Arad's Sword

Chapter 401 Exchange of Strength and Weakness

Chapter 401 Exchange of Strength and Weakness
Black dragon dust crystal, in the dark region, this can be regarded as a tonic with extremely high value.

Although the Underdark region and the Dark Dragon City are inextricably linked, treasures that truly have the aura of a black dragon are still priceless.

This kind of black dragon dust crystal can not only help the strong to understand, but also the black dragon breath contained in it can help professionals upgrade and break through the last barrier when they reach the peak level.

Therefore, even a brave warrior like Alex could not refuse such things, and it could even be said that he would never refuse anyone who came.

After all, he is confident that even if Midi loses that game, he will still be able to beat the Blue Snake Tribe as a whole. Since he can get the Black Dragon Dust Crystal and let Zalid owe him a favor by the way, why not Why not?
As for Midi, although the relationship with Gladys seems to be good, and his personal strength is also good, so what?
In Alex's view, everything in the Tarantula tribe is a pawn in his hands, and sacrifices are sacrifices.

As for why Zalid targeted Midi so much, and even gave away a piece of expensive black dragon dust crystal, the purpose was actually very simple.

That is to contain Galantis.

Today, there is a delicate balance between the two black dragon priestesses, while the great warrior sits cunningly on the sidelines.

But if Midi is free and joins the tribe, then this balance will undoubtedly be broken.

After all, not only is Midi's own strength obvious to all, but also his relationship with Zach Nafein is very close, and he even spared Mason's life.

In other words, his position alone actually determines the positions of the three, or the positions of the three strong men who are absolutely not inferior to the Tarantula Warrior in terms of strength.

This made Zalid feel great pressure and forced her to take action as soon as possible.

And since the result of the wooing was rejection, Zared could only kill Midi before she was free.

Otherwise, how to restrict in the future?
Of this pair of men and women, one desperately wanted to increase his strength, and the other desperately wanted to keep his status, so naturally they hit it off.

And Midi became a victim in the transaction between the two.

"Huh? What are they discussing over there?" Midi suddenly sensed a trace of undetectable hostility, so she glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw Alex and Zared who were whispering.

Now that psychic power is constantly improving, even if Midi doesn't use telepathy, she is extremely sensitive to other people's hostility towards her.

Although he didn't quite know how Alex and Zared got together, Midi could feel that the content of their discussion seemed to be related to him.

However, even if she knew, Midi had no way to deal with it.

After all, Zared is one of the nominal team leaders, and Alex is the actual team leader, and no one can disobey his decision.

But with Midi's character, how could he be willing to accept it passively?

Anyway, try it out first.

Thinking of this, Midi stepped forward and volunteered to Alex: "How about I do it next time?"

"Huh?" Alex didn't expect that Midi would take the initiative to ask to fight, and he was stunned for a moment, but then he waved his hand indifferently, "Don't be self-righteous here, human beings, I let you fight You can only fight when the time comes, you don't have the right to choose, understand?"

Although it failed to disrupt the opponent's rhythm, Midi had already estimated that Zared was probably going to make a fuss about his opponent.

However, for him this is not a problem at all.

Rather, after being promoted just now, Midi looked forward to being able to fight against the real strong to further temper his will!

The second battle was finally over, and in the end, Zaknafein won with a slight advantage.

In this way, the Tarantula won two games in a row.

According to the usual practice, the tarantula has the right to choose whether to "challenge" or "challenge".

Alex naturally chose to "challenge", after all, if the opponent sent someone first, he would be able to take the initiative.

This time, Monks learned his lesson and sent a slave fighter.

However, this didn't seem to bother Alex, he just looked at the slave fighter a little, then smiled, and then directly chose the weakest one on his side to play.

"Monks, you have picked up a nice slave. I'll leave this one to you." Alex said bluntly, and then ordered the warrior on his side, "Be careful to protect yourself. When the time comes, I allow you to admit defeat."

In this battle, the Tarantula's side naturally lost, but the Blue Snake's side was not happy.

Because this is a typical "best horse" vs. "lower horse" battle.

Blue Snake's slave fighter is very strong, but instead of consuming the strong Tarantula, he defeated a weak one.

In the next battle, Blue Snake will only face more and stronger enemies, and the future is bleak.

"Why didn't you send Midi to play?" Although she was dissatisfied in her heart, Zared didn't dare to show it on her face, and could only ask Alex in a pretended curious tone.

But the great warrior of the tarantula just smiled lightly: "Don't worry, didn't you say that you want that human being to face the strongest enemy next to the great warrior? Although the slave fighter can be regarded as a first-class strongman, but, In Blue Snake's team, he's not the strongest either, just wait a bit."

