Arad's Sword

Chapter 349 Total Attack

Chapter 349 Total Attack

"Have you been spied on again?" Midi frowned.

When marching all the way, he always had a strong feeling of being spied on.

Although I have gradually gotten used to the feeling of being locked on by the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord's sight from thousands of miles away, but this time, I always feel that the killing intent is so strong that I feel uncomfortable all over.

Not only him, but even Fina and Alice felt the same way, and they often felt goosebumps all over their bodies.

The two women with a certain degree of cleanliness were full of concerns even when taking a bath.

After all, the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord's insight ability can penetrate even the veil of magic, but at this distance, it is impossible to distinguish the close-fitting clothes from the skin.

In other words, it's okay to wear clothes, but if you take them off, you will definitely be seen.

Although Fina preached bold remarks such as "I don't care if I'm seen by those octopus heads", "I won't lose a piece of meat if I'm seen", but in the end, she still chose the same as Alice. Use magic to cleanse your body and clean your clothes at the same time.

But compared to a comfortable bath, although this method is simple and efficient, it is still not so comfortable.

Thanks to this, the desire of the two to defeat the Blue Truth Sect has become much more urgent.

Even the advance speed of the expedition fleet was a little faster because of this.

In just one week, the incomparably huge figure of the Sky Curtain Beast has entered the fleet's field of vision.

This huge monster with a length of hundreds of kilometers swims on the dome of Xingyang, like the king of this domain, overlooking everything below it from a high position.

And Midi's fleet is like a school of fish rushing from the deep sea to the surface of the ocean, trying to tear apart a piece of heaven and earth in the shadows, rushing out of the water and splashing a wave!
The core of the entire sea of ​​clouds in the sky, or even the most valuable pearl in the entire Arad today, is in sight, but Midi is unexpectedly calm.

Because at this moment, this pearl is still held in a strong hand, it doesn't belong to me, and it won't belong to me easily.

Therefore, he was more cautious.

After the giant beast of the sky curtain entered the normal line of sight, Midi did not order the fleet to launch an attack immediately. On the contrary, he kept a certain distance and then began to climb continuously.

Although air combat seems to be indiscriminate between up, down, left, and right, in fact, the downward "gravity" still exists.

This means that attacks launched from a higher position will have higher acceleration, vanguard boats can dive faster, battleships can adjust their gun positions better, and even the trajectory of shells will be different.

Moreover, the high place is the top of the star ocean, where the distant stars are located.

In the airspace of the Xingyang Dome, the starlight is extremely bright, even to the point of dazzling. If you attack from a low place, it is equivalent to being in a "sun-facing" position, and your vision will be affected, and the hit rate will be greatly reduced. Taboo in war.

Therefore, Midi naturally wouldn't attack immediately.

Instead, they must find ways to first occupy a commanding height higher than that of the Sky Veil Behemoth.

Of course, the Blue Truth Sect can guess this kind of tactical intention without the need for the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord, so they will definitely send a fleet to intercept it.

However, Midi was not worried.

Because he has already prepared multiple sets of tactical plans, once the sect's fleet comes to prevent him from occupying the commanding heights, he can use his tactics and set traps in turn to wipe out all the enemies who will commit crimes in the future, thereby further weakening the enemy's strength!

It can be said that at this point, the game on Xingyang, which uses all the troops of both sides as pawns, has reached a fever pitch.

All means, all psychological tactics, and even all kinds of trump cards have been laid out, and the rest is only a battle of adaptability.

However, the sect headquarters did not send troops to intercept it in a hurry as Midi predicted. On the contrary, their fleet was still waiting in the sky above the sky-veiled giant beast, not moving at all, just watching Midi occupy a higher position with cold eyes .

And through his own Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord, Midi soon discovered that the opponent was gathering a fleet.

Not only the current main fleet defending against the Skyveil Behemoth, but also all the warships of the entire Blue Truth Sect scattered across the Star Ocean, including outposts, strongholds, mines, and even patrol routes, are gathering towards the battlefield here.

If you want to look down from the zenith, you will find that countless iron filings seem to be attracted by the huge magnet in the center and continuously condense.

Apparently, when Midi drove straight towards the sky-veiled giant beast, the Blue Truth Sect had finally determined the attack target on Midi's side, so, at all costs, they gave up all defenses and put all Power is concentrated in one point.

If this assembly is really completed, with the strength of Midi's side, even if Fina and Alice are added, there is absolutely no possibility of any breakthrough. The opponent can use the sea of ​​​​the fleet to pile up Midi to death.

Therefore, Midi's only choice is to attack!
Take down the Skyveil Behemoth before the assembly of the sect headquarters is complete!

Of course, in fact, Midi had another choice.

That is to turn around immediately, retreat, and return to the stronghold for confrontation.

