Arad's Sword

Chapter 336 Dominating the Beholder

Chapter 336 Dominating the Beholder
At the moment when he started to escape, Midi had already notified Reinhardt and the others as quickly as possible, laying in ambush at a specific location, waiting for his arrival.

And the reason why he lured the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord here was not only to make him fall into an ambush, but also to catch him alive!
The value of a living Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord far exceeds that of a corpse that can only be used as experimental material.

It possesses the skill of "seeing thousands of miles", which is the dream of every commander.

You must know that in this vast star ocean, the sect headquarter wants to search for the location of the enemy, and Midi also wants to search for the location of the giant beast of the sky.

And whether it is at the strategic or tactical level, if you want to fight against the sect headquarters, and the opponent has other Hundred-Eyed Demon Lords, then Midi's only reliance is this one in front of you.

Only the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord can fight against another Hundred-eyed Demon Lord.

Because this is not a simple armed confrontation, but a combination of intelligence, investigation, judgment and other factors.

Only by relying on the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord, can Midi have equal information acquisition capabilities in frontal combat.

Therefore, when Luoz, the Lord of the Fourth Temple, left before the battle because he regretted his life, even if the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord had gone mad, Midi had already made up his mind to find ways to get it!
"Catch it, find a way to catch it alive, Wiseman, if you have any hole cards, don't hide it!" Midi roared, and named the necromancer's name.

Before, Wiseman had easily captured all kinds of strange creatures many times, and even refined the brutal double-headed pterosaur into an undead mount. Midi didn't believe that he didn't have any special way to capture creatures.

Although everyone has their own secrets and should not be forced, the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord is really important in the strategy, and it can even be said to be more effective than a Wind King battleship. Therefore, Midi can only do anything here.

Wiseman, whose name was called, froze for a moment, then smiled wryly: "I said Midi, you really think highly of me, this guy... If I read correctly, he is the strongest race from the Underdark Region One, the beholder?"

"Don't worry about it so much, do it right away." Midi's face was pale. He had suffered serious injuries before, and now he felt a little bit exhausted.

Not only that, but at level 59, after fusing the Dragon Sealing Sword in the body with spiritual energy and transforming it into a "Spirit Dragon Sword", even the large chunks of Essence of Light crystals can no longer meet Midi's needs.

During this journey of escape, Midi absorbed two essences of light distractedly, but failed to slow down.

Seeing that Midi, who is the backbone, looked tired, the others didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately rushed forward.

Wiseman no longer shied away, and immediately urged the mount under his feet to arch up first.

After entering Xingyang, the necromancer captured another huge double-headed pterosaur, and refined it into an armored undead mount, which was just right for the front.

It's just that the Hundred-Eyed Demon Monarch's eye ray is not a vegetarian. This is a terrifying attack that even demolished the Kuanglong battleship. How can he be afraid of a small two-headed pterosaur?

Seeing his target Midi go away, while a group of obstructers swarmed up, the main eyes of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord suddenly burst into flames of anger, and the next moment, an eye ray shot directly at the front double-headed wing dragon.

Wiseman immediately manipulated the mount to dodge, but was still hit. One of the pterosaur's head and one wing were only rubbed, and they were directly broken down by the eyeball rays.

But then, Wiseman immediately chanted a short spell.

Immediately, puffs of thick black smoke emerged from the pterosaur's body, turning into the shape of the head and wings, and quickly restored the undead mount, which had lost half of its body, to its original state!

Immediately afterwards, while the undead pterosaur was constantly dealing with the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord by means of regeneration, Reinhardt and the others had surrounded them with dozens of vanguard boats.

From each of the pioneer boats, a slender but strong steel cable with a sharp barb at the end shot out.

It's just that, although the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord's physique is relatively poor, compared to a body of dragon blood like Midi, it is still difficult to break through its defense with ordinary attacks.

Most of these nail guns were directly bounced off by the hard cuticle on the Hundred-Eyed Demon Monarch's body, or were hit by the magic of the small eyeballs and were directly scrapped.

Only a few nail guns are inserted through the crevices of the cuticle, which has a certain binding effect.

However, under the struggle of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord, these restraints could not last long.

Fortunately, this time is enough for Wiseman.

The necromancer's magic power surged wildly all over his body, and as he muttered words, a black light glowed between his hands, and then he pressed down hard.

Immediately, a huge claw spread out in the void, grabbing the eight-meter-diameter Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord directly in the middle.

A dazzling eyeball shot out, directly disintegrating the claw. However, the death breath left after the disintegration still existed, and like a living creature, it drilled into the body of the Hundred-eyed Demon Lord, desperately weakening its strength. vitality.

Necromancer skill, Death Claw.

