Arad's Sword

Chapter 387 Baiyan No. 1

Chapter 387
"Mason, I kept you waiting." Midi's voice sounded slowly amidst the psychedelic bombardment, "Now, let's settle it."

Although he still wants to train more, but because it is training, he wastes and consumes a lot of spiritual energy.

In addition to dealing with the endless attacks from Mason, after more than 20 minutes, Midi's spiritual energy has been consumed by more than [-]%.

When facing opponents at the ice player level, Midi can continue to squeeze until the magic power reaches its limit.

But when Mason was his opponent, he didn't dare to make such a big deal.

If the enemy is underestimated, it is still uncertain who will win in the end.

After all, there is not much difference in the real strength of the two sides. In terms of levels alone, Mason has reached the peak of level 61, while Midi is only at level 60, and some aspects are still suppressed.

So, just to be on the safe side, when [-]% of her psychic energy was consumed and began to weaken, Midi made a quick decision and decided to make a final decision first.

His psychic ability "Environmental Sensing" has now reached the stage of great success, and he can accurately capture the location of Mason. However, it is impossible to sense the extremely fast sniper bullets.

Fortunately, in this regard, Rotes will naturally solve it for Midi.

The eighth apostle displayed the "mind sharing" skill, while maintaining the state of "environmental sensing", and fully opened it up.

In this way, Midi can directly feel everything displayed by the environmental sensing of this psychic emperor.

This is a world of tiny details.

The movement of objects, the flow of magic power, the operation of thinking, the wind and dust in the air, gas molecules invisible to the naked eye, etc., all of them are displayed without omission in Midi's spiritual sense, And presents a very orderly state.

At this moment, Midi only felt that her mind was clear and clear, as if everything was under control.

If he takes every factor he feels into consideration and calculates, he feels that in this small world, he can even predict everything.

Because everything is also under surveillance, and everything is under control, which is equivalent to being omnipotent and omniscient.

Is this the world in the eyes of a supreme powerhouse?
Is this the world in the eyes of a psychic emperor?
Midi thought so, and sighed.

Not to mention the me who is only level 60 now, even the self who reached level 85 after the second awakening in the previous life has never reached such a state.

Compared with the environmental induction provided by Rotes today, Midi only felt that her former self was wrapped in a mess of dirty gauze, and everything she saw, heard, and felt was all It is hazy.

And only at this moment can it really be described as "clear and thorough".

However, this feeling of emotion is only for a moment.

Because Midi is very clear that this is not his own power, but the power of Rotes. If he is obsessed with it and cannot extricate himself, the final result will be nothing more than a cripple addicted to psychic effects.

How firm is his will, and how could he be confused by this momentary state and lose himself?
If you really want to feel this incomparably clear and transparent feeling all the time, then get stronger!
Defeat all enemies in front of you, remove all obstacles, until the moment comes when you become the king of psychic power, or even the king of psychic power!
Thinking of this, a dark blue aura burst out from Midi's eyes.

"Impossible, how could you be so strong! What kind of adventures have you had in the past few years? You have achieved this level!" Mason shouted in disbelief.

With the environmental sensing of Rotes, Midi is almost like an invincible god of war at the moment.

Cutting off high-speed armor-piercing bullets?

Midi no longer bothers to do this kind of pediatric behavior.

He didn't need to do anything at all now, he didn't even need to unsheath his sword, as long as he walked towards Mason, it was enough.

Under the control of the eighth apostle's environmental sensing, Mason's every move, and even every thought, are all under Midi's control.

His hostility, his attack, his posture, muscle movements and muzzle pointing, everything was presented in front of Midi without concealment.

Not to mention an attack, before Mason's muzzle had time to point at Midi, Midi had already avoided the position he was aiming at.

In other words, Midi dodged the attack that hadn't happened yet!

This terrific dodge did not allow Mason to even pull the trigger.

He condensed his magic power again and again to prepare to launch an attack, but he was extremely depressed when he found that Midi had just slipped away from his position, as if he had predicted his own attack. This feeling can only be described as vomiting blood.

Finally, Midi passed through the entire psychedelic bullet formation, and walked in front of Mason in such a smooth and steady manner. With a flick of the long sword in his hand, he deftly lifted Mason's double guns.

Then, a cold and sharp feeling stuck to Mason's neck.

"This is your trump card?" Feeling the downward pressure from his shoulders, Mason stubbornly refused to kneel down. Instead, he gathered his strength and stood like this, looking at Midi steadfastly.

"When you matured and started to grow, I also became stronger and faster than you. Isn't this a matter of course?" Midi replied lightly.

