Arad's Sword

Chapter 301 The Mind Flayer

Chapter 301 The Mind Flayer

Under normal circumstances, holy envoys would not be attacked at all.

During the battle, they will use the "telepathy" in the psychic power throughout the whole process. With this mind shrouded, no assassin, no matter how good at hiding, can't get close-you can eliminate the magic wave, you can eliminate your own breath and voice, You can even stop your heartbeat, but you absolutely cannot stop yourself from thinking.

Even beasts that acted on instinct would be scanned by telepathy, let alone a professional who performed a lot of complicated skill operations and had killing intent in his heart?
However, when there is the existence of the mind catcher, everything changes.

Low-level thought catchers can only passively resist psychic powers, such as Midi, who was not very talented in the previous life.

A medium mind catcher can actively interfere with psionic energy, just like it interferes with magic power.

Take this bearded middle-aged man as an example, his attack power contained strange spiritual power, which made it difficult for the holy envoy to use his psychic powers.

As a result, the holy envoy had to withdraw his telepathy and focus on casting the current offensive psychic power, which made the ambush of Midi and others possible.

Three of the four people present were melee veterans, and the last necromancer lacked the breath of a living person, and there was no need to get too close.

Soon, the four of them approached the team of twenty people at the sect headquarters.

Then, Midi made an offensive gesture without hesitation.

In an instant, a golden red sword light shot up all over his body, and his whole body had turned into a shooting star. With the most domineering posture, he directly smashed into the formation of the sect headquarters. Among the throbbing red sword light, there were three people on the spot Beheaded directly by Midi.

"What!" The envoy let out an ugly roar, and a silver light flashed in his eyes.

The next moment, a surge of incomparably surging spiritual energy gushed out in all directions, it was like a huge wave that could overwhelm mountains and seas!
Psychic powers, psychic storms!
When being close and confused about the situation, this large-scale attack skill is indeed the best choice.

However, after being stunned for a moment, the mind catcher on the opposite side immediately came back to his senses and launched an attack.

I saw dozens of qigong bombs suddenly condensed in his hand, and they were shot out continuously like this. Several of them hit the holy envoy, but more of them hit the air like a celestial maiden scattered flowers. !Each of these qigong bombs exploded in mid-air, as if a blizzard had fallen.

Because of this, the blizzard that swept through the invisible mind storm was unexpectedly messed up, and the impact on the mind became very small.

This is the power of an intermediate mind catcher!

Midi was amazed in his heart, but his hands didn't stop, and he rushed all the way into the enemy's formation.

Without the psychic support of the holy envoy, these awakened masters between level 55 and level 60 are no match for Midi at all. Every time the crimson sword glow passes, one of them will be cut into two pieces directly. Surrounded, the golden-red light from Midi's body would spread directly, forming a red storm, dragging all the people who approached into it, and after a while, all that was left was powder.

In an instant, there were only two paladins in heavy armor left between the envoy and Midi.

The two paladins immediately entered the strongest defensive stance, just waiting to delay Midi so that the envoy could activate psychic powers.

But at this moment, a light smoke quietly moved to the back of the envoy, and then, a beautiful face of the dark elf Avril emerged from the smoke, and a cold light appeared in her hands.

Assassin skills, lore cut!
It was the first time he encountered an enemy at such a close distance, and he was still the nemesis of the spellcaster class, and the envoy was shocked.

A translucent protective wall immediately appeared around his body, barely blocking Avril's poisonous blade that shone with faint green light.

Another psychic power, a psychic shield.

But this shield is for instant life-saving after all, it can't resist the assassin's high-explosive skills, and soon cracks appear on the surface, and it is about to shatter.

However, this time is enough for the envoy to continue to use the instant skills.

His eyes hidden under the hood flickered with silver light again, obviously he was going to use the psychic's special trick "Psychic Array". All the attacks will be in vain, not only that, but it is also possible to suffer a counterattack from the envoy.

But at this moment, a dazzling light fell on Avril Lavigne, covering her whole body in gold, like an angel descending from the sky.

The skills of a Qigong master shine brightly in the scorching sun.

This skill can greatly increase the magic resistance of the subject within a certain period of time.

And in the hands of the mind catcher, in the first few seconds, the subject can gain [-]% of his own spiritual resistance.

Although the time was very short, the time calculation of the scorching sun was extremely precise. As soon as the blessing was completed, the holy envoy's phantom array just hit Avril.

