Arad's Sword

Chapter 305 Mind Labyrinth

Chapter 305 Mind Labyrinth
"Boy, you're courting death!" As a berserker, Bist had an extremely violent temper, but now that he was provoked by Midi, a new face who just came in, his eyes turned blood red, and his whole body was even more murderous. .

The next moment, he roared loudly, his whole body was surging with blood, and the two-meter-long giant sword in his hand emitted a dazzling red light.

Berserker skill, Blood Rage!
As soon as he came up, Bicester directly activated his signature skills, obviously not planning to keep any backup at all, but to kill Midi in one go.

"Bist's level is 60, and he has passed the threshold of awakening level 10. Now he has activated the blood rage, which greatly improves his combat power at the cost of consuming vitality! In this state, the power of his sword, It can even be said to have surpassed me!" In the high stands, a sneer appeared on the corner of Shandur's mouth, "I want to see how you, a mere 54-level human, will deal with it!"

"Brother Shandur, is this going too far?" the woman said timidly.

"It's okay, anyway, if something really happened, the Grand Inquisitor will naturally clean up the mess." Sandur waved his hand and said coldly.

In fact, seeing Bist launching an attack regardless, the Grand Inquisitor did feel a little nervous.

Just as Midi would be worried about the cooperation between the two parties, standing at the height of the Grand Inquisitor, he would also be worried about the relationship between allies.

But now, this Bist attacked as if he had taken a stimulant, so how could he not be worried?
However, neither Shandur, who was watching the show, nor the Grand Inquisitor, who was full of worries, found that Avril Lavigne, Reinhardt, and Wiseman did not waver in their expressions. On the contrary, they looked at Bier There was a hint of pity and sympathy in Stuttgart's expression.

Confronting "Sword of Victory and Protection" Midi Asrex head-on?

Just don't die too badly.

As for Midi himself, she just quietly waited for the arrival of the other party with the same calm expression as before.

"Take my move!" Bicester yelled, jumped up high with his sword and man, and then fell heavily like a mountain. The big sword in his hand seemed to be an extremely thick arc of light, cutting through the air and cutting into the sky. In the hard ground, there was an obvious shock in an instant, and a big hole was smashed in the arena.

It's just that this magnificent blow fell to nothing.

At the same time that Bicester jumped high, a golden-red light suddenly surged all over Midi's body, and then, before the opponent fell, he had already soared into the air and stopped directly in the sky, like a king, quietly Quietly overlooking the arena below.

"What!" Bicester was suddenly dumbfounded. The Berserker had almost no long-range attack methods. Facing the enemy in the air, he couldn't use his brute force at all.

"It turned out to be flying skills! Is this guy also a perfect awakener!" Sandur gritted his teeth and stared at Midi in midair with a gloomy face.

This feeling of looking up at others made this mighty Devil May Cry very uncomfortable.

Even the Grand Inquisitor, although he remained calm on the surface, had a turmoil in his heart, and at the same time secretly raised his evaluation of Midi by several levels.

You know, even among those extremely powerful mind flayers, not many have flying skills, and Midi actually has flying skills. Presumably, in future battles, he will be the only main force.

In this way, it seems to be a matter of course for Midi to enter the maze of the mind and become a top mind catcher.

This matter must be discussed with Supreme Consul Marcel as soon as possible.

The Grand Inquisitor calculated quickly in his mind.

As for the outcome of this battle, he no longer cared about it—with flying skills, he was invincible, so why should he worry?
However, for Midi, since he performed "Flying Sword Dance" when he came up, the result of "undefeated" was completely unacceptable to him.

Now that the high profile has been decided, what is needed is a "complete victory".

I saw the golden-red light around Midi's body suddenly surged, and then continued to shrink and condense, just like a real sharp sword.Everyone who looked at the sword light felt a stabbing pain in their eyes, and those with low ranks couldn't even look directly at the sword light.

The next moment, there was only an extremely sharp tearing sound of the air. Midi had merged with his sword and turned into a shooting star, and smashed down from the midair with an extremely domineering attitude.

Compared with Bicester, who jumped up like a mountain just now, the momentum of this blow is much greater, giving people a feeling that even the space has been penetrated.

The moment the strike landed, the entire arena and the stands shook, and sand and rocks flew in the center, and a mushroom cloud that could only be produced by a violent explosion rose up.

When the smoke dissipated, people suddenly discovered that a large hole with a diameter of more than 20 meters appeared in the center of the arena, and the depth was nearly one meter.

As for Bicester, at the moment he was swept by this terrifying impact, the giant sword in his hand broke on the spot, and the whole person flew out directly, and fell unconscious after hitting a big hole in the wall.

It's so strong!

What skills did he use?
How holy is he!

For a moment, the arena was silent, and the sound of needles falling to the ground could even be heard.Those bloody and purified elites were all so shocked that they could not speak. Even the invincible Shandur, his mouth grew wide at this moment, he was stunned, and he couldn't even maintain his gloomy and cold signature image in front of his junior sister.