Before the blow was over, Wiseman pointed again. In an instant, a large piece of purple-black ominous mist swarmed out, like a waterfall falling from the sky, and fell on the head of the Hundred-eyed Demon Monarch.

Death's Resentment, another skill that weakens vitality.

The two skills are superimposed on each other, and even the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord, who is going berserk, is showing a little fatigue at this moment.

But it's not over yet, Wiseman gathered another tiny black ball emitting terrifying magic fluctuations in his hands, and then threw it out.

The speed of the black ball's flight was not fast, but its momentum was extremely terrifying. It dragged a trail full of deathly silence in the air, and nimbly dodged an eye ray that was shot, and then slammed into the Hundred-eyed Demon Jun's body.

Necromancer skill, Cursed Arrow.

The attack power of this skill is not strong, but there is a certain chance that it can put the target into a cursed state, and various attributes including intelligence, physical strength, strength, etc. will be greatly reduced.

The success rate of the curse depends on the gap between the wills of the two parties.

It can be said that this is a technique similar to psychic powers cast by magic.

Although the maddened Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord is powerful, his resistance to psychic powers has dropped to the lowest level in history. If the psychic power in Midi's body is not dried up, it is not difficult to subdue it.

Today, although Midi is powerless, Wiseman's use of this cursed arrow, which is similar to a spiritual skill, has the same effect.

The Hundred-Eyed Demon Monarch trembled for a moment, the terrifying bloodshot eyes in his main eyes finally began to gradually fade away, and the aura around him also rapidly diminished.

"Are you going to die?" Midi was shocked.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine once you freeze it." Wiseman smiled lightly, as if he was talking about how to preserve the ice cream he just bought. However, judging from the sweat oozing from the necromancer's forehead, he I am afraid that it is also maintained in a state of high tension.

The next moment, Wiseman waved his hand and gave the order to use ice magic. Several ice masters on the vanguard boat immediately began to cast magic, freezing the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord who had lost the ability to resist in a huge ice block .

Of course, in this way, the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord's levitation ability will also be invalidated immediately.

If the flying skill is not activated, this huge monster with a diameter of eight meters will of course fall directly from the sea of ​​clouds in the sky, and then fall to pieces.

Fortunately, the pioneer boats fired more nail guns and grabbed it by the steel cable.

So far, this huge beholder was finally captured alive by Midi.

And while Midi and his party were busy catching the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord, the frontal battlefield finally decided the winner——

After paying a painful price, "Judger" Marcel finally defeated the fleet array of the sect headquarters with a successful top-down piercing tactic.

Although the number of warships in the sect headquarters is still huge, because they lost their flagship before, and the fleet commander Luoz ran away because of his life, they have no intention of fighting fiercely.

Now, with the last advantage lost, and facing the overwhelming anti-aircraft firepower on Blood Prison Island, they naturally chose to retreat.

As for the Bloody Purification side, although they wanted to pursue it, the previous losses were too heavy. Once they left the range of fire support from Blood Prison Island, they might be beaten back.

Therefore, Marcel, who has always been cautious, gave up the pursuit this time, and just watched the orderly retreat of the sect headquarters fleet with vigilant eyes, and then disappeared into the depths of the star ocean.

This battle was finally won.

However, no one cheered.

Because, for this victory, the coalition forces paid too much.

All surrounding guard posts were removed.

The location of the base camp is exposed.

The defense system was probed clearly.

Moreover, the bloody purification has painstakingly managed the main fleet for nearly 50 years, and lost more than half of it in World War I.

Rather than saying it was a victory, it was better to say that it was just barely surviving after trying its best.

And in the near future, anyone can speculate that the sect headquarters will definitely gather a larger expeditionary fleet and launch another attack with a more complete posture.

At that time, what should we do?
escape?A big transfer of all staff?
It may be a good choice, but if the sect headquarters has more than one Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord, it may not be long before they will be discovered again.

Strengthen defense?

Whenever a defensive tower is added to Blood Prison Island, perhaps the sect headquarters can build two warships. As time goes by, the gap between the two sides will only become wider.

How exactly to do it, no one knows the answer.

If there was a wall between the bloody purification and the sect headquarters before, and it was still possible to use it to deal with it, then, with the emergence of a strategic and powerful existence like the Hundred-eyed Demon Lord, this wall has been demolished. From now on, there is no longer any barrier for the bloody purification to rely on.

"Can't escape, can't hide, can't defend, can't consume, since that's the case, then the only way is to attack, isn't it?" Midi made a conclusion, and then cast his eyes on the dying Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord trapped in the ice , "Fortunately, there is at least one thing we can do at present, and that is to find the location of the sect's headquarters!"

Those star-black eyes are still full of exhaustion and weakness, however, this still cannot conceal the eternal fighting spirit in the deepest part.

(End of this chapter)

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