"Yeah." Mason smiled bitterly, feeling the sourness in his mouth, "I will become stronger, and you will also become stronger."

Last time, he lost his arms, but this time, there is no place to escape.

Summon another demon spider?
Maybe he was beheaded by Midi with a sword before he escaped with him?

"It's good to know this truth." Midi nodded, and then withdrew the long sword, "Let me give you a suggestion, Mason, when you don't think about the shadows of the past, the ghosts of the past, etc., you will naturally be able to has gotten rid of the past."

Saying so, Midi withdrew the long sword.

"You won't kill me?" Mason couldn't help blurting out.

"Do you want to die?" Midi looked at Mason strangely, then raised his sword again, "I really think so, I don't mind helping you with this."

"No, no, that's not the case!" Mason shook his head frantically.

Looking at the dark elf who was in a panic for a moment, a smile appeared on the corner of Midi's mouth.

Back then, although he had defeated the opponent, it was still an extremely difficult and bitter battle. In a real life-and-death struggle, there was a thin line, a thought, and it was possible to fall from the peak of victory to the abyss of death.

But now, Midi defeated the opponent with ease - although he was under the influence of the eighth apostle, Rotes, but even without Rotes, Mason was in front of Midi with his flying skills and psychic powers alone. There is also no chance of winning.

Have you grown yourself?

Not only did it grow, but it also grew faster than everyone else.

Thinking of this, Midi felt quite emotional in her heart.

"You really don't want to kill me?" Mason was still worried, so he asked again.

This time, Midi didn't joke anymore, but just waved his hand: "I can still feel whether a person has killing intent, hatred, or malice towards me. If not, then our battle is just an ordinary trial Forget it, just as we stood on our own standpoints and fought for our own goals, there is no need to kill them all."

In the final analysis, Midi is a decisive, calm and even cruel commander, but he is definitely not a bloodthirsty person. Now that Mason has not shown any emotions of entanglement and revenge, Midi doesn't mind Let him go.

In the end, it was just a selection, just for a ranking, or a ranking among slaves.

Why do you have to fight to the death?

Click until now.

Mason was speechless for a while, and fell into silence. After a while, he suddenly made a set of complicated gestures. In an instant, the dark barrier covering the entire ring disappeared, and the psychedelic bomb that shielded everything array, also disappeared.

Only Midi and Mason were left, standing face to face on the ring.

Neither of them is dead yet!

Both are alive!

This just over 20 minutes of fighting in the dark, who will win?
With the disappearance of the psychedelic bullets, the anxious audience in the stands immediately boiled.

They have guessed countless possible endings, and many even encouraged the referees to enter the psychedelic bullets to find out, "to avoid shameless cheating that the Tarantula Tribe cannot allow."

Of course, no referee would accept such a provocation.

In the end, this is just one of the weekly ranking matches held by Slave Fighters. Although it is the final, it is not that important.

What's more, there is also a master who has been ranked number one for more than a week and a killer who has just risen. It seems that there are old grudges. It is estimated that the fight is in full swing. If you really go in, if you are not careful, you may become cannon fodder Killed directly.

Because of this, the characteristics of the psychedelic ballistic array, coupled with the passive sabotage of the referee, everyone can only wait idly in the stands, or simply start betting.

In the chaotic situation, Zaknafein could still remain calm, just waiting quietly on the sidelines.

On the contrary, Galantis in the stands was pacing back and forth with a look of irritability, and even almost fought with the opposite opponent who provoked her, and it turned into a "final" between the black dragon priestesses.

But now, in such a scene that is close to getting out of control, the psychedelic bombardment retreats as soon as it is said, and what is shown in front of people is the scene of Mason and Midi talking face to face. How can this not trigger the emotional outburst of the viewers? .

During this time, what happened?
Why would Mason, a roaming shooter, allow Midi to come within arm's reach?

Why didn't this ferocious human being launch an attack?

Looking around the noisy stands, Mason showed a smile, and then bowed deeply to Midi with the etiquette of a well-trained dark elf noble.

"Midi Athlex, thank you for your grace of not killing me. In your lifetime, you will gain the eternal friendship of my Mason!"

The dark elf's loud and magnetic voice echoed in the sky above the arena.

Before people could react, Mason had already raised his noble head, and then gestured to the referee: "I am not Midi's opponent, I surrender!"

In the Baiyan trials and the championship finals, Midi won.

So far, this week's ranking has finally come to an end.

As a human, Midi becomes No.1!
(End of this chapter)

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