After a long time, a voice sounded slowly.

"Who else wants to challenge me?" Midi asked lightly, scanning the entire stands.

No one answered, and everyone who was caught by Midi's ice-cold gaze lowered their heads hastily, for fear of offending the killing god.

Even Sandur, at this moment, couldn't help avoiding Midi's sight.

"Since there is no new challenger, how about we settle this matter like this?" Finally, Midi showed a satisfied smile, and then turned his gaze to the Grand Inquisitor.

"Of course." Apart from agreeing, what other options does the Grand Inquisitor have?

The rankings were settled, and during the remaining ten days, Midi and his party got acquainted with the headquarters of the bloody purification, the "Blood Prison Island".

Thanks to Avril Lavigne's status as a saint, Midi, the outsiders who were extremely repelled, walked on the street this time without encountering any conflicts.

At the same time, the strong strength shown by Midi also caused a subtle change in the attitude of the top management of the Bloody Purification.

At least, when Midi asked the Grand Inquisitor and the "Judger" Marcel about the situation in the maze of the mind, the two of them could be said to know everything and talk endlessly.Even if there are some reservations, at least on the surface, they have done their best.

In the blink of an eye, ten days passed.

In the early morning of the tenth day, twenty selected elites gathered in the Bloody Purification Temple under the illumination of the morning star that sprinkled cold light.

Midi glanced at it, and among the twenty elites, they were divided into several different factions.

Together with Avril Lavigne, Reinhardt, Wiseman and others, they can be regarded as "outsiders" who are tough to qualify.

Headed by Sandur and his younger sister, it is considered the highest consul faction.

In addition, there are two more conspicuous ones, one is a small group formed mainly by the elite selected from the patrol team, and the other is the elite selected from the executors.

Among them, Sandur has a level as high as 63, and is a Devil May Cry, possessing the power of ghosts and gods, and has a certain resistance to psychic powers.Not only that, but he is also a disciple of the judge Marcel, and at the same time, he has his loyal junior sister Xie Li as his assistant. It can be said that he is the most powerful.

The leader of the patrol team is a young man named Rot. He is the younger brother of the bearded middle-aged man Roy who was rescued by Midi before. He is level 60 and extremely talented. As early as two years ago, He has surpassed his elder brother and is regarded as the hopeful star of the frontline patrol team. His occupation is the same as that of the bearded middle-aged man, a qigong master.

And the last one is the team of executors.

Executors, as the name suggests, are a team dedicated to the main battle. They usually do not patrol or take on other tasks. They just practice with one heart and one mind. When it comes time to fight against the sect headquarters, they are the hardest main force.The berserker Bist, who was defeated by Midi before, belonged to this faction.

Today, there is also a leader among them. This man with a scar on his face is also a berserker. He is level 61. His whole body is full of blood, and his eyes are full of hostility when he looks at Midi. Obviously it is nothing good stubble.

Obviously, among them, on the surface, the strongest team is undoubtedly Sandur's team.

And the weakest team is Midi's team, except for Avril, none of them has reached level 60.

But after learning about the inside story of the mind labyrinth, Midi is not worried about this upcoming inheritance trial.

Because, if you want to pass the test of the mind maze and become a top mind catcher, the most important thing is to be able to survive in the mind maze successfully.

And for adventurers, this is exactly what they are best at.

Strength doesn't just depend on the level, but also a combination of multiple factors.

"Is it better than survival time?"

Midi smiled slightly, glanced around, saw the calm and peaceful eyes of the three companions, and felt relieved.

Accompanied by the sound of hurried footsteps, the Grand Inquisitor, Marcel the "Judger", and several other high-ranking officials who were bloody and purified had all gathered in the temple.

Following these high-ranking persons, passing through the heavily blocked corridors until passing through the entire temple, Midi and the others finally arrived at the area behind the temple and in front of the area shrouded in black mist.

At this moment, the black mist is a little different from before, it feels like it's about to move, like a living thing.

And Midi felt even more keenly that the magic power around the maze of the mind seemed to have reached a "saturation" state.

The next moment, the judge Marcel chanted the incantation in rhythmic rhythms aloud.

Accompanied by this incantation, waves of majestic and pure magic power spread out from under his feet like ripples.At the same moment, the Grand Inquisitor and several other high-level officials joined together and chanted the mantra together. A wave of magic power surged like a storm, shocking the entire space.

As the magic power continued to rise, in the end, all the power was intertwined at one point, and under the guidance of these high-level bloody purification officers, they merged into the black mist.

Everyone only felt the emptiness around the maze of mind faintly tremble.

Then, as if being cut by an invisible sword, the black mist automatically faded towards the sides like a tide.

Then, where the black mist disappeared, the main entrance of an extremely magnificent and ancient building was slowly revealed.

Amidst the loud roaring noise, the front door slowly opened, and the inside was so white that it was impossible to see through it.

The maze of the mind is finally opened.

 Unconsciously, it has passed 100 million words, let's celebrate.

(End of this chapter)

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