Arad's Sword

Chapter 348 Sharpening Stone

Chapter 348 Sharpening Stone

With the addition of "Magic Bullet Queen" Fina and "Mist Witch" Alice, the situation immediately stabilized.

In the previous battle, the astonishing performance of the two women was not only stable in the situation itself, but also in the hearts of the people.

Now, from ordinary professionals, to generals, and finally to commanders, what is in their minds is not how to survive the sect's onslaught, but how to counterattack and even knock down the sect headquarters.

This is called morale.

Only, of course, with the arrival of the two, there will also be some lamentation and sadness.

For example, Avril, who is used to seduce Midi, now feels empty in her heart and has nowhere to go.

If she stayed alone like this, she felt that she was about to suffocate, at least she had to find someone to talk to quickly.

But the war was at a critical juncture, and Emile and Victoria, who were in the same situation as him, were holding their breath at the forward base, and wanted to make some achievements, so they had no time to come to the front line to hug her for warmth.

And although the bloody purification group treated her very well, they all came based on the status and etiquette of treating the saint, and their respect was a bit too much.

In desperation, Avril Lavigne had no choice but to find Reinhardt and Wiseman.

"Fina and Alice, what kind of people are they?" Avril asked.

There is a proverb in Arad Continent, if you know yourself and the enemy, you can win every battle.

Although the hope of victory is slim, the Dark Elf Assassin still intends to find out first, at least to get to know Midi's taste.

"If I have to say it, it's a type with a very high growth rate." Wiseman narrowed his eyes and judged, and sighed deeply, "Unfortunately, I had a chance to kill the 'Witch of the Mist' back then. , the result was one step closer to the wrong person, otherwise, wouldn't it be that I, Wiseman, would also become the person who changed history?"

Avril Lavigne looked at each other with the eyes of an idiot. Of course, what she wanted to hear was not the grievances and grievances between the two parties back then.

On the other hand, Reinhardt, who usually had various interactions with noble ladies in the empire, quickly noticed Avril's thoughts.

"In my opinion, both Fina and Alice are the kind of women who are very independent. Not to mention better than Midi, but at least they can fight side by side with him." Reinhardt pondered for a while, and answered like this road.

"But..." Avril hesitated to speak.

This girl is also very independent!And starting from the Sky Arena, it can be regarded as fighting side by side with Midi, right?

And there are all kinds of temptations!

Why is it not working?

As if aware of Avril Lavigne's confusion, Reinhardt continued to explain patiently: "When I say fighting side by side, I don't just mean being able to help, but being able to become an equal to Midi."

Someone equal to Midi?Avril Lavigne was taken aback for a moment, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of her mouth involuntarily.

If it's this level, it's really unlikely.

It can even be said that when Midi was only level 51 and entered the Sky Arena, when Avril saw him, she had a feeling that "this person will definitely be able to break into the world in the future".

She once wanted to use Midi, and then acted as his support. Now, the most appropriate way to say it should be to "follow" Midi.

As for the matter of equality, since Avril saw Midi's awakening secret skill "Flying Sword Dance", it has been dispelled.Because she knew that no matter how hard she worked, she couldn't reach that level.

But "Magic Bullet Queen" Fina and "Witch of the Mist" Alice really give people a feeling of being equal to Midi.

Although they also don't have flying skills, even though they haven't even become mind catchers, even if they stand beside Midi, they will definitely not be ignored as the background.

Not only Midi's lover, but also the peak strength of the Falcon Regiment.

It will not be ignored, neglected, or despised by people, but has the same prestigious title as Midi, and is therefore known as the existence of the "Iron Triangle".

Is this what Midi tastes like?
"Really, when I was seduced, I didn't know how difficult it is to shoot him down." Avril couldn't help pouting, and complained subconsciously, but her voice was so soft that she couldn't hear it clearly.

On the side, Wiseman and Reinhardt looked at each other, and at the same time showed gloating smiles——Since a few years ago, the Delos Empire has been depressed by Midi, and now, one more person has joined the ranks Naturally, they couldn't help but chuckle.

In addition, since Avril doesn't seem to give up, the two Delos people will naturally not let go of the opportunity to cause some trouble for Fina and Alice.

Reinhardt was thinking about how to encourage Avril Lavigne, but there was a wave of fluctuations in the magic communication.

The next moment, the expressions of the three people became serious at the same time.

The general attack against the giant beast of the sky curtain is about to launch.

"Peak level 59." Refining another piece of Essence of Light, Midi felt the surging power in his body, and then made a judgment.

Although the previous continuous battles were difficult, they were not without benefits. At least, the level brought about by continuous upgrades along the way has been polished and stabilized to a certain extent.

Now, he has stopped at the peak level of level 59, and he is only one step away from stepping into level 60.

