Arad's Sword

Chapter 399

Chapter 399
"Can we go?" Midi entered the team and asked.

He ignored Zared's sharp hostile gaze and the various gazes of other people, but nodded at Zaknafein and Mason, and then looked at Glentis.

In any case, formally speaking, he was the slave fighter of Glantis.

Moreover, in this undercurrent situation, since the showdown with Zared has already been done, Midi doesn't mind using Galantis as a shield.

Although his principle is that the two should not help each other, this does not mean that they should passively wait in the middle and be beaten.

Taking the initiative to confuse the water and transfer the hatred by the way, this is what Midi is best at as a nobleman.

And Midi's attitude of actively asking, really satisfied the proud Galantis.

This means that Midi regards her as the team leader, not Zared as the team leader.

You have a conscience!

Thinking of this, Galantis gave Midi a coquettish look, and then scolded: "You boy, where are your eyes? The first warrior of our tarantula tribe hasn't come yet, where are you going? ?”

"Alex?" Midi suddenly understood.

Alex, the number one warrior of the Tarantula tribe, is not much older than Midi, but he is already a strong man at the peak of level 62. He holds the title of "Great Warrior" and is the only candidate for the patriarch.

According to the usual practice, the black dragon priest is the leader of the "territorial challenge", because to carry out this kind of challenge, there must be a blood contract between the two tribes, agreeing on the challenge conditions agreed by both parties, and taking the black dragon as a witness to swear an oath.

But in fact, there is no doubt that the one who really sits in charge is the great warrior of the tribe.

Because only the great warriors can really decide the final result of this challenge.

It's just that I don't know which side the great warrior of the tarantula is leaning towards, the willful Galantis, or the scheming Zared?
In her heart, Midi couldn't help guessing secretly.

The challenge team just waited in the central square, receiving encouragement from the elders, and various blessings and cheers from the tribe members.

Suddenly, in the distance, a huge fiery red subterranean lizard rushed over at an extremely high speed.

The rider on this lizard's back was obviously very skilled. He manipulated the mount to pass between the buildings of the tribe with a kind of sensitivity that was not commensurate with his huge body. In the blink of an eye, he was already in the team.

It was a dark elf man with a thin figure and an expressionless face. He was wearing a magic cloak made of dragon scales. Only the silver handles of the two scimitars at his waist were exposed. He was sitting on the back of the lizard like this. Going up, he glanced at the entire team condescendingly.

Midi noticed that the person's gaze neither stayed on Glentis nor Zared, as if he didn't pay attention to the two black dragon priests at all.

However, the moment he saw Midi, the man's pupils shrank slightly.

"Human beings..." the man said softly, his expression finally changed a little, "It's kind of interesting."

This belated lizard rider is the number one warrior of the tarantula tribe, Alex the "big warrior".

The Underdark is a world where the weak prey on the strong, and its residents admire absolute power, and Alex is undoubtedly a symbol of strength.

If it is said that Midi's astonishing move of flying the half-giant shocked the dark elves, then at this moment, when Alex appeared, what the dark elves showed was a kind of fanatical reverence and respect. trust.


"Our warrior!"

"Smack the shit out of those boys from Blue Snake!"

All kinds of shouts sounded from the crowd, but the great warrior whose name was called out by the tribe members remained expressionless and just waved lightly.

This style of pie is almost as if he has become the chief of the tribe.

However, the elders on the side didn't seem to feel that there was anything wrong, as if it should be the case.

"Let's go." The leader, who was not the leader, gave the order very succinctly.

"Let's go!" Galantis and Zared rushed to repeat in unison, and looked at each other unabashedly and viciously, and then each of them got on the lizard and rushed forward.

As for Alex, he seemed completely indifferent to this extremely obvious conflict, staring straight ahead and sitting still.

Three-way melee?This situation is really complicated.

Midi felt a little headache.

But right now, his problem is not the entanglement between the great warrior and the black dragon priestesses, but how to control his mount.

Although it can be regarded as the top knight in the continent of Arad, it is the first time for Midi to ride the subterranean lizard, no matter in the past or present.

And the eighth apostle, Rotes, naturally wouldn't give any pointers on such "boring little things".

In fact, Rotes had never ridden a horse in his life.

Fortunately, Midi can at least ask Zaknafein.

In this way, amidst all kinds of entanglements and undercurrents, the challenge team of the Tarantula Tribe was on the road.

Since all the members rode the subterranean lizard, this journey was much faster than the previous exploration by Midi and Zaknafein.

