Arad's Sword

Chapter 335 Brain War

Chapter 335 Brain War

Midi's sudden burst of attacks was just a blindfold, just trying to attract Luoz's attention.

His real target is the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord—not to deal with it with ordinary skills, but with psychic powers.

After all, the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord's magic defense is extremely strong, but his resistance to psychic powers is notoriously low.

However, at this moment, the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord is under the control of Luoz's mind, and Midi is not sure how much resistance he has to mind sniping, mind blasting, etc.

Once the first attack is missed or the effect is not good, it will immediately alert the opponent, and it will become extremely difficult to use this tactic later.

So, in the end, instead of choosing any offensive psychic powers, Midi chose mind control.

Use mind control to deal with the Hundred-Eyed Demon Monarch who has been mastered by Roz.

He succeeded.

Roz did add a lot of trigger-type psychic protections to the huge body of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord, such as the psychic prism and so on.

However, mind control is not a simple attack, so it can completely bypass the protection and enter the spirit of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord.

Thus, without notice, the control of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord changed hands.

The scene is still two-on-one, but the situation has completely reversed from before.

Now, the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord has become Midi's servant, while the Lord of the Fourth Temple has become alone.

"Kill him!" Through mind control, Midi gave an order to the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord.

Hundreds of small eyes began to blink and cast spells. Under this command, the pupils of the central dominant eye contracted, locked on its former owner, and then began to emit eyeball rays with a disintegrating effect.

At the same time, Midi also started to move, approaching Luoz with ghostly flashes, and looking for the opponent's flaws between the staggered magic attacks, in order to kill him with one blow.

"You lowly human..." Roz cast a hateful look at Midi amidst his desperation.

However, in the face of such attacks, his background as the Hall Master was truly revealed.All kinds of protective charms and scrolls were desperately thrown out by Roz as if they didn't want money, blocking wave after wave of attacks.

Under the influence of various extremely precious protective spells, even Midi couldn't break through Luoz's defense in a short time.

The most important thing is that Midi really can't exert [-]% of his attack power now - a lot of his mental strength is used in mind control, and it is difficult for Ghost Swordsman to achieve The true level of the unity of man and sword.

This is also the main reason why Midi has not been too interested in the mind control skill, but now, he has no other choice.

Rather than giving up the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord in order to exert his full strength, it is more convenient to directly let the Hundred-eyed Demon Lord attack.

As long as you protect yourself well, walk around the field at the same time, and create enough psychological pressure on the enemy, sooner or later the opponent will show his flaws, and then the winner will be determined with one blow.

But soon, Luoz also realized this - the war of attrition is not good for him now, and the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord is often used as a human shield by Midi, making his attacks restrained.

Can't get caught up in this guy's rhythm.

Roz, who has experienced many battles, immediately made a judgment.

He threw out all the high-level magic scrolls he had treasured desperately, and immediately formed a tight barrier around his body. Even the eyeball rays could not break through this defense for a while.

Taking advantage of this gap, Roz's white pupils surged with off-white spiritual light, and the four tentacles also moved at the same time, drawing complicated gestures in the air.

Then, he cast his sharp eyes on the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord.

"Wake up and recognize who is your real master!" Luoz's voice sounded like rolling thunder in the mind of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord, and it was directly transmitted to Midi's mind through mind control. middle.

The palace master chose reverse control, accumulating a large amount of psionic energy at one time, and then launched a counterattack, in order to regain control of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord with one blow.

However, how could Midi do what he wanted?
Although the pure blue psionic power is not as aggressive as the opponent's gray-white mutant psionic power, if it is used for mind control, which simply directly consumes psionic energy, Midi still has a certain advantage.

Facing the impact from the mind flayer, Midi gritted his teeth, barely calmed down, then activated the Spirit Dragon Sword in his body, mobilizing a large amount of dark blue spiritual energy, and pushed back.

He stared fixedly at the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord, the huge dominant eye in the center of it.

"Continue to attack that mind flayer, and don't accept any orders other than mine!" Midi said in a decisive tone. The eyes that were originally as dark as stars are now dark blue, as if they were invisible. bottom of the ocean.

It is said that the sight of the beholder has the power to see through the soul, and ordinary people will go crazy if they look at it for a while, but at this moment, it is Midi's sight that penetrates the will of the hundred-eyed demon king.

After Luoz regained control, the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord did not launch an attack, but trembled again.