"With your words, I feel relieved." Zared finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, Alex is not something she can control, she can only choose to beg.Since the other party didn't mean to break his promise, she could naturally look forward to it.

In this way, the Tarantula and the Blue Snake came and went, and Mason was soon sent on the field, followed by several warriors.

Alex's style can be said to be very stable. He does not seek a beautiful victory, but only wants to be able to trade small things for big things cautiously. With his excellent eyesight, all the information on the Blue Snake can be said to be at a glance. exhaustive.

After six battles, the Tarantula Tribe won four and lost two on their own initiative. The situation is close to a critical point.

Alex has made it clear from the beginning that as long as the Tarantula reaches five victories, he will personally take action to challenge Monks and win six victories in one fell swoop, establishing the ending.

Regardless of whether Alex, who is at the peak of level 62, can defeat Monks, who is level 63, this is a critical point if he can win five times.

In the seventh battle, Blue Snake, who was in charge of the challenge, finally couldn't help but send out their master, the peak level 62 Asura, Kuid.

"This is the man." Alex nodded, gestured to Zared, and then cast his cold gaze on Midi, "Human, it's your turn to play."

"Wait, that Kuid is a well-known warrior of the Blue Snake Tribe, shouldn't we send the weak on our side to consume it?" On the side, Glentis was taken aback, and quickly retorted, "Midi's strength is very strong. Strong, he should be allowed to eat the moderately strong opponent!"

"The situation of territorial challenges is ever-changing, how can we always follow this deadly logic?" Alex snorted, "Now is the critical moment, and naturally we must completely destroy the opponent's arrogance. Since you said that this human is very strong, That’s more to do with strength versus strength.”

"Is there such a saying?" Galantis frowned.

Alex was too lazy to explain anything to Galantis, but looked at Midi with a cold gaze: "Listen, human, I will not give you the right to admit defeat in this battle, even if you die Back off, you must win! If you lose, you will continue to be a slave for the rest of your life!"

In a simple sentence, Alex directly overturned the promise of the Presbyterian Church.

This is tantamount to persecuting Midi.

Speaking of this, let alone Midi, who had already noticed it, even Galantis immediately noticed something was wrong.

"Alex, what do you mean!" Gladys looked at the expressionless Alex with her beautiful eyes, and then, as if aware of something, she looked at Zalid , "You are playing tricks, right?"

"Hmph, what does this have to do with me?" Zared immediately denied with a sneer, "You actually slandered your colleagues who are also black dragon priests?"

"The outcome of the next match is related to the overall situation of our Tarantula tribe's territorial challenge, so it must be so." Alex overbearingly overwhelmed others, not giving Glentis a chance to refute.

On the side, Zach Nafein and Mason both looked at Midi with a little worry.

However, Midi, who was targeted, was already mentally prepared.

"I'm very sorry." Midi sighed softly, "I can't fight against the great warrior of the Blue Snake Tribe, but I can only take that Kuid as my opponent. There is really no suspense."

As soon as this remark came out, many people's faces changed suddenly on the spot.

Great warriors can only fight against great warriors, which is an eternal tradition in strategic territorial challenges.

Now that Midi said that he wanted to challenge the great warrior of the Blue Snake, it was tantamount to ignoring Alex, or a naked provocation.

However, Alex just sneered, and replied: "Don't use your tongue here, go up and win the victory for me first!"

"I will definitely win the victory, but it's not for you." Midi replied flatly and stood up.

But then, he stopped immediately.

Because something small was thrown over here.

Midi took it casually and saw that it was a necklace.

It was the necklace thrown by Galantis.

"There is a powerful magic shield attached to this chain, which can save your life at a critical moment. At that time, I will stop it." The priestess looked at Midi seriously, and said, "You don't have to worry about freedom. Worried, I will personally negotiate with the elders."

From the eyes of Galantis, Midi could feel a kind of sincere concern without any other elements.


Since he cared so much about his own life now, why did he want to make himself a slave in the first place?

Midi couldn't help feeling emotional again in her heart.

But of course, it is absolutely impossible for him to be stupid enough to ask this question directly, and doing so would probably only invite a violent beating.

But perhaps, it's time to find yourself an ally in the priesthood.

Thinking of this, Midi showed a reassuring smile, and then he threw the necklace back to Galantis.

"Grantis, what you have to do is to protect yourself. I can handle things on my side." Midi patted the priestess' shoulder lightly, "Also, thank you."

Saying so, Midi strode towards the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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