Arad's Sword

Chapter 363 The Absent Winners

Chapter 363 The Absent Winners
The Star Ocean Expedition finally came to an end.

At the end of the war, which didn't last long but was extremely fierce, countless strange and even strange phenomena appeared.

For example, from the temple where the second spine of the Sky Veil giant beast is located, the incomparably powerful spiritual power erupted.

What kind of existence could bring such a huge shock?
For example, the smell of sulfur that once filled the air, and the figure of a winged demon that someone once saw.

Could it be that the demons have quietly infiltrated their power into Xingyang?
For another example, the mind flayers, who were originally invincible, turned into phantoms one by one at the most intense moment of the battle, as if being swallowed by some kind of force, they all disappeared, leaving only clothes and equipment all over the place.

What kind of curse is this that can kill such a powerful existence including the leader?

One after another, mysteries are filling people's minds.

And among all the strange things, the biggest is undoubtedly the disappearance of the "Iron Triangle" of the Falcon Group.

"Sword of Victory and Protection" Midi Asrex.

"Queen of Bullets" Fina Hamilton.

"Witch of the Mist" Alice Otropos.

These three legendary figures from the continent of Arad, the commander of the Falcon Group, and the ruler of the Belmare Kingdom all disappeared at the same time during this battle, which immediately caused an uproar.

All kinds of incredible rumors emerged one after another.

All forces are ready to move.

Even the situation on the continent of Arad began to show signs of changing.

Many people even believe that the Falcon Group won a short-term victory, but lost all future possibilities.Because of the loss of the "Iron Triangle", the Falcon Group will collapse completely sooner or later.

However, while the outside world was in turmoil, the Falcon Group's interior remained as calm as ever.

This is attributed to the letters left by Midi and others.

In these letters, Midi accurately predicted the future situation with scribbled handwriting, and provided corresponding strategies.

At the same time, Fina and Alice also explained the upcoming pressure on the Kingdom of Belle Mare and the key points of magic research.

Therefore, even if the three of them had disappeared, the instructions they left behind were still enough for the Falcon Group to cope with the current difficulties.

The most important thing is that although the current Falcon Group has lost the supreme leader who created it, it has not yet fallen into a situation where there is no leader.

On the contrary, at this moment, there is still an incomparably outstanding and talented commander sitting in it.

Reinhardt Sgardt Heinrich, the fourth prince of the Delos Empire.

This is the agent appointed by Midi himself.

As the most elite legion of the Kingdom of Belmar, the Falcon Regiment, which was born to fight against the Delos Empire, naturally had a strong repulsion towards such a prince of the Delos Empire at the beginning.

Even if Reinhardt had a letter of appointment written by Midi himself, most of the senior officials of the Falcon Group did not welcome his arrival.

However, in just one week of rectification, the fourth prince directly made everyone obedient with his vigorous and resolute attitude.

His approach was simple - he personally issued a statement stating that Belle Mare's territory was inviolable.

All the small moves made by the Delos Empire in the recent period of time were all returned.

Then summoned the diplomats of the Empire stationed in Bel Mare to the mansion, and then gave him a sharp reprimand.

Although he has not yet reached the point of breaking with the empire, there is no doubt that on the issue of his position, he has completely accepted the identity of the acting head of the Falcon Regiment, and completely abandoned his identity as the prince of the empire.

"But I really didn't expect that you would make such a choice." In Sky City, in the new headquarters of the Falcon Group, Wiseman deliberately teased, "Is it worth it?"

Although the Delos Empire and the Kingdom of Belmar are still allies, everyone knows that when the "iron triangle" of the Falcon Group disappears for no reason, this balanced situation will definitely not last long.

But at this time, Reinhardt stood up, and with an extremely firm attitude, he stood by Belle Mare's side.

With such a talented commander who knows everything about the Delos Empire sitting in command, presumably this delicate balance will continue, right?

Not only that, but the air battleship that descended from the sea of ​​clouds in the sky in time played a strong deterrent effect.

However, as a price, Reinhardt also completely turned against the royal family of the Delos Empire.

Sword Emperor Yoren was furious.

