Arad's Sword

Chapter 341 Star Ocean Game

Chapter 341 Star Ocean Game
Whether it is dispatching troops, building warships, or gathering resources, none of the actions can conceal the opponent, and all of them are carried out on the bright side. This is the status quo of Xingyang's opposing sides.

Therefore, this war can be regarded as a game of chess, because every move is aboveboard, or in other words, it has to be aboveboard.

But that's all, except for the fact that the situation is clear at a glance, in other respects, everything is completely different from chess.

In chess, the pieces owned by both sides are evenly matched.

But here, the fleet owned by the sect headquarters and the resources occupied are far more than the sum of the Bloody Purification and Midi's Falcon Group.

In chess, the turn system is adopted, and the two sides take turns to act.

But here, the time spent on each step depends entirely on the speed and efficiency of one party's actions. The faster you act, the more opportunities you can take.

And the more advanced warships and the auxiliary propellers at any cost gave the sect another advantage in this regard.

The enemy's strength advantage will not be weakened by the existence of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord.

However, various command methods such as strategic mobilization, ambushes, and predictions, etc., will be completely unusable due to the existence of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord.

If given a choice, Midi would rather not have the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord on both sides.

After all, for a commander, only in the fog of war can he maximize his own value.

But now, the reality he had to face was that he had to face a powerful fleet that was several times larger than his own, and then he had to adopt an aboveboard method of warfare.

For many people, this seems almost impossible.

Even the "Judger" Marcel showed a rare wavering expression - in the previous defensive battle of Blood Prison Island, he did his best to use all the tactics that could be used in air combat Tried it all over again, what's the result?Still unable to withstand the enemy's offensive.

In fact, Luoz, the Lord of the Third Temple, didn't command much at all. Most of the time he was fighting Midi.

Just relying on the insight ability of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord, the rest of the mind flayers can easily grasp the entire battlefield and disintegrate Marcel's offensive in the absence of the commander-in-chief.

This is enough to show that when both sides can only fight head-on, the side with more troops will have a greater advantage, while the side with weaker troops will continue to slide towards the abyss of failure.

"What should we do now?" Reinhardt asked from the side, his beautiful eyes fixed on Midi standing in front of the huge Xingyang map.

Despite the urgency of the situation, the fourth prince's eyes glowed with excitement at this moment, as if Wiseman had seen some strange creature.

It's no wonder, because Reinhardt is a commander. Although the appearance of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord is a great challenge to "command", only in such a predicament can a genius be shown. True level.

Just like the proverb on the continent of Arad, the real good iron will always bloom its sharpest side in the flames.

At this moment, Reinhardt really wanted to know what the most talented commander on the continent of Arad, Midi Asrex, would do.

"How to do it?" Midillo pondered for a while, and said without thinking, "First of all, let's completely take command of the fleet. This matter..."

"Just leave it to me." Reinhardt immediately took over the conversation.

Bloody Purification and the Falcon Group are two forces. Although they have a common enemy and have formed an alliance, these are only superficial after all, and there are undercurrents surging inside.

But now, the bloody purification has been frightened by the thunder offensive of the sect headquarters, and when Marcel hesitated, there was no stronger and more convincing figure who could stand up.

On the contrary, Midi's power is in full swing. He not only captured eight Stinger battleships by himself, but also played a key role in the defense of Blood Prison Island.

Although the current situation is very bad, if Midi hadn't snatched a Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord, it wouldn't be a matter of being close, but the result of being directly crushed.

Therefore, even if it is said that Midi is the savior of blood purification, there is no exaggeration.

In order to fight against the sect headquarters, the "Allied forces" are merged into a single army and only accept the leadership of one person. Of course, it will be more efficient, more united and stronger.And the Falcon Group and the Bloody Purification happen to be in a state of one after another. If you don't take this opportunity to seize military power, you won't be like Midi.

For this point, Reinhardt had already prepared in his heart, and if it was him, he would definitely do it first.

"I have already sent people to infiltrate the bloody purification. The brothers Rot and Roy of the patrol team have a good relationship with us. In addition, Sandur is relying on the influence of Saint Avril to contain it. And those who are neutral The elements have also been negotiated, as long as the memory catcher inheritance brought out from the mind maze is properly allocated, it should not be a problem to get the highest command of the fleet." Reinhardt talked eloquently.

