Arad's Sword

Chapter 367

Chapter 367
This is not what Midi wants.

The status of a slave is too low, and there is no personal freedom at all, so many plans are difficult to implement.

More importantly, with Midi's current status and mentality, how could she accept such an identity?

On the continent of Arad, slavery was completely abolished hundreds of years ago, even in the tyrannical Dros Empire.It is beyond imagination to ask him to be a slave now, or a slave of the dark elves.

Seeing Midi's expression in his eyes, the old mage showed a wary look, and the priestess sneered even more: "Humans, this is the tradition of our dark elves, you can't survive in this kind of place, now I Deciding to take you in is tantamount to saving your life, and in that case, you are naturally my property!"

"Slavery, is this the tradition of the dark elves?" Midi regained her composure and asked back.

"That's right! If you don't agree, I can kill you right here. You don't have any right to choose!" The priestess replied in a natural tone, and put her hand on the snake head whip around her waist, " In fact, I can be regarded as very kind-hearted, if I leave you in the wild like this, you will definitely die. Believe me, humans, priests of the Tarantula Tribe don’t need to lie in front of you.”

Of course, Midi has a choice, such as killing out directly.

Although the 60-level priestess and the 62-level old mage are a bit tricky, they are just tricky, not to the point where they can threaten Midi's life.

It's just that Midi hesitated to give up the opportunity to integrate into the dark elf society after racking his brains so hard.

"I have a question." Finally, Midi spoke again.

"What?" asked the priestess. Obviously, she was still curious about how this human would respond in this situation.

"Can I get rid of the slave status, or is it that if you are a slave for a while, you will be a slave for the rest of your life?" Midi looked at the priestess fixedly and asked straightforwardly.

This is a compromise he made.

If there is a promotion channel, then it's fine to be patient. After all, opportunities are rare. Even if you go out now and get new opportunities, I'm afraid the situation will not be much better.

But if you can't turn over when you become a slave, not only is it unacceptable in dignity, but also from a pragmatic point of view, it is a waste of time.

What Midi lacks most now is time.

Every time he runs the magic power in his body, he can smell the pungent sulfur breath.This breath seemed to be the whisper of death, reminding him anytime and anywhere that death was close at hand.

Not only his own death, but also the death of Fina and Alice.

Therefore, Midi will choose to compromise at this moment, but it is precisely because of this that there are times when he will never compromise.

The high-spirited priestess didn't know that, according to her answer, Midi might directly attack her and chop off her head the next moment.

Regarding Midi's question, she laughed loudly, and then made an affirmative gesture: "The Tarantula Tribe respects every true warrior, and it is okay to get rid of slavery, but before that, you have to show You have to show your own value, otherwise, don't expect extravagantly."

"Most of them are true, but there are also some concealments." Rotes' voice came over.

When the priestess answered, the eighth apostle directly read minds with high-level psychic powers to help Midi make a judgment.

Midi can roughly guess which ones are true and which ones are lies.

There must be a way to get rid of slavery, but I'm afraid it's not that simple.

Apparently, the priestess was threatening, but in fact curiosity always dominated. She wanted to keep Midi, and Midi was alive.

Since this woman's mentality is like this, and there is indeed a chance, then in order to save time, it is acceptable to bear it for a while.

Thinking of this, Midi finally nodded: "If that's the case, then I'll condescend for a while."

This unruly answer obviously made the priestess very dissatisfied, but when she thought that she had a human being who was extremely rare in the Underdark as a slave, this little offense was nothing.

"A wise choice. Don't worry. Although you are my property, I will not make things difficult for you. This is the Underdark region, not the soft place on the surface. Strength is everything, and everything else is fake. It doesn't make sense." The priestess said, took out a black diamond from her belt, and threw it to the captain of the lizard knight, "Hassan, this is for you."

It was the captain who discovered Midi. According to the so-called tradition of the dark elves, Midi should actually be his slave.

And now that the priestess has made the decision to rob people without authorization, she naturally needs to appease her afterwards.

However, the captain originally wanted to please the big shots, so naturally he wouldn't really come out to fight for it. Now that he got a black diamond, he was even more overjoyed.

"Come on, human, don't run around and follow me." The priestess said with a smile.

