Arad's Sword

Chapter 344 Go to His Side

Chapter 344 Go to His Side
Apparently, Fina, the "Queen of Magic Bullets" who sits in the Kingdom of Belle Mare, and Alice, the "Witch of Mist" who sits in Sky City, have been silently watching the situation of the sea of ​​clouds in the sky.

With their authority and relationship with Midi, they must be able to know every detail.

Judging from the creation of this pair of mind-shielding earrings, the fact that the two women are going to Xingyang to support Midi is obviously not a momentary emotional impulse, let alone a random decision by patting their heads.

It is the result of detailed analysis and calculation, which has already laid down the foreshadowing and preparatory matters.

Most importantly, Midi himself agreed with this choice.

Asking Emile to make this pair of earrings was the inquiry of Fina and Alice.

Allowing Emile to make this pair of earrings is Midi's statement.

In other words, the two parties have already tacitly and tacitly communicated, and everything is a matter of course, and there is no need for others to worry about it.

Everything is in line with the constitution of the Falcon Regiment, everything is in line with the current battle situation, and everything is extremely reasonable.

But Victoria and Emile still felt very depressed.

In the sea of ​​clouds in the sky, they have always regarded themselves as Midi's right-hand man.

Not only can they communicate with Midi at any time, but they can also get all the information and decisions at the first time. The two lifelines of the Rothschild Chamber of Commerce and the Advance Base, which are equivalent to the logistics of the Falcon Group, are managed by them, which makes the two women There's a "we're closest to Midi" kind of feeling.

However, at this moment, when the two legendary people finally came to this star ocean, they still had a feeling of being kept in the dark and unable to cope.

It was this sense of powerlessness that made the two Yunhai women feel very depressed.

But what can be done?

Many things cannot be analyzed by reason and logic.

Especially the unspeakable kind of "competition" between women.

"Since you two are ready and have made up your mind, we naturally won't say anything more." Victoria said sourly, and suddenly changed the topic, "But at least..."

"Do you want to say, do you want to go with us?" Alice's cold voice sounded at this moment, just like the piano keys played, accurately interrupting Victoria's words , "That's impossible. There are only one pair of mind-shielding earrings, and Fina and I have already taken one. Besides, you are not the type suitable for fighting."

This was said very bluntly, so the anger of Victoria and Emile naturally rushed up.

However, they had no way to refute.

Because what Alice said was true.

Originally, the two could not go to the front line.

Even Avril Lavigne, who is level 60, is now struggling on the battlefield.This is not to say that Avril Lavigne is not strong enough, but because the growth rate of Midi, Reinhardt, Wiseman and others is too amazing.

From the initial low level to now surpassing Avril in terms of combat power and magic power, these humans from the continent of Arad hardly spent much time.

It usually takes years for the Celestials and Dark Elves to achieve promotion, but in the eyes of these humans, it only takes a few months to achieve it.

Presumably, the same is true for the "Magic Bullet Queen" and "Witch of the Mist".

In the face of such pure strength, Victoria and Emile had nothing to say.

Under the awkward and slightly tense atmosphere caused by Alice, Fina didn't want to stay any longer.After explaining a few words to Master Norton and Wells, after collecting the mind-shielding earrings that had been prepared earlier, the two went directly to the front line without stopping for a moment on the Wind King battleship.

Only two Yunhai women were left, sighing and sighing in the advance base.

"Those two guys are the ones Midi likes... By the way, they have such strong personalities, why didn't they fight each other?" Victoria muttered a little indignantly.

"Who knows, maybe it's possible that we've already fought." Emile shrugged, watched the Wind King warship go away from the window, and sighed deeply, "However, I have to admit , it’s really incomparable.”

"How can it be better than that?" Victoria said angrily, turning her head and glaring viciously at the dark elf alchemist beside her.

"Abandon everything like that and run directly to Midi to support him. There are always a few women who can do this kind of thing." Emile said softly.

For a moment, the room fell into silence again.

Although Victoria and Emile have also contributed a lot to the Falcon Group and the current battle situation, in the final analysis, these are still based on their willingness to do so.

Back then, the relationship between Victoria and Midi was just a relationship of mutual use and mutual trading.And Emile also chose to join his camp because he took a fancy to Midi's financial and military strength, in order to make his alchemy further.

Of course, with the in-depth understanding of the two parties step by step, the shelter provided by Midi for them, and the recognition of the sisters, etc., the relationship between the two parties gradually began to "deteriorate" imperceptibly.