Midi nodded in satisfaction. Having a famous general of Reinhardt's level as his adjutant can indeed save a lot of trouble, at least, it is much easier to use than a guy like "Nightmare Hand" Wiseman who goes his own way.

"Within three days, the fleet will be integrated, and then regular operations will begin." Midi turned her gaze back to the vast sea chart.

"That's right, so how do we fight?" Reinhardt asked impatiently.

"It's very simple to say, that is to bring the enemy into our rhythm." Midi said lightly.

three days later.

The two fleets sailed out of Blood Prison Island at the same time, heading in two different directions.

These two fleets, one led by Midi, consisted of captured Stinger warships and the Falcon Group's own imitated Wind and Fire warships, and their destination was directly at the mine of a sect headquarters thousands of kilometers away.

The other fleet was led by Reinhardt, with the bloody and purified fleet as the main body, and its destination was a floating island outpost thousands of kilometers away.

While the two fleets were attacking, the sect headquarters immediately had a panoramic view of everything.

However, since the two fleets are moving in two completely different directions, they must also make a choice.

Is it to support the mine or the outpost?
Of course, the best choice is to send two fleets to support two regions at the same time.

But the problem is that when the sect headquarters planned to do this, they found that there was only one fleet that could reach the theater before the enemy.

Obviously, Midi's attack was not a random temptation, but the result of careful calculation.

For Midi's fleet, these two locations are at the same distance, but for the sect headquarters, they are not under the protection of saturated defense forces.

Moreover, since it is not an important military area, it is presumably impossible to mobilize additional forces for defense.

Forcing the opponent to make a single choice, this is Midi tactics.

In the end, in view of Midi's impressive record and threat, the sect headquarters sent the fleet to the mine as quickly as possible, and at the same time arranged for another fleet located in a farther area to rush to the outpost.

As a result, Midi took the battleship of the Falcon Regiment around the periphery of the mine and left directly, without firing a single shot from the beginning to the end.

But Reinhardt launched a lightning onslaught, pouring overwhelming artillery fire on the unprotected outpost.

When the sect's second fleet arrived at its destination, all it could see was a floating rock.

Even the floating island itself was blasted to pieces after being buried with explosives by Reinhardt.

After winning the first battle, Midi's mood did not fluctuate in any way. Instead, he followed suit and launched an attack again.

Again, this is another offense that forces the opponent to make a choice.

And the sect headquarters once again made a wrong choice.

In other words, there has never been a correct choice, no matter which side you choose to defend, the other side will get the correct information through magic communication, and then launch an attack.

After several times like this, the sect headquarters was obviously in a huge advantage in military strength, but was beaten by Midi. Not only was it unable to organize a decent attack, but even the defense became scrambled.

Not only that, because Midi adopted a scorched-earth policy, every time he attacked, he would try to blow up the floating island directly. Even if it was a large floating island that could not be destroyed, he would at least go up and destroy it so that the enemy could not Re-establish a stronghold in a short time.

In this way, under Midi's saturated attack, the sect headquarters was completely brought into his rhythm.

Midi can choose the time and place of the battle, while the sect headquarters can only passively defend.

Midi can choose to fight or not to fight, but the sect must send a large number of troops to defend.

Therefore, only relying on two or three small fleets, Midi held back enemies that were several times larger than his own, and relied on continuous attacks to disintegrate the opponent's attacks invisibly, making them exhausted.

In fact, if the sect headquarters did not have the insight ability of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord and did not know the movement of Midi's army, it would not be so passive.

According to the general practice, they will undoubtedly assemble a large-scale fleet, directly pounce on Blood Prison Island, and completely destroy it.

Then turn around and pounce on Midi's forward base, destroying it as well.

At that time, losing their foothold, Midi and Bloody Purification will no longer be able to compete with the sect headquarters, and can only withdraw from Xingyang.

However, it was precisely because they sensed Midi's movements and clearly saw Midi's attack that they fell into the quagmire of infinite defense and could not get out no matter what.

"Bring the opponent into our rhythm".

It wasn't until this moment that Reinhardt finally understood Midi's actions.

Perhaps, everything in Xingyang is under the supervision of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Monarch.

However, the majestic strategy in the heart of a real commander cannot be detected.

Just like a real chess game, at this moment, Midi is playing psychological warfare.

(End of this chapter)

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