As long as this is done, the sect's large gathering of magic crystals, which consumed countless manpower and material resources, will immediately become a joke.

But of course Midi couldn't do that, not to mention anything else, even if it was just to defeat the supreme powerhouse who seemed to be gradually recovering his strength, Midi couldn't wait any longer.

Moreover, the most important point is that with Fina and Alice present, he is more than [-]% sure that he can take down the seemingly tight defense of the sect headquarters.

That being the case, what is the need to retreat?

Midi has never been afraid of tough battles, not only that, he will always be the one at the forefront.

"Are you all ready?" Midi's voice slowly spread through the magic communication.

"The Wind King battleship is ready, and the battleship is in position." Fina's voice was the first to return.

"The Commando is ready." Alice followed.

"The left wing fleet is in place," Reinhardt replied.

"The right wing fleet is in place." Marcel replied.

"The army of the undead is also ready, I hope I can give them a surprise." Wiseman said weakly.

Although this new undead army has a certain restraint effect on mind flayers, it is much inferior to the summoned beasts of "Witch of the Mist" Alice.

Besides, under the insight ability of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord, Wiseman's every move is under the monitoring of the sect, so how could he really catch the other party by surprise?
In fact, Wiseman has already seen that the opposite sect fleet seems to have specially prepared several purification battleships that launch "holy ice bombs" made of frozen holy water, just waiting for their own army of undead to come out.

Therefore, the necromancer is really in a bad mood now.

However, his eyes full of fighting spirit showed that under the seemingly bad mood, there was a heart eager to fight.

"The White Blade team is in place." Finally, Avril Lavigne's voice also sounded.

Through psychic power, I can feel the surging emotions of everyone; through the eyes, I can sense the firm will of the two beloved people around me.The corner of Midi's mouth couldn't help but slightly raised.

"Very good, the whole army obeys the order and attacks!" Midi said loudly, and with a slap all over her body, a bright golden red sword light rose!
"Everyone, please follow my sword!"

Accompanied by this sound, he soared into the sky like the sword light of a meteor that broke the sky and cracked the clouds.

The general attack has begun.

Under the leadership of this golden-red meteor, the entire fleet moved.

The engine emitted a scorching stream of light, propelling the gigantic steel cast roaring forward.

Flames of death spewed from the muzzle, raining ammunition on the enemy.

From the commanding heights, the battleships continued to accelerate, condescendingly launching waves of ruthless offensives.

However, the sect headquarters fleet, which is waiting solemnly, will naturally not be shaken by the opponent's momentum.

On the contrary, the previous disastrous defeat made them put away their underestimation and arrogance, and became extremely cautious.

Not only did the main fleet occupy a superior number, they did not adopt an active offensive strategy, but instead focused on defense, forming a watertight iron wall defense line above the Sky Veil Behemoth.

Even the phrase "there is no depth in air combat" is meaningless in front of this line of defense.

Because the blockade network woven by its firepower is so dense that no warship can break through it, let alone those ordinary airships, or vanguard boats that are as fragile as paper.

Not only that, this line of defense is even combined with the defense facilities on the surface of the Sky Veil Behemoth, forming a firepower network with a high and low level drop.

Even if Midi's warship can gain a certain advantage by relying on the height difference, it will not have any advantage in front of this double firepower net.

To put it simply, Midi's fleet is like a sharp knife, piercing into the wall at once, but as it goes deeper, the blade of this knife becomes more and more blunt, and its speed becomes slower and slower , will eventually stop.

After resisting Midi's initial onslaught, the fleet of the sect headquarters cleverly moved back a little bit to drag the opponent's fleet into the range of the ground firepower for further consumption.

"Hmph, as long as it gets within the attack range of ground firepower and cannibalize from the flanks, that human has no way to get out easily!" The leader snorted while combing his six tentacles, "When the time comes, We can completely disintegrate their fleet in the form of a war of attrition, no matter how strong their attack power is, it will be a result!"

However, just when the leader thought he had taken control of the situation, nearly four or five warships rushed towards the giant beast of the sky in a suicidal manner!

The armor and magic defense of these battleships are surprisingly thick, but the firepower of the turrets on them is pitifully small, it is like a piece of iron weight, just like this, smashing to the ground.

No matter how strong the sect's firepower is, it will not be able to support a warship after all.

Soon, among the patches of smoke and dust, those warships finally penetrated the firepower net and made an emergency landing, and it can even be said that they directly smashed into the forest on the back of the Sky Curtain Beast.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of soldiers from the Falcon Regiment emerged from the wreckage of these largely intact warships, and started digging trenches on the spot to build a base!

"Not good!" The faces of the senior leaders of the sect headquarters, including the leader and the hall master, suddenly sank.

(End of this chapter)

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