Arad's Sword

Chapter 364 Starless Night

Chapter 364 Starless Night

It is located at a depth of tens of kilometers underground, and is composed of countless underground cavities and passages connected to each other. Its vast area, the known part alone, is not inferior to the entire territory of the Delos Empire.

Not to mention those mysterious areas that are always hidden in the unknown.

Because it is located underground, there are always countless rocks above the sky.

There is no sun, no moon, and no stars here.

There are even rumors that in the depths of the dark region, there is a dimensional passage leading to the demon world.

"Cursed Land".

In the previous life, when this place was discovered, many people also called it this place.

Once entering this dark region, even Midi, who has experience in two lifetimes, immediately felt a strong discomfort.

Although the sea of ​​clouds in the sky is also separated from the continent of Arad, except for the difference in the concentration of magic power, most of the other environments are similar.

Although there are different forces, different races, and different terrains, no matter what, it is a world with light.

Therefore, the residents living in the sea of ​​clouds in the sky are not much different from human beings in essence.And most of them have no flying skills.

It can be said that when Midi entered the sky and sea of ​​clouds, it was like entering a strange country. Although he faced many obstacles, in the final analysis, he did not need to worry about some of the most basic physiological needs.

But the Underdark is different.

Rather than saying that this is "another country", it is better to say that this is "another world".

The darkness here is completely different from the night in Arad Continent or the sea of ​​clouds in the sky.

After all, in a normal environment, even at night, there are still various light sources, such as the moon, stars, and even clouds at very high altitudes, which can reflect the light of the sun that has already sunk.

But in the Underdark, there is no light source.

This means that no matter how good your eyesight is and how wide you can open your eyes, you still can't see anything.

Blindness is the best way to describe this world.

And if you create a light source in this world by yourself—such as lighting a torch—then it is very likely that the light and thermal radiation it produces will attract all kinds of monsters within a radius of hundreds of kilometers. It's like blood dripping into the sea will attract swarms of sharks.

At that time, the maker of the light source will die without a place to bury him. No matter how strong he is, as long as he does not reach the state of the supreme powerhouse, he will eventually be exhausted to exhaustion.

The light source is made to be able to survive and move forward, but the result is that it attracts a large number of enemies, making it difficult to move or even die. This contradiction and irony make it difficult for artificial light to appear in the dark area.

Of course, the problem of "no light" is naturally not a problem for the races and monsters in the Underdark.

They, and the vast majority of them, are born with night vision of sorts.

The most common is infrared vision, which sees the world through temperature.

The second is the bat-like echolocation ability.

Otherwise, it is the extraordinary sense of smell and touch.

Even some monsters have sensory organs all over their bodies, and they know all kinds of temperature changes within a hundred miles of each other.

Placed in the continent of Arad or in the sea of ​​clouds in the sky, any kind of vision can be said to be an amazing talent, but in the dark region, these are not considered talents at all, but the most basic survival requirements.

It's just that, as a human being, Midi doesn't have any of the above visions.

To move in the dark region, the only thing he can use is "spiritual vision".

As an application of telepathy, psionic vision is of course extremely powerful.

Using this kind of vision, Midi can directly ignore many obstacles, and directly see the existence of all thinking creatures around him, ranging from a small skull mouse to a cave lizard five or six meters long and groups of vampire bats.

However, although it sounds beautiful, psionic vision is not the most suitable vision for use in the Underdark after all.

After all, most of the time, what Midi needs to understand is not what is going on in the minds of those low-IQ monsters, but the surrounding terrain and the way forward.

Where are the dangerous underground canyons?

Where are the precious groundwater veins?

Where are the edible fungi?

Where is the dead end, where is the wide passage?

In this lightless and endless underground labyrinth, this is what Midi needs to master the most.

But for terrain detection, psionic vision is obviously not very effective.

According to Rotes, Midi must develop a high-level ability called "environmental sensing" from telepathy before he can grasp everything around him purely by virtue of psychic power.

However, it is clear that Roters' guidance is of no help to the current predicament.

In addition, even if it is psionic vision, Midi cannot use it for a long time.

After all, this is not some physical talent, but a skill.

This means that the activation of psychic vision requires the consumption of psychic energy, and the consumption far exceeds that of ordinary telepathy.

Even if he has obtained the Neptune's inheritance, it doesn't mean that Midi can open his psionic vision 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

And when she had to turn off her psychic vision to rest, Midi, who was like a blind man, was undoubtedly in the most dangerous state.

