Arad's Sword

Chapter 405 Preparation

Chapter 405 Preparation
A hilarious but suspense-less challenge.

In this way, Midi and the others directly became tribal warriors.

The strength of Galantis' side has been greatly enhanced.

On the other hand, Zared not only lost the support of the warriors, but also was kept at the mercy of Galantis in the Presbyterian Church, so she could hardly have any influence, which was tantamount to being emptied.

As for Alex, he didn't make any reaction, but let Midi and the others work together.

However, this actually increased Midi's evaluation of him a lot.

It should be noted that if a strong man thinks about all kinds of power struggles all day long, his power will eventually leave him. Only by constantly focusing on self-improvement instead of being obsessed with external power can he be regarded as a real strong man.

This is why Midi can readily delegate the command and management of the Falcon Regiment, and venture alone in the sky and sea of ​​clouds.

And this Alex not only has superb skills in using psychic powers, but also is quite determined mentally, and he is unscrupulous, so he can be regarded as an enemy.

Midi had a hunch that in the future, in the selection of the Black Dragon Conference, sooner or later he would face this person head-on.

Not only that, through the explanations of Galantis, Zaknafein and others, Midi already knew that the Black Dragon Conference screened layer by layer, which was much stricter than imagined.

There are countless dark elf tribes in the entire Underdark region, and there are also many cities, but in the end, only 100 people are eligible to enter the Black Dragon Conference. What kind of fierce competition is this?

And just in this small tarantula tribe, Midi saw a strong man like Alex who even felt troublesome for him.

At that time, if you really set foot on this path, how many obstacles will you need to overcome?
In fact, soon, there will be a large-scale "bonfire party" in the area where the tarantula tribe is located.

This "bonfire gathering" can be said to be an integral part of the most important Black Dragon Conference in the Underdark.

It is not only an opportunity for various tribes to show off their own strength, but also a competition for the black dragon priests to strictly select fighters who are qualified to further participate in the selection after taking a blood oath.

Although the Blue Snake tribe has been in a slump after the territorial challenge, there will be many other powerful dark elf tribes that will appear in the "Bonfire Gathering".

For example, Midi heard about the Salamander tribe. There was a black dragon named Ruisen who was much bigger than Alex. He was extremely powerful, invulnerable, and extremely terrifying.

There is also the water spider tribe. It is said that over the years, they have also cultivated several powerful people who are extremely accomplished in magic, and so on.

Not to mention that, it is said that even the envoys from Menzoberranzan City will visit the scene in person and participate in the strict screening.

Cities, in the Underdark, are synonymous with "one party's overlord".

And Menzoberranzan City is the absolute overlord of the area where the Tarantula Tribe is located.

This city is located in the depths of the Underdark, a week away from the Tarantula tribe. It is a city built by the dark elves.Its population is around [-], of which the number of the major families of the dark elves exceeds [-], and the remaining [-] are the various races serving them, as well as slaves of various origins.

A city like this might not be considered a big deal on the surface of the Arad road. To the prosperous Kingdom of Belmar, it could only be regarded as a town.

However, in the Underdark region, this is a terrifyingly large force.

Not only because his population is dozens of times that of the tribe, but also because most of them are professionals, and they are professionals above level 60 after awakening!
Even a life slave who is not good at fighting, if placed on the continent of Arad a few years ago, might become a strong one, after all, the level is there.

And such [-] high-level professionals gathered together, and then organized by the city council, will become a truly huge war behemoth.

As long as it is willing, any tribe around it will be wiped out in an instant.

Similarly, as long as it has the heart, any tribe can immediately go from decline to prosperity.

In fact, let alone force, even commercial trade and slave trade, etc., tribes have to rely on the breath of the city.

For example, when Midi first met the caravan of the Tarantula Tribe, they were on their way back from doing business in Menzoberranzan City, and even the man-made commercial road in the Underdark was all Menzoberranzanian. It was dug out by the power of the city.

One can imagine the strength of Menzoberranzan City to be able to open such a long business road in this underdark region full of various monsters and extremely harsh environment, and it can also extend in all directions.

However, although a city is so powerful, members of the tribe usually do not feel its pressure.

Because Menzoberranzan usually does not exercise any jurisdiction over these sporadic surrounding tribes.

There are no taxes, no allegiances, no conscription, and of course no other responsibilities or obligations.

The relationship between the city and the tribe was not so much that of a king and his subjects as that of a monopoly magnate and a small businessman.

