Arad's Sword

Chapter 388 Priestess Zalid

Chapter 388 Priestess Zalid
Number one.

This result made Midi very satisfied.

As long as they enter the top five, the ranking is actually secondary to Midi.

The point is, through this ranking match, Midi solved many hidden problems in one go.

First, the old acquaintance Mason, this time not only the two sides shook hands to make peace, but Mason actually showed goodwill, which can be regarded as a windfall for Midi.

In addition, the cooperation with Zaknafein has been finalized and will be implemented soon.

With the continuous entry of contribution points, it must be just around the corner to get rid of the status of slavery.

Not only that, according to Zaknafein, there is no need for Midi to worry about Galantis.

Although I don't know why Zaknafein said that, but this dark elf has always done things safely, and Midi believes that he should not be aimless.

In this way, the last factor that worried Midi finally disappeared.

After a fiercely competitive ranking match, no enmity was formed, but the hostility was turned into friendship. Could there be a better result than this?
To be precise, all those who formed hatred were settled by Midi on the spot.

So, naturally, everyone is happy.

In addition, apart from these step-by-step preparations, Midi also gained the same substantial benefits.

Phantom Herb Poison.

On the day of the end of the ranking competition, it is also the time when the slave fighters get the right to eat, drink and have fun. The tarantula tribe will prepare a big meal for them, and even wine.

However, Midi declined Zaknafein's invitation, returned to her room, and began to try to refine the mirage herb poison.

The main reason why this poison can kill people is that the content of the essence of darkness in it greatly exceeds the standard.

Usually, in the dark area, due to the excessive amount of dark essence, this kind of plant will emit a faint luster, which attracts many animals and insects.

When those unlucky ghosts try to bite it, they will be poisoned by the high concentration of the essence of darkness, and instead become nutrients for the Mirage Grass.

Since the dark magic power exists everywhere in the air of the Underdark, and the dark magic power is full of the essence of darkness, when a person is killed by this phantom light herb poison, due to the volatilization of the essence of darkness in the body, It's hard to find out what's different.

It can be said that this is the most suitable poison for poisoning the target silently and silently. The bloody hand dared to use it in the championship game under the watchful eyes of the public, and he must have considered this point.

But in the end, it was still cheaper for Midi.

Carefully pouring out the Mirage Herb Poison, Midi began to carefully refine it.

Because of his previous experience in refining a lot of Essence of Light, and Midi's dragon blood physique is far stronger than ordinary people, this poison has become an extremely high-purity upgrade product for him.

In just a few hours, Midi had already refined all the mirage herb poison.

In terms of feeling, he felt that this was similar to refining a large piece of Essence of Light crystal back then, the power in his body became mellow, and the level began to loosen slightly.

According to Midi's estimate, after these few hours of practice, he has already reached level 60 from the beginning of level 60. As long as he does it again, he can reach the peak of level 60 and hit level 61.

However, how to get this resource next?

Perhaps, it's time to ask Zaknafein.

Midi made a decision in her heart.

After trying to refine the Mirage Grass, the speed of refining the Essence of Darkness from the air is no longer enough for Midi.

You must find a way to get more resources, not necessarily Mirage Grass, but you must be able to greatly speed up the upgrade speed.

Early the next morning, Midi immediately went to look for her partner.

Unexpectedly, after asking this question, Zaknafein showed a surprised expression.

"My friend." Zaknafein patted Midi on the shoulder, "Isn't that why we played so hard in the ranking competition before? Do you think that you can only get contribution points for completing the mission of the Tarantula Tribe? ? Of course it's more than that!"

The dark elf ghost swordsman immediately began to explain it tirelessly.

It turned out that in the tribe of the dark elves, there were various commissions, some from individuals, and some from the tribe's elders.

Entrustment from individuals generally cannot be exchanged for contribution points, unless the person is high-ranking and powerful, and spends a lot of money, it is possible to exchange contribution points from the elders first, and then distribute them to slave fighters.

But almost no one does it because it's too much trouble.

And having done so, doesn't it mean that this person is more inclined to let slave fighters rather than tribal fighters complete the task?

In addition, it is the task of the Presbyterian Church.

This kind of task represents the interests of the entire tarantula tribe. After completing it, the tribal fighters will be rewarded generously, and the slave fighters will be able to get rewards and contribute something at the same time.

As for the amount, it depends on the difficulty of the task.

The rewards for some difficult missions are extremely generous, and the tribal fighters will digest them by themselves, and the elders will not let the slave fighters complete them. As the saying goes, the fat and water do not flow to outsiders, so the contribution points are relatively low.

But there are also some tasks that the tribal fighters are unwilling to do, but they are quite risky.

