Arad's Sword

Chapter 340 The leader and the mastermind behind the scenes

Chapter 340 The leader and the mastermind behind the scenes

The top leaders of the sect headquarters are all mind flayers, and the leader is no exception.

However, the difference from ordinary mind flayers and even the masters of the Four Great Temples is that the number of tentacles on the octopus head of this leader is not four, but six!

It seems that this is just a simple quantitative difference, however, this is different from the height difference of human beings and the difference in the length of ears of celestial beings.

The number of tentacles of a mind flayer is directly related to the strength of its mind. A mind flayer with six tentacles is naturally stronger than ordinary mind flayers in terms of control over psychic powers and the range of skills it can master.

Generally, people call it "Super Mind Flayer".

A super mind flayer like this may not appear in the mind flayer's hometown in the Underdark for hundreds of years.

However, in this star ocean, the mind flayer has only appeared for more than 50 years, and such a strong man has already been born.

Naturally, with six tentacles, after a rapid rise in just eight years, he quickly entered the top level of the sect, and finally sat on the position of leader without hesitation.

The four masters of the temple had personally experienced the incomparably powerful psychic coercion of the leader. At this moment, they naturally did not dare to make any mistakes and could only listen quietly.

As for Luoz, he could only lower his noble octopus head and keep silent, not even daring to bring up the thought of rebuttal.

He had to admit that this time he was indeed in trouble.

Running away is nothing. For these high-ranking mind flayers, they think that their lives are far more important than those of ordinary believers. Let alone hundreds of deaths, so what if they die thousands or tens of thousands?

As for the battleship, although it is said that a mad dragon heavy cruiser is expensive, it is a dead thing after all. In this star ocean with abundant resources, it just means that it will take a certain amount of time to remanufacture.

What really troubled Roz was the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord.

This is the real scarce resource in Star Ocean.

Because the one who provided the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord was the "Dharma Guardian" next to the supreme powerhouse.

This protector is extremely mysterious, and existed before the mind flayer's mind pool was established. It is said that he came to this star ocean with the supreme powerhouse, and the background is impossible to see through.

Although the guardian didn't understand psychic powers, no mind flayer - not even a super mind flayer who was the leader - dared to pry into this person's inner world.

All the mind flayers who have done this, or even thought about it, are all dead.

Their corpses will be recovered by the protector himself, and thrown back into the mind crystal pool where the mind flayers were born, where they will be decomposed by liquid psionic energy and become nutrients again, nourishing the next generation of mind flayers.

And every time, the Dharma protector would come up with this sentence: "Next time, it's better not to create a low-energy defective product with excessive curiosity."

It seems that in the eyes of this mysterious powerhouse, the powerful mind flayer is just a product made by him.

Since the Dharma Protectors are often active in the headquarters of the sect, but the real Supreme Powers always stay in the central temple deep in the mountains, so these years, the mind flayers respect the Dharma Protectors, especially the Supreme Powers.

This time too, about half a month ago, the protector seemed to have sensed something, with a serious expression on his face, and then he did not hesitate to spend a lot of mana to open the transmission channel to the demon world, and then he just pulled out from this channel. Two hundred-eyed demon kings have been ordered for use by the sect!
With this insightful Hundred-Eyed Demon Monarch, the sect headquarters' control over this vast star ocean has suddenly reached a meticulous level.

The mice that slipped in from the sea of ​​clouds in the sky.

The bloody purification members who have been lurking in this star ocean for many years.

One by one, the enemies were immediately picked out with ease.

All of this is all relying on the power of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Monarch, all relying on the terrifying call of the Dharma Guardian!
But now?As the Lord of the Third Temple, not to mention a big defeat, he even lost the Hundred-Eyed Demon Monarch!
Lost the Hundred-Eyed Demon Monarch summoned by the Guardian!
There is no doubt that this is not only trouble, but a great trouble.

"Roz, it's good for you, just fled back all the way in embarrassment, not even the expedition fleet. Have you ever thought about how to explain to Lord Guardian next, huh?" The six tentacles of the leader rolled, A pair of white eyes stared coldly at his once capable subordinate.

"My subordinates are very sorry." Luoz stretched out a tentacles and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, "My lord, please give me another chance!"

"What do you want to do?" the leader asked coldly.