In fact, there were indeed many monsters who followed the temperature and smell left by Midi all the way, and attacked from time to time.

Fortunately, so far, Midi has not lost any battles.

But this is not a record to show off, because as long as you lose a game, it is likely to mean death.

Without the backing of the Falcon Group, identity and status are meaningless here. At this moment, Midi is just a pure adventurer.

A lonely adventurer trapped in endless darkness.

The only thing you can rely on is the sword in your hand.

However, despite being in a predicament for a while, in the eyes of the eighth apostle Rotes, Midi's performance is already amazing.

"I never thought that a human being could adapt to the Underdark so quickly and survive so smoothly without vision." There was a hint of appreciation in Rotes' tone.

Midi just smiled slightly, and didn't feel any ecstasy.

In his previous life, even though he had never been to the Underdark, the hardships and difficulties he had encountered were far worse than those of "no light".

He has already felt the powerlessness and helplessness brought about by weakness, and tasted all kinds of pain.

In this life, how could he be shaken just because he lost his eyesight?
But of course, being unwavering doesn't mean there's no trouble.

In addition to the main problem of lack of light, Midi's magic power is also extremely slow to recover here.

It's not that the concentration of magic power in the Underdark is thin.

On the contrary, perhaps because of the closed space, the magic power here is even slightly stronger than that of Xingyang.

However, there are "impurities" in the magic power here.

The existence of this impurity made Midi's absorption extremely difficult. The magic power that could be recovered in just a quarter of an hour now took at least two or three hours to recover.

This means that every fight he has has to be calculated.

For Midi, who is used to squandering magic power, this is obviously quite uncomfortable.

"Is there any way to filter the magic power of the Underdark Region? It is too difficult to absorb the magic power here, and there are too many impurities." Midi sent a voice transmission to Rotes.

It is good to have a supreme powerhouse who is extremely knowledgeable by his side, but Midi doesn't like to rely on others directly without using his brain.

Although the two sides have now become a community of destiny, after all, they still have to continue to exercise their own strength.

Relying too much on others will only make you weak and weak.

However, after trying various methods to no avail, Midi had no choice but to seek help from Rotes.

"Impurities?" Rotes was taken aback for a moment, then laughed out loud.

The wanton laughter of the eighth apostle echoed in Midi's mind, making him feel a little confused.

After a while, Rotes finally stopped laughing, and said to Midi: "That's not some impurity, but a unique thing in the magic power of the Underdark, and its name is 'Hero of Darkness'." magnificent'!"

"What! The Essence of Darkness?" Midi was taken aback.

He finally understood why Rotes laughed at himself.

As an extraordinary awakened person, between level 50 and level 60, Midi must refine the "Essence of Light" to increase the level.

From level 60 to level 70, what he needs to refine is the "Essence of Darkness".

Midi was still worrying about how to get this kind of thing in the Underdark, but she didn't expect it to exist beside her.

I can't see the mountain with a blind eye, so it's no wonder that I will be laughed at.

In this way, in this dark region, promotion will not be a problem at all.

Midi no longer needs to "absorb" magic power, but as long as "refining" magic power, he can upgrade and restore both.

Heartbeat is worse than action. Thinking of this, Midi didn't care about what to say to Luo Tesi, and immediately started to try.

And with the refinement of the dark essence in the magic power, he immediately felt that the spirit dragon sword in his body began to tremble after a long absence.

The blade of the sword, which was covered by dark blue light patterns, began to quickly spread a new pattern.

Dark lines!

As the dark lines continued to increase, Midi could feel that his cultivation base that had stayed at level 60 for several days without any progress began to loosen, and gradually began to accumulate stronger strength, launching an impact towards level 61 .

"In the Underdark Region, this kind of magic power containing the 'Essence of Darkness' has a special name called 'Dark Magic Power'. Although it is very close to the Demon Realm, it makes it easier to activate the Death Chasing Order, but as the saying goes, there is You will gain something if you lose. Here, your dragon blood white crystal body can be promoted easily, and it is almost the same as ordinary professionals' promotion." Rotes said lightly, "However, don't relax because of this. , because of this upgrade speed, it is still unable to deal with the death hunt order at all!"

"If dark magic power is nothing, why did the Gate of Time and Space transport me to this dark region?" Midillo asked after pondering.

"In my opinion, it's probably for the most famous inheritance in the Underdark."

"Its name is Dark Dragon City!"

 A new chapter begins!Just thinking about it makes me a little excited!Midi finally has a grandfather with her!I've always wanted to get him one!
(End of this chapter)

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