Arad's Sword

Chapter 400 Territory Challenge

Chapter 400 Territory Challenge
This is the oath of blood!

Midi was quite shocked.

He originally thought it was a curse formed by magic, so that the two parties could restrain each other, similar to a kind of necromantic magic.

But he didn't expect that this oath of blood could really arouse the power of such an overbearing black dragon.

"This is the characteristic of the dark region. It can be said that the whole region is shrouded in the breath of the dark dragon city." Aside, Rotes' voice sounded, "The dark dragon city lends its power to the black dragon priests , so that they can perform this extremely binding blood oath, and at the same time, Dragon City has gained the belief and admiration of the residents of the Underdark region. This power of belief can make Dragon City even stronger. "

Do they complement each other?
In Midi's mind, such a word involuntarily appeared.

Dragon City relied on the Underdark Region to continuously strengthen itself, and the Underdark Region, which should have no order and could only be a war-torn place where the weak and the strong preyed on the strong, relied on Dragon City's blood oath to become orderly and organized.

It can be said that this cycle benefits both parties.

It's not hard to imagine how powerful this dark dragon city heritage, which is deeply rooted in belief, will become after tens of thousands of years of nourishment.

Ordinary inheritance, even if it is left by the supreme powerhouse, will only become weaker and weaker with the passage of time and as the number of adventurers enters increases, until it disappears completely.

Just like the mind labyrinth created by Rotes in a hurry, although it can continuously draw power from the star ocean, when Midi came here and obtained the inheritance of the sea emperor with unprecedented momentum, the mind labyrinth was basically useless .

In the future, it will probably only be used as a training place for general memory hunters.

But this Dark Dragon City is obviously different. For thousands of years, it has selected and accepted testers through the Black Dragon Conference, but it has not declined because of this, but has become stronger and stronger. More and more resources and inheritances have been bred in it. Needless to say, this is inseparable from the beliefs of the residents of the Underdark.

According to legend, it was the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar who arranged the Dark Dragon City.

Originally, Midi was only dubious about this.

But now, when he saw the mechanism of this blood oath, he had already believed it for the most part.

Only a supreme powerhouse like Tyrannosaurus King Bakar, who has far-sightedness and enough time to plan, can achieve this level of inheritance, right?

Midi began to look forward to the Black Dragon Conference more and more.

Before, just by entering the Dragon Blood White Crystal Pool made by the Tyrannosaurus King, he had obtained infinite benefits, and even reborn as an extraordinary awakener.

Now, if he could enter the Dark Dragon City, what kind of opportunities would he have?
It seems that the "choice of fate" performed by Rotes has indeed led him to the right path.

I only hope that Fina and Alice, the two heirs of the Holy Blood, and Midi's most concerned lovers, can also find the correct inheritance that belongs to them.

For a moment, looking at the huge virtual black dragon head, Midi had thousands of thoughts in his mind.

However, for the other dark elves present, this scene was already commonplace, so naturally no one would show any strange expressions.

For them, as soon as the blood oath is made, it means the official start of the territorial challenge.

From now on, on this land, the Tarantula Tribe and the Blue Snake Tribe are protected and restricted by the power of the black dragon, so there is no need to worry about any security issues or conspiracy.

Next, the only thing both parties have to do is to win the challenge and become the final winner!

"Let me do my landlord's favor first." A warrior from the Blue Snake Tribe jumped to the center of the field and shouted.

Alex just glanced at each other, and immediately ordered a tarantula warrior to step forward. The two reported each other's names, and under the gaze of the black dragon's head, they fought together.

The rules of this territorial challenge are very simple. Both sides send out ten people and take turns to fight. Each person can only go up one game. There are ten games in total. The side with the most victories in the end can obtain the ownership of the territory.

If the number of victories of the two sides is equal, the black dragon leader will still choose the side he is more satisfied with.Of course, this situation is relatively rare.

As for the battle itself, apart from the "one-on-one" rule, there are no restrictions on means, and there is no limit to it. It is the most common life-and-death battle in the Underdark.

However, this seemingly simple rule also contains many different strategies.

Generally speaking, when the opponent sends out a stronger warrior, one's own side should naturally also send out a stronger warrior, and then try to defeat the opponent.

However, if you really want to do this, the outcome of the battle will easily become unpredictable.

After all, in essence, there is not much difference in strength between the Blue Snake Tribe and the Tarantula Tribe. It is nothing more than that the Blue Snake is richer and has a larger population, and it has suppressed the Tarantulas in the past ten years.

Just looking at the high-end combat power, the two sides are actually almost the same.

