Arad's Sword

Chapter 302 Bloodfire Outpost

Chapter 302 Bloodfire Outpost

Roy and his party did not take Midi's engineering boat, but found a complete lifeboat from the wreckage of the battleship.

The bloody and purified six flew ahead in a lifeboat, while Midi and his party followed behind.

Soon, after just over a day, the two medium-sized pioneer boats arrived at a huge floating island.

However, although this floating island is rich in resources, it is sparsely populated and extremely desolate.Only in the area located in the canyon in the middle of the island, there are a few simple blockhouses and buildings sporadically built.

Obviously, this is not the headquarters of the bloody purification.

Roy didn't dare to bring people of unknown origin like Midi directly to the headquarters, even though they had killed a mind flayer.

If this is a costly trick, it will be tantamount to directly exposing the position to the sect headquarters, and it will inevitably be a catastrophe.

However, Ruomidi's self-introduction is authentic and credible, which is a huge opportunity.Because the mind flayer's psychic powers are too powerful, even if the mind catcher is successfully trained, the bloody purification is still no match for it. It can only be said that it can barely guarantee the current state of lingering.

And if it is possible to form an ally with the forces of the sky and sea of ​​clouds, then there is no doubt that a large number of new blood will be injected into the bloody purification. At that time, a top-level mind catcher may be born, thereby sweeping away the army of Mind Slayer.

Two diametrically opposed possibilities led Roy to bring Midi here—the Bloodfire Outpost, a stronghold belonging to the organization.

This is not only the first stop for resource collection, but also the front line against the sect headquarters, and it has multiple functions.

The four of Midi were placed in a relatively good building in this bloody outpost.

How to deal with outsiders is not something that the patrol captain, Roy, can decide. The only thing he can do is to notify the top management of the organization.

And just two days later, a judge from the Heaven Realm People's Congress came here.

This is a middle-aged man with a cautious expression. He is wearing a blood-red robe and holds an exquisite staff in his hand. Behind him are two guards with a full level of 58. He is obviously of extraordinary status.

Not only that, Midi even noticed that in the eyes of the great judge, an imperceptible silvery light flashed away.

The silver rust light blooms in the eyes, which is the characteristic of high-level thought catchers.

The Grand Inquisitor has a high enough status in the bloody purification. It seems that the other party also attaches great importance to "outsiders", an important factor that may determine the future strategic layout. That's why they sent high-level officials to contact so efficiently. The reaction of the bloody purification , to Meddy's satisfaction.

Because of this, he didn't make many reservations, but directly showed his cards and said the hole cards here.

"Wind King cruiser?" Even the Grand Inquisitor, who was born in the Star Ocean and has seen countless precious resource relics, was shocked immediately.

"If we cooperate with each other, we will be able to easily build a powerful fleet based on the standard of the Wind King Cruiser, combined with the technology possessed by the Blood Purification, the outstanding alchemist and the abundant resources in the Star Ocean. A stronger fleet of Vulture warships!" When the opponent was shocked, Midi began to lure him in good time.

The Grand Inquisitor did not answer directly, but fell into deep thought.

He didn't have any doubts about the authenticity of Midi's words.After all, the Grand Inquisitor himself is an advanced memory catcher.If the psychic is specialized in mind attacks, then the mind catcher has a certain ability to spy on the mind and a strong mind defense ability. Using the talent of the mind catcher, he can judge that Midi is not lying .

Moreover, even if they lie now, if the promise cannot be fulfilled in the end, the two parties will still fall apart, which is meaningless.

Therefore, for the Wind King Cruiser, the Grand Inquisitor was really moved.

"We can cooperate. Let us build an alchemy factory. You provide personnel, prototype warships, and build a new fleet as soon as possible. In addition, if your forward base needs to be protected, we can also help with bloody purification." The Grand Inquisitor finally gave a formal answer.

With the ally of Bloody Purification, it is much easier for Midi to establish a frontline base. Resources can be obtained locally, and development can rely on the guidance of this local ally, and even use its force when necessary.

Not only that, although the bloody and purified warships are not as good as the Vulture warships, let alone the Fengwang warships, they still have the ability to pass through the big storm area. In this way, a route inside and outside the big storm area can be established. Thus sending in more personnel.

It can be said that with the words of the Grand Inquisitor, the chess game suddenly became clear, and this trip can be regarded as a rewarding experience.

On the side, Avril Lavigne and Reinhardt immediately showed undisguised joy, but Wiseman shrugged, showing no interest in this kind of alliance between politicians.

However, Midi himself, who made this alliance with his own hands, was not complacent about it.