From a simple transaction partner to an ally.

From allies with close mutual interests to comrades-in-arms.

Finally, from the daily life of fighting side by side, some other inexplicable things gradually emerged.

But even so, if Victoria and Emile ask themselves, they must still find that their value and foothold are still the Rothschild Chamber of Commerce and the alchemy technology of the Sky Battleship.

This is something they will never let go of.

However, "Magic Bullet Queen" Fina and "Mist Witch" Alice simply let go of all of them, and then came to the deepest part of the Star Ocean alone in a rush.

Just to get back to that person and face the most powerful enemy together with him.

The meaning of the "Iron Triangle" of the Falcon Group, the two Yunhai women now understand a little bit - this is not only to say that this combination is extremely strong in battle, but also that this small circle of three people, it seems that no matter who they are, It is impossible to step in again, and there is no gap left for latecomers.

"In the end, it still doesn't work." With a deep sigh, Victoria showed a melancholy expression.

In the bright star ocean, the Fengwang battleship has long since disappeared.

It was as if it was in a hurry to return to its owner.

"In the end, it still doesn't work?" In the depths of Xingyang, on the frontline battlefield, even Midi, who had always been so calm and cold, couldn't suppress the anxiety in his heart at this moment.

The combined fleet of Bloody Purification and the Falcon Group is in a rather unfavorable situation.

With the appearance of the leader of the Blue Truth Sect, the psychic suppression on the side of the sect reached its peak.

The only thing Midi can do is to put aside all chores, go into battle in person, and have a psychic confrontation with this super mind flayer with six tentacles.

Fortunately, these days, Midi has been studying the defensive skills of the memory catcher.

On the Spirit Dragon Sword in his body, the dark blue light streaks composed of light elements and pure spiritual energy have already covered more than [-]% of the sword body.

This means that Midi has reached more than half of level 59, and her spiritual power has completely matched her magic power.

Not only that, in terms of spiritual energy defense, relying on the best guidance in the "Sea Emperor's Inheritance", he has even practiced a variety of twisting, deflection and reflection skills, which have already surpassed Sandur and others. Within a short period of time, it has reached the standard of "top memory catcher".

But even so, facing the indiscriminate bombardment of various psychic abilities from the leader, Midi's mind still could not be completely stabilized.

The psychic strength of this leader has reached an unbelievable level. Skills such as psychic sniper are used in his hands, as if they are tangible substances that can be touched.

This is not to say that the psychic attack has become a physical attack, but that this kind of psychic attack has already had an irresistible impact on the human spirit.

Facing such an attack, even Midi had to go all out to resist it.

As for in this chaotic air battle, it is simply not feasible to catch up with the high-speed glass airship of the leader, and then kill it in close combat.

While Midi was busy fighting with the leader in the chaotic flames of war, the life of the two commanders, Reinhardt and Marcel, was even more difficult.

They were used to the calculating Midi giving orders at the top and then executing them.

But now, these two people have to independently support the overall situation without the help of others, and they have to coordinate with each other.

Not only that, but to add insult to injury, in the fleet of the sect headquarters, the leader who has mastered high-level psychic powers is not only the leader, but the masters of the third and fourth temples are also on the two wings!
Sometimes they assist the leader to snipe Midi, and sometimes launch a large-scale psychic storm to suppress the battlefield. In contrast, the mind catchers on the coalition side can only defend passively, and it is difficult to expand the scope of this defense .

Therefore, most ordinary professionals will be affected a lot when facing the indiscriminate bombing of the palace master, which makes the already unfavorable war situation further tilted towards the enemy.

Midi is losing the war bit by bit.

Moreover, even if he knew it was so, it would be very difficult for him to reverse it, let alone get out.

The only way, it seems, is to take a risk and kill the leader!

A killing intent flashed in Midi's heart.He stretched out his hand silently, and then grabbed the handle of the dagger "Golden Forgiveness" at his waist.

And just when Midi was about to take a risk, a bright light shot from the sky.

In an instant, the entire Xingyang seemed to be split by this strong light, and it became extremely dim.

At this moment, the stars completely lost their light.

In everyone's field of vision, there is only this strong light like the opening of the world.

This ray of light pierced directly into the battlefield domineeringly, boiling the air and causing a series of violent explosions, like an extremely sharp spear, directly piercing through the two Vulture battleships of the sect headquarters, killing them with one blow. They are totally wrecked!
(End of this chapter)

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