Arad's Sword

Chapter 406 Alchemy Workshop

Chapter 406 Alchemy Workshop
In the huge cave where the tarantula tribe is located, there are many stalagmites hanging directly from the ceiling of the cave.

There are many artificially excavated spaces in stalagmites, which can form buildings.

These buildings are the "core place" of the Tarantula Tribe.

The Alchemy Workshop is one of them.

A few of the dark elves have the talent of being in the air, they can fly directly and slowly into these stalagmites.

For example, Zaknafein and Mason, as elites from big cities, can do this. The reason why they didn't use it before was just because slave fighters were banned from flying.

Of course, Alex, Galantis and others can also fly.

However, the flying speed of the dark elves is extremely slow, and it can only be used as a status symbol. At the same time, it can be used to enter the stalagmites on the top of the cave, and it is useless in battle.

Compared with Midi's awakening secret technique "Flying Sword Dance", this levitation can only be said to be pediatrics.

But precisely because "Flying Sword Dance" is definitely not a pediatrics, it cannot be easily exposed.

Midi had no choice but to use iron cables to climb up to the stalagmites at the top of the cave. This process alone took him 10 minutes.

And when he finally came to the alchemy studio, Midi could even notice that the eyes of these dark elf alchemists in the workshop were more or less full of sarcasm.

"Human, this is not the place for you." An old voice sounded.

The owner of the voice was a dark elf who was older than the tarantula patriarch.

Even the longevity unique to the race could not conceal his aging state, but despite the wrinkled skin and wrinkles on his forehead, his eyes were still full of sly light.

Not only that, the magic robe he was wearing was extremely exquisite, and he was holding a staff made of ancient wood. The black diamond on the head of the staff was shining brightly, and the fluctuation of magic power was extremely obvious.

Even the costumes of the patriarch and the black dragon priestess looked inferior to this old alchemist.

For some reason, the word "upstart" popped up in Midi's mind.

This old dark elf is the alchemy elder of the tarantula tribe, the master here, Master Sherlock.

"I've become a tribal warrior..." Midi replied.

"Of course I know you are a tribal warrior, stupid human!" Master Sherlock's old face showed contempt, "When you little bastards challenged, the whole cave was noisy like an earthquake, and it was impossible to proceed. Alchemy experiments, and from the cave, you can clearly see what happened below, so of course I know what happened."

"So, what exactly do you mean?" Midi couldn't help but continued to ask.

"The tribal warriors just have the right to come to this alchemy studio to exchange, but the premise is that you have to have money to exchange, black diamonds, or other rare materials, and Mithril coins commonly used in Menzoberranzan City will also work." Xia Xia Locke said lazily, "Boy, do you have any?"

Of course Meddy didn't.

Although he made a lot of money in the dark fungus forest before, except for the ones he used, all the remaining rare materials were exchanged for contribution points.

The same was true for the subsequent territorial challenge. Although they won a crucial victory, the Tarantula tribe did not give any real rewards.

No, it might not be fair to say that, because freedom itself is the greatest reward.

But there is no doubt that the current Midi can be said to be destitute.

The only thing that can be worth some money in the Underdark is probably the two swords "Punish" and "Lore" that I just got back from Galantis.

Of course, the dagger "Golden Forgiveness" that has been transformed into an armband can still be said to be a priceless treasure, but Midi sincerely hopes that it will not be noticed by anyone.

In other words, even if he became a tribal warrior and obtained the qualification to "enter" the alchemy workshop, Midi still couldn't get anything.

"Humans, I advise you to do more tasks assigned by the elders first, or ask that chick in Glandis to borrow money, otherwise, don't come here. No visits to the alchemy studio!" Xia Xia Locke finally said, laughing at his sense of humor.

It's just that Midi obviously didn't feel amused at all.

How many presbyterian missions to do?
Doesn't this mean that after getting rid of slavery, you have to start all over again?
When I finally save some money, let's not talk about what can be exchanged in this alchemy workshop, maybe the bonfire party is about to start.

At that time, what is the use of that little money?

It's just that the other party said a word and went home. Midi naturally refused to do such a thing.

Although the old alchemist dressed as a nouveau riche looked impatient and looked like he was going to kick people out, Midi still stood where he was and had no intention of leaving.

Of course, he will not have any emotional fluctuations because of this level of provocation.

Midi even wondered if the other party was provoking on purpose in order to provoke him to get something.

This made him be extremely cautious in his wording while dealing with it calmly.

