Arad's Sword

Chapter 296 The Vulture with Broken Wings

Chapter 296 The Vulture with Broken Wings

For this sake, Midi is actually at the end of his battle.

It was only because he was born in a noble family, and he was good at guessing people's hearts and playing psychological warfare, that he was always strong, pretending to be able to do anything with ease, and with the power of one person, he was able to deal with the holy envoy and the huge Vulture battleship under his feet. put pressure on.

In fact, during the battle during this period of time, he did not know how many essences of light he had already refined.

This means that Midi has always been in a state where his magic power is close to exhaustion. After avoiding the initial "psychic sniper", he has never been able to recover properly.

This is also impossible.

Faced with the threat of telepathic lock and mind blast, Midi must maintain a high degree of concentration at all times, and in order to avoid the powerful magic from the holy envoy and the countless rotating turrets on the Vulture battleship. To shoot, Midi must be in a state of high-speed motion every minute.

If he hadn't been tempered by the Dragon Blood White Crystal, he would have been directly smashed to pieces by the encirclement from battleships and holy envoys.

Even an extraordinary awakened person is still a body of flesh and blood after all, and there are limits after all.

But now, facing the strongest enemy and the strongest battleship from the core of the big storm area, Midi has felt the limit many times.

Fortunately, the Wind King battleship finally started at this moment.

In five and a half hours, Emile successfully repaired the warship that had been silent for thousands of years and started it up in such a short period of time.

However, soon, the Blue Truth Sect discovered that the firepower system of the Wind King battleship seemed to have not been repaired, so after the initial brief shock, it immediately launched a fierce pursuit again.

This time, Midi was no longer able to interfere.It is impossible for him to be in a state of depleted magic power for a long time, and he must leave some power for emergencies. At the same time, he must find ways to cope with Reinhardt.

When Midi detoured back to the outer circle, the holy envoy quickly cleared the formations of ghosts and gods deployed on the Vulture battleship. Without obstacles, all the gun doors of the Vulture were able to open smoothly, and the observation holes were also opened. Being able to clearly capture the target, the firepower suddenly increased by three or four times.

Under the overwhelming barrage, even the Fengwang battleship began to catch fire in many places, and black smoke came out one after another.

After all, the firepower of the Vulture battleship can be said to have far exceeded the sum of several fleets in the sea of ​​clouds in the sky, but the Fengwang battleship has just started, and the defense system has not yet been activated, so it can only rely on armor to resist it. .

No matter how strong the armor of the ancient heavens was, it would not be able to sustain it forever under the circumstance of being simply beaten.

However, in the face of the fierce attack of the Vulture warship, the Fengwang warship not only did not run away desperately, but quickly adjusted its posture, and aimed directly at the oncoming Vulture warship with its bow like a long neck of a white swan. .

The next moment, a huge gun port suddenly appeared from the lower side of the bow.

This cannon is completely different from ordinary cannons. It is extremely gloomy, like a huge vortex, absorbing all the magic power around it. Not only that, when this cannon appears, even the Wind King battleship His own strength seemed to be pulled over.

"Main cannon!" Midi's eyes lit up, and she was also slightly pleasantly surprised.

He had expected that there should be some powerful weapons on this ancient battleship in the heavens that surpassed the antique battleship, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be a main gun.What was even more unexpected was that Emile not only restored the power system, but also restored the operation of the main gun in such a short period of time.

Once the main gun appeared, the outcome was almost certain.

"Retreat immediately." The envoy issued an order immediately.

At the same time as he issued the order, he directly activated his psychic powers and flew to a place as far away from the Vulture battleship as possible.

As for the Vulture battleship, it has already fallen into a slight chaos - now that it is locked by the main gun of the opponent's battleship, and at such a close distance, there is no room for dodge at all. Before the cannon is fully charged and launched, the Wind King battleship will be directly shot down.

But obviously, with the firepower of the Vulture battleship, it is somewhat impossible to achieve this in such a short period of time.

Because it is not equipped with a main gun, or in other words, with the technology of the Blue Truth Sect, it is impossible to create such a weapon that can hold such a magic power.

Therefore, Bishop Malan and the captain of the battleship felt confused—how could they be in an absolute advantage just now, but now it has become a life-and-death crisis?

And taking advantage of this opportunity, a small lifeboat directly broke away from the Vulture battleship, and flew out silently along the blind corner of the battlefield.

The next moment, when the lifeboat was out of the confrontation range of the two battleships, circles of light patterns began to light up on the main gun of the Fengwang battleship, and the surrounding magic power was gradually condensed under the traction of the light patterns, turning into They are small fluorescent dots, which are then absorbed into the gun barrel and inside the gun body.

