Arad's Sword

Chapter 350 Landing Battle

Chapter 350 Landing Battle

Landing battle.

This is Midi's battle plan.

Originally, he never planned to wipe out the fleet of the sect headquarters.

With the strength in Midi's hands, even with Fina's magic bullet, it is difficult to do this.

What's more, the sect's forces distributed throughout the Star Ocean are all gathering here, and it is simply impossible to "sink all the warships".

The most critical point in defeating the sect's headquarters is to defeat the mind flayers entrenched in its high-level. As long as the mind flayers are cleared out, there will be a possibility of restoring the relationship between the bloody purification and the headquarters.

And if you want to defeat the mind flayer, then the best way is to defeat the supreme powerhouse.

Because there are countless evidences that show that there is an inextricable connection between this supreme power who appeared in the star ocean about a century ago, and the mind flayer who became the ruler of the Blue Truth sect more than 50 years ago .

In the previous life, after the Heavenly Curtain giant beast was finally captured, many researchers even believed that the supreme powerhouse was the creator of these mind flayers.

Therefore, from the very beginning, Midi's real target was neither the main battleship group in the air, nor the leader himself who was fighting on the front line.

It's the supreme powerhouse who hides his secrets!
This was a decision that Midi had already made after he discovered the giant beast of the Sky Veil through the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord and learned about its defense situation.

Not only that, but he also prepared for quite a long time, just for this landing battle.

For example, develop a warship that has never existed in ancient times-landing ships!

Although they are under the surveillance of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Monarch, if the two Hundred-Eyed Demon Lords want to monitor the movement of all the troops in the entire Xingyang, they can only fly by at one spot, not at all. will pay too much attention.

Therefore, although it is known that Midi is frantically manufacturing air battleships, the sect headquarters only has a general understanding of what kind of warships are being manufactured.

How many low-level warships and how many mid-level warships?Of these, the sect headquarters only care about the quantity.

The configuration of high-level warships is the part they focus on monitoring.

The landing ship designed by Emile is based on the size and firepower of a low-level warship, so naturally it cannot attract attention.

However, in fact, the defensive power of this warship is even stronger than that of Feng Wang.

The landing ship is also specially strengthened for the ground defense firepower of the sect headquarters, coupled with a specially designed shock absorption system and magic defense, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as indestructible.

Not only that, Midi also used the insight ability of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord to restore the huge sand table of the entire Sky Veil Behemoth.

Where the firepower is relatively weak, where you can enter the temple in the deep mountain faster, where there is a shortcut, where is more suitable for hiding, etc., Midi has investigated all the details.

It can be said that he already had a very specific and highly fault-tolerant plan for how to attack, how to defend, and how to act after landing.

At this moment, the first phase of the plan has been successfully implemented.

Five landing ships, each carrying 4000 fighters from the Falcon Regiment, a total of [-] people, successfully broke through the blockade and landed in the forest on the back of the Skyveil Beast.

Since most of the trees in the forest were planted with "mind demon seeds" by the mind flayers, they had the ability to think for themselves and turned into giant trees to guard the defensive temple. Therefore, in the previous life, this forest was also called "Spiritual Demon Seed" by adventurers. For the Dryad Forest.

As long as you cross the forest of dryads and cross the low hill called "the first spine", you can reach the depths of the mountains on the back of the giant beast.

It is called the "second spine", and it is the location of the supreme powerhouse!

And the distance from the landing point to the deep mountain temple is only a few tens of kilometers.

For a strong man with flying skills like Midi, it can even be said to arrive in an instant.

Even if the sect headquarters was aware of this battle plan, it was too late to stop it at this moment, because the four thousand soldiers had already stepped out of the landing ship.

Under the command of Midi, a small part of this ground force quickly established a small base using alchemy machinery on the spot, and most of the troops immediately assembled, like an iron fist, and began to fight in the tree spirit forest. Go on a rampage.

Towering ancient trees tens of meters high were alarmed one after another.

The mental demons in their bodies felt threatened, so they urged their huge bodies to attack the intruders.

The resilience of these ancient trees is extremely strong, and the defense power of the old bark is comparable to that of a low-level battleship, and it is also fireproof.

The sweeping range of the arms formed by its branches is even more astonishingly large.

However, Midi is a reborn person, and he has a variety of efficient methods to harvest the ancient tree of war.

Not only that, but in this life, he is also the successor of the Neptune's inheritance. Although the ancient trees themselves are immune to spiritual attacks, the mental demons in their bodies are most afraid of them.

