing formations, dark flame formations, etc., each located in different parts of the Vulture battleship.

For example, on the outer wall of the bridge, Midi cast a shadow array and a phantom array at the same time, making it impossible for people inside to see the situation outside.On the engine air intakes of the two wings, Midi used ice formations to block the air intake passages, preventing the engines from fully operating.As for the underworld flame array, Midi placed it on the jet port at the tail of the Vulture warship, causing the direction of the jetted flames to become chaotic and the thrust to be reduced.

Although the impact of the ghost formations cast by individuals on this behemoth is very weak, when dozens of ghost formations are connected together and exert influence on different areas at the same time, a chain reaction is formed, causing A very obvious hysteresis effect!

When Midi and the holy envoy were entangled with you back and forth before, he led the holy envoy to circle around the Vulture Battleship intentionally or unintentionally. On the surface, it was just to avoid all kinds of powerful enemies. The magic attack, in fact, has already begun to lay out quietly.

And at this moment, it is the time to detonate these foreshadowings at the same time!

When the formation of ghosts and gods riding Midi interfered, the Wind King battleship finally let out a deafening roar, and from its steel body that had been sleeping for tens of thousands of years, powerful and surging magic power began to flow, and then It drives the powerful engines in the wings to start, and emits scorching flames!

Seeing that such a big fish tried to escape in vain, the Vulture battleship immediately launched an attack.

These bird-shaped ancient warships do not need to release the vanguard ship as a guide. There are all kinds of weapons on their open wings, from missile launchers to rotating turrets, and Vulcan cannons for close combat. Wait, it is completely possible to achieve instant firepower, and at the same time, numerous forts also ensure that there will be no dead ends.

In an instant, all the gun ports on the wings of the Vulture battleship started to open!
However, because Midi had covered a large number of ice arrays on it in advance, many muzzles were frozen and could not be opened at all, and the rotating turret could not be raised, and the attack power was greatly reduced.

In addition, most of the viewing ports were covered by the pitch-black shadow array, so that even the hit rate dropped greatly.

It is clearly the sect's most powerful battleship with full firepower, but at this moment, the barrage fired seems sparse. Even if a part of it hits the Fengwang battleship occasionally, it will not be able to leave any traces on the surface of this real ancient battleship, let alone stop it. acted.

"Damn it!" The holy envoy let out a spiritual roar again, and suddenly accelerated from mid-air, chasing Midi and attacking.

But this time, Midi no longer fought with him, but chose to run away directly.

Even among the flying skills, the speed of "Flying Sword Dance" can be said to be second to none. Even if the Holy Envoy exerted all his strength or even used acceleration magic, he could not catch up with Midi, let alone stop him.

In desperation, the envoy could only turn around and go to disperse those ghost formations.

But at this time, Midi began to use Asura's long-range attack wave swords in the distance again, harassing the holy envoy again and again, what's more, he would seize a few opportunities to get close to the magic vulture The battleship once again set up a new ghost array.

After going back and forth, the offensive of the Vulture warship was delayed time and time again.

Even the "psychic sniper" sent out by the holy envoy still failed to hit Midi. This time, Midi even hid more calmly, and the consumption was not as huge as last time.

Finally, the Wind King battleship completed the warm-up and testing of the engine for the first time, and the huge silver-white body began to move forward slowly!

"Okay!" A gleam flashed in Midi's eyes.

 Warmly celebrate the birth of the new leader Ah C!Enough nonsense, Jiageng!19:30 and 23:[-] each have an update!
(End of this chapter)

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