The compressed magic power is so strong that the shells fired from the Vulture battleship seem to encounter an invisible resistance, and all of them are deflected to the sides, unable to hit the main gun at all.

And after gathering energy for a few seconds, an extremely thick and sharp beam of light shot out from the muzzle of the main gun.

This light cut through the air, tore the sky, crossed half the sky, and directly penetrated a wing of the Vulture battleship!
The main gun of the Fengwang battleship is attacking, the Fengwang cannon!

The wing on the side that was hit began to gradually collapse, and then slowly peeled off from the hull, as if it were a building block that did not collide.Metal fragments, howling human bodies, billowing black smoke and a series of explosions are intertwined, like a scene from hell.

And after losing one wing, the Vulture battleship has obviously lost its balance, relying on the remaining wing alone, it can't move or fight, it can only stay in place and spin around.

It's a pity that the Wind King Cannon was completely extinguished after launching an attack. In a short time, it was obviously impossible to attack again, and this gap gave the Blue Truth Sect a chance to breathe.

There were subtle explosions one after another, and the wing on the other side of the Vulture battleship was also separated from the ship by itself in a series of precise explosions.

The next moment, the bare and slender hull stood up on its own, like a spear piercing the sky.

"No, the members of the sect are about to run away." Midi frowned slightly, and the long sword in his hand trembled, cutting out a very dignified sword aura.

However, before the sword energy could touch the Vulture battleship's hull, dozens of fireballs shot over, directly hitting the sword energy to block it.

Immediately afterwards, the away holy envoy had already floated over, and released an invisible spiritual phantom array at Midi, but he returned directly to the Vulture battleship with the skill of moving around.

Ushering in the return of the holy envoy, the bottom of the vulture battleship immediately erupted with a burst of bright light.

The warship that lost its wings, like an arrow on a heavy crossbow, was directly driven by the flames, soaring into the sky, and reached a speed that the naked eye could not catch in an instant, leaving only a trail in the air like Thick smoke billowed like a pillar reaching the sky.

Although Emile successfully connected the main gun of the Wind King battleship, without the assistance of the aiming system, it was impossible to achieve a fatal blow after all.

Without the support of the cooling system, the main gun could not even be fired a second time.

Because of this, at the last moment, the Vulture battleship escaped.

However, even though he was unable to kill all the enemies, let alone the holy envoy, at this moment, seeing the Vulture warship fleeing in a panic, even without its wings, Midi breathed a sigh of relief. .

Not only Midi, it can be said that everyone is relieved.

Only Wiseman had a hint of disappointment in his eyes, because he felt that the battle between the ancient warships seemed a little too short. Finish.

However, only he, a necromancer who can be resurrected many times, would think so.

On the entire bridge, there is already a sound of jubilation at this moment.

"Welcome back, Midi."

When Midi finally landed on the Wind King battleship, Avril and Emile greeted her at the same time and said in unison.

For a moment, facing the beautiful sisters "White Snake" and "Shadow Snake" who are very similar in essence, but each has its own flavor in appearance and expression, Midi couldn't help feeling a little lost.

"Ah, I'm back." He nodded and said with a smile.

On the other side, Reinhardt also received a warm welcome.

When Midi was fighting with the holy envoy and couldn't even get distracted, it was the fourth prince who notified "Nightmare Hand" Wiseman of the situation of the Vulture battleship time and time again. , so that the people on the Fengwang battleship can be mentally prepared for the battle.It was also relying on Reinhardt's wanton destruction in the battleship that was able to delay time again and again.

It can be said that in this battle, if Midi played the biggest role, there is no doubt that Reinhardt played the second most influential role after him.

Now, the respectful eyes of the people in the heavens, the approval of the 60th-level assassin Avril Lavigne, and the gratitude of Emile made the prince finally feel elated - he, in this sea of ​​clouds, also has a place in the sky.

Even Wiseman's cynical smile, which was still full of cynicism, became much kinder in Reinhardt's eyes at this moment.

"Next, where is our goal?" The prince asked eagerly.

Finally got the Fengwang Battleship, a sharp weapon to dominate the sky and sea of ​​clouds, and he couldn't wait to try the knife.

"Well, I'm going to ask her." Midi said, looking not far away.

Dozens of vanguard boats were flying towards the Wind King battleship, and on the front vanguard boat, Victoria was waving her arms desperately, showing a pure and sweet smile like a real girl.

 The second update arrives, the third update arrives at 23:30, ask for tickets, subscribe and reward!

(End of this chapter)

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