"Master Sherlock, since I finally made it this far, I should at least have a look, right? Of course, I won't disturb your work, and I won't enter any sensitive areas." Midi said calmly , "Just understand some basic common sense, for example, the purchase price of the raw materials of the alchemy workshop, and the selling price of the finished product, etc. Even if you want to do a task, you must first have a goal, right?"

Sherlock was clearly reluctant, and to be honest, he didn't want to waste any time with this human.

It's just that Midi's words were very polite and reasonable, without any flaws, so he couldn't easily refute them.

After all, although this person has no wealth, but in terms of personal force, he definitely ranks first in the Tarantula tribe.

Midi stepped on the heads of countless strong men from the black rock cave all the way up, how many strong men he killed, the Tarantula tribe has already spread the word.

Besides, he has an inexplicable relationship with the black dragon priestess Glentis, who is now gaining momentum, so even Sherlock doesn't want to get into too much trouble.

Now that the other party has been given a warning, and the other party has not made any request that makes him feel particularly troublesome, it seems that it is acceptable to open the alchemy workshop only once.

After weighing the gains and losses in his heart, Sherlock finally snorted and nodded: "Three ten minutes, no more! I'll give you a chance to open your eyes, remember not to touch anything Otherwise, even Glentis can't save you!"

Regarding Sherlock's nose-up attitude, Midi didn't bother to say anything, just nodded calmly, and then entered the alchemy workshop.

The stalagmite grew bigger as it went up to the top, like an upside-down tower, and the interior of the alchemy workshop was therefore divided into many layers.

Among them, there are warehouses, material processing areas, and a large number of different alchemy rooms, which are divided into categories and have everything that one expects to find.

However, for Midi, who has built countless alchemy laboratories and even factories since the Magic Research Department of the Falcon Group, the alchemy workshop of the Tarantula Tribe is obviously nothing.

He didn't come here to look at new ones, but to find out whether there are any parts of these materials and alchemy potions that can help him.

Originally, Midi only wanted to pay attention to those who could improve her level and strength, but now, after discovering the fact that she was so poor that she was looked down upon, Midi also began to care about the price factor.

It didn't take long for Midi to discover a rule in the alchemy workshop.

The price of alchemy products is three times that of the raw materials.

Not a little more, not a little less, exactly three times as good.

Unlike merchants on the continent of Arad who try to hide their costs, doing business in the Underdark is also straightforward.

In other words, it is more appropriate to describe it as domineering.

The price of the materials is clearly marked, and the price of the alchemy potion is even more clearly marked, and it is exactly three times the price.

Looking at the price above, Midi could imagine the old alchemist saying arrogantly: "I just want to make [-]% profit, what can you do to me?"

And through this price difference, Midi deduced a fact.

In the Underdark region, there is a shortage of alchemists.

If this is not the case, it is impossible to mark the price of the potion to three times that of the material.If it is a low-level drug such as a general blood coagulation drug, it is fine, and everyone can afford this brutal way of doubling.

However, those potions of enlightenment, magic quenching, etc., which are used to upgrade the level and achieve enlightenment, have also been tripled directly, and the price has reached a level that ordinary people cannot accept.

However, such a sky-high price can be marked here, which shows that alchemists must be extremely rare in the Underdark Region, thus forming a monopoly and ensuring extremely high profits.

It is precisely because of this that even though Midi has become a tribal warrior and is in the limelight, she is still not taken seriously by the old guy Sherlock.

People can be said to be the kind who sit at home and collect money. Naturally, they look down on those people who are fighting outside all day.

However, from this fact, it is not difficult to deduce that as long as the gold-absorbing machine of the alchemy workshop can be avoided, there is no doubt that many of Midi's bottleneck problems will be easily solved.

Can I do alchemy by myself?
Such a thought suddenly popped up in Midi's mind.

If you can do alchemy by yourself, not to mention the resources needed to quickly upgrade the level, even the money problem will be solved, and better equipment can be obtained.

Although Midi has never had much contact with the field of alchemy, he has various close contacts with top alchemy experts such as Master Norton and "White Snake" Emile.

Under the influence of his ears and eyes, Midi naturally has a lot of theoretical understanding of alchemy.

And more importantly, there is also the eighth apostle, Rotes.

Not long ago, under the guidance of Rotes, Midi had just used his sword glow to mix and refine several different materials.

To be honest, it's not just alchemy, it can also be said to be a high-level alchemy without tools.

"Perhaps, we should try it." Midi said to Rotes in his heart.

And soon, he got an affirmative answer.

(End of this chapter)

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