If it is strong against strong, it is difficult to widen the gap in level, so the outcome of the battle will also depend a lot on the warrior's state at that time, as well as a part of luck.

Therefore, many tribes will not adopt the "strong to strong" approach.

Instead, they will try to use their weakest fighters to consume the opponent's strongest fighters, then use their strongest fighters to defeat the opponent's stronger fighters, and then use their own stronger fighters to consume the opponent's average fighters, and so on.

To put it simply, it is to use inferior horses against superior horses.

Then use the best horses against the middle horses.

Finally, use the middle horse to fight the low horse.

In order to achieve the result of two wins in three innings, gain the overall advantage.

This principle is very simple, but in practice, it is extremely difficult.

After all, the territorial challenge is not two wins in three games, but a full ten games.

And every warrior's head will not be labeled as "high-grade horse", "middle-grade horse" or "low-grade horse".

Even if Tarantula and Blue Snake know each other well, in fact, because they know each other, they are prone to misjudgment, because there are often warriors who hide their strength, or dark horses suddenly appear in territorial challenges.

And slave fighters are naturally a headache, because they are more unstable than tribal fighters and are often replaced.

In ten-person battles, except for the fact that the big warrior must be against the big warrior, how to distribute the remaining six tribal warriors and the three slave fighters is the biggest difficulty in this territorial challenge.

However, judging from the situation of the first battle between the two sides, Midi found that Alex was extremely accurate in judging the difference in strength between the two sides.

The Spike Warrior he chose was level 61, and the opposite Blue Snake Warrior was also level 61, but the Spike Warrior's skills just happened to restrain the opposite Blue Snake Warrior, and held down the opponent steadily throughout the battle one head.

In other words, this is a "top horse vs. middle horse" battle!

One's own combat power has been fully utilized, and victory has been assured from the very beginning.

With the passage of time, the blue snake warrior had lost his original arrogance, and could only choose to support himself, but even so, the balance of victory was drifting away from him bit by bit.

Knowing that procrastination would lead to no good results, the blue snake warrior gritted his teeth and chose an explosive attack.

It's a pity that Tarantula Warrior had expected this counterattack. He firmly blocked the opponent's outburst, and then counterattacked, directly hitting the opponent until he vomited blood and was seriously injured.

The Blue Snake quickly rushed forward, and immediately declared defeat without waiting for the Tarantula Warrior to pursue.

In this way, a life was finally saved, but that was all.

In the first territorial challenge, the Tarantula Tribe won easily!
"That Alex, it's not easy..." Monks and his cousin Kuid looked at each other, and they both saw the worry in each other's eyes.

But Alex sneered, and said ruthlessly: "You can't hide anything from me! How about it, do you want to continue to challenge or fight?"

"Challenge!" Monks said after thinking for a while.

"Zaknafein, you go." Alex called directly.

The dark elf ghost swordsman jumped up into the middle of the battlefield.

He was a slave fighter from the faraway Stormwind City, and the Blue Snake Tribe didn't know the details of this person at all.

Moreover, in the previous exploration missions, Zach Nafein was also the one responsible for covering Midi, and his identity was not revealed. It can be said that he is a complete unknown in this territorial challenge.

On the side, Midi immediately understood, Alex's strategy - to directly win six games!
That's why, he would squander the dark game of "slave fighter" as soon as he came up, just because he has enough self-confidence!

The people of the Blue Snake Tribe were obviously aware of this, and after struggling for a long time, they sent out a stronger warrior, who immediately fought Zach Nafein inextricably.

This battle is a melee, both sides are strong, and the outcome is between five and five.

However, for the "challenge" party, it is already very good to be able to achieve this level.

While the second game was in progress, Zared moved to Alex's side.

The enchanting dark elf glanced at Midi not far away, and then said to Alex: "Alex, I know that Monks is your prey, but I want you to send that Humans, go deal with the strongest enemy of the Blue Snake Tribe after the Great Warrior!"

Facing the black dragon priestess, Alex just glanced at her indifferently, and said coldly, "Are you giving me an order?"

Zared showed a charming smile and said: "How dare I command the famous Alex? I just made a suggestion. Of course, if you are willing to help me, then I will give you a Black Dragon How about dust crystals in return? I know, you want to upgrade now, you really need that kind of thing, don’t you?”

"You are well-informed." Alex snorted coldly, nodded without thinking, "deal! I'll help you with this, and by the way, squeeze out the full value of this interesting human being!"

Saying so, Alex's eyes radiated a cold and merciless light.

(End of this chapter)

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