After awakening, every 10 levels, you can get a qualitative leap.

If it reaches level 60, Midi believes that the spirit dragon sword in his body may be able to further evolve and strengthen, and his chances of winning against the supreme powerhouse will be a little higher.

However, this final step from level 59 to level 60 is also more difficult than ordinary upgrades.

Although it is not enough to "change job" and "awakening", and does not need any harsh external conditions to assist, at least, it needs a strong opportunity to achieve it.

Even if Midi is a reborn person and has the experience of the second awakening, but in this life, his path to promotion has undergone too many changes.

From the initial perfect fusion of ghosts and gods, to the perfect job transfer, to the extraordinary awakening, and then obtained the inheritance of the Sea Emperor, and further integrated spiritual energy, now Midi has to explore step by step if he wants to upgrade. The experience of the previous life can only be done. a reference.

Therefore, even though he reached the peak of level 59, he was not in a hurry to reach level 60.

Besides, he is no longer fighting alone.

"Level 55." On the side, Fina sighed contentedly.

"Me too." Alice said.

As the sitters in the rear, Fina and Alice these days mainly rely on the Essence of Light that Midi sent down from the sea of ​​clouds in the sky to upgrade.

After all, the two of them are also extraordinary awakeners and cannot be upgraded in an ordinary way.

And in the absence of combat experience, being able to reach level 54 by refining the Essence of Light alone is enough to show that the aptitude of the two is amazing.

Now, in the Star Ocean, where the pure magic power is far more intense than that of Arad Continent and Sky City, plus an extremely fierce air battle, it is also expected that the level will be promoted after the level is loosened.

However, Midi was still amazed by being promoted to one level just overnight.

You know, if he hadn't been able to get the psychic indoctrination inherited by the Neptune, he would only be level 55 now at most.

It can be said that Fina and Alice are not sitting in the lower realm foolishly, but are constantly accumulating and gaining insights. What is lacking is the tempering of fighting.

Now, there is still a little time before the confrontation with the supreme powerhouse. As long as they can fully experience the fierce confrontation on the battlefield, Midi believes that the two of them can continue to advance at an astonishing speed.

And he himself also needs to fight to achieve a breakthrough from level 59 to level 60.

"Just use the Blue Truth Sect as a sharpening stone." A cold light flashed in Midi's eyes.

The coalition forces, or the fleet of the new Falcon Regiment controlled by the "Iron Triangle", quickly assembled.

As for the final destination of this attack, it is naturally the giant beast of the sky.

With the insight ability of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Monarch, it is impossible to hide this huge monster that is hundreds of kilometers long.

And Midi was not dazzled by the victory. He was always clear that a war of attrition was not good for his own side. It does not correspond to the actual battle situation.

Moreover, what Midi is most worried about is that the supreme powerhouse will continue to restore its previous strength as time goes by.

Therefore, even with the addition of Fina and Alice, his strategy has not changed in any way. It is still a long drive in the middle, directly attacking the center of the Blue Truth Sect!

Taking the "cutting-edge warship" of the Fengwang battleship as the core, the "medium-level warship" of the Fenghuo warship newly developed by the Falcon Group as the support, and the bloody and purified Fengya battleship and the Stinger warship captured by the "Stinger" warship on the periphery. The "low-level battleship" was consolidated, and a huge fleet composed of more than 30 battleships began to march towards the location of the giant beast of the sky curtain.

At the same time, through the insight ability of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Monarch, this move was actually passed on to the headquarters of the Blue Truth Sect.

"Interesting, it's really interesting!" A arrogant voice resounded unscrupulously in the air above the temple.

The owner of the voice was a man with a tall figure.

His whole body was filled with suffocating magic power, and his crimson eyes exuded a strong killing intent that would make even the soul shudder.

This person is the "Dharma Guardian" that even the leader of the Blue Truth Sect fears.

"It's nothing more than the heirs of the Sea Emperor's inheritance. I didn't expect that the two little girls beside him were born heirs of the Holy Blood!" The guardian licked his lips, as if he had seen something delicious. The food is the same, "As long as I devour these two little girls, and find a way to seize the inheritance of the Sea Emperor, I will be No. 1 under the apostles!"

"I've been working as a guard here for 80 years, and I've finally had my luck. Well, by then, as long as I can be promoted to the rank of Marquis, I won't have to keep watching this dying old man all day long!"

The guardian was talking to himself, and laughed again.

Amid wild laughter, the cloak he used to cover his body was torn to pieces, and a darkness rose high, covering up the brilliance of the sky.

Looking carefully at the darkness, it turned out to be a pair of black wings belonging to the high-level demon clan!

From a distance, this pair of wings looks like the scythe of death.

(End of this chapter)

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