For such tasks, the elders will give extremely high contribution points and encourage slave fighters to claim them.

Originally, when Zaknafein was alone, he wanted to receive this kind of mission. However, the mission was difficult and he couldn't find a warrior from the Tarantula tribe who was willing to carry it out. Less, and finally can only give up.

But now, with the addition of Midi, the two can entrust their backs to each other, and the chances of completing the task will naturally be greatly improved.

And most importantly, these "high contribution point" tasks have a characteristic, that is, most of them are explorations of unknown fields.

The Underdark Region is huge. Apart from those fixed trade routes, there is a considerable distance between different tribes and cities. In the middle is the unknown region.

For example, the entire Underdark is like a dark sea, and the tribes are just small islands in the wind and rain.

By exploring more unknown areas, you will be able to obtain more resources and further expand the tribe. This is something that every elder will definitely do.

It's just that unknown means risk, and it means that there may be zero return, or even high risk and zero return. Therefore, tribal fighters are not very willing to do this kind of thing, they are more willing to perform tasks with certain returns.

However, from the perspective of elites from big cities like Zaknafein, it is this kind of exploration mission that can get the most lucrative returns.

Under the known environment, most of the good resources have already been divided up, and it may not be possible to find a single herb after combing back and forth for a long time.

Only in uncharted areas is it possible to discover precious resources that have not been taken by others.

Coupled with extremely high contribution points, this can be said to be the best choice for getting rich overnight.

Although Midi felt that Zaknafein's thinking was a little too good, he also had to admit that for a slave fighter, among the limited choices, this was indeed the best first choice.

The two hit it off immediately, packed up their bags, and went to the tribal elders to receive the task.

Since both of them have been promoted to the top five, and have become "celebrities" in the eyes of the tribe members, they were allowed to pass without even reporting their names along the way.

The guards who followed Midi and were in charge of escorting him not only spoke respectfully, but even asked Midi some questions about sword skills from time to time, as if they regarded Midi as his own family.

It can be said that in this dark region, strength can solve many problems for you.

Arriving at the huge building in the center of the cave, Midi did not act on his own, but handed over the selection of tasks to Zaknafein.

The latter quickly chose a mission to explore the unknown region in the south, and registered neatly.

Seeing that the procedures had been completed, Midi was about to go out when she was stopped by Zaknafein.

"There is one more thing that must be done." Zaknafein said with a sigh.

Seeing the other party's helpless expression, Midi immediately understood.

Haven't put on the magic chain yet.

After all, since he was a slave fighter, there was a possibility of escape.

In order to avoid this kind of thing from happening, although the actions of the slave fighters will not be restricted during the mission, they will put a magic iron chain around their necks, commonly known as the "iron ring". Once the slave fighters want to escape, the tribe will The priests in it only need one spell, even if the distance is more than a thousand kilometers, it will cause the iron ring to explode, and then blow up the head of the slave fighter.

Although the Tarantula tribe has sincere admiration for Midi's personal strength, it doesn't mean that they will be generous enough to allow Midi to exempt from this step.

The person responsible for putting the magic iron chains on the slave fighters must be the person who activated the magic iron chains, in other words, the black dragon priest.

But today, the person in charge of this matter is not Glendis, whom Midi is familiar with.

It was Galantis' old enemy, another black dragon priestess, Zared.

Compared with Galantis, who is still a girl with a youthful look, Zared is tall, with picturesque eyebrows, and has a different kind of mature charm. Every move is full of temptation.

Seeing Midi and Zaknafein coming, the black dragon priestess suddenly showed a smile that made people fascinated.

"The two of you are going to perform the mission now?" Zared asked in a pleasant voice, "Yesterday your battle was passed on by the warriors of the Tarantula Tribe, but now you are going to devote yourself to the new battlefield non-stop? "

"The ranking will be re-ranked in a week. If you don't hurry up, you can't." Zaknafein dealt with the other party very skillfully.

Midi was silent on the sidelines.

Regarding the previous conflict between Galantis and Zared, a careful person like Zaknafein had explained it clearly to Midi before coming to the Presbyterian Church, and advised him not to get involved.

Regarding the entanglements and grievances in the Tarantula Tribe, Midi also hopes to get rid of the entanglement, so naturally he is kind.

So, from the beginning to the end, he didn't say a word, just showed his neck and let Zared fiddle with it.

Unexpectedly, Zared's slender fingers crossed Midi's chest, and then, taking the opportunity to put Midi on the magic chain, she blew lightly into his ear.

"I heard that there are many curious legends on the surface. I wonder when you are free, can you tell me about the customs and customs of the Arad continent?"

Out of nowhere, Zared sent an invitation.

(End of this chapter)

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