Arad's Sword

Chapter 342 The sect's counterattack

Chapter 342 The sect's counterattack

Completely shield many possibilities, so that the enemy can only see the two choices he gave.

This is the most brilliant method of psychological warfare.

"It's too strong to be able to do this." Looking at the outposts of the sect headquarters that were destroyed one by one on the chart, Reinhardt sincerely admired them.

What is a genius commander?This is called a genius commander!

What ordinary people can't do, when ordinary people can only see dead ends, relying on unconstrained creativity to open up a way out!

With the passage of time, Emile's analysis of ancient warships has become more and more complete, and the advanced base also relies on Xingyang's resources to build more warships faster and faster.

It can be said that time is on the side of the Falcon Group.

But now, relying on bringing the opponent into his own rhythm, Midi has won the biggest factor of time.

The next thing to do is to accumulate enough strength, and then march towards the giant beast of the sky, killing it with one blow.

However, when Reinhardt was in high spirits, Midi's expression gradually became serious.

"Let all the fleets get ready. Judging from the distribution of patrol routes on the sea chart, the opponent is almost familiar with our rhythm. Next, it will probably be a large-scale assembly." Midi said, with a look in his eyes. A trace of seriousness and apprehension, "It's just, how far will they go?"

Just as Midi expected, after this "rhythm tactic" lasted for nearly a week, the sect headquarters finally got used to the dense two-choice defense.

They did not give up defense simply and rudely, but rebuilt a brand new support system, and every outermost outpost or mine could receive one-on-one support.

And after all this was done, Midi's attack would no longer be effective—even if he sent two fleets at the same time, he would face two reinforcements larger than himself at the same time.

However, if three fleets are sent at the same time, there will still be problems with the defense of the sect headquarters.

After all, the defense system of the three fleets requires a greater amount of calculations. The mind flayers are good at reading minds, but in terms of tactics, they obviously haven't reached this level.

However, the same is true for Midi. It is extremely difficult to find a target that can allow the three fleets to attack at the same time, and the sect headquarters cannot defend at the same time.

Therefore, even if they can occasionally launch a few attacks and succeed, from the overall strategy point of view, there are not many such opportunities. Every time an attack is made, there will be one less target.

At that time, it can be foreseen that Midi will face a crazy counterattack from the opponent.

Can Midi stop the retaliatory offensive launched by the sect after being frustrated for a long time?

Of course not.

Although during this period of time, Emile's day and night research has achieved some success, and nearly ten Fenghuo warships have been successfully completed and organized into a brand new fleet, but for the attack on the sect headquarters, this number of warships is not enough. , is still far from enough to turn the tide of battle from the front.

If you want to prevent it, you can't prevent it.

Just one large-scale expedition by the sect headquarters is enough to destroy Blood Prison Island.

Judging from the feedback from the scouts, the sect is indeed gathering on a large scale.

They shrunk their battle lines and relied on the island chains formed by the floating islands themselves for defense, while they continuously incorporated and integrated a large number of small patrol fleets, disbanded them and rearranged them, thus forming a large-scale fleet.

According to Midi, if this fleet finally takes shape, the scale will probably be at least fifty battleships or more!

Fifty ships, this is an astronomical figure in air combat.

Even fifty iron-frame warships sailing on the sea can almost conquer the entire west coast, and fifty antique warships can sweep the entire Arad continent without a problem, right?
"We must continue to attack." Faced with this heavy calculation result, Midi finally made a decision.

Waiting for the opponent to launch a general attack after the assembly is completed, it will only be a dead end.

If you continue to attack, although head-on head-on confrontation cannot be avoided, at least it will prevent the opponent from gathering that kind of super-large fleet.

This is the only way to replace defense with offense.

However, this is also a helpless and painful solution, because the attack at this moment can no longer pick up leaks or make random moves, but has entered the rhythm of a war of attrition.

Every time Midi dispatches, the sect will immediately send out the corresponding fleet, and use the geographical advantage of the floating island to defend.

There is no longer any situation where two targets are too late to defend at the same time, and there will be no gaps in the defense line. Every attack is a tragic battle between the battleships of both sides attacking from the front with all their strength.In every battle, at least ten percent of the warships will be lost.

One time may be fine, but as the number of battles increases, such a loss must be a huge blow to morale.