Even if they encountered some monsters, they would be wiped out immediately under the attack of this huge team, and they could not form an obstacle at all.

Soon, the Fluorescent River appeared in front of his eyes.

When we got here, it was an area outside the control of the Tarantula Tribe, and Midi and Zaknafein naturally did their part to lead the way.

Guided by two people, the challenge team crossed the Fluorescent River and arrived at the Dark Mushroom Forest without much effort.

But this time, everyone obviously had no chance to further explore and search, because on a high ground in the Dark Mushroom Forest, people from the Blue Snake Tribe were already waiting there.

This "territorial challenge" has already been confirmed in the form of magical communication between the two parties.

However, now that they really meet each other, they must proceed with caution.

According to the tradition of the Underdark, territorial challenges must be conducted on disputed territories to prevent any party from occupying the home field.

And after making the blood contract, in the dark, the power of this contract sworn to the black dragon can guarantee the fairness of the entire challenge, and the contract will be fully implemented after the challenge is over.

But the problem is, there is no blood yet.

There are many examples in history. One side laid an ambush on the disputed territory and wiped out the opponent's challenge team with superior force before the blood was drawn, forming the fact of directly occupying the territory, and even triggering further wars.

Therefore, the period before the bleeding is the most dangerous.

And now the people from the Blue Snake Tribe have arrived one step earlier, who knows if there are any traps?
Even Alex, who had been expressionless before, looked slightly solemn at the moment. He took the lead in driving the lizard towards the high ground, but he made a "spread" gesture with his hand.

The other six tarantula warriors understood, and immediately spread out in all directions, forming a scouting network that did not leak.

Zaknafein and Mason, the two slave fighters, did not receive instructions and were unable to cooperate directly, so they didn't know what to do for a while.

But for Midi, who is the commander, Alex's actions are just the most basic common sense.

Without any instructions at all, Midi directly accelerated the mount and followed Alex. At the same time, he also gave Zaknafein and Mason the order to follow closely.

In doing so, on the one hand, it can protect the black dragon priest, and on the other hand, it can also make a central breakthrough at any time.

Midi's clean response made Alex, who was always expressionless, slightly surprised.

Of course, with the arrogant personality of this great warrior, he naturally wouldn't say much, but since the formation was immediately formed, his movements were accelerated a lot.

Under the accelerated state, the group quickly escorted the black dragon priestesses to the central high ground.

"I didn't expect that the members of the Tarantula Tribe would really have the guts. If you want to challenge us for territory, aren't you afraid of losing your last scimitar?" A sarcasm sounded.

The one who spoke was the number one warrior of the tarantula tribe, Monks.

This person is Kuid's cousin who had a relationship with Midi once, and his level has reached a terrifying level 63!
It's no wonder that when they saw Alex at the peak of level 62, the members of the Blue Snake Tribe didn't waver at all.

After reaching level 60, the difference between one level and the strength will be very different. The gap between the two great warriors is enough to explain everything.

However, Alex was unmoved at all, still expressionless, and was not irritated by this provocation, but said indifferently: "Stop talking nonsense, start bleeding immediately."

"Hmph, don't worry, the warriors of our Blue Snake Tribe attach great importance to honor, and of course we want to defeat you in an upright manner, so that you will never be able to touch this place again in your life!" Monks said with a smile.

"I think you are just afraid of being removed from the Black Dragon Conference, so you dare not do small tricks, right? Usually, the Blue Snake Tribe doesn't do small tricks?" Galantis said relentlessly.

Obviously, although from the perspective of the entire region, the two sides are "allies" who come and go, but frictions and conflicts have never stopped.

Probably unless they really face the enemy, the relationship between the two tribes will never get better.

"Both of you, go up together." Alex stopped Galantis from arguing, and then gave the order.

Although he ignored them all the way, the great warrior was clearly aware of the dispute between the two black dragon priestesses.

And now that Alex had spoken, Zalid and Glentis naturally couldn't refute. The two tarantula priests stepped forward together and stood with the blue snake priest who was obviously a pair of master and apprentice.

These two pairs of priests represent their respective tribes. They cut their fingers, drew a magic circle with blood, and muttered words.

With the completion of the incantation, the surrounding dark magic power shrank at this moment, and then expanded, forming a huge black dragon head in the air!

"As evidence in the name of the black dragon!" Both sides said loudly at the same time.

Accompanied by this sound, the black dragon dragon's head let out a deafening roar, and a real dragon's might filled the air.

(End of this chapter)

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