"Please give me another expedition fleet! The previous fleet didn't lose much, and about [-]% of its combat power is left. With the new fleet, together, it is enough to sweep the entire Star Ocean!" Luoz quickly He was afraid that if he was too slow, he would have no chance, "We already know the location of Blood Prison Island, and they will definitely not be able to move it away in a short time. As long as we speed up, we can still completely eradicate the bloody purification! "

"Stupid!" A voice suddenly sounded, like the whisper of gold and iron.

This voice didn't sound in the mind through telepathy, but a real voice that sounded directly in the air. The five powerful mind flayers were suddenly dizzy from the shock.

However, they dare not have any dissatisfaction.

Because, in the great temple of the sect's headquarters, there is only one person who does not understand psychic powers and can only speak in a normal way-the Dharma Guardian.

This extremely tall man, whose whole body was wrapped in a black cloak, scanned the five mind flayers with incomparably cold eyes.

His gaze stayed on the leader for a while, and finally, it stopped on Luoz, the master of the third temple.

"I can feel that the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord has been controlled by that human named Midi." The guardian paused, and then said again, "In other words, our every move, the fleet's movement, the vital points everywhere, all They are all within the vision of that human being! If we attack rashly now, we will only suffer greater failure!"

"So, what does the guardian mean?" The leader sighed and took over the conversation.

Although he himself is very dissatisfied with Luoz's stupidity, Luoz is a mind flayer after all, a capable general on his side, and facing a mysterious powerhouse like a guardian, the mind flayer always wants to unite. Protect yourself together.

Therefore, he had to stand up, so as not to chill the minds of his subordinates.

However, even if it was a super mind flayer with six tentacles, when facing the dark eyes of the guardian, the leader felt a kind of chill from the soul.

"Just wait and see. I will summon another Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord. At least let us have an advantage in the number of observations. Then, we will see what the other party will do. Before that, we are not allowed to act rashly." The guardian said simply, but there was a natural aura in his tone.

Even if the leader of the Blue Truth Sect is in front of him, his order cannot be refused.

There is such a meaning in the tone of the guardian.

The masters and leaders of the four major temples could only nod their heads in agreement.

"Besides, since you caused trouble, it's really unreasonable not to punish him." The protector said after a moment of pondering.

As soon as his words fell, Roz knew that he was about to suffer.

However, before the temple master had time to react, a layer of black flames had already ignited around him.The flame was soundless, and it didn't even have heat. However, no matter whether it was magic power or psionic power, it couldn't be driven away.

It was like a tarsal maggot, emerging from every pore in Roz's body, burning and gnawing at the soul of this incomparable mind flayer, causing him to make hoarse screams of incomparable pain, Rolling around on the ground without any image.

After a while, the flame finally went out.

If it is more accurate, it was taken back into the palm of the law protector.

The black flame was like a living thing, rolling in satisfaction on the protector's hand, and then disappeared.

But Luoz had already been lying unconscious on the ground, lost consciousness, and fell into a coma.

"Tomorrow, come to me to receive the Hundred-Eyed Demon Monarch, and then monitor that human's movements around the clock, understand?" the guardian said in an orderly tone.

He didn't even look at Luoz who was lying on the ground, and didn't wait for the leader and others to respond, so he turned and left on his own, leaving behind only a terrifying and awe-inspiring back.

On the second day, just as the guardian said, the cross-dimensional channel between Xingyang and the demon world was easily torn open by his powerful magic power, and another lucky or unlucky hundred-eyed demon king was caught Among the Blue Truth Sect, and was immediately controlled by the prepared Temple Master.

So, now, Midi has one Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord, while the sect headquarters has two Hundred-eyed Demon Lords.

Under the incomparably powerful insight ability of these three hundred-eyed demon kings, the veil of the entire Xingyang has been completely torn off.

The key locations that the two sides have hidden back and forth, the floating islands where troops and warships are hoarded, the secret routes that have been operating for many years, etc., are all exposed to the enemy's vision.

Not only that, but with the passage of time, this kind of scanning has spread to every corner of Star Ocean.

The resources possessed by each floating island, the types of resources, and the distribution of mineral veins, etc., due to the insight of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord, can see through to a certain extent, so it can even penetrate through the rock formations and directly see to the richness of the vein itself.

After scanning in this way, both parties almost knew what was in every corner of Xingyang.

Whether it's war, confrontation, or simple resource development, everything is on the bright side.

In this sense, this is no longer a war in the true sense.

It's a game of chess.

With Xingyang as the chessboard and the strength of both sides as the chess pieces, it is an undisguised chess game.

(End of this chapter)

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