Cities rely on trade to obtain a variety of rare resources, while tribes obtain various necessities and luxuries through trade, and of course, slaves.

Simple, direct and nothing more.

However, when the Black Dragon Conference opens, everything will change completely.

At this time, any resident of the Underdark region can clearly feel that the urban power in their area has begun to operate.

It was as if the behemoth in hibernation had finally woken up.

If you want to ask why, the answer is simple -

The fighter qualifications of the Black Dragon Conference are in the hands of the councils of these cities!
Entering the Dark Dragon City, it is not only those individuals who can obtain inheritance and benefits. When they come out, they can also bring huge benefits to the forces they belong to.

There are even rumors that all black dragon fighters who successfully pass the test will make their area receive the favor of the black dragon god.

It is precisely because of the existence of this mechanism that every tribe will spare no effort to find powerful fighters and incorporate them into their own crowd.

Of course, as an overlord, every city will naturally spare no effort to screen the surrounding tribes and further select from them.

The bonfire gathering is such a competition initiated by the city to select the elites in the tribe.

On the side of the Tarantula Tribe, their goal is to defeat other tribes and gain the approval of the envoys of Menzoberranzan. Only in this way can they be promoted successfully, and then send their fighters to a higher level in the selection.

But of course, that's just the goal.

In fact, according to the existing records, in more than 100 bonfire gatherings in more than 20 years, only one fighter from the Tarantula tribe successfully advanced, and was selected by the messenger of Menzoberranzan City.

However, even this fighter was still rejected in the next city selection, and he didn't even see the shadow of the Black Dragon Conference.

To put it simply, the Tarantula tribe in this area can be regarded as an upper-middle tribe, but there is still a big gap from the real top-notch tribe.

More than enough to survive, not enough to improve, this is the biggest problem of the Tarantula Tribe.

And as a newly promoted warrior of the Tarantula Tribe, even though Midi holds multiple hole cards in his hand, and even has the "Sea Emperor's Inheritance" as support, and the eighth apostle Rotes is by his side to guide him, he still dare not trust him. big.

Strategically, you can despise the enemy, and your goals can be ambitious, but in the end, when you really face a battle, only enough caution and all-out efforts can bring victory.

"It's about a month before the campfire meeting. During this time, I have to make better preparations." Midi set a goal for herself.

The minimum goal is to reach at least the peak level of 61, which is the basic.No matter how strong the talent, bloodline, and hole cards are, if the level cannot keep up, it will always become a shortcoming.

The most ideal state is to directly advance to level 62 within a month, or even reach the peak of level 62, so that there will be more leeway to deal with stronger opponents.

In addition, in terms of psychic power, seeing Alex's silent psychic sniper bursts, Midi also had a preliminary understanding of the psychic resistance of the races in the Underdark.

When Midi faced the mind flayer for the first time, he had to dodge the psychic sniper with all his strength. Once he was hit, it was a death sentence.

But here, an ordinary dark elf ghost swordsman, after being hit by a psychic sniper burst, only bleeding from his seven orifices, not dead yet.

This shows that the dark elves here have at least the psychic resistance of a junior mind catcher after being honed in a harsh environment.

This means that if Midiruo wants to effectively achieve suppression, he must use higher-level psychic power attacks, rather than simple psionic shocks.

In addition, since psychic users like Alex appear in small tribes like Tarantula, it means that Midi needs to improve his psychic resistance at the same time.

In other words, he had to find a way to make himself a high-level psyker, or even a master of psychics.

As for the psychic king that Rotes said reached the realm of both the legendary mind catcher and the legendary psyker at the same time, Midi didn't dare to hope for it yet.

Of course, psychic abilities aside, even the minimum goal of "reaching the peak of level 61 within a month" is not so easy.

Although he is now a free man, the resources are still not enough.

It is impossible to have such lucrative missions as exploring the dark fungus forest every time.

Fortunately, after becoming a warrior, Midi also has various privileges, one of which is the ability to enter several core areas of the Tarantula Tribe, the inheritance stone cave, and the alchemy workshop.

Midi has the top "Neptune Inheritance", so there is no need to browse through other inheritances of various levels.

However, the alchemy studio aroused his interest.

If he can find ways to obtain some potions that have special effects on him here, maybe he can be promoted quickly.

Action is worse than heartbeat, and Midi immediately set off to the alchemy workshop.

(End of this chapter)

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