Arad's Sword

Chapter 345 Iron Triangle Comes Again

Chapter 345 The Iron Triangle Comes Again

"Wind King Battleship!"

"It's the Wind King battleship coming!"

"The power of the main guns of real ancient warships is really extraordinary!"

The soldiers who were at an extreme disadvantage suddenly let out bursts of cheers that resounded through the battleship.

The Wind King warship like a white swan descended on the battlefield at the most critical moment, destroying two Vulture warships with one blow, which changed the situation of the battle in an instant. In the eyes of others, this was a matter of course.

However, in Midi's eyes, the surprise disappeared in a flash.

On the entire battlefield, he was the only one who could see that the piercing light did not come from the main gun of the Fengwang battleship.

In it, there was a kind of nostalgic atmosphere that he was very familiar with, but he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Fina?" A nostalgic name blurted out from Midi's mouth.

"It's been a long time, Midi." The familiar charming and arrogant voice came from the magic communication. For a moment, Midi forgot that he was still on the battlefield, "Ai and I Liz is here, let’s talk about other things later, let’s win this battle together first.”

Can you win this battle?

Midi repeated Fina's words in her heart, and she was full of thoughts for a while, but in the end, it finally turned into a smile at the corner of her mouth.

No matter in the previous life or in this life, no matter what the circumstances were, Fina was indeed that Fina.

After all, the two sides have not seen each other for quite some time, and they only communicate by letters.

But even so, at this moment, she was still able to decide the first thing to deal with with incomparable accuracy, and then implement it to the end.

Should I say chic, neat, or queenly?

Midi didn't know how to describe it, but if he had to describe it, he would definitely say that this is "Fina's style".

"Okay, let's win this battle first." Midi replied calmly.

But this time, in the calmness of the answer, it was not really the calmness of the landslide before him without changing his face as usual, but contained a kind of deep joy.

"What should I do?" Another voice like a silver bell that Midi was also familiar with faintly rang.

Alice is asking a question.

"It's very simple, kill those two palace masters." Midi said without hesitation.

Originally, for Midi, there were very few things that could be done with the insight skills of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord.

Now he is entangled by the leader and bombarded with psychic powers, and he is completely locked up, almost unable to affect the battle situation.

But at this moment, with the arrival of "Magic Bullet Queen" Fina and "Mist Witch" Alice, Midi suddenly found that her room for maneuver has become extremely wide.

As long as they are there, countless wonderful tactical cooperation will become possible in an instant.

The originally weak attack will be so sharp that it cannot be stopped.

The entire battle situation can be turned upside down in an instant.

As for whether Fina and Alice could defeat the two temple masters, Midi was never worried.

He has personally tested the mind-shielding effect of the pair of earrings produced by relying on the inheritance of the mind labyrinth. It can be said that the effect is extraordinary, and it is absolutely worthy of the unimaginably expensive cost of nearly a fleet.

And the power shown by Fina's magic bullet just now convinced Midi that these two confidante of hers definitely have enough means to destroy those huge battleships.

That being the case, the only thing that needs to be done is to fully demonstrate the attack power of the Iron Triangle of the Falcon Group, and then end this cruel tug-of-war with lightning speed before the octopus heads can react in time.

But this time, Midi himself could finally no longer be distracted or worried, but could face the terrifying leader wholeheartedly.

"Attention everyone, cooperate with the Wind King battleship to launch an attack, don't hold back, and use full firepower." Midi's command sounded through the magic communication.

For a moment, Reinhardt and Marcel, who were struggling to resist the wave-like offensive of the sect warships, couldn't believe their ears.

No need to keep it, full firepower?In the current situation, this is simply an act of suicide!

Even if the blow of the King of Wind destroys two enemy warships and instantly boosts morale, it is impossible to bring about a decisive reversal, right?Betting everything on it now, what is the difference from gambling?
Not to mention the "judge" Marcel who still can't fully trust Midi, even Reinhardt, after listening to Midi's order at this moment, feels guilty for a while.

However, before the two adjutants questioned Midi, the Fengwang battleship launched another attack.

Another radiant brilliance swept across the sky, like a sharp sword descending from the sky.

Accompanied by the roaring explosion, two more Vulture warships slowly disintegrated in the flames, turning into countless flying chips and ashes.

However, this time, most people saw clearly that this brilliance did not come from the main cannon of the Fengwang warship that needs to be recharged for a long time before firing, but from the hand of a red-haired woman!

The woman had red hair as beautiful as an autumn maple, and was wearing a fiery red falcon regiment uniform inlaid with gold trim. Under the starlight, her whole body exuded a breath-taking beauty.