On the side, the calm old mage made a gesture, and the caravan, which stopped because of this little accident, once again moved forward slowly in this lightless maze.

"Don't call me human, I have a name, Midi, you can call me that." Midi replied neither humble nor humble.

"Hmph, rebellious human beings. Remember too, your master, that is, my name, is Galantis, the black dragon priest of the Tarantula Tribe, Galantis." The priestess snorted intentionally. , but he couldn't hide the excitement in his ruby-like eyes, "Now, Galantis wants you to tell me about the surface world!"

This dark elf forced me to be a slave, could it be for listening to the story?

In Midi's mind, this helpless thought could not help but flash through.

In fact, he guessed right.

The rarity of humans in the Underdark made this caravan willing to stop deliberately, making the captain of the Lizard Knight to guarantee his life.

And Galantis' curiosity made this priestess, who was accustomed to forcing others to obey with a snake's head whip, not hesitate to coax and coax Midi to submit to herself.

But that's about it.

Including the old mage who had been to the continent of Arad, no one thought that humans could do anything in the Underdark.

What role can a race that is originally weak and lacking in exercise play in a cruel and ruthless place like the Underdark?It's good enough not to be eaten by monsters.

Because of this, although Midi was a slave in the caravan, she didn't have to do anything except tell stories.

The dark elves are not nobles, but warriors, and they don't need any slaves to serve them.

On the contrary, just because they are warriors, they regard Midi as the priestess's private property, so they are extra careful to arrange Midi in the safest position in the middle of the team.

First became a slave, and then became a vase, this messy situation made Midi dumbfounded.

He could only accept this situation first, and then try to find a way to ask Galantis what to do to get rid of his slave status.

But at this point, the priestess who had already lied was naturally evasive.

She just kept asking Midi various questions about the continent of Arad, but for Midi's question, she just answered the same sentence——

"After returning to the tribe, you will naturally know."

"I knew that priests who are good at bewitching people with words never speak honestly." In desperation, Midi could only complain like this.

"Be careful what you say, human." The captain of the Lizard Knight who heard this shouted loudly, "When it comes to the Black Dragon God, be careful that Mr. Glentis will tear your tongue out."

However, this kind of threat has no effect on Midi, who is used to seeing strong winds and waves.

Although he has a slave status on his head, it doesn't mean that Midi will really behave like a slave. On the contrary, he should always remind the dark elves around him that his status is not ordinary.

"Take my tongue out? Then she won't be able to hear the story of the surface world." Midi shrugged her shoulders and glanced at the captain named Hassan. "Maybe, you can talk to me about getting rid of it." The way of slavery?"

"You bastard!" Hassan rolled his eyes.

If it was an ordinary slave, he would have directly hit the opponent's spine with the handle of the knife, and it didn't even matter if he killed him with a single blow.No matter where, a slave is the most humble status, and no one will care about it.

But Midi was different, he was the property of the priestess, and he often stayed in the priestess' tent for several hours, and even caused a lot of gossip in the caravan.

According to the old mage Sinda, Midi is likely to be an existence called "noble" among human beings, in other words, it is a big figure at the same level as the tribal elder or chief.

It's not like fighting, but talking and talking, Hassan was very depressed to find that he had nothing to do with this arrogant slave.

However, since Midi asked him now, it would be a good way to completely crush the other party's hopes.

"Hmph, let me tell you the truth, with your weak body and talent, it's impossible to get rid of slavery!" Hassan said with a sneer, "In the Underdark, status depends entirely on strength itself ! And among the slaves, only true fighters have the chance to win the favor of the tribe, don't even think about a trash like you who can only talk about it!"

"Fighter?" Midi repeated the word.

The word "fighter" basically has the same meaning as "gladiator", which made him easily associate it with the arena.

From the arena, it is natural to think of the Black Dragon Conference held in the legendary Dragon Tooth Arena that Midi is most concerned about.

Perhaps, there is a real connection between the two.

Thinking like this, Midi connected many clues obtained by insinuating in the past few days, and gradually got a vague answer in her heart.

And two days later, when the caravan finally arrived at the tarantula tribe, he finally got the definite result.

 Monthly tickets are recommended under Monday Ball!

(End of this chapter)

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