Facing the assassin who has [-]% of the mental resistance of the mind catcher, the psychic power released in a hurry hardly played any role. In an instant, Avril lavigne screamed, and the whole person had rushed into the arms of the holy envoy In the process, the poisonous dagger was stabbed in its heart with incomparable accuracy.

Assassin skills, end the pursuit.

"Be careful, he's not dead yet!" The bearded middle-aged man reminded loudly.

Avril Lavigne tried to do it again, but it was already too late, the tall holy envoy suddenly hugged her in his arms, his two arms clamped the dark elf tightly like iron tongs, it didn't look like a stabbed girl at all. The appearance of wearing a heart.

Immediately afterwards, Avril was horrified to find that four tentacles protruded from the shadow of the hood, stretching out towards her face with teeth and claws.

Fortunately, Midi arrived before the slimy tentacles had time to touch the dark elf's beautiful face.

Seeing the golden-red sword light flickering and withdrawing, the movement of the envoy finally stopped completely, and his head hidden under the hood finally rolled off his shoulders.

It wasn't a human head at all, more precisely, it looked like an octopus.

The head was pale blue, and the skin was like cold elastic rubber, covered with a layer of reflective mucus. His eyes had no pupils and were milky white. Near the mouth—or the mouthparts— It has four tentacles, even if it is dead, these four tentacles are still twitching, as if trying to grab something.

On the tall humanoid torso was a blue octopus head.

This is the truth of the Messenger.

"Octopus monster?" When they saw the true face of the holy envoy, the three who followed Midi were almost stunned.

"We sometimes call them octopus heads, but the official name of these guys is mind flayers." The bearded middle-aged man laughed loudly, "However, before going into details, shall we end this battle for comparison?" good?"

On the side of the Blue Truth Sect, there are still a few people who are stubbornly resisting.

However, without the support of psychic powers, how could these people be the opponents of Midi and others even though they are extremely high-level?After a few rounds, Reinhardt slashed out with a sword, directly cutting the last person in half, and the short battle ended.

Although Midi and the others were persons of unknown origin who appeared suddenly, they not only saved the lives of the six members of the bloody purification, but also killed a mind flayer with their own hands. Therefore, for Midi and the others The suspicion that people might be undercover agents has been minimized. The bearded middle-aged man has a forthright personality. Seeing a strong man help out at this moment, he is naturally extremely enthusiastic.

Soon, Midi and his party and the members of the Bloody Purification became familiar with each other.

It turned out that this bearded man named Roy was performing a routine patrol mission to collect some rare medicinal materials. Unexpectedly, he encountered a Stinger warship led by a mind flayer on the way.

Although the Stinger warship here is not as good as the Vulture warship, it is extremely fast. Roy and others can't get rid of it at all, and it is impossible to escape with them all the way, which will directly expose the location of the base.

Thus, the two sides launched a fierce air battle. In the end, two air warships crashed on the floating island at the same time, and the survivors fought a life-and-death fight on this small floating island.

If Midi and the others hadn't come, on this small floating island, Roy and the others wouldn't even have a chance to hide, and the group would definitely end up being wiped out in the end.

As for the holy envoy with the head of an octopus, people who have been purified by blood are no strangers to it, and only outsiders will be surprised.

In fact, the body of the so-called mind flayer is this octopus head.This is also the reason why his heart was pierced but he was still able to survive.

However, this octopus-like head cannot survive alone, and must survive by parasitizing on the body of a humanoid creature.Therefore, every time a mind flayer is born, it means that an awakened master has become a sacrifice.

Not only that, a mind flayer whose body is damaged by accident will use a special secret technique to seize a new body to parasitize, just like the mind flayer just now, after the heart was pierced, it imprisoned the damaged body. The action of Avril Lavigne in his body, and stretch out the tentacles to try to take Avril Lavigne's body.

All in all, this is a horrible creature.

Fortunately, with the existence of the mind catcher, the psychic powers were suppressed, and the level and combat power of the mind flayer in front of him were obviously not as good as the one on the Vulture battleship, so Midi and the others would easily win.

"My friends, please let me ask straight to the point, why did you come all the way from the outskirts of the big storm area?" Roy stroked his proud beard and looked at Midi seriously. As if to see through his soul.

"It's very simple, overthrow the Blue Truth Sect, and then get the resources here." Midi replied bluntly, "For this, I need the help of blood purification, can you let me meet your leader?"

Roy didn't answer directly, but fell into deep thought. After a long time, he finally nodded as if making up his mind, and took a deep look at Midi: "Come with me, I don't guarantee that I can Meet everyone's requirements, but at least, you can give it a try."

(End of this chapter)

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