Arad's Sword

Chapter 368 Slave Fighter

Chapter 368 Slave Fighter
The tarantula tribe is located in a huge cave in the Underdark.

Most of its buildings are located on hard rocks, made of hard stone, but with some elves' usual delicacy.

The houses belonging to the elders, priests and other big figures are directly suspended between the huge stalagmites at the top of the cave. From a distance, they look like castles in the air in a mirage.

As for why they can "see", it is naturally because in this tribe, the light source that Midi has not seen for a long time finally appeared.

After all, although the dark elves have excellent infrared vision, infrared vision is not a panacea.

At least, for mages and priests, if they want to read books, they have to use light sources.

Infrared vision, which senses temperature to form an image, cannot tell the difference between ink and paper.

In addition, in the tradition of the dark elves, the amount of light sources a tribe possesses also indirectly indicates its strength.

There are four huge light sources in the Tarantula Tribe, and they are all light sources fixed on the huge stalagmites by the mages with constant spells and lighting magic.

The exquisite layout allows these four light sources to illuminate most of the cave. Although the brightness is not as good as sunlight and moonlight, it can barely be compared with starlight, but it is much better than the wilderness in the dark region.

In this way, Midi can finally stop the state of psychic vision or blindness, and observe the underground world in a normal way.

Although he is a slave, it is obvious that the priestess is not very wary of weak humans, nor does he specifically restrict his freedom of movement, which allows Midi to at least walk around in the cave.

But of course, his human appearance still attracted the attention of a considerable number of dark elves, followed by contemptuous gazes and loud ridicules.

Human beings here are always treated as weak, or even trash.

However, Midi doesn't mind this, because the real strong never need to prove themselves.

Compared to gaining the respect of the dark elves, what he cared more about at the moment was how to get rid of his status as a slave.

As Galantis said, in the Tarantula tribe and even all the tribes of the dark elves, the way to get rid of slavery is not a secret, as long as you ask casually, you can know.

The method is simple - become a slave-fighter, fight, and fight, and fight until you are victorious and free from slavery.

Not only that, but if they can really achieve this level, they can even be accepted by the Tarantula tribe, become a warrior among them, and enjoy the same treatment as other dark elves!
Competition is a common practice in the Underdark due to the influence of the Black Dragon Conference held every five years.

Different from the arenas built by nobles and rich people to enjoy bloody pleasure, such extravagant entertainment is not allowed here at all. The reason why the competition in the Underdark exists is to screen out the real strong players.

Only these powerhouses can climb up step by step until they are qualified for the Black Dragon Conference.

In addition, according to the news Midi received, it is only half a year before the next Black Dragon Conference.

Because of this, the tribe now pays more attention to competition.

Whether it is the competitive selection conducted by the slaves or the competitive selection among the dark elves, it is now in full swing.

Although the Tarantula Tribe has never had a fighter qualified to enter the Black Dragon Conference in the past few hundred years, even so, as long as the selection of the Black Dragon Conference starts, the farther they go, the more benefits they can get.

Therefore, any method that can help the tarantula tribe go further will be affirmed.

"Looks like luck." Midi said lightly.

The Black Dragon Conference held every five years is half a year away.

It can indeed be said that Mitinenka entered the Underdark region at this point of time. It can be said that he was lucky.

Not only that, as long as one enters the Dark Dragon City, the Death Pursuing Order will also temporarily die and cannot be activated.

"Is it luck or fate?" Rotes muttered to the side.

Midi didn't answer. Things like fate are not something he can discuss at this level.Right now, the most important thing is naturally to find a way to become a slave fighter.

In this way, not only can he get rid of his slave status, but he can also gain a channel to enter the Black Dragon Conference, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone and kill two birds with one stone.

However, although Midi had a good idea, his plan was opposed even before taking the first step.

As Midi's "master", the young priestess Galantis, after hearing Midi's request, looked Midi up and down for a long time with incredulous eyes, and then expressed her denial in a resolute tone.

As for the reason for the denial, it is also very simple and straightforward.

"You will die, Midi." Galantis asserted in a very sure tone, "What can a weak human being do in this dark region? Being my slave, at least you can get asylum, and we secretly The elves don't have anything to serve, you can stay in the tarantula tribe safely and don't have to worry about survival, isn't that good?"

A smile appeared on Midi's mouth.