Even if the alchemy factory at the advance base is fully powered, and newer warships are constantly added to make up for it, the dead soldiers cannot be resurrected.

Every time a battle is fought, [-]% of the people will die.

Every time a battle is played, many families will be torn apart.

Many believers living on Blood Prison Island even had fathers and sons join the battle, and brothers all died after joining the battle.

Although everyone knows that Midi's approach is the most rational and correct choice in order to prevent the front from collapsing all at once, but emotions cannot be controlled, and therefore, more and more frictions occur on Blood Prison Island .

When will the next fight be?
Which side will sink the next battleship?
Maybe it's your turn next time?

When such thoughts began to gradually spread, how could morale be soaring?
Even Midi, in the face of such a situation, is somewhat unsustainable.

After all, to Xingyang, he is just a newcomer who has just arrived. Although he took advantage of the danger and won the military command of the Supreme Commander, Midi's prestige has not been fully established.

To be precise, he has the majesty established by personal force and wisdom, but he has not gained the trust and honesty of the believers.

For this reason, Reinhardt and others had to work harder at the front line, lest Midi be regarded as the kind of person who used blood to purify as cannon fodder, and let the people of the Falcon Regiment enjoy the rewards behind the scenes.

And in the midst of such a difficult battle, Midi's Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord caught a piece of news that made matters worse——

The leader of the Blue Truth Sect, personally went to the front line.

In the headquarters of the sect, the masters of the four major temples boarded the most advanced Kuanglong-class heavy cruisers.

Since they are all shouldering the important task of the heart network center of the mind flayer, staying on the bridge of the mad dragon battleship can convey the information gathered in the heart network to the heads of the captains in the fastest way. middle.

In other words, what the temple master assumes is the role of a commander.

But the leader is different.

What he was riding on was not even a mad dragon, not even a battleship, but an airship.

It was an extremely beautiful airship made of glass.

The length of this airship is about 15 meters, and it looks like a swallow flying in the wind. It is light, flexible and exquisite.

And on this airship, there is only the leader of the sect, and the entire boat is completely controlled by telepathy, without any other auxiliary facilities.

It can be said that this is not so much an airship as it is the personal car of the leader.

The reason why this method is adopted is that the duties of the head of the Blue Truth Sect on the battlefield are completely different from those of the head of the temple.

As a super mind flayer with six tentacles, the leader doesn't have to care about trivial matters such as detection, detection, command, and information transmission.

The only thing he has to do is to suppress and even dominate all enemies with his overwhelming spiritual power.

In other words, as the most psychically powerful mind flayer in the sect, he is a warrior at the forefront.

And one can imagine what the consequences would be if such a super mind flayer launched a psychic storm when the battleships of the two sides were fighting fiercely.

It must be no less destructive than Midi's capture of eight Stinger battleships.

No, even much bigger.

For such an enemy, the only way to fight is to use personal force to contain personal force.

And there is only one person who can contain such a terrifying psychic powerhouse like the leader of the sect.

Midi Asrex.

However, this also means that Midi will leave the position of commander, and the burden on the two commanders, Reinhardt and Marcel, will be further increased.

But even knowing this, Midi can only choose to fight on the front line to prevent the front line from completely collapsing in front of the leader's power.

In this way, as the glass airship of the leader arrived at the front line, a new battle began.

At the same time, at the edge of Xingyang, in the advance base managed by Emile, the Wind King warship, which had served as a transport aircraft for a long time, once again passed through the black cloud circle and the ice cloud circle, and returned to the base.

But this time, the Wind King battleship brought not only new blood and supplies from the sea of ​​clouds, but also a group of uninvited members.

Among this group of uninvited guests was an old man wearing ridiculous small round glasses and a white coat.

There was also a young and handsome man with an incomparably delicate appearance.

But what caught the eye the most were the two women at the front.

One person has red hair as beautiful as an autumn maple, like a burning flame.

The other person has a head of pure black long black hair like a waterfall, like a piece of ice that lasts forever.

One ice and one fire, it seems completely incompatible, but it gives people a very natural and harmonious beauty, no matter if it is a man or a woman, when seeing these two women, there is a feeling that cannot be turned away. The feeling of sight.

Who are they?

Why are you here?

Who are you here for?

Involuntarily, such a question emerged in people's minds.

 The two heroines have been hidden for a long time, it's time for them to come back and clean up the ambiguous harem!
(End of this chapter)

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