Arad's Sword

Chapter 304 Ranking Challenge

Chapter 304 Ranking Challenge
After the Battle of the Vulture Battleship, the fourth prince is no longer just the arrogant and elegant prince. On the contrary, setbacks and killings have polished his edges, while the iron-blooded victory has shaped his self-confidence.

Today's Reinhardt is a true warrior, and Midi believes that when he returns to the continent of Arad, he will be able to surpass his elder brother and win the throne of the empire.

Although the lowest level among the 20 people in front of them is 58, in Reinhardt's view, there is nothing particularly worthy of his attention.

In other words, if you spend a long time with Midi, the evildoer, your vision will naturally be raised.

However, Reinhardt is not only a fighter, but also a ruler. He is very clear about Midi's next strategic layout.

If in this small ranking challenge, the Bloody Purification cannot be brought down, it may cause trouble for the future cooperation between the two parties. Therefore, Reinhardt did not make any outstanding moves, and directly clicked on the ranking No.15 that one.

"You think I'm easy to bully?" The 59-level qigong master's face was very ugly, while the companions around him burst into laughter.

"Little boy, let you see how powerful I am." The qigong master couldn't hold back, roared and launched an attack.

However, in front of Reinhardt at level 56, this attack was full of flaws.

He slashed out with a sword, forced the qigong master back with incomparable domineering power, and then unceremoniously attacked forward, quickly forcing the opponent into a dead corner of the arena, and then directly put the sword on this person on the neck.

"I, I admit defeat." The qigong master could only admit defeat stutteringly.

In just a few rounds, Reinhardt won easily, ranked No.15, and qualified to enter the Mind Labyrinth.

"I'll just pick a legal opponent to play with." While rubbing his hands excitedly, Wiseman directly ordered a level 61 Ice Master, who ranked eighth.

"Don't kill people." Midi looked at Wiseman worriedly and couldn't help but say.

"Don't worry, I'll be careful with what I do, and it's still a level." Wiseman waved his hand casually.

"You don't pay attention to me!" Hearing the relaxed conversation between the two, the ice master almost fainted from anger.

As soon as he entered the arena, the Freezing Master immediately displayed his unique skills aggressively. In an instant, the entire arena was almost completely frozen, like a icy hell.

But the next moment, one after another black rays of light directly polluted these transparent ice walls.

Wiseman directly recruited countless undead from the ground, forming an unstoppable torrent and rushing towards each other.

The ice wall has a strong defense against physical attacks, and it is also very restrictive. However, it is difficult to have an effect when encountering an invisible undead. His whole body was wounded and dying.

Seeing their companions dying, many of the blood-purified elites showed angry eyes, but most of them restrained their initial contempt and looked at the four newcomers with a very serious expression.

"It's not challenging." After leaving this sentence, Wiseman walked up to the eighth seat on his own, and then glanced at Midi with ill intentions, "I said, don't try it. .1 Do you want to see it?"

Midi suddenly felt like vomiting blood.

Wiseman is such a bastard, it's okay to be too arrogant, so what's the point of attracting hatred to him?

As soon as Wiseman's voice fell, Midi immediately felt that from a certain place in the stands, a sharp and hostile sight fell on him.

It was a gloomy and cold young man with long hair, his face was pale, his expression was extremely indifferent, and there was a faint ghostly aura around him.

He is the number one among the bloody purification elites.

Devil May Cry at level 63, Sandur.

"Brother Shandur..." Beside Sandur, a beautiful woman couldn't help but glanced at Midi with some concern.

The overwhelming advantage shown by Wiseman just now made these elites put away their contempt.

But now, this is obviously a black-haired human youth like a leader, who has been encouraged to challenge Shandur. As Shandur's junior sister, this woman naturally feels a little uneasy.

"It's just a level 54 Devil May Cry. Although it seems that he still has some skills of the soul of the sword, he is not my opponent at all. Junior sister Xie Li, don't worry. If he comes to challenge me, I will let him Let him have a good taste of being surrounded by ghosts." Shandur sneered, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

He is extremely confident in his own strength, not only that, but as the number one disciple of Judge Marcel, a rare perfect awakener, he is also sure that even if he gets rough on these outsiders, he will not be held accountable in the end. So the arrogance is extremely arrogant.

It can even be said that if Midi came to challenge him, Sandur would have nothing to ask for.

Because Avril's appearance is extremely outstanding, and she has passed the identification of her bloodline, and is confirmed as a descendant of the true god Leslie Baylance, so Shandur can't help but feel a little bit cautious about that beautiful and soft dark elf.