He could feel that the priestess really didn't want him to die. Although it might be out of curiosity about unknown things rather than humanitarianism, it was considered a good intention.

However, for Midi, who is the "Sword of Victory and Protection", how could he be interested in accepting such kindness to treat him like a domestic pet?

Of course, if you just insist on being so straightforward, you may anger the other party, and you may not be qualified to become a fighter, and you will still have a big fight in the end, and continue to waste time.

So, Midi decided to change her strategy.

"I heard that dark elves are warriors who value honor and oaths, and before that, you have promised me that I can get rid of my slave status. Now that you have made such a sudden move, do you repent?" Midi said in a noble manner. Said so in the most annoying ironic tone, and then shrugged his shoulders, "It seems that the dark elves are nothing special, they just rely on lies to survive in this dark region."

"You bastard! A mere slave!" Galantis' expression changed suddenly.

Not only because of Midi's offense, but also because she felt that her kindness was treated like a donkey's liver and lungs, which was completely unacceptable to the priestess.

Anger quickly rushed into her heart at this moment, and at the next moment, accompanied by a crisp sound of the air being torn apart, the snake's head whip was thrown out.

When it was held in the hands of the black dragon priest, the six snake heads hanging from the whip suddenly seemed to come to life, biting Midi from six different directions in the whipping that was hard to catch with the naked eye.

Even a level 60 professional would feel severe pain if he was hit by this snake head whip.

And if the venom of six poisonous snakes is added, it may even be fatal.

Although Galantis was furious by Midi, she still maintained her sanity, so of course she would not make such a killer.

However, she has already made up her mind to teach the other party a good lesson, so that this guy can wake up and understand where a weak human being should stay in the Underdark Region.

But in the next moment, Gloantis' wish came true.

Midi dodged all attacks.

The dreaded snake-head whip that belonged to the black dragon priest didn't even touch the corner of his clothes.

"You!" Finally, a terrified expression appeared on the face of the priestess.

"Although I am a human being, I am not as weak as you imagine." Midi said lightly.

But having said that, Midi secretly praised the other party in his heart—this blow seemed to be avoided lightly, but in fact, he had already used at least [-]% of his strength.

Considering that the opponent is also a random blow, if the two sides are really fighting for their lives, if Midi doesn't use his own trump cards, it may be difficult to judge the outcome based on the skills of the ghost swordsman.

And this priest is only level 60, the same level as Midi.

It seems that the level strength of the Underdark is even higher than Midi expected.

However, the priestess obviously only saw Midi's calmness, but couldn't feel the admiration and evaluation hidden in his heart, so her face was naturally extremely pale.

The guy who was said to be weak by himself, actually dodged his best attack in such an understatement. For the dark elves who valued honor, this was simply a slap in the face, hot and hot.

"Idiot, you don't understand anything at all!" the priestess gritted her teeth and said angrily, stomped her feet, turned around and left, before leaving, she said, "You can just die in the tarantula arena, so naturally I don't want any more ignorant slaves!"

Solving the obstruction of her young "hostess" in a slightly brutal way, Midi immediately set off to the arena and asked to become a fighter.

The dark elves in charge immediately showed incredible expressions.

But since there was no movement from the priestess, they naturally wouldn't make any claims without authorization.

"It's really stupid. You don't want to be treated well, but you want to die yourself." The dark elf mage in the lead looked at Midi with mocking eyes, "Human, since you want to be a fighter, then everything will be as normal! Man, detain him for me!"

In the dark elf tribe, there is a strict distinction between living slaves and slave fighters.

People like Midi who are responsible for telling stories to the priestess to pass the time, or those who have specialized skills—such as gathering, brewing, carpentry, etc., are life slaves. As long as they stay honestly in the tribe, they have a considerable degree of freedom .

After all, the combat level of living slaves is not very high. It is difficult for a person to survive in the Underdark, and they are not afraid of them escaping.

But the slave fighters were different. The dark elves naturally strictly guarded such dangerous elements.

Midi, a human being, has always been treated as a slave in life, so no one cares where he runs.

But now, since he wanted to be a slave fighter beyond his control, then naturally, the dark elves decided to let him experience the "treatment" of a fighter.

Soon, under the escort of several heavily armed dark elf warriors, Midi was sent to the entrance of a dark cave.

This is where the slave fighters were imprisoned.

 Continue to ask for tickets
(End of this chapter)

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