Therefore, these ancient war trees, which were originally extremely powerful for adventurers, had killed countless adventurers in the previous life, and only then were the terrifying monsters whose weaknesses were finally discovered. Now, under Midi's confident command, they are like straws , was harvested by the fighters of the Falcon Regiment.

Nail guns fired from the array secured one ancient tree after another to the ground.

Then, the soldiers did not attack its body, but launched a fierce attack on the fragile root systems hidden under the tree.

And Midi swept the mind blast, destroying the mind demon in the ancient tree, turning it into an ordinary plant without consciousness again, or shocking it to the point where it cannot move.

The suppression of psychic powers and attacks on weak points caused these ancient war trees to fall quickly, and a wide road was immediately cleared in the dense and ancient forest of dryads.

As for the other kind of monsters, those dryads who are extremely resistant to magic, in front of this army of steel torrents, can't even show up, they can only shrink aside, just looking at Midi like this Lead the team on a rampage, cutting through the entire dryad forest.

"Damn it, their goal is the Supreme Power!" the leader gritted his teeth.

He doesn't think that Midi has the ability to defeat the Supreme Power, even the Supreme Power who has been weakened to the extreme.

What's more, in that temple, there is the existence of that terrifying "Dharma Guardian".

He is just like the supreme powerhouse, a powerful existence that can not be detected by the Hundred-Eyed Demon Monarch.

With these two people present, it is impossible for Midi to win, no matter whether he brings 4000 people up or 4 people.

However, as the leader of the sect, he couldn't just let Midi go on a rampage on the giant beast like this.

Otherwise, even if Midi was wiped out by the Guardian, his life would not be much better after that.

At best it is a crime of dereliction of duty, at worst it will be directly "recycled" by the guardians as incompetent.

Therefore, the leader must take action.

Without even thinking about it, he immediately dispatched a fleet of six Stinger warships closest to the hill where the first spine was located, and ordered them to directly suppress it from the air.

Air-to-ground, powerful warship firepower against a group of physical professionals, under normal circumstances, there will be absolutely no problem.

But obviously, the leader forgot one thing - Midi was a vicious character who directly captured eight Stinger warships in the air battle by himself.

What's more, this time, there are Fina and Alice in this team.

Even without Midi's action, the magic bullet fired by Fina was like a sharp sword that opened up the world, piercing through a battleship from bottom to top.

Before the warship fell to the ground, the second magic bullet had already been fired, knocking down the other one.

At this point, the remaining four warships did not dare to approach any further. On the contrary, like frightened birds, they kept raising their heights, and only when their lives were saved, did they symbolically confront each other below. The intruders launched several attacks.

It's a pity that the distance between the two sides is too far, and most of the attacks have no effect at all. Occasionally, the shells that hit Midi's marching route have very little lethality, almost negligible.

"Damn it, how is this possible!" The leader's face became more and more gloomy, almost dripping water, and the six tentacles of the super mind flayer were immediately entangled.

While the ground troops rushed forward frantically, the battle in the air also changed.

Under the prudent command of Reinhardt and Marcel, the fleet on Midi's side began to tend to defend.

However, this is also inevitable - in a battle dominated by ground forces, the fleet only needs to be able to hold an air passage, so that Midi and the others can return later, and there is no need to continue to attack at all, and the difficulty of combat is greatly reduced.

As a result, it was the sect headquarters that fell into the passive position.

"The masters of the first, second, and third temples obey orders! Leave the ship immediately and go down with me to kill those stupid humans!" The leader's roar rang out in the spiritual network.

Undoubtedly, this is a very correct decision. Being forced to this extent by Midi, the only solution is the choice of "King vs. King".

The leader and the three hall masters entangled the elite to fight against the troops led by Midi, Fina and Alice.

This is the best way.

However, just as the leader was about to do this, an incomparably majestic voice came through the magic communication.

"You don't need to waste your time, let them in, Midi and others will be handed over to me." The voice of the guardian rang out faintly, but it carried an unquestionable flavor.

"Yes, Master Dharma Protector." The leader quickly replied.

Although being despised once again made the self-respecting leader extremely unhappy, but at this time, if he could not face Midi, it would be like removing a big trouble.

Since the protector is willing to take action, of course it couldn't be better.

"Come on, Midi Asrex, and the two heirs of the Holy Blood beside you." On the top of the temple in the deep mountain, the guardian looked into the distance, with a smile on his mouth, "Let me see, Do you have the stamina to deal with the eighth apostle, long-legged Rost!"

(End of this chapter)

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