The bloody purification was already much weaker than the sect headquarters. As for Midi's own power, in this star ocean, it was nothing, it could only be regarded as a little bit slim.

Can the alliance of the weak and the weaker defeat the behemoth of the sect headquarters?
not necessarily.

At least, only this degree of loose alliance is not enough.

"One more thing, I hope Your Excellency the Grand Inquisitor can help." Midi said again.

"What?" The grand judge was a little surprised.

"The four of us hope to be memory catchers." Midi looked at each other firmly and said in a deep voice.

As soon as this remark came out, let alone the Grand Inquisitor, even the other three were immediately full of surprise.

Avril Lavigne and the others originally thought that a profession like a mind catcher definitely required sufficient talent to become one, but judging from Midi's words, a mind catcher can be formed through training?
In fact, according to the experience of Midi in the previous life, there were not only low-level memory-capturers like him in the previous life, intermediate-level memory-capturers like the bearded middle-aged man, and high-level memory-capturers at the level of the grand judge, but also There are top-level memory catchers!
Mind catchers of different levels depend on the height of the inheritance you have obtained.In the previous life, Midi didn't have any background and background, and the Falcon Group was also struggling, and needed to spend a lot of time to deal with cloud beasts to earn money. Therefore, what Midi finally got was the lowest level of blood purification written by himself. inheritance.

But in this life, Midi must not only become a mind catcher, but also become the top mind catcher. Only by reaching this level can he truly fight against those mind flayers and the terrifying supreme power behind them. By.

However, this is obviously a bit too much for the Grand Inquisitor.

You must know that compared to the battleship, the mind catcher is the root of its bloody purification, the core killer.

Now Midi, an outsider, has just obtained the trust of Bloody Purification, but he actually makes such a request. In his opinion, it is obviously a sign of pushing an inch.

Seeing the grand judge's expression gradually darken, Midi smiled as if he had expected it, and then said: "Of course, since we require the inheritance of the memory catcher, we will not let the bloody purification suffer. of."

He said, and took out a magic sealing box from the hiding place of the engineering boat.

Inside this magic box, there are rolls of parchment full of magic power lying quietly.

If you open a volume casually, you will find that there are detailed magic words with icons on it.

These parchments add up to at least ten volumes.

"This is... an inheritance skill!" The Grand Inquisitor's eyes were full of surprise once again.

"That's right, inheritance skills. I am from the continent of Arad. In that land full of relics, there are as many inheritance skills as this. Besides, my allies are big forces in the sky and sea of ​​clouds. Naturally There are also a variety of inheritance skills hidden, how about I want to exchange these inheritances for the inheritance of the mind catcher?" Midi said with confidence.

This was a strategy he had considered from the very beginning.

In Xingyang, resources are extremely rich, and trading with crystal coins or other rare materials and other items is impossible to impress the bloody purification.However, everything has advantages and disadvantages. In this star ocean, the most lacking thing is inheritance, because this is a relatively closed space, and the blood purification and the sect headquarters come from the same source, so the inheritance of both sides is almost the same.

It can be said that, except for the two factors of psychic powers and mind catchers, everyone is fighting each other with the knowledge of the basics.

In this case, only brand new inheritances, those powerful skills, and those assists that allow people to upgrade faster can attract the attention of bloody purification.

After all, even if you become a mind catcher, you still have to practice your own level, and you still have to learn your skills, and this aspect is precisely what the bloody purification that has been sealed for thousands of years is most lacking.

And it just so happens that Midi has a lot of these things in his hands. Starting from the earliest inheritance of the Elven Royal Court, when the Falcon Group was established with the contribution point system, more and more inheritances were collected in its large library. Including those of the Delos Empire, it can be said that the number of inheritances is countless, and it can be used now that it is taken out.

The grand judge took a deep look at Midi and fell into deep thought again.

However, from the fluctuations in the surrounding magic power, it can be known that he is not really thinking, but is using magic to communicate with a higher level far away in the headquarters.

After all, no matter how attractive the inheritance that Midi brought out, the mind catcher is always the root of the bloody purification, even if he has a high status, he dare not make a decision lightly.

After a long time, the grand judge finally raised his head.

"How are you thinking, Your Excellency the Grand Inquisitor?" Midi asked, and he could already tell one thing or two from the other party's gradually softening expression.

"In the name of the Bloody Purification Council, agree to this transaction." The Grand Inquisitor said, "Come with me to the headquarters. But I want to remind everyone in advance that the memory catcher's inheritance may be somewhat different from what you imagined."

(End of this chapter)

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