Having suffered just now, Luoz naturally won't watch the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord's control fall into the enemy's hands again. He raised four tentacles, similarly exerted the spiritual energy in his body to the limit, and threw it over.

"Go over there! Make that lowly human think he's made it, and kill him at close enough distance! Use your eye rays, use your magic, and break him down into a pile of dust!" Roz snarled.

Under the two completely different, or even completely opposite orders, the pupils in the main eyes of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord began to shrink violently.

Its hundreds of tentacles flicked back and forth unnaturally, and trembled convulsively. Some of its tentacles were aimed at Roz, while the other part was aimed at Midi, and the other part was swinging back and forth, as if Blind men generally cannot find their enemies.

Under the coercion of the huge magic power, the metal floor of the entire hall began to groan, and cracks appeared on the position where the Hundred-eyed Demon Lord was suspended.

At this moment, the poor consciousness of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord itself is no longer important. Its brain itself has become a battlefield. The dark blue quintessence of Midi and the gray-white mutant power possessed by Luoz are here. In the battlefield, they are madly attacking each other.

It's like two pieces of sea water with completely different colors, hitting each other, colliding with each other, devouring and annihilating each other.

After a while, the gray spirit energy displayed its penetrating properties, cutting the dark blue spirit energy into pieces like powder.

After a while, relying on the large number of dark blue spirits, it completely submerged the gray white spirits, and no color could be seen.

And most of the time, the two kinds of psionic energies blend together, constantly squeezing the opponent in the limited space of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Monarch's brain.

And every collision between psychic energies will be faithfully reflected in the minds of their masters, causing powerful shocks one after another.

At this level of competition, no matter whether it is Midi or Luoz, the only thing they can do is just stand there blankly, like two scarecrows, motionless.

All their mental energy has been put into the confrontation of psychic energy, and they no longer have any spare energy to attack, and they can't even control their own bodies.

However, this does not mean that people coming in from outside can pose any threat to them.

In this space filled with surging psychic energy, just the escaping waves of psychic energy are enough to drive ordinary people into insanity.

At this moment, both sides can say that there is no retreat, and the only way to determine the outcome is to eliminate the other party, or be eliminated by the other party.

"Kill him!" Midi shouted again.

"Kill him!" Roz shouted at the same time.

The Hundred-Eyed Demon Monarch stayed where he was, motionless.

Midi and Luoz remained silent, just continued to squeeze their own potential again, and then poured all the squeezed spiritual energy into the mind of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord.

Finally, the water is full.

In other words, the bucket named "Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord" could no longer hold it.

It's crazy.

This battle of wills between the top psykers finally exceeded the limit of the hundred-eyed Demon Monarch, a behemoth.

In the main eye in the center, streaks of blood as thick as a human arm suddenly appeared, and then, amidst an extremely sharp high-frequency chirp, as if venting, the Hundred-Eyed Demon Monarch began to crazily fire eyeball rays.

Even though the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord had gone mad, it still did not lose its survival instinct to perceive danger. Its attack neither aimed at Midi nor Loz, because it knew that it was self-destruction.

It can only vent its dissatisfaction towards the space that confines it—if there is no metal cage, where can it not escape with its natural flying ability?

Dazzling eyeball rays were shot out like Gatling machine gun bullets, and immediately punched bottomless holes in the metal hall walls and floor.

The seemingly indestructible antique metal was dissociated with ease, and that's not all. After penetrating out of this hall, the eyeball ray continued to dissociate anything it touched.

It may be an engine, it may be a turret, it may be a magic crystal or ammunition, or even a human body.

Under the brilliance of the eyeballs, the entire Kuanglong battleship suddenly went into chaos. Even the high-level religious members who had experienced many battles panicked at this moment, because they had absolutely no way to deal with this terrible attack.

Not only that, Luoz, who was in a confrontation with Midi, couldn't tell what order to give at all. The moment he was distracted, he would be shocked into a fool by the backlashing spiritual power, or he would be instantly killed.

So, soon, with no leader among the dragons, the crazy dragon battleship was directly beaten into a huge beehive from the inside by the crazy Hundred-eyed Demon Lord.

Fortunately, the central engine was not hit. However, the keel and skeleton of the battleship, which was riddled with holes, began to deform, and the entire battleship began to disintegrate.

And amidst the explosions and the gradually sloping floor, Midi and Roz were still confronting each other.

Or rather, they have no other choice.

(End of this chapter)

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