Before that, Reinhardt spent a lot of money to win over the nobles of the empire, and all of them drew a clear line with him.

It can be said that no one now thinks that the fourth prince is qualified to compete for the throne.

To some extent, he has been regarded as a traitor to the empire, and all the previous efforts have been wiped out.

All because he accepted Midi's entrustment and became the acting head of the Falcon Group.

"Is it worth it?" Hearing Wiseman's question, Reinhardt's mouth showed a confident smile, "Aren't you asking knowingly? Of course it's worth it, and it's super worth it!"

This is the Falcon Group!

The most elite legion in the entire Arad continent!
In addition to the Rothschild Chamber of Commerce in the sky and sea of ​​clouds, and the bloody purification in the star ocean, these forces have now become Reinhardt's help, just because he has become Midi's agent!
This is real power.

What was the moody attitude of the father compared to all this?What is the hypocritical support from the imperial nobles?What is the short-sighted evaluation of the imperial people?
During these days of following Midi, Reinhardt has long understood that instead of dealing with those caring politicians, instead of racking his brains to think about some conspiracies and tricks, it is better to use the sword in his hand to cut out a whole new world!

Of course, Reinhardt is very self-aware. He knows that he is completely incomparable with Midi in terms of force.

But now, Midi personally delivered the strongest force to him, how could he not accept it?

Not only accept it, but put your heart and soul into it and develop it!
It may seem that Reinhardt will no longer be eligible for the throne of the Delos Empire, but only he himself knows best that he is not truly qualified to compete for the throne until now when he has a large army in his hands.

"Just wait, my brothers, one day, I will return to the imperial capital, return to the palace, and then give you a satisfactory answer." In Reinhardt's eyes, blazing ambition was ignited.

Then, he glanced at the top of his head, where the sea of ​​clouds in the distant sky is located, and the location of Xingyang.

Midi Asrex, since you have given me this extremely sharp sword, then I will not disappoint your trust, and will definitely do my best to make it shine on the continent of Arad!
Reinhard secretly swore in his heart.

"But why did you leave, don't just die like this, Midi." Subconsciously, the fourth prince murmured what was in his heart.

"Don't worry, that guy won't die so easily, absolutely." Wiseman shrugged, predicting so in his usual cynical tone.

The necromancer's eyes were shining with anticipation at this moment.

At the same time, when Reinhardt finally succeeded in reaching the top of the Falcon Group, in the sea of ​​clouds in the sky, a conversation between the girls had just begun.

"That guy, just ran away like that! And he ran away with those two women! How could he be so irresponsible! How could he leave his country behind like this! How could he leave the people who fought alongside him Soldiers are just left behind! Is there any humanity! Is there any morality! Is there any principle! Are you still a man!”

The Holy Maiden of Bloody Purification, and the military chief of the Falcon Regiment stationed in the sky and sea of ​​clouds, "Shadow Snake" Avril, after drinking a bottle of shochu from the continent of Arad, let out an angry roar.

"Sister, you actually want to say...why did you leave me?"

On the side, "White Snake" Emile, the second member of the Magic Research Department of the Falcon Group, sighed deeply, and looked at his sister with complicated eyes.

"Hmph, that bastard, when he comes back, I want him to look good." The drunk Avril suddenly showed a ferocious sneer, "I want to have a showdown with him in front of Fina and Alice, He has tasted so much sweetness in the sea of ​​clouds in the sky, how can he let it go like this!"

Obviously you are seducing people, okay?

Victoria and Emile looked at each other and smiled wryly at the same time.

But to be honest, they actually envy Avril Lavigne.

At least, she drinks very little.

Therefore, as long as you taste a little shochu, you can speak the truth boldly.

So, what kind of mood do you think of "that person"?
The two asked themselves, and at the same time secretly made up their minds - when "that person" comes back, they must face their true feelings.

The continent of Arad is turbulent, and the situation of the sea of ​​clouds in the sky is changing.

And far away in an unknown area, a red-haired girl just took the first step from the transmitted light.

What unfolded in front of her was a huge world full of ruins.