But Avril has been pestering Midi all the time, the ambiguity between the two is obvious in the eyes of others.In Shandur's heart, he was naturally a little jealous.

If he can get Avril's favor, not only can he embrace the beauty, but also the position of the next Supreme Consul can be confirmed. Just to win the eyes of the dark elves, he doesn't mind fighting with Midi.

It's just that Midi directly ignored Sandur's various thoughts, but randomly selected a qigong master with a lower ranking.

Without any suspense, after two or three moves, the qigong master was directly stunned by Midi with the hilt of his sword.

So far, Avril Lavigne, Midi and the other three have all obtained the qualifications to enter the maze of the mind, and they have never had any irreconcilable conflicts with the blood-purified elites. It can be said that everyone is happy.

Only Sandur was extremely dissatisfied with this.

The qigong master who was defeated by Midi was only ranked fourteenth, and the gap with the top five was huge, and he couldn't stop Sandur a few times, but now it was cheaper than Midi, which made the number one seed player Feel very unhappy.

Suddenly, he had an idea and thought of a way.

"Junior Sister Xie Li, hurry up and call Bister over, and tell him that there is a place to enter the Mind Labyrinth." Sandur warned in Xie Li's ear.

Soon, just as the Grand Inquisitor recorded a new roster and was about to make preparations according to this roster, an extremely tall, red-haired, muscular man broke into the room regardless of the guards' obstruction. In the arena.

"Bist, what are you doing here?" The grand judge frowned.

"Come to challenge!" The burly man snorted coldly and replied in a deafening voice, "It's okay for me to give up my seat to the Holy Maiden, but Bist figured it out. Someone else will take it back!"

"What!" The Grand Inquisitor frowned even tighter.

This Bist is a berserker, originally the mental resistance is extremely low, even if he enters the maze of the mind, it is a waste, but his personal force is extremely high, so it is easy to rush into it top twenty.

Originally, Bist's qualifications in the temple were quite controversial, but now that Avril Lavigne appeared, it happened to pull the boat down and let the saint enter.But the grand judge didn't expect that this person would boldly rush into the arena and threaten to challenge.

Who does he think he is?

The grand judge's face darkened, and he was about to stop, but at this moment, another cold voice sounded.

"That's not bad. Instead of giving up our bloody purification quota to these lower-world humans of unknown origin, it's better to let Bist go in and try our luck." Sandur suddenly laughed, and then glanced provocatively. Midi sitting on the lower side.

Although he knew that there must be something wrong with this, but in this way, the Grand Inquisitor was unable to speak. After all, Sandur was the eldest disciple of Judge Marcel, and there was no need to conflict with this person for the sake of a few humans.

"Bist, you just choose one person to challenge." Sandur nodded to Bist.

"Thank you, Mr. Sandur." Bicester was overjoyed, and then he recalled the situation that Shelly came over to explain, carefully identified the past one by one, and finally stopped his gaze on Midi.

"Well, with black hair and black eyes, the youngest is you!" Bist roared, pointing at Midi, "Human, come down for me, I want to challenge you!"

"Challenge me?" Midi smiled.

Ever since he felt Shandur's hostility, he has been mentally prepared.

However, Midi didn't expect that the other party would be so impatient that he would trip him up as soon as they met. This is how much hatred he has.

However, at this time, Avril was like a cat again, leaning towards Midi's side, and said with a smile: "Come on, show them how good you are."

"Don't accidentally lose control of your strength and kill him." Wiseman returned Midi's words in a timely manner.

Midi could only smile wryly.

If this challenge is not handled well, it is likely to have an impact on the next cooperation with Bloody Purification. As a result, these two guys are lucky, instead of helping themselves to ease up, they will add fuel to the fire.

"In the Delos Empire, we believe that if the strategy of Huairou is difficult to work, then the only way to win awe is by strength." Reinhardt quietly added the last sentence.

"Well, maybe this is the only way." Midi sighed deeply.

Since it is not enough to be low-key, then let's make a high-profile one.

A golden-red sword glow flashed, and before everyone could see clearly, Midi was already standing firmly in the center of the arena.

A gust of hot wind blew up Midi's black hair. Under the bright starlight of Xingyang, the long sword in his hand looked so dazzling.

"Big man, let me teach you what the real ghost sword technique is." Midi said lightly, showing a provocative smile at Bicester.

(End of this chapter)

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