She just stood directly on the deck of the Wind King battleship, and the hot wind on the battlefield raised her long hair. From a distance, she looked like a legendary Valkyrie.

In an instant, there was an uncontrollable excitement in the Falcon Group.

For most people in Tianyunhai, the "Magic Bullet Queen" and "Witch of the Mist" are just legends when the Falcon Group was founded, far away from their past time.

For the bloody purification in Star Ocean, they didn't even know who Fina and Alice were, and there was no need to know.

However, after all, in this fleet, there are still many people who followed Midi all the way to victory, then set foot on Sky City, and finally came to Star Ocean after awakening.

As an old member of the Falcon Group, seeing that dazzling red hair at this moment is like a powerful shot in the arm.

In an instant, the cheers, which were several times stronger than before, rang out again.

And amidst this sound, with Fina as the center, all the magic power within a few kilometers around surged crazily, forming a huge invisible vortex, and then instantly shrunk into an incomparably condensed light spot.

Like a firefly, this spot of light hovered quietly in Fina's palm, and then turned into a third ray of light, piercing the sky.

Another two Vulture warships were destroyed on the spot!

Three consecutive attacks that were more powerful than the main gun of the Wind King battleship.

Six consecutive Vulture battleships were destroyed without even the slightest ability to resist.

Such a record is enough to completely ignite the fighting spirit of all the soldiers of the Falcon Regiment in an instant, and it is enough to turn the entire battle situation upside down in an instant!
At the same time that Fina launched the attack, a piece of red brilliance also took off from the Wind King battleship at the same time, and rushed directly towards the Kuanglong-class heavy cruiser where a hall master was located at an extremely fast speed.

This piece of red brilliance, upon closer inspection, is a mist as red as blood.

And in the mist, a huge red wolf six to seven meters long was stepping on the air with its four claws, flying in the sky at an extremely fast speed, leaving a flame-like trace wherever it passed.

And on the back of the red wolf, a small and delicate girl sat obliquely, her long black hair fluttering in the high-speed flight, like a flag waving in the wind.

This girl is naturally the "Witch of the Mist", Alice Otropos, who is as famous as the "Queen of Magic Bullets".

And the mount under her is a summoned beast—the Red Devil "Rose Hound".

Originally, this "Rose Hound" was extremely difficult to control due to its brutal and bloodthirsty temperament and the characteristic of devouring the enemy and transforming it into its own power.

If one is not careful, the rose hound breaks through the bondage of the contract, it will cause a backlash against the summoner, and even swallow him together.

Therefore, for Alice, the Red Devil "Rose Hound" has always been a taboo. Except for summoning it for Midi, she has always been extremely cautious and tried not to summon it.

But now, with the continuous improvement of strength and the washing of the dragon blood white crystal pool, she has transformed into an extraordinary awakened body. Alice, who is now at level 54, is fully capable of completely controlling this rebellious and brutal king. .

Not only can it be controlled, but it can also be controlled from a higher level.

Just as the fog demon "Feast of the Night" and the night demon "Shadow Cloak" can be transformed into white cats and black cats, now, the red demon "Rose Hound" has finally been materialized from the mist form by Alice.

This not only can greatly enhance the strength of the "Rose Hound", but also represents Alice's complete control over this summoned beast.

Now, all it takes is one thought and one order, and the bloody king will follow the will of the "Witch of the Mist" to kill the enemy with incomparable precision, instead of just relying on his own bloodthirsty nature as before, regardless of the enemy or himself. , all devoured.

Under the high-speed movement of the "Rose Hound", coupled with the defensive power of the blood mist itself, Alice quickly passed through the melee zone in the center of the battlefield, and directly penetrated into the center of the sect headquarters fleet.

A mad dragon battleship is hovering directly below her at this moment.

Sitting on this mad dragon warship is the master of the fourth temple.

Through telepathy, the fourth palace lord immediately discovered the indifferent opponent above his head. With a cold snort, he immediately launched several mind blasts in succession. Go straight up.

However, these attacks seemed to have disappeared without any impact at all.

The black-haired girl was still sitting motionless on the back of the giant red wolf, with the same expression as before, except for the delicate earring on her right ear, the azure blue light was walking up and down.

"Your attack is over, now it's my turn."

Accompanied by these indifferent words, the huge red wave let out a ferocious roar, and then spewed a large cloud of blood mist downward.

In an instant, the entire [-]-meter-long Kuanglong warship was shrouded in a sea of ​​red, like a blood-stained corpse lying on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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