A hot, dry wind whimpered in the air, and the sun shone hot on the gravel of the ground.

In the distance is an incomparably huge city. At a glance, its area is far larger than Bel Mare's capital, Hutton Mare.

It's just that this is a long-dead city. There are ruins everywhere, and the buildings are full of damp and dark smells. The originally neat and orderly streets have also become obsolete due to the erosion of the years.

Farther away, Fina could see huge towers nearly a thousand meters high standing in this barren world.

On the outside of these tall towers, countless smooth leaves stretched out like branches, adjusting the angle with the inclination of the sun.

It's almost like huge sunflowers, greedily absorbing the sunlight.

And in the farthest distance, on the distant horizon, there is an extremely bright long line running through the sky and the earth.

Fina squinted her eyes and looked carefully, only to realize that it was not a "line" at all, but also a tower.

It's just that the surface of this tower reflects sunlight like a mirror, and it's so high that it goes deep into the clouds, so from such a long distance, it looks like a long line hanging from the sky.

It was a Babel Tower.

Abandoned cities, tall towers absorbing sunlight, and miracles reaching the sky, this world seems very interesting.

Thinking like this, Fina felt the light spot of the fetters of fate surging in her heart, and a proud smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Don't worry, Midi, Alice, I will pass the test of this world, and then I will go find you. Wait for me!"

Saying this, Fina's autumn maple-like red hair flew up in the hot wind, like a burning flame that would never go out.

In another unknown area, the black-haired girl slowly walked out of the teleportation array, took a deep breath, and looked into the distance.

What jumped into Alice's eyes was endless green.

Bean green, tea green, light green, jade green, stone green, leaf green, dark green, spring green, winter green, light green, brown green, blue green, olive green, apple green, moss green, gray lake green, crystal green, malachite green, fluorescent green……

Bright green, deep green, translucent green, shaded green, layers of green, stretched out in front of the black-haired girl.

This is a huge primeval forest like a green ocean, and every plant and tree in it reveals a vigor and vitality from ancient times.

But in this forest, there are many stone statues hundreds of meters high rising out of thin air.

These stone statues are head portraits.

There are heads of various ferocious beasts, human beings, and even heads of various legendary creatures, such as giant dragons.

Who carved these gigantic heads?
Or are these not actually rocks at all?

The black-haired girl didn't have an answer, but she could strongly feel the vast and ancient aura conveyed from these giant statues.

Not only that, but in the distant sky, among the mountains stretching across the entire primeval forest, the sensitive Alice could even notice that there seemed to be countless eyes cast here, wanting to find the uninvited guest who disturbed the tranquility of the forest.

The ancient green ocean, the majestic but strange colossus, the gaze from the distant mountains, this world seems very interesting.

Thinking of this, Alice felt the light spot of destiny that surged in her heart, and a gentle smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Just let me see the wonders of this world. Then, after I pass the test, I will definitely see you again, Midi and Fina."

Saying this, a crimson mist of blood suddenly surged up around Alice like a tide, and the Rosehound appeared from it, and crawled obediently beside the mistress.The black-haired girl jumped onto the hound's back like a rider, and with a soft rebuke, the mount under her crotch rose up from the clouds.

But when the choice of fate sent the heirs of the Holy Blood to their respective places of trials, a meteor pierced through the darkness and landed in a lightless realm.

From the brilliance of the meteor, Midi slowly walked out.

This is a region that never sees sunlight, where the sky and the horizon are made of grim rocks, and the sharp malice that fills it twists these rocks into hideous teeth and vast labyrinths.

This is the Underdark, the underground world closest to the Demon Realm.

"I really didn't expect that you would be teleported here." Rotes' voice came from the dagger "Golden Forgiveness" into Midi's mind, "Underdark, should I say it's luck or luck? Difference?"

"Whether luck is good or bad, I must defeat all the enemies in front of me, and then return to them."

Midi replied firmly.

Feeling the reassuring fetters of fate coming from countless space barriers, he strode towards the darkness with great strides.

[The Sword of Allard Volume [-] Sky Veil Behemoth]

【to be continued】

(End of this chapter)

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